Personal '



I Saw You cont.


0 I Saw You John the brother of tlte bass p|a_\ et‘ l'ot' tltc ttaillest at tlte \\\tttas deatlt disco. l lelt in} much at )olll' llat. (iet back

to me. l' (ill) I

U Dec 30th on tlte 140 has ottt ol‘ Burien at around 4pm. You: Red jacket. bttrgttttd} scat'l‘. dirt} blottd ltair. .\le: Dark ltair. dark e} es. green jacket. black shirt. l' (ill) 2

O Wearing a brown leather jacket on the clockwork orange. I bttrped garlic prau its itt )olll' directiott . . . M)“ strattgel}

enio} ed it. (‘are to share some tapas tot—'ether'.’ l‘ (ill) 3

V I Saw You S\\a_\ ittg nest to me tiear the l't‘ont at .\lttttt. ()ratt \lor. Yott hate a hinge. i IIZI\C \er} little hair. 'l‘oo sh} to sa} hi. lto ltttttt. l' (ill) 4

V I Saw You Sa)ing goodli}e. .»\dios .\litt\ie \‘enture Scottt. \\‘ear )olll' toggle \\ ith pride attd _\oltl' laces \\ itlt \ itit. I.ook lor\\ard to comparing ottr \Yellies \ l. (ill) 5

0 I Saw You at The's Hot 100 Part}. )titt .lK's l’R gttrtt. ttte tr_\ ittg to poaclt )ott lor _\our French Spanish skills. ”0“ abottt tltat trip to the ('aribbean‘.’ l' (ill) (i

V I Saw You Judith. \\lien l \\orked .'\I'L‘llilo.\ 3 _\ears ago. getting )otl on tlte guest-list sotttetintes. l' (ill) 7

0 I Saw You Victoria at ('hentical Brothers bttt didn't get iour number. )ott \\ here there

\\ itlt )our triend tlte teaclter. \\e \\alked back o\ er tlte bridge - l’nt tlte l.'l' (itt_\ l' (ill) 8

V I Saw You Jenn} trotit B}rcs. lookittg ltot tearing up the dattce lloor at the Barron lattds part) - I like _\otll' st_\lel l' (ill) I)

V I Saw You eclipse llattipden... ('an \\ e meet itt Sltau lattds again soon'.’ ("ttton. use )olll' heart ttot _\our ltead. ()ll\\ill’tl.\ & lip\\ill'll\l l' (ill) ll)

V I Saw You ('lttb \tiit‘ (iit‘l iti ridittg hat. )otll‘ intpeccable sl_\ le intrigues ttte. More sl_\ lisli than in} l’\'(' dress? l’lease

sa_\ lti. atid let‘s cltat itt quieter circumstances I’ (ill) II

V I Saw You ltot e\perintent. itt tttissittg tttotto l3th note slea/_\ s. 'l‘ttrn )tittr ntttlti-talented head to\\at‘lls nte \\\ 1' (ill) ll

V I Saw You tlte kind L‘_\L'll\l \\ lto humoured ttie at ('haring ('ross t4 l)ect \\ itlt tti_\ broken do\\ it car? I meant to ask it

)ou wanted a cttppa bttt t'orgot through tlte ordeal l' (ill) l.3

V I Saw You tall attd loxel} man that \\orks itt 'l‘enttettts Bar. ttte attd the ('hippettcs sp) on _\ottl \Vhett \\e‘re not \\orking that is? \Yinking attd tittdgittg... \ l. (ill) l—l

V I Saw You l’ant at our office Part). Sittgitig ".-\II I \\ ant l'or (‘hristntas is .-\nt_\ Barcla)". on a school night too?! Shame on _\ott l. (ill) l5

V I Saw You \ltttttni) kissittg Sattta ('latts . . . l' (ill)

V I Saw You iti _\our Father (‘hristttias outlit - _\otl ain‘t littittg do“ it that eltiltltte) sir! I. (ill) l7

V I Saw You slipping on the ice at Bttcltattatt Street Station - I picked _\ott up atid )oll said thanks but then ran aua) - I think _\ou \\ ere etttbarrassed - call me! l' (ill) lts‘

V I Saw You making s\\ eel lur\e at .\'ice .\' Slea/_\s - get a R()().\IY Yott lta\e black dreads arid the) obscured the lace ol' _\ottr decadent lo\ er perhaps lot‘ the best. l' (ill) II)

V I Saw You \\atching (ia\ itt attd Stace} \\ itlt ttte at ('ltristtnas - Yott retttind ttie ol' \essa )ou l\ll()\\ - lialtalia l' (ill) ll)

V I Saw You getting read)

liol‘ (‘Bll - Hope the) lt;t\e some better people itt this )ear eh ba/I’ l. (ill) ll

9 I Saw You at the ll()()(‘.f You \\ore red knee high boots \\hich look impossible to \\alk itt - I commented atid )oll just smiled attd \\alked a\\a} - come

littd ttte )oll mitts! l‘ (ill) ll

V I Saw You beittg mauled

b) a dog on Bosittg l)a}. seems _\otl cattte ol't' \\orse bttt the dog got the attention. l’erhaps ll'_\ getting eaten b) a lion ne\t tinte‘.’ l. (ill) 23

V I Saw You lt'ee/ittg itt (ilasgtm on the llnd l)ec - did )ott littd the perfect present or did it elude )ott‘.’ l.ct ttte kttoxtl l. (ill) 24

V I Saw You riding \\ itlt )our ltottties itt sttb zero temperatures » suing lo“ s\\eet chariot. conting lorth to carr} ttte liottt. ()rittst tt'_\ to rtttt me o\ er at the lights - again? More tral'lic cattts please? 1‘ (ill) 35


V I Saw You Sarah lrotn l)onegal. Musician. likes stt ing music. lili is. Ra} ('ltarles.

next spapers tttotl ). \\‘as good speaking to son. :\gaitt'.’ Steie l' (ill) lo

V I Saw You scrie tn) l'riend at llelios I’ountain. 9 December. She bought Matisse postcard.

l “on: black cap. \\c shared a look. You Itax e a lo\ cl} \oice. I'd like to meet tip sometime‘.’

I. (ill) :7

0 I Saw You all the tittte. We missed our opportunit) that (lit) on llte lk‘ilell'.’ l \\ ill sllll

be writing patientl}. tit} heart racing \\ itlt eter) gold car that passes. l' (ill) l8

9 I Saw You \\ce Alan iii The Street - You are llotl I' (ill) ll)

0 I Saw You om id at The Street \\ itlt )our perl‘ect hair atid beautilul smile - be ni_\ ('ltristtttas lair} 1’ l‘ (ill) 3t)

V I Saw You :\ll)il Banama. Strutting the Funk) ('liickenl " Bl'Rl’! l' (ill) 3]

V I Saw You \Yee Ba//. bouncing on til} knee itt llle street. x\ll lltiltgs \\ol'lll sa\ouring are l'ront the lligltlattds \ l’ (ill) 32

V I Saw YOU Belore the free screening ol '\Yatet" at The I"i|tttltottse. You teased ttte \\ itlt olt’et's of tree tickets behind the :\ntttest\ International stand . . . t' tilti'fifi

0 I Saw You in the Basement. You ltad an :\ (’ttp.

l \\ as an Ii ('up. It \\ as lo\ e at lirst sight! No“ \\e need to team up \\ itlt B. (‘ atid l) attd form a team! 1' (ill) 34

0 I Saw You lo\el) ladies letting )ottr ltair do“ n atid kicking back _\ottr heels iii The Basement. I'm so luck} to hate such good ll'lL‘llLlS like )otl \

l' (ill) 35

0 I Saw You at Rossl} n (‘ltapel Yott \\ ere performing itt .latttes ll. You \\ ere beatttilttl. .\ birtltmark coiered hall ot‘ sour lace bttt _\ott \\ ere Io\Cl}. l. (ill) 3(i

V I Saw You ('are} tk \atlt. You're m} [\\o laxottrite people itt tltc \\ hole \\ot‘ld. .r\l\\a'\ s thinking ot' sou botlt. .v\le\ \\\ l. (ill) 3"

9 I Saw You in The Basement. (in) \\ itlt black hair.

jeans attd dark shirt. ()ttt \\ ith a

I—‘roup. lilR'l‘lll).-\Y'.’ l' (an 38


V I Saw You Reggae-ing it tip at Departure lounge iii the ('a\es at llogtttana}. I bet the) catt feel that bass iti .\le\icoll Roll on llogtttana} 3on0 . . . I. (ill) 3‘)

V I Saw You You told ttte l stitcllcd like a net dog. I \\ as

iii The Basetttettt on a school night attd )oll \\ ere talking about ‘l’rett_\ \\‘oman‘? X l' (ill) 4()

O I Saw You at The lidinbttrglt (ierman (‘irele. \Yottld )titt like to rtttt rittgs around nte'.’ Bis bald. . .

l. (ill) 4l

V I Saw You ('onrad. at l’ex er b Dec. I’m sot'r) I had to go

and didn't get to sa} goodb} e. ('ollec‘.’ .litlttes l. (ill) 42

V I Saw You You said )ott sit“ tttc iii the 0/ bar. He met iii the tuna bar. so \\ here ne\t ('assanma turquoise underpants'.’ 1‘ (ill) 43

V The tall dark haired titan \\ itlt the great idea about handbag hooks. 0‘) llano\ er Street. l3tlt December. Yott know “but happened tte\t.... l' (ill) 44

V I Saw You \\ itlt _\our electric blue e} es. light tip in) lite bab} Y ()r \\ear sunglasses so I cart breathe... You are beautiful l' (ill) «IS

V I Saw You itt (’it} (‘ale \\ itlt _\our ct'a/} do? Bonjourl l‘ (ill) —lli

V I Saw You llappittg ttear some l'ilniltottse leallets - sour lztsltes looked lo\ el_\. l I'ell )tillt‘ ntetallic heartbeat. _\ott gaie ttte lo\c beattts. lcottld ttot look il\\;t_\ \ l' (ill) 4."

V I Saw You tall. dark atid handsome. looking Ito! I?! You alums do. I lo\e _\ott. )ott rock in} \\orld If? \\\ l' (ill) 4()

V I Saw You .\lttt't‘;t}. git ittg ttte christtttas spra) iii a bo\. 'l'ltank )tittl l' (ill) 4l

V I Saw You 'l'ill} sou are the best l’t'iend amone could ha\e - I'll tttiss _\ott \\lten

)titt aren't et en itt llt\el'lless an} tttore - ('anada is too tar! I. (ill) 43

V I Saw You l)i\. uni-king hard on the music keep it up? :\nd don't lorget the apricots... l‘ (ill) 43

V I Saw You llasliing oll )olll' blittg tte\\ diamonds at ('hristntas tittte. (‘raig man. stop this! Yott're making all other gu}s look bad?! l' (ill) 44

V I Saw You )0“ sa\\ I I San You You Sa\\ l l Sam You You Sait | l Sa\\ You tr} ittg to make the l San Yott's ittto the ne\t .\letro reader lorttnt - cottte on people? l. (ill) ~15

V I Saw You H) ittg to pt‘c\ent /ontbie artttegeddon - good on ion? l‘ (ill) 4(i

V I Saw You lIapp} Blue .\lottda_\ Saddest da_\ ol the _\eat' - sigh. We're all back to \\ork no“. I. (ill) 4"

V I Saw You 'l‘hrou ittg paper at ttie on the bits - surel} )oll are too _\ottng to be tt'a\ellittg

b} )ottrselxes'.’ I ant tellittg ott )UIIi l‘ (ill) 48

V I Saw You git ittg me the c} e on llogtttatta} '.’ or \\ ere )oll 'lllsl squitttittg'.’ llttttttttt... I! ma} be titttc lor Specsaiers'.’ Don‘t \\orr} the} are cheap so _\ott catt get 2 pairs. Nile Regrets likel

l' (ill) 4‘)

V I Saw You debating

\\ ltelllL‘i' to go on it diet lltl\ war - ans“ er is .\'()Y You are hetlllllllll the \\a} son are?

ll (ill) 5()


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