STAND UP JASON COOK The Stand, Edinburgh, Tue 18—Sun 23 Nov

Jason Cook is a happy man. Today, he cheerfully tells me, he has purchased a new Xbox game. But Cook has other reasons to feel upbeat; his 2007 debut fringe show My Confessions was a critical hit and was successfully followed by a show about happiness appropriately entitled Joy. ‘l’ve already gone way past where I thought I’d be with this game,’ admits the Newcastle comic. ‘I thought I’d just be stuck on the circuit doing 20 minutes.’ Citing storytelling comedians Dylan Moran, Alun Cochrane and Daniel Kitson as inspiration, Cook set himself the challenge of telling nothing but the truth on stage. The most personal touch, however, was the influence of another of Cook’s comedy heroes: his dad. ‘He’s the funniest bloke I ever met; just one of those people who could make you laugh by saying very little, which I can’t do.’

His father’s stroke and subsequent illness was central to My Confessions and the heart-tugging conclusion moistened even hardened critics tear ducts. One year on and with Joy, he is discussing his father’s death. ‘He asked me to do it,’ Cook explains. ‘When he was dying, he said I should talk about it in the show. The second half of which we kind of wrote together.’ This collaboration is poignant for the happy-go-lucky performer, whose objective is to find joy in everyday life. ‘I wanted to write a show where you actually feel something,’ Cook says before adding more specifically, ‘where people go away feeling happy.’ (Emma Lennox)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to comedy®| Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan. Indicates Hitlist entry


The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \Voodlttndx Road. 0870 ()(X) (i055. 5'3”an £7 tL‘o; lllL‘lllllch £3i Sand} \clxon \lL‘p\ up ax )otir honottrahlc .\l(’ \xith jk‘rl'ormanccx lroin Ron Vattdrc}. chning

\Vchn and Anton} Murra}. .\ \cr} linc linc-

up ol' )tititig tncn indccd.


Fit 0’ The Giggles @ The Argyle 'I‘hc .'\rg}lc Bar. 15 17 :\t‘g}lc l’lacc . III 975‘). 0pm. [3 till. Kcara Murph} hosts an cwning ol' qualit} comcd}. ax thc

grim n-tip \crxion oi hcr popular Ahxolutc Bcginncrx night. With a tnagical jokc cotnpctition to “in a hottlc ol' il/l} plonk. Heresy 'l‘hc Jck}|l tk ll}dc. ll: Hanmcr Strcct. 335 2032. ‘lpin. £3. Rick .\lo||and\ dcn ol’ llllqllll} \\t‘h‘tllllt‘\ anolhcr load ol'

cotncdianx unlcaxhing thc dill'kcxl DiCL'L‘\ ol'

matcrial lhc} can think ol’.

The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York Placc. 558 7272. 0pm. £7 tL'o; lllCllth‘l‘\ £3i. .\lr Joc Hccnan hounccx on ax

tonight'x host. \xilh thc gcnial Paul Sinha. Anthon} J Brown and \iall Brtmnc pcrl'ot‘ming ax \xcll. Hot l'ood'x mailahlc il' )Ull gct lllL‘l'L‘ L‘tll‘i};

Glasgow DAM Fine ComedyUramal‘on. 7 King Strccl. 552 7|77. 3pm. £5. Jon Stanlc} ilt)\l.\ anothcr night of llL‘\\ cotncd} talcnl. in anothct‘ tip-and-coming \ho“ on thc blooming (iiihgtnk circuit.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. I'(i(' Building. l l chlrcu Stt‘cct. ()844 844 ()(l-l-l. 8pm. l; l 2. John \Varhtirton and .-\ndt‘c\\ Bird arc among lhc actx cntcrtaining thc Jonglcurx maxxcx thix

\\ L‘L‘kcnd. (‘tilllcth 1m L‘l'\ can hm c a \\ L‘L‘ dancc in lhc cluh al'lcruardx inchidcd in thc llL‘kL‘l pl‘iL‘c.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Vtiudltllldx Road. 0870 ()(X) 6055. t’.3()ptn. L") (£8: tnctnhcrs £5l. Scc 'l‘htt l3.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcttt‘x. ()Illlll (t‘llll't‘. (il‘L‘CnxidL‘ i’laL‘L‘. “8-H 3-1-1 ()(l—l-l . 7.45pm. £1 1. Supcr slick cotncd} li‘om thc Jonglcurx corporation. \\ ith linc aclx \llL‘ll ax .\lal Rccd. (‘aimh .\lcl)onnc|l. SICVL‘ “ml and Scan ('Ullilh \htm illg till. lintr} includcx acccxx to thc dancc) dancc} (‘luh Rixa al'lcrxutrdx. tor a propct' night out.




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Pat:le mm extras including franlie's Mr 01 Scotland diary

‘sTllEfifl-SIIAIIP REGULAR 0N Mflflll THE WEEK... EVEN Milli!



.‘ No. .‘ THE LIST 37