Visual Art -

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

2!: Indicates Hitlist entry


I THE ARCHES 353 Argylc Strcct. 5(i5 I000. .\lon Stilt l()am midnight. Theatre Sets l'ntil .\lon l‘) Jan. lnncs (icnnuso looks at 'l‘hcatrc Scts as psychological spaL‘c‘s.


30(i0 l’olloksltaws Road. 3S7 3550. Mon Thu & Sat l()am 5pm: Fri & Sun llant 5pm.

FREE Joseph Crawhall: The Masterpieces t'ntil Sun 8 l-‘ch. A showcasc of sonic ol‘ thc (ilaswcgian watcrcolourist’s lincst works. including I'lzt' Aviary and Girl on u Ifit'y'i'lc.


350 Satichichall Strcct. 353 4900.

Inc l-‘ri llam (1pm; Sat l()am opm. FREE CALQ Residency: Martine H. Crispo l'ntil l"ri ‘) Jan. | lain ()Plll. Thc sound artist takcs tip rcsidcncy at thc (‘(‘A with an installation conccntrating on thc sounds produccd by childrcn's toys and homc-madc clcctronic products. This will bc an intcractiyc cxhibition. FREE Open Field l'ntil Sat l7 Jan. (iroup cxhibition prcscnting ncw work by 15 Scottish-bascd artists. dcyclopcd during Thc (‘arayan rcsidcncics in Ball‘ron. ncar l.och |.omond.


l'niycrsity ol Strathclydc. 33 Richmond Strcct. 548 3558. .\lon l‘ri l()am 5pm: Sat noon 5pm: l()am 7pm: l-‘ri

l()am opm.

FREE Cycling Up the Hill with my Dad Sat l7 Jati Sat 3| l'cb. An cxhibition by l'athcr and daughtcr artists l)ayid and ('lairc llcminslcy. It will l‘caturc tcxtilcs-bascd works by ('lairc and ccramics by Day id llcminslcy‘. who dicd l‘cccnlly.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Royal Iixchangc Squarc. 33‘) |‘)‘)(i.

.\lon \Vcd 6’; Sat l()am 5pm: Thu

l()am 8pm: |-'ri & Sun | lam 5pm. FREE Raiders of the Lost Art: Connecting Objects, Place and People l'ntil Stm I | Jan. A show casc ol' somc ol~ thc community -bascd projccts thc ()pcn .\luscum has bccn inyolycd with oycr thc past two ycars. in which it brings (ilasgow communitics and muscum collcctions togcthcr in innoyatiyc ways.

FREE Echo and Transcend l'ntil Sun | Mar. A widc-ranging sclcction ol~ abstract art. somc ol~ which cchocs and sonic of which transccnds rcalily. including paintings by William .\lc('ancc and sculpturc by Anthony ('aro and liduardo Paolo/Ii.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART Thc Mackintosh (iallcry. l(i7 chl'rcw Strcct. 353 4500. Mon |-'ri l()am 5pm: Sat l()am 3pm.

FREE The TWO Alasdairs l'ntil Sat l0 Jan. lixltibilion ol' lltc w'ork ol' Alasdair (iray and his long-timc l‘ricnd Alasdair 'l'ay'lor. w ho both traincd at (ilasgow School ol~ Art in tlic l‘)50s.


Argylc Strcct. 37o ‘)5‘)‘). Mon Thu & Sat l()am 5pm: l‘ri & Stm llam 5pm: l()am lpm.

FREE Impressionism and Scotland l'ntil Sun | licb. £5 (£3). This Visually stunning cxhibition c‘\p|orcs thc artistic conncctions bctwccn paintcrs such as .\lonct. |)cgas and ('6/annc and Scottish artists including l’cploc. l‘crgusson and (luthric.

82 THE LIST 8 7'2 Jr“ 700‘.)


ll .‘ylitchcll |.anc. 33! MM. .\lon & \Vcd Sat [0.30am 5pm: Tuc llatn 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. £4 tL'l.50-£3: l‘amin tickct L").50; l‘rcc on Saturdays). Architecture in Scotland 2006- 2008: Building Biographies t'ntil Sun l | Jan. £3 (£1. l‘rcc on Saturdays). Thc latcst bicnnial rcyicw of a diycrsc rangc of Scottish architccturc. Rcccnt Scottish proiccts will bc prcscntcd along with liuropcan cxamplcs l‘rom Attstria. Swit/crland and Norway.

Atelier l'ntil Sun 33 l-cb. £4 (£3. lrcc on Saturdaysl. An installation ol‘ work in progrcss by Bccca Lipscombc. Bcrnic Rcid and Lucy .‘ylackcn/ic ol‘ Atclicr. Glasgow 1999 Design Medal 2008 Exhibition l'ntil Sun | Mar. £4

(U50 £3: l‘rcc on Saturdays). Discoxcr a ncw gcncration ol‘ dcsign talcnt at thc annual (ilasgow l‘)‘)‘) |)csign tncdal cxhibition. a platform for dcsigncrs studying at (ilasgow‘s llighcr and l‘urthcr liducation institutions.

I MARY MARY Suitc 3/l. (i Dixon Strcct. 336 3357. Thu Sat noon 5pm. Karla Black Sat |0Jan Sat l-l l'cb. .\'cw sculptural works. which stand as physical cxplorations into thinking. l'ccling. communicating and rclating. Scc prcyicw. pagc S0.


73 Robcrtson Strcct. Suitc (i. Hour 1. 348 37| |. Mon |-'ri l()am 5pm: Sat noon 5pm.

FREE One Man’s Struggle to Take it Easy l'ntil Sat l0 Jan. .\'cw cxhibition by installation artist Richard llughcs. who. as lhc titlc suggcsts. is just trying to rclax.


‘) Radnor Strcct. 357 loot».

FREE No Vacancy l'ntil Stm 1 Mb Scrics of photographs tclling a narratix c about a sct ol' charactcrs liy ing in a hotcl. by Nicola Slcad.


(ilasgow (irccn. 37| 3%3. .\Ion Thu & Sat l()am 5pm; liri & Sun llam 5pm: l()am lpm.

FREE SGA Art Exhibition l'ntil l’ri l(i Jan. A showcasc ol' thc bcst artworks by studcnts l'rom thc 3008 Standard (iradc. lntcrmcdiatc and llighcr (iradc

I SORCHA DALLAS 5 St Margarct‘s l’lacc. 553 3663. 'littc Sat | 5pm. FREErep‘e.t‘tionl'nti| Sat l7 Jan. (iroup show bringing togcthcr a rangc (it works conccrncd with lhc idca ol' thc rcpcatcd imagc or motil. Artists includc liya licrcndcs. Alan Michacl and cc. cummings. Scc rcy icw. pagc SI.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 45 King Strcct. 553 48H. Tuc Sat llatn 5pm ((‘loscd 'l'uc lo Sat l0t. FREE Jose Antonio Hernandez- Diez l'ntil Sat 3| Jan. Thc lirst solo show In lllc‘ I'K oli lltL‘ ttL‘L‘lltllltL‘tl \cnc/uclan artist w hosc sculpturc and photography crcatc an iconography inspircd by thc patriarchal. ('atholic c‘ttlltlt‘c and ll'adilions oli ltis ltotttc country.



3 Markct Strcct. 53‘) 3903. .\lon Sat l()am 5pm.

FREE A Time and Place: Paintings from the City Collection t'ntil Sat l7 Jan. In conjunction with 'I‘I‘t'uylll't't/ /’/(lt'('.\ lltis sltow L'ttsc‘s “ot‘lss by Scottish paintcrs with an affinity to a \ast array ol‘ Scottish placcs botli rural and ttrban.

FREE Treasured Places l'ntil Sat 17 Jan. Rcl'lccting and connccting thc liycs of thc pcoplc ol‘ Scotland. w hcrc thcy

II\ c. work and gathcr li'om prchistory to lhc prcscnt day. 7)‘cus1u'cr/ I’lm'cs cclcbratcs thc richncss and yaricty of thc licritagc w c all \aluc and cnjoy today.


33 3S (’ockburn Strcct. 330 l3o0.

Tuc Sat noon 5pm.

FREE Richard Battersby and Chris Grieves t'ntil Sat It) Jan. As part ol' licho‘s ncw rcsidcncy at thc ('ollcctiy c. thcy'yc inyitcd Battcrsby and (iricy cs back tip l‘rom London to crcatc a tropical club Thc ('oma Loungc ol' sight. smcll and sound installations. Sandy Smith & Alex Gross l'ntil Sat 3| Jan. As part (it Ncw Work Scotland. thc two rcccnt (SSA graduatcs prcscnt thc ncw \ idco works madc during thcir

jotll‘ltcy across lhc w c‘sl ol Not'llt


Darren Farquhar 'l‘hu l5 .\lott l‘) Jan. liclto’s rcsidcncy at lltc (‘ollcctiyc continucs with l‘arquhar's sculptural installation and pcrl‘ormancc. which apparcntly imoly cs altitudc. judgc bcslialily and lisltiltg rods.


73 licll‘ord Road. (334 (i300. l()am 5pm. FREE Four Scottish Painters t'ntil Sat 3| Jan. A display ol‘ lhc work of four Scottish artists ol‘ thc postwar pcriod: \\'i|lic|iiiitia Barns-(iraham. John Bcllany. Alan l)ayic and Annc Rcdpath. all of whom hay c had a signilicant inl‘lucncc on thcir own and subscqucnt gc‘tlcl'ttliolts.

FREE Artists’ Books: The Scottish Contribution t‘ntil Sat Zts’ l-‘cb. To accompany thc /-i:ur Scout's/1 Artists cshibition. 'l'akcn from thc (iallcry ol' .\lodcrn Al‘l's collcction of artists. books. tltc display includcs work by William Jolmstonc with Hugh .\lac|)iarmid and lidw in .\luir. John Bcllany with Alan Bold lllltl lil'tlc‘c‘ .\IL'I.CilIl \\ll|l .\lc‘l (iootliltg.


l | (iay lic|d Squarc. 55S 7| l0. Tuc l-‘ri l()am opin: Sat noon 5pm.

FREE Spark Erosion t'ntil Sat 24 .lan. ch installation work ol‘ small sculptural picccs by Zurich-born artist l"i‘;itt/iska littrtcr. Scc prcy icw'. pagc S l.


l0 Inlirmary Strccl.

FREE Henry Moore Textiles l'ntil Sun IS Jan. (ha 50 drawings. notcs and labrics many ncycrc\hibitcd bcl‘orc l'rom thc w cll-know n sculptor"s sccrct lL‘\l||L‘ ttl‘c‘ltiu‘.

FREE Jerwood Contemporary Makers l‘ntil Mon |‘) Jan. (‘ontcmporary British cral'tcrs display thcir work in an unusual sctting.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Strcct. 557 347‘). Tuc Sat l()am (1pm.

FREE Feels Like Forever Sat l7 Jan Sat 7 Mar. Annc l-‘ortc takcs ul’ rcsidcncc in (iallcry l. with Joy cc (iunn (‘ttll'th‘ L‘\lt||)|llolt lint/Ii/t‘ lll'tlt't's ill (iallcry 3 'llltl l.ccna \ammari's 5pm-c Io [fruit/i in (iallcry 3.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY ~15 .\larkcl Strcct. 335 3383. Mon Sat | lam (3pm: Stilt noon 5pm. FREE Close Up l'ntil Sun |l .lan. ('uratcd by l)aw n Adcs and Simon Bakcr. who w crc rcsponsiblc l'or I'm/crt'm'cr .S'lu'rcu/ism at London's llay ward (iallcry lll 300(i. this c\hibition c\p|orcs thc dclaniiliarising cl'lccts of tlic cstrcmc closc-up in carly 30th ccntury photography and lilm.


l5 ('alton Road. 55o 44-1 l. l()am 5pm. Elsworth Kelly l'ntil Thu 3‘) Jan. l’lant lithographs drawn lrom thc 40-y‘car Cltl'L‘L‘l' ol. oltc‘ ol. lltc‘ world's gl‘c‘ttlc‘sl liying artists.

Luca Frei l'ntil Thu 3‘) Jan. Play l'ul installations by thc chdish-bascd artist. Scc rcyicw. pagc 8 |.


o5 Thc Shorc. l.cith. 553 5355. Mon Hi | lam 5pm; Sat l lam 4pm.

FREE Christmas Exhibition lintil Sat It) Jan. Mixcd cxhibition by gallcry artists with ncw' work arriying daily. FREE A Tribute to Robert Burns Sat l7 Jan Sat 7 l-‘cb. A mixcd cxhibition inspircd by Robcrt Burns: thc man: his lilc: his work.


Thc l)can (iallcry. 73 Bcll'ord Rd. FREE John Watson Prize: Robert Powell l'ntil Sun l5 l'cb. A display ol~ thc works of thc w inncr of this ycar's annual John Watson [him for graduatcs ol thc lidinburgh ('ollcgc ol‘ Art. Thc l’inc Art studcnt's work lltCltlths a group ol' l‘antastical ctchings dcpicting ‘a labyrinthinc. dystopic lidinburgh'.


Thc .\lound. 634 (3300. Mon \Vcd &

l‘ri Sun l()am 5pszhu l()am 7pm. FREE Dutch Mannerism: Goltzius and his Contemporaries t'ntil Sun 8 l‘cb. ln cclcbration ol~ lhc dawn of thc (ioldcn Agc ol‘ Dutch Art. this display highlights two of thc National (iallcrics‘ signilicant rcccnt acquisitions. Abraham Blocmacrt's ‘.\lirac|c ol‘ thc l.oa\cs' and llcndrick (iolt/ius's drawing ‘.\lan with a Tasslcd (‘apf

FREE Turner in January t'ntil Sat 3| Jan. Thc annual display of JM\\' 'l‘urncr watcrcolours bcqucathcd by llcnry Vaughan. l‘rom carly topographical wash drawings to thc atmosphcric skctchcs ol’ contincntal liuropc in thc 1830s and lS-llls. At Vaughan's bcqucst. thc dclicatc watcrcolours arc only shown in January whcn day light is wcak to ayoid l‘ading.


(‘hambcrs Strcct. 347 4-133. l()am 5pm. FREE Gifted l'ntil Stat M Jan.

l()am 5pm. .\'ow in its l‘ourth ycar. this collcction ol‘ innoyaliy'c and bcautil‘ul ccramics. glass. jcwcllcry and tcxtilcs rcturns to thc National .\luscum to bc \‘icwcd and bought.


l’alacc ol' llol).roodltottsc. 556 5 I00. . £5 (£4.5tti.

The Art of Italy in the Royal Collection: The Baroque t'ntil Sun 8 Mar. 9.30am 4.30pm. £5 t8 [4.50: undcr 5s l‘rcc: lamily tickct L' | 3). Part two of thc gallcry's Italian art cxhibition includcs ‘Thc (‘alling ol‘ Saints l’ctcr and Andrcw' by (‘arayaggio and Annibalc ('arracci’s ‘Allcgory ol'Truth and Timc'. l.ast admission is onc hour bcl'orc thc gallc‘t‘y closcs,


lnycrlcith Row. 348 3983. Tuc Sun l()am 530an

FREE Two Voices Ill/Horticulture Behind the Scenes l'ntil Sun S l-‘cb. l()am 3.30pm. An cxhibition of colour photographs takcn at lnycrlcith by blind lidinburgh-bascd artist Rosita .‘ychcn/ic. ('amilla Adams proyidcs tactilc intcrprctations atid audio commcntarics. FREE Close l'ntil Sun M Jan.

l()am 5pm. A photographic documcntation ol’ Scottish hcritagc by Allan l’ollok-Nlot‘t'is.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Thc Mound. 335 (io7l. .\lon Sat

l()am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

FREE William Littlejohn: Influences and Inspirations l‘ntil Sat 3| Jati. l()am 5pm. An insight into thc crcatiyc proccss and working mcthods ol‘ thc latc artist through drawings. paintings and studics from his