Marie-AntoinettelThe Duchess

Get regal with this double bill of right royal dramas. Sofia Coppola’s flawed postmodern tableaux about the queen of cake and Saul Dibb’s analogous ‘princess of hearts’ drama based on Amanda Foreman’s

biography of Georgina, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806) go tiara to trumpet for an afternoon of privilege and inbreeding.

I Cameo, Edinburgh, Sun 16 Nov.

Smoke Signals (Pm ((‘hrix ti) re. ('anada/l'S. l‘NS’i Adam Beach. li\an Adamx. (Ear) l’ariner. 80min. .\'ati\‘e Aiiiericaiix Victor (Beach) and 'l‘homax (Adamxl go on a road trip of xc‘llklixc‘tn er} to collect the axhex of Victor'x lather. Arnold tl-‘armerl. Iiilinlmrgh l-"ilm (iui/tl. Edinburgh.

The Sorrow and The Pity Part 1 (PG) 0.... (Marcel ()phulx. l‘rance. 1960) llllmin. l'irxt hall. of Marcel ()phiilx‘ remarkable tour and half hour documentar} about lirance during the (ierman Occupation of World War II. ('ombining archival neux. propaganda footage and detailed perxonal textimomex. it concentratex on the to“ n of (‘lermont lierrand. near .\larxhal l’etain'x Vich) headquarterx. where ()phtilx and co- producerx Andre llarrix and Alain de

Sedouy inter\ iewed a wide croxx-xection ol'

eiti/enx abotit their experiencex bet“ een


Falkirk Town Hall

Falkirk Council

The Duchess (12A)

Friday 74th November 11:00am 7:30pm

Saturday 15th November 7:30pm

Sunday 16th November 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box Office or on

the door from FTH Cinema

0 1 324 506850

48 THE LIST 1:3 2.7 No. 2mm

19-10 and I‘M-l. The lilm demolixliex the (iaullixt m}th that l‘rance \Nux united in rexixting the occtlp) ing l'orcex. and one ix .xhocked l\_\ the degree ol collecti\e amnexia l()\\tll'tl\ the paxt. l'nmixxable. lat/inlmruli I'i/m (int/ti. lit/in/rm'g/I.

Space Chimps it» .0 (Kirk l)e .\licco. l'S. ZlHlSi Voiccx ol. And} Sambcl‘. ('heryl llinex. Jel‘l' Danielx. Stlmin. ()n the \\ him ol' a ximxter xenator t'l‘ucci l. llam lll (Sambergi the circux perl‘ormer grandxon of one ol' the lirxl chimpan/eex m xpace ix xcnt into orbit to i'etric\ e a mixxing xatellite. \Vith endlexx monke§ and banana punx and bog-xtandard animation. S/mu' (‘liim/n ix xtricll} l'or eaxil} pleaxed little monkc}x. (.I-IH'HUI-lt/ I’uI'Uieml. (i/meuu ,' ('I’nt’u ur/(l lat/in/mre/i. lz'tlinlmrgli.

Space Station 30 tl‘i t‘l'oni .\l)t'i‘x. ('anada/l'S. 2003i ~l7min. Narrated b} 'l‘om ('ruixe. thix big xcreen l.\lA.\ prexentalion l‘olltmx real axtronautx into the big blue. lmprexxnc. but not ax a“ exome ax it xhould litHC bL‘L‘ll. I.ll.'l.\' Il-llt'tlll't'. (i/tnuun.

Star Wars: Clone Wars «PG. 00 tl)a\e liiloni. l'S. lellSi \'oiccx ol' .\latt Lantcr. Samuel l.. Jaclxxon. ('ln'ixtopher 08min. limperor l’alpatine. (‘ount l)ooku and (ieneral (ii‘ie\otix are poixed to rule the gala\}. 'l‘he uni\erxe rextx in the liandx ol the daring Jedi Knightx. led b_\ Anakm Sk}\\alkct' and ()bi\\'an Kenobi. along \\ ith brand-tie“ heroex xuch ax Anakin‘x padauan learner. Ahxoka. Like the more recent Slur lliirx lilmx. thix ix lan‘l) tedioux xtul'l‘. but it ix mceI) animated and lanx \\ ill probahl} ln\t‘ ll. St’lt’t’lt't/ I‘t‘lt'rlu'. Summer I l5i tKenn} (ilenaan. l'lx'. lllllSl RUl‘L‘t‘l (itll‘l)lc. Stew l‘.\t‘lx. Rachel Blake. 83min. (ilaxgou director (ilenaan‘x neu lilm l'eattn'ex ('ai'l} le ax Shaun. a )oung man laced “till the imminent death of hix lil'elong l’riend l)a/ ll'.\clxl. l'nraxelmg Shaun‘x recollectionon a xummer ol' lo\ e. xex and lo}alt_\. the lilm chroniclex one man‘x attempt to rebuild a life. l’rex icu onl). Renewed ne\t ixxue. (iluxeuu I'll”! 'I'ltt'ulrt'. (iluxemi.

The Steps ll'l .... l.'\llil'L‘tl Hitchcock. l'lx'. I‘HSJ Robert l)onat. Madeleine (’arroll. (iodli'e) ’l‘eale. 85min. Xe“ tlllelttl I‘l'lttl l'm‘ Allred llitchcock'x claxxic 1035 man-on the-run thriller about the accidental immerxion ol inxouciant ('anadian Richard Hanna} tl)onati into the murk} \torld ol' expionage. lla\ ing been trained l'or murder. llanna} bightailx it tor the Scottixh lliglilandx \xith Madeleine ('arroll in low The \\ eight ot~ hixtor) hax made thix nonderlul lilm ripe tor readingx l'or x_\mbolixm. bill at itx heart it‘x itixt a rattling good _\arn. (‘i/n’uul'lt/ I’urA/it'ml. (ill!\L'(’H .' (’I'ni'n ur/t/ lat/in/mrell. Iz'ilinliiu'e/i.

Taken t l5) 0.. «Pierre .\lore|. lirance. ltlllh'i liam \eexon. Maggie (iracc. l‘amke Janxxen. 03min. Retired l'S xccret agent operati\ e Br} an (Net-xoiii xtepx into l'ra} \xhen hix daughter Kim t(iracci. \\llll llix L‘\' \\ llt' tJttnxxclll. l\ .lill’xt'll. l\_\ xL‘\ tral'licLerx on a trip to l’arix. A high octane. blood thumping lll‘dale ol‘ l’aul Sclii'adei'\ I‘W‘) Hurt/t on ix e\er} bit ax ridiculoux ax it xoundx but no lcxx enio) able lor it. “ith l-i'ancopliile altitude. (‘hekhox ian lamilial I‘cgl'el. o\ er the top torture and not a l'undamentalixt \ltixlim in xight. St'lt't'li'tl I't'/¢'tl\t'.

There Will Be Blood l I5: 0.... tl’aul 'l‘homax :\lltlL'l‘\t)ll. l'S. BUN—1'! Daniel l)a_\~l.e\\ix. l’aul l)ano. Kenn J ()'(‘onnor. ISSmin. Silxer proxpector Daniel l’laim lt'“ ll)a_\ l.t‘\\l\l and hix adopted xon mo\e to the impmerixhed mangehcall) centred toun ol \exx Hoxlon and tindx lnmxclt in a battle of \\ itx againxt xIea/_\ child preacher lili Sunda) tl)anoi o\cr oil. ethicx and the American Dream. l'ttei'l} ri\eting and uith l)a_\ l,e\\ix p|a_\ing a \xondcrl'ul part with a poixonoux leal. Anderxon linall} returnx to l’unt Ii [hunk [we lorni. A Hnmanixt Soclel} ol Scotland xcreenmg.

\\ xx \\.|iumamxin xcotlandorguk. (iluwmi I‘l/HI li/It‘tlllit'. (iluxgnu.

3D Mania il'i tlbc. l'S. 2003i Stuart l’ankin. l'.l\ ll'il.l.\l.'\.\ .il) animation hell.

l‘or maxochixtx and computer render gcekx onl}. l.\l.'l.\' 'Iilu'um‘. (ilmerm. Unrelated t ISI 0... «Joanna llogg. l”l\'. SOUS) l.uixa Bartolomei. lilixabetta l‘iorentini. (iiuxeppe l"iorentini. l()()min. l‘ort) -xomething Anna acceptx an imitation to xpend the xummer \xith her old \L‘llooll't‘ictttl Verena tRoxcUcl at their \ llltt in 'l'uxcan}. Long lunehex. drinking gamex and nocturnal xlxinn} dipx are the order of the da}: and Anna xoon lindx xhe ix more inclined to hang out “ith the lamil) teenagcl'x rather than thoxe her own age. (tum-u. lit/I'n/uu'e/i.

Vaaranam Aayiram ltbcl ((iautham .\lenon. India. 3003) Suri}a. Simran. Sameera Redd}.'l‘ami| thriller “ith Simkumar in dual lead rolex. (‘mt'uurltl Rt‘Il/I‘t'tt SH‘t’t’l. (r/tlu'uu.

Violent Summer (Estate Violenta) t 13) O... t\'alerino [tii‘liiii . l’i'ance/ltal}. 1059i lileonora Roxxi Drago. Jean-l.ouix 'l‘rintignant. Jacqueline Saxxard. S‘lmin. \Vartime [m e xtor} and political drama xet in a xeaxide ln\\n on the Adriatic coaxt during the xummer ol INK Rich charmer and dream) lo\ er ('arlo t'l‘rintignant) xul'l'erx a crude awakening to the realitiex ol‘ \Ntll'. I'i/mhuuu'. lit/in/uu'g/i. W t 15) .0. t()li\er Stone. l'S. 20081 Joxh Brolin. Jamex ('ronm ell. lili/abeth Banltx. 120mm. The American aphorixm that xuggextx ‘an} bo} can grow up to be prexident' ix blandl} dramatixed in Stone'x outrageouxl) timed and pulled-up lilm. the lll'xl biopic l0 c‘nltxltlcl' the lll-L‘ \lUl') Di :1 xitting l'S prexidenl. Brolin pla_\x (ieorge \V litiin Jr. a hard-drinking l'ratbo) \\ ho. alter llirtationx \\ ith xpoi'ting goodx and the oil buxmexx. xomehou endx up leading hix countr} into a mu in a bid to appeaxe hix lather. (ii'nt'm/ I‘t'lt’tm'.

WALL-E 114.... tAndi‘eu Stanton. [8. lllllSl Votcex Ul' l‘Il'cd \Villttt‘tl. Jtc‘l-l~ (iarlin. lien Burtl. 103mm. lnxpired b} xci— ll clttxle‘x limit the l‘lbllx tllltl 70x. l’l\;ll' haxe created a poxlvapocal)plic xtor) xet in a tonne in Much the liai'th hax been