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22 NOV : ALICE RUSSELL, _' Nov, llll tl\.'t m l 29 NOV:TM )UKE 8.1M! JACK BAKER TRIO o DAS CONTRAS, iltl L hum on o, 1 DEC : DEAN OWENS o KIM EDGAR. so lllL :(lll itm' l‘Ul’l‘tN' mu)th 20 DEC: VEGAS! ,2 mi :lxlNh mutt



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76 THE LIST "1", ()n'. No: PUSH


I The Bad Shepherds l.oehge|l_\ ('entre. Batik Street. ()l5‘)2 4|8l4l. 7.30pm. L'l5. .\'ew musieal collaboration eoneeiVed h) Adrian lidmondson l‘eaturing Martin Alleoek Irom l’airport ('om'ention and Jethro 'l'ull. 'l‘roy l)onoek|ey renowned l‘rom his work with lona, Madd) Prior and Midge l're plus rising lt'ish star Violinist and \‘oealist liimear Bradley.


I Art Brut and Rosie & the Goldbugs :\B('2. 33(l Sauehiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £8. lieeentrie indie pop punk l'rom .\'ew ('roxs. l.ottdon, l‘ronted h} the extrat‘agantl)‘-e}'ehrow ed liddie Argos. Hosted h} llugh ('ot‘ttw ell.

I Enslaved and Secrets of the Moon l\or}‘ Blacks. 5o ()swald Street. 248 4l l4. 7pm. £l4. Blaek metal hand from Norway who prefer the label "Viking metal".

v. Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ()ran .\lor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 (i200. 8pm. The ilL‘UllxllC night lloxled l1} Rosx (‘lttl‘kfi

I Andy Miller 'l'ehai ()Vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. .-\eou\tie guitar \‘ll'lll()\() and singer-songw riter present\ \Ulllc ol‘ hix linout'ile hands.

I Peggy Sue & the Pirates, Alessi’s Ark and Derek Meins l’i\o l’i\o. l5 Waterloo Street. 564 8ltlll. 8pm. £7. Brighton galx Rosa Re\ and Kat} Klaw lormed Peggy Sue & the Pirates upon dixeox ering a mutual lo\ e of Regina Spektor and the Iilm limpire Reeords. and ha\ e gone on to support Kate .\’a\h on tour.

I The New Year and Chris Brokaw .\'iee'n'Slea/}. 42l Sauehiehall Street. 33.3 (MN). 8pm. L"). ()I‘Ikilter l'S indie plux e\- ('odeine titan ('hrix Brokaw in \upport. 3‘??? Acoustic Night The Butterl'l} & the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 221 77! l. 8.30pm. See Tue 4.

I Sneaky Sound System King 'l‘ut'x Walt Walt lltit. 272a St \‘ineent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. U0. Sydne} eleetro pop trio with an Silx \ound. who are maxxh e in their homeland.

The Bottleneckers BlilL‘hll‘litl’S. .36 Bell Street. 552 .5924. 0pm. SL‘L‘ Tue 4. 2 Glasgow Songwriters Blaekl'riarx. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 0pm. l-‘ortniglith gathering of the muxieianx' eolleeti\ e with l‘eatured :tl'lixlx. open mie and a \triet original material polie}.

I St Deluxe 13th .\'ote (me. 50 (at) King Street. 553 lo38. 0pm. Sonie Youth/Dinmaur Jl'-lo\ ing eomho.

I Pablo Eskimo, Safe to Say and Shimmer ('laxxie (Brand. l8 Jamaiea Street. 847 (I820. l’ow er pop with \ka and punk inlleetion I‘rom Hi.

I Stephen Fretwell (‘aptain‘s Rexl. l85 (ireat Western Road. 331 2722. See Mon ll).


I Adrian Edmondson 8: The Bad Shepherds The Liquid Room. ()C Vietoria Street. 225 25(14. 7pm. £22.50. See Sttn ‘).

I Georgie Nicholson, Jonny Berliner attd Miss Wonton 'l‘he Voodoo Rootnx. l‘);t \Vest Regixler Street. .556 7(l()(). 8pm. U). l’uxxiotlttle \inger- \ongw riter aetion.

Band Showcase Whixtlehinkiex. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. See Tue 4.


I Millennium Stars l.oehgell_\ (‘entre. Batik Street. (H592 4l8l4l. 7pm. £3. |.oea| \ingerx perl'orm \ome popular numherx :tx part of a I'undraixing programme.

Glasgow I Parkway Drive, Unearth, Despised Icon, Architects, Protest

A21 {if . "i"

.2 U ' K:

25., ,1

Word up. Hip hop veteran and Wu-Tang Clan founder GZA is

bringing his lyrical masterpieces to Glasgow following his fifth solo album release Pro Tools. Already renowned for his gritty poetic wordplay, fifteen years as a big player on the scene has seen GZA get better and more adventurous with age. Don’t miss out on this slice of hip hop history.

ABC. Gi’asgio‘xu. l'/o<." IX

the Hero, Whitechapel and Carnifex 'I‘hL‘ :\l'L‘lIL‘\. 25.‘ .-\l':_'} lL‘ Street. 56.5 l()()(). (ipnt. U4. \igltl oi hardeore. punk and metal on the Allamont ‘Xex er Sa} l)iel’ eluh tour.

GZA, Skinnyman and Ninja

Sound .\B('. 33() Sauehiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l8.5(). ()xer l4x \how. l‘ounding member ol' the Wu Tang ('lan with ill\ \olo warex. l’lux London rapper Skinn} man.

Das Contras and Lou Hickey ()ratt .\Ior. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 (i2()(). 7.30pm. l‘il'e grown \i\-pieee with a [min temperament and a roek'n'roll heart. plux \ittgei'/.\oitgwriter l.ou llieke} pla} llli\ \\L‘L‘l\'\ .\llll.

First Year Thieves Bo\. 43I Sauehiehall Street. 332 543 l. 8pm. lndie roek lixe-pieee I'rom the Stirling/.-\l|oa area.

Medusa’s Curse, Halcyon, The Levings and Seneka l’i\o l’ixo, l5 Waterloo Street. 504 8lllll. 8pm. l’op punk I'rom the headliner\.

Open Stage The llalt Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 352 9000. 8.3(lpm. See \Ved 5. I The View and Holy Ghost Revival King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vineent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. Yet another eraeking garage indie onxlaught l'rom the l)undonian t}ke\. See last \Vord. page l()4 l‘or more. I Triple Vision and Aloha TV l3tll Note (‘ili'L‘X .50 ()0 King Sll'L‘L‘l. .553 l(i38. 0pm. l.i\e muxie. I Don Caballero Stereo. 2() 28 RL‘llllL‘ltl Lane. 222 225-l. Rt‘lUl'lllL‘ti math roekerx I'rom l’ittxhurgh. Edinburgh

William Douglas & The

Wheel The Jan Bar. l ('hanilierx Street. 220 4298. 5 8pm. See Wed 5.

I The Wombats 'l‘he l’ieture llouxe. l.othian Road. 0844 847 1740. 7pm.

I; l 5. Seoth indie popxterx w ho are not a\ei‘\e to the oeeaxional liarher \hop harmon} interlude.

I Chairman Wow, Bullet IV and James Apollo The Ark. 3 7 Waterloo l’laee. 228 0303. 7.30pm. L'4. lndie and roek.

I Armoured Cats and Fifty Caliber Smile llenr} \ (‘ellar Bar.

8 Ma .\lorri\on Street. 228 0303. «Sl‘tu. £4. l.oeal \toner roek line-up.

I Thomas Davis, Viara lvanova and Wilson Noble The (RV. 3.“ (iuthrie Street. 22() 2087. 8pm. L'tlte. l’x) ehedelie l'olk \inger/xongwriter.

Dr Ruby’s Acoustic Showcase The Jan Bar. l ('hamherx Street. 220 4208. midnight. .\ \eleetion Ui- ilk‘UUSIiL' ilL'i\.


I Cage the Elephant 'l'he Doghouxe. 13 Brown Street. (H.382 227(l8l). 8pm. U. Yelping l'K/l'S punkl‘unk.


I Alvin Stardust (‘arnegie llall. littxl l’ttt‘l. (H.383 (i()2_§(l2, "Swim. {[5, Re li\e lilt) )earx ol roek'n‘roll e\eitement with 7()\ mega-\tar .\l\in Starduxt.


I Sons 8: Daughters 'l'own llall. (ireenoek Road. 887 lllltl. 7.30pm.

t l 2. Bludgeoning rootx garage w ith \upport I'rom .\l} lutext .\'o\el. Purl u! 'li’mn'ul '\ .llu/uil/ .St'ilmn ()m’.

Glasgow Tigerstyle lhe .'\l‘t‘llt‘\. 253 .v\t‘g) le Street. 5o5 ltltll). 5 "pm. See

'l'hu 3H.