As one of Scotland's best-loved presenters and columnists, Lorraine Kelly has spent years gracing the GMTV couch. Here, the Glasgow gal talks football, Dumbo and knickers

First record you ever bought ‘School's Out' by Alico Coopor. An all- timo classic.

Last time you were chatted up I'm afraid tho last timo l was chattod

u; was back in 1986 whon Stovo i’who is now my husbandi askod mo to go and soo Dundoo Unitod play l-loarts at Tannadico.

First film you saw that really moved you

That would boa ro-roloaso of Disnoy's Dumbo whon l was about two yoars- old. I sobbod buckots whoii Dumbo‘s mum sang him a lullaby whon sho was lockod in Jail. It I saw it now. I'd bo roducod to mush.

Last lie you told

I am always tolling mysolt that tho shoos I buy in tho salo actually savc- mo monoy which is of courso a big lat fib.

Last time you cried

I think tho sign of a top class comody sorios is whon it is bravo onough to mako you cry. liko tho voiy last scono of B/ackaddor whon tho WWI troops go ovor tho top and tho scono of battlo fados into poppios. That gots mo ovoiy timo. I saw a ro-run of tho F/‘asior

opisodo whoro Nilos had to havo hoart surgory and blubbod at that.

First thing you do when you’ve got time off work

| tidy all my kitchoii cupboards and my knickor drawor. lt holps mo unwind and is good for tho soul.

Last extravagant purchase you made

I am not roally into dosignor goar oi“ labols. My last splurgo was our holiday to Japan last yoar. Stovo. Rosio and I wont to Kyoto and took tho bullot train to lokyo. It was wondorlul and I can't wait to go back.

First crush

My first crush was on my physics toachor Hamish Sommoiyillo at Claromont High School in Fast Kilbiido. | usod to go bright rod ovoiy timo I say.’ him.

Last book you read

| always havo a book iii my bag and l rc- road a lot of my favouritos. l'yo iust liiiishod Friiost Shacklotoii's South lagaini. I almost know that book oil by hoart.

First great piece of advice you were given

My Granny Mac told mo to iiovor savo anything for host. It you rocoiyo portumo or gorgoous clothos. uso thom right away. and soi/o tho day!

Last time you were star struck Whon Goorgo Michaol camo iiito (BMW. l was a gibboriiig wrock and camo out in our: of thoso non/out; rod rashos. And I almost criod whon kd lang portormod two on my show. It w;

so moving and boautilul. l was a

coiiiploto star struck tan.

First thing you’d do if you ran the country I would omploy a squadron ot

dodicatod oldor ‘.'.'orkors to sort out tho

cloanlinoss of our hospitals and givo thom dignity and a propor \.‘.'ago. I would also domaiid that tho giant corporations who control our oil. gas and oloctiicity plough somo ot thoii‘ prolits back into roduciiig bills for tho oldorly and thoso who can't afford to pay.

First song you’ll sing at karaoke It has to bo ‘l'inally' by Co Co Poniston » camp as Christmas and groat fun to

Next issue out

The Scottish Special

significance in 2009.

It may sound peculiar for a Scottish magazine to be doing a Scottish special, but to mark the 250th anniversary of Burns' birth we debate what it means to be Scottish and ponder the Bard's

Celtic Connections

Next issue we're into the heart of this massive music smorgasboard and the connections include classic dub from Sly & Robbie, cunning Celtic Latin fusion from Salsa Celtica and perfect songcraft

from Martha Wainwright.

88 THE LIST I Ja' L’ "

siiig ospocially if you do tho actions from l‘)."/f§(,‘///(1 Ouoo/i ()i‘ ”it? Dosol'f.

First three words your friends would use to describe you Loyal. gonorous. roliablo.

First thing you think of when you wake up in the morning Bloody holl. it's oarly «I am usually up at


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