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(Luite possibly the smoothest thing to ever come out of a shaker.

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,/I‘ m“\{\ l l ““' A\( ‘I\:"“ .3 / __ Q film/(1447?” 5 —- VODKA -— V. \"LH\(IFI-’ BI.A(’K "()NURS TIN l.l>.(;\( ‘: vi ,1\l)lll().\'Al. RUSSIAN \‘()DK.\. lslm. 1‘ ~\}\I-'(-()l.l) (‘UI'PI’ZR PU'IFSI‘II l . (H R )\l:-.‘ Honouringthe legacy oftraditional “mu-m- m... mm... “W... Russian methods Smirnoff Black is , , ,, H, - ' o w MM r/y/w- handcrafted in small batches and distilled ' J 1 H WW ( .-‘~ in copper pot stills to accentuate its I t 0 We.“ 1 exceptional smoothness. ., .\ gr ' ' 3 0 ii u Shake responsrbly. ' “H 4“ A’ \ I 2 "|{(ll)ll(‘li~l) |\ llll l? ' c'aw'ucnamv n'mr'u cm'mnf‘, u .. _r « l fi‘l—d.