


Heer and now

Shan Khan is known for looking at things from a different angle - so who better to transport an ancient tale to Zist century Glasgow, asks Kelly Apter

han Khan should he the epitome of caltn. Speaking to me on the phone during his first holiday in three years. he‘s staring out across the tranquil waters of Lochgilphead. Yet. the suhject of theatre clearly has his hackles raised. Since hursting onto the playwrighting scene in 200] with his award-winning dehut. (lll‘iu'. Khan has heen creating fast-paced theatre for modern audiences. And doesn‘t tnince his words ahout what spurred him on. '()ne of the reasons I started writing theatre was I

was so sick of paying to sit and watch a hunch of

self-indulgent shit.‘ he proclaims. ~'I‘heatre should he more instant and entertaining than any other medium. hecattse it‘s in your face and you‘re sitting two feet from the action.‘ Khan‘s latest play looks set to hit audiences right hetween the eyes. The tale of a poor Muslim restaurant worker and wealthy

Sikh daughter of a (ilasgow curry king. lleer

Rail/Ila is a heady tnix of sex. \‘IUICITL‘C. music. dancing and tragedy.

Yet. the tale itself started life as an ancient l’unjahi romance. hefore heing translated into an lSth century poem by \Varis Shah. ‘I read Shah‘s poem while I was doing some research.‘ says Khan. 'thinking it would he ahout 2i) stan/as tops. But man aliye that thing went on and on for pages and pages it was like a noyel of a poem.‘ In the end. Khan whittled the tale down to the fundamentals a love story not dissimilar to Romeo and Juliet. although scholars would suggest that liver Run/ha got there first.

"I‘his is really the story of a guy who has given up on the world.‘ says Khan. ‘and only hecause of the

love of a woman does his faith in life hecome re- kindled. I"or me that was the kernel of the story.‘ In the original tale. Ranjha falls out with his family. is spurned hy his faith and ends up attempting suicide hy throwing himself into the (ianges. A hoat helonging to lleer passes hy and rescues him. In Khan‘s yersion. much the satne happens only with a (ilasgow twist.

'Ranjha throws himself off (‘reorge \' hridge and floats down to Springfield Quay where someone on a pleasure hoat yanks him out of the water.‘ he explains. "l‘he (ianges is ohyiously important to this story and the (‘lyde is \‘II‘IULIII_\‘ a sacred river in (ilasgow.‘

(irowing up in (‘arluke. where his dad ran a Video shop. Khan watched three films a day. .\'ow hased in London. he writes plays for what he duhs ‘the DVD generation‘. So what can audiences expect from lleer lx’uiij/iu'.’ 'Well they‘ll definitely get hang for their huck.‘ promises Khan. ‘And everything that should he in a film hecause what we‘re doing is a film on stage. that‘s how I like to see it. It‘s Romeo and Juliet meets Reservoir Dogs.‘

With the lead characters coming from different faiths. the story is ripe to explore religion and the changing face of racism in Britain not that Khan wants to he seen as didactic. ‘I don‘t write issue— hased plays.‘ he says. ‘But there are definitely issues that have to he addressed. And whether you agree or disagree. it will make you think and get you talking.‘

Heer Ranjha, Tramway, Glasgow, Fri 21-Sat 29 Nov (not 23 & 24).



* Midsummer David Greig's elegantly written, life-affirming two-hander, featuring songs by Gordon McIntyre, explores the joys of falling in love. with all the poise and exuberance of a pop song. See review. page 83. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, until Sat 75 Nov.

1|! 4.48 Psychosis SweetScar‘s production of Sarah Kane's final work is a must-see exploration of helpless despair, which begins in total darkness and requires the guidance of an usher wearing night-vision goggles to get you to your seat. See review, page 83. Tramway, Glasgow, until Sat 15 Nov.

it Heer Ranjha Playwright Shan Khan updates an ancient Persian romance to create this tale of a poor Muslim restaurant worker who falls for the wealthy Sikh daughter of a Glasgow curry king. a heady mix of sex, violence, music. dancing and tragedy. See preview, left. Tramway, Glasgow. Fri 21-Sat 29 Nov.

* Nobody Will Ever Forgive Us Paul Higgins’ play for the Traverse and National Theatre of Scotland focuses on a young man who returns from studying at a seminary to find his family immersed in the empty pursuits of fast food. drugs and alcohol. See preview, page 82. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 20—Sat 29 Nov. * Slava’s Snowshow The moving. exhilarating visual spectacle of Slava Polunin’s Snowshow continues to draw crowds after well over a decade on the road. King ’3 Theatre. Glasgow, until Sat 75 Nov.

III Mary Poppins Cameron Mackintosh‘s stage adaptation of the Julie Andrews-starring Disney film is, like the eponymous flying Edwardian nanny. “practically perfect in every way‘. Playhouse, Edinburgh, until Sat 6 Dec.

‘\ .‘ THE LIST 79