
One of Glasgow’s most eclectic club nights i rolls on with guest appearances from

England’s Darkstar, with an oddly upbeat kind of instrumental grime, and Mweslee and Bflecha (pictured). The latter pair are from Spain, and offset each other perfectly; while Mweslee performs dark, brooding dubstep, Bflecha takes the sound and adds an almost disco shine.

/."«‘/I/‘-" iv '. /\

tit/loo, o. xvi,

I Symbiosis ai Sollndltaux.

lllfillpm 4am. £5 licl'orc llfillpni; L'" al'lcr. l l \o\. Drum & haxx \\llll gucxl listluirc l‘l‘cclinical chixlauccl and l'L‘\ltlclll\ l)-l'adc. Tullo“ Bt‘ll/L‘llk‘. (‘alaco .lack and .\lcanc. 'l‘hc Sci'ahlilc l).l\. l)om l)’S}l\;i. Hccknilion. l)i\go and Kidd} pla} lhc hack room.

I Toxic Pop al Bamboo.

lllfillpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. (icol'l' .\l and (‘raig l.;l\\\ pla_\ qualil) houxc muxic plus Rtkli and hip hop li'oln (im in Sommcn illc.

I Upside Down al .\‘it-c‘n'sm/_\. llfillpm 3am. £3. 3| \ox. lndic. punk and rock'n‘roll.

White Noise with Billy Woods al .\lama San. ‘lpm 3am. \Vcckl}. .\luxic l'or adullx. (ilaxgou lcgcnd Bill} \\'ood\ pla) \ llic luncx in \l}lt‘.

I XXL al (‘rih lllpm 3am. I H I. \Vcckl}. llcxk} and liig .'\l pla_\ hip hop. dancchall and grimc \\hilc Ra} \Voodx pla_\\ old \chool cl;i\\ic\.

I Absolution al (‘lawlc (il'and,

lll. illpm 3am. l5 1U). \Vcckl}. Rock. mclal. induxlrial and punk lo li\cn up )tiiii' Salurda} nighl.

I After Dark al Slcrco. llpm lam. L‘S «Ni. 15 .\'o\. .\lonllil). Spccial gllc\l\ l).l Kaox ilixkimo/l'or l)l\co ()nl}/l<ongi and l)Ullllllll|llL‘ l.L‘UllL‘ ll‘t‘L‘dclil} i lakc lo lllL‘ dcckx alongsidc .\l) l'cxidcnl l)a\ id liarharoxxa.

I Alternative al lhc .\dmiral.

llpm 3am. L5 lwlol'c midnighl: L” al'lcr. l5 .\'o\. chidcnlx l)crrick liln‘nx and low picxcnl a nighl ol minimal. clcclro lllld lccllllil.

I Back to Love al .\mliar lllclou liuddai. lllpm Sam. [5. \M‘ckl). Soul. lunk. .\lolo\\ii. classic R‘n'l’i and hip limp.

I Bottle Rocket al \icc'n‘Slca/y llfillpm ialli. Li. l5 \o\, Hanccaltlc illdlc dlxco lol' liolll lhc (No and l’ilclilork \cl\ along \\illll1llll\olglllll} plcaxurcx. .\lolo\\ n \pai‘klcx. and punk) hopc l',\pccl lu‘okcn hcarlx. had dancing. and llllg‘\, Bunker Saturdays al ilic liuukcr liar. 9pm 3am. \Vcckl}. 'l'oaxl dropx indic liilx. rock picks and \llldclll lllllllt‘llh.

I Canvas Club al .\I'la. lupin 4am. L'S lll‘L‘L‘l. \VL‘L‘lxl}. SL‘L‘ l‘l'i.

gig Cathouse 18th Birthday

é) Weekender al lllc( lllllllllw. lllpm 5am. L'llic. l5 .\o\. Scc l‘l'l. Scc lcalurc. pagc IS.

I Chakra al lllc (ilaxgou School ol .\l‘l. l lpm 3am. Lil) l ["I. 15 \o\. (‘hakra\ nc\\ monllil} lcchno rcxldcnc} al lhc .\i'l School conunutw \\ ilh a lll;l\l|llL‘l.lth hall. I Couture Saturdays at (H "oulul'c. noon 3am. Lil‘c. \Vcckl} lnd1c.dancc. pop and chcap \ll'llll\\ al llnx ln‘and nc\\ cluli.

I Death Disco al liic .\rclicx.

llpni lam. [12.33\ti\,\li\x \xc arc \l\i

Hcalh l)I\co cclchl'alcx anollici )car ol lhc quccr clcclro pail) \\ llll lhc hpr ol l)igllali\m ll).l Scl i. l'ran/.\S|iapc Ilncl and ‘l'hc (ioldcn Shapc. 'llicrc‘ll alm lic a l)i\\idcnl lx’ccordx Room \\llll .\nd} lilakc. Nadia K\;l|l‘;l and l)cn llaan Inc. ax \xcll as all lhc usual l)l) i'cxidcnlx. Scc prc\ic\\, pagc ‘l.

I DIY Disco al lllc l\\ ixlcd \\ hccl. llfillpm iain.L31__‘3\o\.l)l\'Disco comcx lo lhc l'\\ l\lL‘ll \\ lich Ioi a onc oll \llo\\. ax rcgulal‘ l)l\4 l).l\ (iracmc llurxl and Han (ircgor) arc |oincd h} l‘lo_\d and Dominic l‘rcc lo gi\ c _\ou a nighl ol llUllSC. lL‘cllllU. t‘lt'cllll. llc;ll\ and lll't‘alw. .\nd rcmcmlwr. all l)l\’ l)l\co nighlx clima\ \\llll a DJ Halllc.

I El Rancho Picante al lllc l-l_\ mg l)uck. lllpm 3am. l'rcc hclorc [I lpm; L71 allcr. l5 .\o\. H l’alron and l.co \lahama pl'cxcnl a nighl ol garagc punk and rock'n'ioll al lil lx’ancho Rcla\o\ ‘c\il lunr. lncludcx cnll‘_\ lo llall .\l_\ llcarl lic;ll\.

I Electric Sheep al Harll}.

llpm iam. £3. \Vcckl}. lndic and clcclro \\llll l).l loin ISalon llorixi, l'calurmg \pccial gucxl l).l\ in iolalion upxlan‘x.

I Eletricat’s Carnival Night al liarll}, lllpm iam, t‘lll. l5 Nov ()nc ol ScollandK luggcsl lira/Illan clulix rclui'nx \\llll lulclrical'x l)ancci\. .i (‘apocn'a .\crohauc \liou. loc lloxxa tuna and \amlia. l).l\ and morc.

I Glamorama al liolio, l). illpln 4am. LS. Wm‘kl}. lx’cxidcnl l ll~ lx’lcli play a mi\ ol ‘lllx houxc. .\‘llx \‘l;l\\l\'\. lx’tkli and lug chail \ongx Ioi your plcaxui'c.

I Half My Heart Beats al lhc l'l_\m;..‘ Huck. lllplu iam. l'i'cc liclorc L'l ll‘m; th allcl'. l5 Nov l’la_\ing curicnl and i'l;l\\lc mdic pop. Nix. gul _‘_'|Hll|l\. Ii \Ill\‘\ and

allium gcmx lo gcl pcoplc up and dancing. lncludcx cnlr) lo lil Rancho l’icanlc. I Hanoi Rocks al l‘ircualcr. ‘lpni 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc t‘llHllpm; B 19.3» allcl‘. \Vcckl}. l).l\ .loc Smilh and (‘l'aig \Vilxon pla_\ indic l'roni paxl and prcxcnl lo a dixccrning lllll\lL‘ cron d. I Homegrown al Bamboo. ll)..‘~(lpm 3am. LT" H5). \Vcckl}. Slcxic Solc p|a_\\ a l'unk}. \oullul lllllht‘ \cl \xilh .\ligucl pla}ing Rtkli and Dominic .\larlin \llppl}lll}_! llic lunk and ja/l. I The Hot Club al \icc'n'Slca/y ll._il)pm 3am. £3. 23 Nox. .\lollllll}. Ralla leL‘L‘.ll.SlL‘Rl/.\ l and \ohodadd} rl'lic l’hanlom Band) pla_\ garagc. punk. p\'\ch and rockaliill}. \xilli occasional li\ c hands and arl inlcncnlionx. I Impact al Soundhaux. llipm ~lam. L'lll. 32 \m. llardcorc and iuduxlrial lcchno. gahha and druni‘n‘haxx, \\ ilh gucxh l)a_\ .\lar. Sand} \Varc/ and DJ l’roduccr. plus man} morc. I Love Music al .'\l$(‘. llpm 3am. LT lL'Si. \Vcckl}. Soul. rock'n‘roll. indic and clcclro \\ ilh (icrr_\ l.}on\ l'l‘ccnagc l‘ancluln and HM id Sinclair l Killcr Kll\L‘lll. I Men & Machines al Slcl‘co. llpm 3am. fill). 33 .\'o\. 'l'cclino and acid lrom lildcmin il)ial. Bci'lini. .\ick Yuill lSolc\cicncci and l‘L‘\ltlclll\. I Minimize al Blackl'riarx. l lpm 3am. £5 lL-ll. 32 .\o\. 'l‘cchno li‘om li\il lian and (iaidcn. I Monox al Soundhaus. llpm 5am. {l3 it'lllr l5 .\'o\. ;\ lull night‘s hill ol undcrground lcchno. clcclro and llllllhll'lill. lcaluring \pccial gucxlx 'l‘hc .\kl\k‘lll. I Nu Skool al llic Bull. lll..illplll .iani. U). \VL‘t‘lxl}. .\lL'lx PCdL‘UL‘lx. (.l'dlf.‘ ‘l‘lionipxon. .lohn Ross and .\lc\. pro\ idc a linc lmc lll disco. norlhcrn soul and all lhuigx milk}. I Red’n’Black al l)rop. lllpm 3am. L‘" 1L5 I. \VL'L‘lxl}. SCL‘ I Sabado Saturdays at l§_\lilo\. llpm 3am. L‘S‘ lUH. \Vcckl}. llouxc lllll\lL‘ lrom lam 'l'homson l.\l.\' maga/mcl and Paul lx’ca. I Salsa in the Buff al lllc Bull. .\CFHpm 3am, £5 licl'orc lllpm; U1 allcr. \\'cckl_\. llo\lcd h} .\cadcnna dc Salsa. \\ho pull m a dccidcdl} \alxa dancing croud. lhix \c\_\ club night :lle l\oa\l\ a dcdicalcd .\loiilo liar on lhc mcx/aninc lL‘\L‘l [0 \cl lhc mood. I Saturdays at llic (‘alhouxtx lllfillpm 3am. to (£5.5lli. \Vcckl}. l).l\ liric and .\Icola ollcrx classic and currcnl rock on lc\ cl onc. \xhilc l).l Bill} and l-ranuc hcll oul cmo and mclal on lc\cl l\\o. \ol 15 .\'o\. as Skins Live Party at lllc .\rchcx. 5:” i” lllpm 3am. fill). l5 .\'o\. ()ncc again. a ralhcr lcnuoux hul \olllcllo\\ hard lo l'c\i\l llt‘lll parl} lo complcmcnl lhc (‘hanncl ~l \cricx. l‘caluring li\ c \cl\ l'rom Scrgcanl and .\n} ('olour Black. l).l \ch Irom (ilaxgou \ .\licroxlulx and .'\rl ol l’arlics. and appcal'anccx Irom mcmlicrx ol lhc Sid/ix caxl. I Sound The Alarm al lllc 'l‘u lxlcd \\ liccl. llpm Sam. [3 lLll. 15 .\'o\. S‘l.\\ onc pound lcchno parl} hilx lhc \thcl. l'caluring a gucxl appcarancc Irom \ilaxcopc. I Subculture al llic S'uh (‘luh l lpm iam. LII lL'llli. \Vcckl}. Ham and l)omcnic\ \\cll chlalilixlicd houxc llhllllllloll colllillllc\ lo rcign \uprcmc. \\Illl gucxlx l)crrick .'\la_\ ix lli 'l'ck Soul «IS .\m l and .loc (‘lauxxcll'x Rod} and Soul l}: .\'o\ I. I Superfly al \Voodxidc Social (‘luh lllpm Jam. £5. l5 .\o\. Duncan Supcl'l'l} and (iicgor Izmond pro\ idc a mcllcring mi\ ol \uccl \oul. \c\_\ axxcd l'unk. (\ll\ pochc rock. hip hop. pm! punk and ncu lk'lt‘ilSt‘S. TBC: Together Beat Cancer al lllc (ilaxgou School ol .\I'l. .\pm iain. Ell). 32 .\'o\. ln ;l\\UL'l;lllllll \\ llll i2.\lu\ic and ('anch chcarch l'lx'. lll|\ chain) nighl lioaxlx a qualil} linc up ol bands. including l'hc liax} ()l'chcxlra. .\llon/o and 'l’lic l)ra_\ min. all pla_\ ing .ilongxitlc l).l\ .lim lllllcllholl. l)ougal l’ciman and Scoll l’rolilcmx.


Only Scottish show. Seminal electronica producer 8. bass guitar maestro.

“Honestly. this is amazing. It makes everything else shit.” NME

A John Peel favourite admired by everyone from Thom Yorke to Brian Eno.

Squarepusher’s latest album ‘Just A Souvenir‘, is out now on Warp.

ng .5.


November 19 "ls This Music?" presents Library Tapes 21 peter and the Wolf 21 Wee Numbers Club 'til 3am

30 Beccy Owen & Lucie Treacher


Eyes Wide Open Club. Birthday Party

Thomas Truax and Oldsolar Dutch Uncles

Jo Mango, Niall Connolly & David Rhynart Michael Head (Shack)

The Middle Ones. The Mountain parade & The Just Joans

The Twisted Wheel. Queen St Tickets from Tickets Scotland. behind bar or on door.


\ .‘ THE LIST 33