

Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street. The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

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0 Write the Box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT-HAND CORNER.

- If you send several replies. send them in one large envelope.

0 Box Numbers are valid for three months.

0 Replies will be fonNarded once a week.



V I Saw You Jimmy. You are the funny little l'rog in my throat. I. ()I7 I

V I Saw You Kate at work. Would it impress you to know that I'm still dragging a teenage crush on you into my late twenties?! .\Iatl .\ I' 017 2

V I Saw You last year. I was

wearing a Mickey" Mouse I—sltit‘t.


V I Saw You in The Arches ('ale with your gorgeous red locks on I‘ri thhl Yotl know who you are. .\Ieet saute time next month l' 617 4

V I Saw You ()oooh spooky Halloween liend can’t w ail

to see you all dressed up and looking hot. I' ()I7 5

V I Saw You at The Stand Glasgow on Friday night. You're tall with dark hair aitd were with a couple. I was sitting near you wearing green. 'I’oo shy to say

hi. I' 617 7

V I Saw You on Saturday 8th in Slea/ys. You kept dipping your nose in my mate’s pint. I told you he had infections. Want a disease test'.’ I' 017 ts’

V I Saw You 'I’ry ing to lind a seat on the last train hack to (ilasgow l'rom lidinhurgh on Saturday 8th - you had a thc hoody on and you tripped oyet' my l‘eet. l' ol7 ‘)

9 I Saw You Iiating that massive plate ot' tempura at \Vagamama last 'l‘hursday' l' (tl7 In


V I Saw You (iiacomo. I l.o\‘e You \ l' ()l7 In

Helplines ' .

V I Saw You Wearing a IIaw iian shirt making me a delicious cocktail Yum! .\ l' 617 I7

V I Saw You .-\t The Basement on Broughton Street on Weds Your T Shirt so yellow and shirt so llowery. I lurrrye your accent? X I. (tl7 Ih’

V I Saw You Wee helping make snowmen 'l’hanks’ \\ l’ 617 l‘)

V I Saw You in my dreams last night. you were lighting oil. the /omhie hordes - he my say‘iourl 'I‘hey ’II he hack. you know... I. ol7 2“

V I Saw You In Spain. Where haye you gone my little pigeon‘.’


0 I Saw You In The Street You had an eye patch and a limp. Despite all of this I ltwe you \

I. (II7 33

V I Saw You Sesy Real l-‘oods Rhona. Don't make me a loner. So come on giye me a phone-a. my loyer I)csdcmona I. (tI7 23

V I Saw You But you don't know ley‘en exist. I'd do anything for you sweet pea \ I' (II 7 34

O I Saw You Bl(i l).-\\'ti. I.oy'e Iron] \al .\ 1' M7 35

V I Saw You Drinking heer and dreaming of snow hall tilled nights of fun? Happy Birthday Nikkita \\ I' ()I7 30

V I Saw You at team on e. I

miss my hed and my hest l‘riend ('onrad. l hayc heen spying. let me in us I' m7 27

V I Saw You Looking l'osy in the corner of the Basement. Will you he mine'.’ us I' on 28

V I Saw You .\Ir Dolphin.

on ing your wol‘kl I.o\ ittg your lin petl lla'way maul Drink your metrosexual cocktail! I’ ol? 3‘)

V I Saw You (iimpy (iolightly or did I‘.’ You w crcn‘t rctro

or in Swimwear . . . Just a hoy

dressed as a (limp and a poor

one at that. 1' ol'7 3()

V I Saw You My handsome hillhilly eating .lcnga chips. \Vill )ou he minc'.’ \\\ I’ hl‘.’ 3|

0 I Saw You In deepest

lite on the 5.30 l'rom (ileurothcs to ('rossgates. 'I‘rim hair. hold nose and quite estluisite hands which could prohath generate an income from douhling.

I. (tl 7 32

V I Saw You .lamic I’m looking l'ol' yottl \Ve would meet again. htit somehow lost touch w itlt each other. Bicn

(the Netherlands) wants to meet again. We met on 7th ()ctoher at Deacon Brody Is. I' (317 33

V I Saw You Mr Jones. at (ilcntress l‘orcst. htmny hopping down the mountain. wearing

a Iohstcr on your head? l'ancy meeting Ill I.ltII to look ill the new range ol' cycling gear. . I' m7 34

V I Saw You Schastialt...

Do You remcmeher the night when we w ere watching ‘l’lanct ()l'lhe :\pcs‘ togetlicr‘.’ I do

. . . always w ill. I atn sorry.

I. ()I7 35

V I Saw You waiting tor a train and then you disappeared. your lace pressed up to the window. I' (tl7 so

V .\II' \Vlllle. you showing l'ricnds how to Use a camera in Biscuit (iallcry ('ulross. I was the girl you gaye a lowly hig smile to? line to hear from you. I' m7 37

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