
coIIIplIcatIonx. ('IIII II or/I/ I’IIrlI/II'IIII. (i/Ingon .' l’l/HI/IUHH'. Iz'I/I'II/IIII'QII. Mamma Mia! Il’(}I .. Il’ll} llIda l.lo_\d. l‘K/l IS. lellh'l \lt‘l‘}l Slrccp. l’lL‘l‘cL‘

Broxnan. (‘olm l‘IrllI. 103mm :\ hrIdc-Io lic

lrch III lllltl Ulll lllk' lklt‘lllll} ol' llL‘l' l'L'tll tallIcI' lll IlIc lcad up to lIcr \\ cddmg on a (ircck leand. l‘aIllItul film adaptation ol Broadna} and \chl lznd .I\BB.v\ onIg IImxIcal IIIcga llll “fill all xtar caxl. \III liIIIII/IIII'g/I ()HIIII. IzI/III/Iurg/I.

Marie Antoinette I t.‘.-\I .00

ISofia (‘oppola. l'S. ltitim Kirxtcn l)uan. Jaxon SclmarI/Inan. Rip 'l‘orII. Illmm. (‘oppola .lr lollou x lIcr mIIcII laudcd [In] III [HUM/(HUN! \\ Hit a punk) lIIograplI} ot' IlIc IIIIquIdcrxlooIl ()III'cII ot' l‘rancc. adapch trom .-\ntoma l'I'axcr'x hook on IlIc xuhrcct. :\ darmg and hold attcmpt Io lC\\0l'l\ t'orIIIulaIc xtaId coxtIIIIIc dramax or a t'caturc chIgtlI pop promo llIal rcaclch IIcu tlL'pllh Ul' xllallo“ IIL'\\ .' You tlL‘cltlL‘. (-(Hlll'l’. liI/I'n/IIII‘u/r

Max Payne I ISI 0 IJIIIIII \lUtH‘C. l‘S. IIIIIXI .\larl\ \\'alill\crg. .\lIla Kumx. Bcau BI'Idgcx. 00mm. Scc I'c\ Ic\\. pagc It). (iI'III'I'II/ I'I’lI'II\I’.

Merry Christmas (Joyeux Noel) Il3.-\I .... I('lIrleIaII ('aI'Ion. l‘raIIcc/(icrmanyl'K. SUNS! I)Ianc (irugcr. Bcnno l‘IIIIIaIm. (iIullauIIIc (‘ancL (iaI') tum. l l5mm. ()n ('lII‘Ixtmax l'.\ c I‘M-1 oppoxmg troopx III IlIc lrcIIclch madc a Irucc and tound xomc common ground lItcrall} ax IlIc} pla_\cIl toothall on IlIc mudd) on1 ol .\'o .‘\lth [and s\ qmctl} IIIo\mg film that rcwalx 11le Iron hclplcxx IlIc (icI'IIIan. BI'IlleI and l'IcIIcII Il'titrpx actuall} \\ crc. ’l'lIIx Ix nol IlIc xi} lIxcd IalIc on tho coIIt'lIct xccn III tlIIx _\caI'x .l \I I'\ long lairuIIgI'mI’III. RatlIcI. ll Ix cold. blood} and ug|_\ and Ix dcxlmcd Io pla} on BB(‘_‘ c\cI‘,\ (‘lIrleIIIax l'.\ c. l’aI'I ot IlIc lo land .-\|l “nix \L‘leiill. (ilIHQIIII I'I/Hl I'III IIII'I'. (i/Irwou.

The Midnight Meat Train I l.x'I

... IR_\ulIcI Killlllllll'Il . [8. Still") Bradlc) (‘oopcr lcxlic BIlili. \‘IIIIIIc .loncx. ‘me. Brutal and kmcficalh \Ixccral \wa York xuhua} xct horror \\lllc‘ll pm a Incck prolcxonIIal photographcr agamxt a IIIurdcroIIx lIlllc‘llCl'. Baxcd on (In c Barkcr'x xlIoI't xlor_\ oi IlIc xamc IIaIIIc and Ilucctcd \\ ItlI xl_\ lc and ccoIIoIII} |\_\ .lapancxc cull filIIIIIIakcI‘ KII;IIIIIII‘a. Show on (‘IIII'IIIIL ("IIIII/IIII/I'I. (i/IIonI .‘ S/IIIII I II\I' (.HII'HIII'. l’IlH/I \. )(1/\/( \.

Monotony Ilal IJIII'Ix l)(I\lxll\. l.al\ Ia. 2t)t)"I l\cta l’olc. \aI'Ix l’mka. \ladara \lclhcrga t)Iimm. ll/c Il’och lca\cx IIcI' lIltlc natn c \Illagc to audition tor a part III a film llcaIllIIcak. cmoIIonal turmoIl. and lamIlIal \Iocx cnxuc. l’arl ot l.aI\IaII l‘lllll l'cxlI\al. (ll/IIIIII'I'IIIH (i/J. (i/IngIIII.

My Best Friend’s Girl I ISI 0 Illouard l)cuIclI. l‘S. jtitim Kalc lludxon. l)aIIc (‘ook Jaxon BI‘Iggx. ‘Nmm. Scc

lL'\ 1C“. [‘ilfJL' ~lll. (iI III I‘Il/ II /I‘II'\I'.

Norma Il‘.| Il'cdcrico lIc//I. ltal_\. liltlfii l)amcla l)cxxI'. l'alno .'\l'llllll;ll0. Kalc .-\ldI‘IclI. ltilmm. Rclnc Imxx xopraIIo l)amcla l)cxxI'x lIIuIIIplIaIIl dchut III IlIc lIllc I'olc ol' Bcllllu'x tragic opcra at llIc 'lcalro (‘onmnalc III Bologna. l'l/HI/IHIIH'. IzI/III/IIII'g/r

Of Time and the City I l:.'\i O... I’l'crcncc l)a\ch. l'lx‘. SWIM " imm. ’l'lIc grcat hut I'clIgIouxl} Imdcr lundcd BI’IlleI filIIIIIIakcI‘ 'lcrcncc l)a\ ch Iclurnx lo lIIx l.I\crpool lIomc \\llll llIIx lachIIalIIIg xuluccln c tltIL‘lIIllL‘lllill‘y RclIIxmg to c\cI makc an cax} ohxcnalion IlIc film Ix both a tcxtaIIIcIIl to a tIouhlcd lIlc and a IIIIIIhchl {ll}, 'llIc cloculIoII ol lIIlch .I\ xc\IIalIl} and urlian IlprlaccmcIIl lIax raIcl} liccn lIclth‘ annolalcd. (III/II l'. /'.I/III/IIII';'/I.

Oh! What a Lovely War I i’IiI

... IRIclIard :\Itcnhorougli. l'K. WIN: Ralph RIclIardonI. .lolm (iIc'lgIId. .lack llankmx. Kcuncth .\loI'c. .\lIclIac| Rcdgraun l-Hmm. :\ xlcllaI and \cr_\ BI'ItleI caxt Imnx oul loI .r\lchIl\oI'ouglI'x lII'xl film ax dIIccloI. an adaptation ll\_\ IIo\clle l.cII l)chlIloIII ot (‘lIaIlcx (‘lIIlloII'x hit \chI land antI \\aI IIIIIxIcal Songx ot IlIc Ila) pcppcI tlIc actIoII. \xlIIclI altackx IlIc IIppcr claxx otficclx \\llU arc IIIdIllcrcIII lo IlIc dcallIx ol IlIcII mcnl l’arI ol IlIc lo laud :\ll \Valx xcaxon. (i/mgou l'l/III /'/II'IIII'I’.


Open Field Screening Ilai I\'arIoIIx. 2(it).\'I Utimm. l.ul\c l'o\\ lcr curalcx a xclcclIon ol filmx to accoIIIpan} IlIc currcnl c\lIil\ItIon ()[H'II /*II‘/I/. l'calurmg lhmm filmx l») Bca\ crx. Aurand. Sonlicrl. Brakhagc. \lcnkcn and .\l;tl'l\U[IUtllUx. ('( ".i. (I‘II(I\L'HIII

Ossessione I ISI .00. lltlc'lllii \'IxcoIIlI. Ital}. l‘HZI (‘lara (‘alanIaL .\laxxImo (iIroltI. .luan l)c landa. l)lIIa ('rIxtam. IWIIIIII. \'IxconII‘x fiI‘xI lcalm'c prc~cIIIpch llIc llalIaII nco IcalIxm IIlII\ClIlClll \\llll llx \lc‘alll} xltil') Ul c‘l'llllL‘ paxxioncl I/II III/I (' xcl III llIc l’o l)cllaI Scductn c hut coIIII'olchl. ll \xax an call) Indicator ot IlIc

’InInIIm .l/II (l\ \ li’mux

autcur'x mlcllIgcncc and llilL‘lI\ll_\. l’aIl ot an lntroductIoII to lauropcan ('mcma courxc. l’l/HI/IUHH'. lll/Ill/IHI‘Q/II

Outlanders I ISI ... Il)ommIc l.ccx. l'lx'. SHIFI lx'akuh 'lolalc. l’I'/cIII_\xla\\ Sadouxlxi. x\lc\Ix Rahcn. Uhmm. Scc .r\lxo Rclcaxcd. pagc ~13. ('ImII l'. /.I/III/’HIL'/I. Pan’s Labyrinth I ISI .00. I(iIIIlch‘IIIo lh'llt‘lil. .\lc\1coSpam/l'S. IUUIII l\ana BaIIIIcIo. Doug _|oIch. SchI l.opc/. ll‘lmm. lII IlIc cloxmg xlagcx ol SpamK ('I\ II \\ar )otmg ()lclIa decoxcix a xIIlIchI'aIIcaII \Iorld populalcd lI_\ t;III‘}I;Ilc- crcalurcx. :\x xlIc na\ Igalcx laxkx m IlIc III/III‘I/II/I lIkc \on‘ld IlIc rcal IlaIIch‘x lIc ahox c ground lhc deonIaIIcc licluccn IlIc l\\o pro\ mg that tlIc I‘cal \xolld Ix moIc lIorI'Il) mg than an} Imagmcd onca ()I/I on .i/ /-/I( QIIIH. (I/IHQIHI.

People on Sunday: Film Screening with Live Improvisation It» lRHl‘k'll Siodmak. (iL‘l'lll.tll_\. I‘ll": l'.l\\lll Splcllxlol.’IcI. BI'IgIltc BorclIcI't. “oligang \oII \Valtcrxliauxcn. "-Imm. Spontancoux mIIxIc making along to IlIc I‘L“) c\pcI'IIIIcIIIal IlocIIIIIcIIl.II'_\ I’I mph on .X'IIIIIIIII h} IlIc kuIII'II quxIcIaux ot IlIc (ilaxgon lmpIo\ Ichx ()rclchII‘a. \\lIo at‘c Iomcd h) IIIImpcI pla}cr BII'gIl l Him and liaxx pla}cr (‘la}lon 'l’lIomax (I \. (I/IIVJIIH.

Pride and Glory I ISI .. I( "no III ()‘(‘oImcI. l S. IIIIIM ('olm l'aIIcl. laluaid \orlon. .lon \‘oIgl. lilimIII ||ackncy~d \c\\ York xct policc pIoccdural .Ilmlll a good cop Ra} ’l'IcIIIc} INoIloIII IoI‘II lictuccn Ilul) Io lIIx tanIIl) Ia long lIuc ot copxi and lIIx mm to uphold llIc law .I\ top notch caxt tail to lIrmg .m_\IlIIIIg lo IlIIx IcIlIoux aIIIl IIIIdcrdcxclopcd llIIIlch lIom \IIIIcI _|oc SHIN/tin '.\I I \ (XIIIIalIaIr (iI III II.'/ II [I (I'\(, The Professor (La Prima Notte di Ouiete) I l.\i ..... I\'a|crio /.urlmi . Ital) l'IaIIcc. I‘VE: .v\lam l)cloII. Sonia l’clIo\IIa. l.ca .\laxxaII litlmnr lx’cnxitmg lIIx lihc'llldlltill \\Illlc\1xlcnllal dIcad. /,IIIlmI'x RIIIIIIII xcl talc xtaIx l)cloII .Ix l)amclc l)oIIIIIIcI. a lccturcI lIIch oII chIIpoIar} contract to xmall toun ImechIl}. l)ra\\n to cmgmatIc xludcnl \anma Il’clonIIaI. IlIc IIIaI'I'ch lcctmcI cIIchx mlo a latcd and lIagIc allaII. BIIllIaIIl Ialc ol amom ion and oIIc ol /uIlIm'x lchI 'l'IIIx xcrccnmg \\lll lIc lollimcd h} /IIIlmI'x \llIIl'l /.II' .VIII/IIIII l’aIl ol /m'llm xcaonI (i/IIwIIII II/m //II III/I. (i/II\'\'4'\‘-, Quantum of Solace I lj.\I .00 I.\larc l'oercI. l’K'l‘S. 30(th l)aIIIc| (‘raIg. ()lga KIII'}|cIIl\o. .\laIlIIcu .-\malIIc ltl5mm. QIIIIIIIIIIII I” XII/III I xlaI'lx \\ llll a iIachIIaI'k aclIon xcqucncc m\o|\ mg caI x huIIImg I'IIlIlIcI’ around Il.llli\\\ Ioadx and tlIcn piocccdx lo rump lIom oIIc [bull to anollIcI. \xlIIlc mm mg llII'oIIglI locationx lIkc pagcx III a trawl lII'oclIIII‘c. .\ IIIanI plux Ix :\IIIa|rIc'x turn ax llIc \ Illam l)ommIc (irccnc. lIcaIl ol an oIganIxaIIoII \IIIIclI c\ploItx cIIcrg§ chomccx loI financial and polItIcal gam \\llt> aIc l‘c‘lllllil aII \IIIcI'Ican approxcd coup m BolI\Ia. .'\lllltillf_'ll IlIc o\craI‘clImg IlIcmcx arc mIIIngIg. xomI- oi tlIc plol poule doII‘l makc IIIIIclI xcnxc. (IIIII III] II [I Ilu,

Save money

see page 45 for details

Quarantine I l.\I .. Ilolm lzI'Ick l)o\\dlc. [8. 301th .lolIIIallIoII SclIachI. .chmIch ('aI'pcIIth. .la} lchIIaIIIlc/, K‘lmm. Scc Ic\Ic\\. pagc -l_‘., ('IcncIal Iclcaxc lIom l‘l'l :l \U\

Ratatouille It" I .... I BIad Bird. l'S. Still—W \‘oIccx ol l’alIoII ( )x\\;I|l. BIIaII l)cImclI_\. BIaIl (iaIIctt lllimm. l'lIc lalcxl l’I\.II IIIaxlcrpIccc lollimx lx’cm} IlIc Ial I\oIccd |\_\ ()x\\.IllI ax IIc clIaxcx lIIx IlIcam llIIx Ix l’I\aI at le lcht. otchIIIg aIIIlIcIIccx l‘IIlll llIrcc

oi l'IccoIIIIIIg a goIIIIIIcI clIcl

IlIIIIcIIonIIal IIIIagcx and onI')II-||mg \\ IllI le tlIoIIgIIItIIl conxidcralion ol IlIc IclalIoIleIIp IIcIucI-II IlIc cIcatnc pIoccxx .mIl lIIcIIlelIIp \cl lilltl.\ colomlul pIodIIclIoII IIc\cI xlIIle oII laxl. lIIIIoIIx lIIII. \\llll pchIt} oi nglIl gagx and clIaxcx IlIIoIIglI IlIc xIIchx. \\;IIcI\\a_\x. xc\\ch and dmIIcI Ialilcx ol l’aIIx lIII/IIII (‘lxI/I‘IIII/IA. ('/\I/I lIIIIIL.

Redbelt I IS: ... Il)a\ Id \laIIIcl. l8. jtltlm ('limclcl lIIoloI. \l.I\ \laIlmI. l'.IIIIl_\ \loIlIIIIcI ‘l‘lmm. \laincl goI-x BIIIcc | cc on om axx \I. MI .1 IIIaIlIal ale IIIo\Ic \\llll a IIIoIal codc .\llec lk‘ll_\\ ll'.|lHlI‘l I IIIIleII .lc'.ltli‘|ll_\ Ix aIlIIIg and lIIx lIoIIoIIIalIlc IIIIcIIIIoIIx aIc gcllIIIg lll IlIc \xa} ol lll.tl\lll_‘.,‘ a profit ("IIc lliilll‘lc‘ III IlIc loIIII ol an action xlaI I'l'IIII \lchII and a tIIlc onI} ol oxcicoIIIIIIg IIIIII'Ixm ll/IH/I‘I‘HH. lit/Ill/"IH 23/1

Reverend Death I i._‘ \. .0. Lin” lx’onxon. l lx. IIIIIM *itimm \\\aIIl \\llllllllj_‘ IoIIIIIalIxI lon Ronxon III\cxlIgalcx llIc pquIIle ol \\cxl \ IIgIIIIaII l IIIIaIIaII lx’c\cIcIIIl (icoIgc l'.\coo. IlIc lx’cchcIIIl and lIIx lIIIxIIchx IIIIIIchl axxleaIIl lIclp IIon chIIIIIIall} I|| pcoplc to column xIIIcIIlc. claIIIIIIIg to lIa\I- xo laI lIclpI'Il o\cI ltlll l)leIIIl\IIIg xlIIll l’aIl ol llIc BIoIIchIcal l'llIch l'lllll l'cxll\.Il /I/IIi/1IIII\I. lair/living“

Rooster’s Breakfast I .‘ \I t.\l.lll\\‘ \.Il\I'IxIIIk. Sloxcma (‘IoalIa. QTIIHI l’IIIIIo/ Bc/Ialx. \laIlo \o\alx. l’Ia /cIIIl|Ic

II-lmm. l)|mo Bc/Ialu Icadx a lIaIIIpIIl lIlc ax an appIcIIIIcc III .I IIIIal gaIagc

6-8- 12-14 February

on ncd |\_\ IlIc ccccnlrIc (iagax I.\'o\aki. IlIc .tl'l'l\;ll ot hruncttc hcaul} Bronja I/cmlpc I. \\ dc to IlIc local moh hoxx. Illem'lIx IlIc pcacc III IlIIx Slownian I'oIIIaIIcc lrom \ahcmuk. l'l/Hl/IUHH’. l.I/III/’III'L'/l.

Saw V I IN ... Il)a\ Id llackl. l'S. liltixi 'l’ohm Bcll. .lulIc BcIII. ('oxtax \laIId}loI. ‘L‘mIII llol't'IIIaII l.\l;llltl}ltil‘I caI’Ich .lnga\\ 'x lcgac} III llux filllI mxtallmcnt ot IlIc lIorror tranclIIxc. hut \xlIcn lIIx xccrcl Ix tlIrcachch. llot'l'IIIan Imle go on IlIc lIImI. (I‘I'III’I‘II/ rI'lI'IIxI’. Scar 30 I lI\'l .. t.lL‘tl \Vlllll'nl‘. l'S. 3“th .\IIgcla BcIlIx. BI'IllIIc} \Vilxon. lx'nli} BIIxx BlaIIIoII. ‘ltiimn .~\ px_\clIo loIImcI xlaIIx lxIllmg again In )cai'x at'tcr lIIx laxI \IcImI llIoIIglIl xlIc had onppcIl llllll III lIIx lIaclIx ('omIIIcIIdaIII) naxl} addition to IlIc loI'IuI'c porn canon \\ IIlI IlIc addcd mccnlnc ol tlII‘cc dIIIIcanoIIal tcclmolog'x .\I'/I 1 [HI II‘/I'Il\('.

The Sea Inside Il’( o O...

I \chaIIdIo .\IIIcnalIar. SpaIII/l‘rancc/llal). Still-ii .laxIcI Bardcm. BclI‘n Rucda. l,ola l)ucII.Ix IISIIIIII. l'achIIalIng III\cxlIgatIon mlo cIIllIanaxIa and nIaII'x I'IglIl to dIc. liaxcd on IlIc Ical xlor_\ ol c\ xlIIp‘x cIIgmch lx’aIIIon SaIIIpcdro. Part III llIc BIoIIIcIlIcal l'.llllc‘\ l‘lllll l'cxtnal. III'III/IIIIIII. III’III/III/u/r

The Shoe Ilai Il.aIla l’akalIIIIIa. l.al\ Ia. (icIIIIaII). l'IaIIcc. l‘NNI l\arx Brakm xkix. lfJon Burakx. \Iktorx ('cxlno\ x. 83mm. Rcllcctmg upon IlIc ahxurdIlch ol' l,al\ Ian lIlc III IlIc caI'l_\ d.I_\x ol llIc Sm Icl ochIp-IIIoII. l’IIkIIlIIIIIII'x I‘lfitix lIoI'Ichvxcl film xccx all marmcr oi clIaox lucak looxc \IIII'II IIII'cc )oung xoldIcrx find a xlioc on a lIcaclI l’aII oi l.al\IaII l'lllll l'cxlnal. (Ill/HI ‘II /II// (i/J. (i/legoii. Skinwalkers Il:I t( tan li}rc. t‘S/t 'ix'. Illllfi llaII‘IonI l,o\\ c. .laIIch Ualgalll. I\\lIllll BcaclI ltitlmm. li\ploration ol tlIc lcgcnd ol IlIc ‘Skm \\'all\crx'. a lt‘llx xtor} lIom l IalI about IlIc rcwngclul prI'le ol IIIIIIIchcd lIIdIaIIx \\lIo Iclm'n lo ualk llIcII laIIIl lxI/III/IIIm/I lI/HI (iIII/Il. IzI/III/IIII‘g/I.

Theatre Royal, Glasgow

l, ooking tor tho ideal Christmas present for tho love of your lite? OI the perfect Valentino's treat? Then look no further

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