
House of Flying Daggers 1 1%.

ooo 1/.11.111;'Y11111111.111111.1/1111111' Kong. 311111) 1.1111'x111 K.1111'\1111o. /11.111-.' /111. \11111 1.111 11‘1111111 \p.11111111111111'111'p11111'1.1111 1K.1111'11111111.1n1111'111|.111) 11.111. .1 \11\p1'1*11'd1111'111111'1111 1111' 1111111131111 1.1111111) 1'111111' 11.1g1'1'1\ 1111.1 H\‘1\1) 111111 \llll1ll\lllj,' 11'111111 (1111-111111' [111'\111ll\ 1111111 111I/1'Iu11K.1111\.1pp1111111111'111 (1111111 11111111.” \1'11111'1111'1.11111111'11 1’.11111l ( 111111'x1' \1'11 11'.11 \1'.1\1111 ///m/111u\1. [din/11111.41 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 I.‘ \1 ooo 1811'11'1181111'1111'11'. 1 8, 311118)11.111111111111111. (1111' 111.1111111'11. K.111'11 \111'11 1.‘.‘ 1111111) 1\ 111.1111) 11.11 1.111111.1111111111111'11111'

111111 111111'\ 111'1 111111-\ 1 .1111'111 111.1811111'1111111111111x1'11x1'1 1111' 1111111'11 111'1111111 1111111~ 1'1111'111.1111 111\1.11 \111111x \1'/1'1 I11/ Ii‘/1'1l\1

Inkheafl11’111. 11.11118111111'}. (i1'1)11.1111/l K/l 8. .‘1X1H11111'1111.11111.111'1. 111/.1111'11111'11.1’.1111111'11.111_1 11111111111 1.1111 8111111'1\11111g \111'111'11.111.1pl.1111111111 (‘111111'|1.11'1111111'\ 111111111'11'x111111'1\1'1'\ 1‘l.1\1'l [11.111 811111111 1.111. .1L.1 81111'11111111111'. 1111'\\1'11\111111111'1|1.1;'11.11.11111111 111 1111111' \111111'\1111111'111 11'.111111;' 1111'111 .11111111 “1111 11.1111'1111'1 \11'1'1'11'1111'11111'11111111111. \111 11.111'111'11‘11111111'111\1'.1111111l [1111/11 .111. .111 11111.11.111'11111111 .\1111|111'1.111'.111111'111.111\1111;' 1'1p1'111'111‘1'1111 .111.1_:'1'\ \1/1'111’1/11/11111’ Journey to The Center of The Earth11’1i1... 11.111‘1111'11171‘8. 31111.8)1111'1111.1111'1.1\1'i._1o\|1|11111'111'1\1111. .I\1111.111111'111 ‘L‘nnn 1'111111.11111 \1111 .11111'1111111'11.111'1111111111'1|.1\\11'.111|1'\ \'1'1111' 1111\1'1 11.1111111‘ 11.111'1 1//11 111111111111 .11 .1 \1'11'111‘1‘ [111111‘\\111 \11111\1' l1'111';‘.1111' 1111‘11111'\ .111'111'1111111'111111'111p1 111 1111' .11'.1111'11111' 1'111111111111111 (111.1111'1p1'11111on 111 11‘1'1.1n11.111' 11111111111'111111111.111111‘1111'11 111.11 11 111111' 1111' 111'111111111133111 111x 111111111'1 111'1'11111'111'.11111111' 1'.|I’l1l'\ \1111411'1‘ .\.1'/1‘1I11/I1'/1'1l\1‘

Killer of Sheep 1 13.1\1 ooooo 1('11.1111'\ 11111111'11. 1'8. 1‘1'771 111'1111 (1.1111' 8.111111'lx. K.I}1'1‘1' \1111111'. (11.1111'\ 111.11‘) 811111111. (11.1111'1 11111111'11'1 \1'111111.1| 1‘17)7 11111.1 ll.lllll.11l\111‘ po111.11.11111 11111.11) .-\lii1‘.1n .1’\1111'111'.111 1111' g1'1x .1 1111 111'11'111111' 11' 11'11'.1\1'. 81'1' 11111'11' 1.1111'1 11.11 .11111'111 11.11111 (1111111111(111'1'111‘1111'11I31'11111/1II11'111/I..1//I/11‘ [1’1'11/ (111‘/1. 1111' 11111111‘111111111' l’Hi1'11/1/1/1' I:1/1/1~111111111'.11111111111'.1\1111111.(11111111111 I‘ll/ll l/11'11I/1'. (i/ilxquu

La Boheme1l'(;)ooo 1111111111 11111'11111'1111. .-\11\111.1/( i1'1111.111\. 311118) .-\1111.1 N1'111'11k11. Rolando \'1|1.1/1111. (11'1111'1' \1111 111'1g1'11 11111111). “111111 11111111'1111111111 1‘1.1\\11‘11p1‘1.1 (ill/1141111 l'l/Ill [hurl/1'. (i/1I11'1111

Lemon Tree 11’(i1 0.. 1111.111R111111. 111.11'1/(11'1111.1111/1-1.1111‘1'_ 311118) 111.1111 .-\1111.1\. 111111111 1.111111. .-\11 81111111.111 11111111111 11111 p11111'1111||_\ .1111'1‘1111g 111.1111.1 1111'\ 1111' 1.111'111 .111.11111'111 111|1\111'1\11'1'11.1 |’.111'\11111.111 111111111 .11111.111 111.11'1 p1111111'1.111.1\.1 11.11.11111' 1111 1111' 1111111111'11 111111 11111111'1 11'1.’111o11\ “111‘” 1111‘ 11'1'1‘1111} .Ipp1111111‘11111‘11‘111‘1‘ 1111111111'1 111.11'1 .\'.1\1111111.11111111111111'1111111 1111111'11 11111111' 111'111111'1\ 1111' 111'1g1111o111'111g 11'1111111 111'1' 3.!1’1111' 111111'1‘1111pp1'111111111). 11111 1111111'1 111 1111' g11111' 8.11111.1 1v\1111.1\\) [11111 11p

.1 \11'1'111111111 11'\1\1.1n1‘1' (11111111111 Ill/11 I’/11’11l/1'. (1.1111(0))


Falklrk Town Hall Falklrk Council

Brideshead Revisited (12A)

Sunday 25”? January 7:30pm Monday 26th January 1 1:00am 7:30pm

The Boy In The Striped

Pyjamas (12A) Tuesday 27th January 7:30pm

Tickets and turther information from The Steeple Box Office or on

the door from FTH Cinema

0 “I 324 506850

46 THE LIST .‘.‘ 11.111 :1 1111131103"

Let’s Talk About the Rain 1 12A) ooo 1:\gn1'\ J.111111. 1'r.1n1'1'. 211118) 11'.111 1’11'111' 11.1111. 1.11111'1 111-11111111/1'. Agncx 1.111111 11111111111 111'11111g111g111'11n1‘1'p1 11.111111131111111. 11111 11111111111; 11111 111'} 111111.111111‘ i111111111'|.11 11'.111111'1 11'111111111 11r111'1 :\§.'.11h1' 11.111111). 11111111'1111111111111'1 111111111111111 11111111'. p.1r111 111.111111111111‘1' 111'r p1111111'.11 1‘.11111111.11'1 .11 .1111'11'1‘111r.11 1.1111 .11111 [1.11111 111111'1p 111'1 11111'1 11111 111r1111g111111'11 1.111' 111111111-1'1 .111.1111 1111' 11111111'111'1'111'1'1 \1111 1111'11111111/1') .11111 111x11111'1‘1111 p.11 111.1111) 111.1111'.111111'111111'111.11_1 .11111111 :\g.11h1' 1111'11 .llll.111‘llll\1l 1111111113:.1111'1‘11'11111 111111.1llll1‘

You r1'.11|1 \11111111111'1 ho111cr I-mpin' ( 111/(hunk. ( 111/chunk,

Milk 1 151.... 1( 1111 \'.111 8.1111.

1'8. 211118181'.111 1’1'1111. 111111 liroIm. 11111111' llirxch 128111111 81'1' r1'111'11. p.1g1' 41 .81'11'1 [1'1/ rt'll'tl\(' Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback 1 151”. 11111'1111.1r 1’11\I/1 .111'1.1 I’.11.11'1o\. (111111.1111/1'8/8p.11n. 3111111) 11111111111 l)o1‘111111'111.1r_1 11'.11uring (i1'r1n.111 cold 11.11 cm 11.11111 1111' Monkx 111111'11 .11 1111' .11111 [11'.1111'x. 1111' 11.11111 r1'11'l1'd 111 111111111111. l1'1'dh.11'11 .111111'11'1‘1r11' 11.111111. producing .111 11nr11.11|cd 111.1rr1.1g1' 111 11111111‘ .11111 .111 (Human I'll/n I'lu'uln'. (11111111111: My Bloody Valentine 1 111’) coo 11’.11r11'11 1,11\111'r. l'8. 3111101 11'1111'11 Acklcs. 1.111111' Klng. Kcrr 81111111 03111111 111'1'1'111 11 11111111111'11111g11 \111‘1. r1'111.11.1'111 111'11 r1'g.1rd1'11 c.1111 8111 11.111. .11111 11.1511 horror. .81'11'1'11'1/ rt'lt'tl.\t'. Mystery Movie 1 13A) 811121111 (11.1xgo11 1'11111 111111.11 111.1r1n 11p 11‘11'1'ning 111 .111 .11 11'1 11nr1'11'.1.\1'11 111111, (11111111111 I‘l/Ill I'hi'uln'.

1'11111p|11'.111on\ (11111111. lull/dung}:

Love and Honour1 12A) ooo 1111.1 \'.1111.111.1. J.1p.111. 31111111 1‘.1k11_1.1 K111111r.1. R1'1 1).111. .\11|\11;'11111 11.111111) 122111111 81'1' .-\1\11 R1'11'.1\1'11. [1.1g1' -1 1 lilm/iuuu'. [climbing/1 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 111;) ”O 11'.111~ 11.11111'11. 1'8. 31111181V1111‘1w111 111'11 811111'1.(‘1111\Ro1‘11. 11.1111181‘111111111111'r. 8.11‘11.1 11.1111i1(‘11111'11 80111111 .»\11'1 1111' 111111 111111'1'11111 811111'11.(111111.1 1111' hippo 1811111111. .‘111'1111.1n 1111' g11’.1111' 181'111111111111'11 .11111 81.1111 1111' /1'11i.1 11(111'1.) .111' p111 1111 .111 1113,3111 11.111. 1111111'11 /111111111111'. 11111) 111 11.1111 1.11111 111:\1111'.1. '1‘111'g111ng 11.11111'1111'1111' 11 1'1p.111111'11. 111111 good 111111'1.111‘1\1 11'111111 1(‘11111'111g1'111ng 1111' 111'11 11111'1 .11111 1111' p1'ng111111 1111' 111'11 1.111ghx “11111'11'11'1 r1111 .11111 11111'1111'1'11'11 poclr). 11111 1\ .1 111'11'111111' [1111\111‘1‘1 (ii'lli'l'll/ I‘i‘lr‘llu’.

Mamma Mia! 11’111 oo 11’11111111.1 1.111111. 118/118. 2111118) M1'1)1 81r1'1'p. 1’11‘1‘1‘1‘ 11111111.111.('111111 111111. 1118111111 A 1111111' 111111' 1111'111111111111111 1111' 1111'111111 ol 111'1 11'.11 1.11111'1 111 1111' 11'.111 11p 111 111'r 111'1111111g 1111 .1 (111'1'11 1x1.11111. 1'.11111111| 111111 .111.1pl.11111n 111 11111.11111.11 .11111 \‘11'11 1".1111 ABBA 1111);; "111111.11 1111'g.11111 111111.111 11.11 1.111 (ilmguu' I‘ll/ll [111111113 8111111111111 .81‘1'1'1'111111' Room. [21/111/111/‘1'11.

Meet Dave 11’(;) oo 111mm R1111111111. 1'8. 3111181 12111111' Murph). 1211/.1111'111 11.11111\. 8111“ ('.1.111. 1111111111. 1&111111' Morph) 111.111 11.11'1' .‘11111g(‘11.1ng. .1 111.11'1'xhip 111.1111' 111 1111' 1111.1g1' 111 11x 1111111.111111' \1/1'111‘.1pl.11111.11\o Murphy 1 111111 11.11 1.111111'111111 12.11111 on .1 11111111111 1111.111' 111\ [11.1111'1. N11“. 11111'111 1|11' l1'.1\1 1'.1g1'1'1_1 .111111‘1p.111'11 1'1'1111111111 1111'1111'111.1 |1111or_1 111'1111'1'11 Morph) .11111 1111‘1'1'1111' 1111.111 R111111inx (Nor/1111 1111111'1 111 111 .\l1'1'1 11.11'1'.


The New Ten Commandments 1 151 ooo 1V.1r111111, 11K. 211118) 1115111111. 1"1'.1111r1' 11111'111111'111.1ry 111.1111' 1'11111'1'111’1'1)’ 11y 81'11111111 lilinniukcrx .1nd .mlsls. including Kcnn) (il1'11.1.1n. I)1111g|.1.\ (iordon, lr11n1' W1'1111 .11111 11111.1 811 11111111. 111 1‘1'11'11r.11111n 111' 1111' 1111111 .11111111'1‘\.1ry 111’ 1111' 1111111'r\.11 111'1'|.1r.111on 111 1111111.1n Righlx. (fling-1111' l'ilm 'I'hc'ulri'. (ilmguu'.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist 113A) m (1’1‘11‘1 81111111. 11.8. 311118) M11‘11.11'| (‘1'1‘.1. K.11 1)1‘11|1111g\, Aaron Yoo. 011111111. 81'1' r1'111'11', p.1g1' -l ’1, (11111711! 1'1'11'1111' [mm ["11 .11) Jun.

Orteo ed Euridice 1.11'1' scrccnlng 1111111 1111' N1'11 York M1'1ropoli1.111 ()p1'r.i 11111111'. A 111-11' pro11111'11on 111(11111‘11'1 .11111111111' or1‘h1'x1r.1 r1'11'lling 1111'' (11'1'1'11 Inylh.

( '1n1'11‘11rlll Run/run Sln'i'l. (iluxgmv; ('umru. I'fili/i/mrgh.

The Orphanage 1 151 0.” 1111.111 Buyonu. 8p.1in, 3111171 111'11'11 Rucdu. 1"1'rn.1n11o(’.1yo. Rogcr 1’r1'n1‘1'p. 1115111111. 1"irx1 111111' dir1'1'1or 11.1)11111.) .11111 produccr (1111111'r111o111'1 '1111111'r1'.111' 1111' 111'11 ghoxl 1111r1' 111' 1111' y1'.1r x11 1.1r. 1..1ur.1 1R111'11.11 11.1.1 r.1i.\1'd in .111 orpl1.1n.1gc .11111 1111 rclurning 111 111'r childhood 11111111' 111111 111'r x1111 8i1non (l’rinccpl mingx 11.111 111 g1'1 crccp): '1111' 1.1')’

l 9111-, " I w ,. r ' ;

g $.34

° ° This year the film strand of th "Mk EaStern Fi'm Fesuval Edinburgh lntemational Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace focuses on the changing character of Iranian cinema, reintroducing some of the most significant works of the last two decades, including the works of auteur directors Bahran Beizai (Bashu, the Little Stranger), Abbas Kiarostami (Where is the Friend’s House?) and Amir Naderi (The Runner), whilst also highlighting the works of female directors such as Rakhshan Bani Etemad (Nargess), Tahmineh Milani (Two Women) and Manijeh Hekmat (Three Women). The war genre is represented in Ebrahim Hatamikia’s powerful The Scent of Joseph ’5 Shirt and as always there’s a fine selection of works from a new generation of filmmakers, including Seyyed Reza Mir-Karimi’s award- winning As Simple As That, Bayran Fazli’s surreal allegory Have You Another Apple? (pictured), Seyfi Teoman’s lyrical Turkish drama Summer Book, Lebanese filmmaker Michel Kammoun’s gritty but playful comedy Falafel. Ticket deals available. Visit and for details.

I Film/muse, Edinburgh from Sat 31 Jan-Thu 19 Feb.

111 1111' \111‘1‘1'xx 111 11111 111111 I\ 1111' 1'11g1' 111 1111' x1211 \1isp1'nsc. .11111 1111'r1'\ 1'11'11 .1 11r1111.1nl 11mg 111 1111' 1.111' I'ilmhi 1.111'. Indirihurgli.

Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid

1118) 1’1'1‘k1np.111. 118. 107111.11111'11'111111rn. th Knxlollcrxon. 111111 1111.111 111(1111111 1111111111 11'r\1on 111 1111' chlcrn l1'g1'11d. 111111 1‘1'1'k111p.111 .11111 \1'r1'1'11v1r111'r Rudy Wurhl/ci r1'.11‘11111g 1111 .1 1111111111. 111111.11 .-\1111'r11'.1n 11.1g1'd1 \'1'.1r\ .1111'1 1111‘” work 11.15 11‘ 1‘11111‘11 h) 1111‘ \llldli). 1111‘ 111111 11.11 r1'11or1'11 111 1111' 11111'1'1111'11'111 1111.111 1.1111 11111 11.1111 1111111111 111111 11.11111}: .1 111'1‘1'111 11.111 .11 .11‘1111g |'.1r1 111 1’1'1'k1np.1h \1'.1.\on. I-ilmhouu'. I'llmhurgh.

Quantum of Solace 1 13A) coo 1111.111' 1'11i\11'r. l1K/l'8, .‘111111'1l1.11111'|('1.11g. (1|g.1 Kurylcnko. M.111111'11 .-'\111.’1|111~ 1115111111 Quantum 11/ 811/1111' 11.1111 v11111 .1 1r.1d1'111.111. .11‘111111 11'11111'111'1' 111111111111: 11111 111111111111. n111111'r .1roun11 11.1mm 111.1111 ,11111 1111'11 pro1‘1'1'dx 111 gump 1ron1 11111' 1111111 111.111111111'1. 11111111' 111111111g 1111111ig11 1111111111111 11111' pngt'x 111 .1 mod l1ro1‘11ur1' A 111.1]111 p|111 11 .1\111.11r11'\1urn.111111' 1111.1111 111111111111‘ (ir1'1'n1', 111'.1d 111 .111 11ig.1111\.111o11 11111111 1'xpl1111.\ 1'111'rgy lt‘\11lll’1‘t'\ 1111 1‘111.1111'1.11 .11111 po|1111‘.11 g.11n 111111.1r1' 111'1111111 .111 .1’\1111'r11'.1n .1ppro1'1'd coup 111 1111111'1.1 Al111o11gh 1111' 111'1'r.1r1'111ng 1111'1111'1 .111' 111111g11111g, 1111111' 111 1111' plol [1011118 111111"! 111.1111' 111111'11 \1'1111' ('mrworldRun/r111 Slrrrl, (11111.1:1111'. ('urm'n. Iii/mlmrgh.

Rachel Getting Married 11%)

O” 111111.1111.1n 111'1111111'. 118. 3111111) Annc 11.1111.1w.1y. R11s1'111.ir11' 1)1'W111. 111.11111'1 /.11'111'1. 1 12111111. 81'1' r1'v11'11‘. p.1g1' -l.‘.. (‘iric'wurlll Rc'njn'w Slrc'c'l. (11111111111;

( 'urm'u. Iii/Ilihurgh.

The Reader 1 151 C”. (811'pl11'11 I).1ldry. 118/(11'r1n.1ny. 2111181 Ralph 1'11'11111'1. K.111'W1111|1'1. 11.11111 K1111.» 121111111. 111.1 chl (11'r111.111 1own .11 1111' 1'1111 111 1111' 1115111. 15 y1'.1r 11111 Mi1'11.11'| (Kroxsi 11.1111 .1 (13188111113111' .111.11r wilh 11.1mm (Winxl1'1 1. .1 1r.1n1 1'111111111‘111r 11111r1' 111.111 11111'1' 1111 .1g1'. 11111 .1111'r .1 11'w 11111111111. 11.11111.1 11111111'1111' disappcurx, .11111 11's .111111111 .1 111'1‘.1d1' 111'111r1' M11'h.11'| \1'1'5 111'r .1g.11n. 111' 11111 111111' 111' l\ .1 1.111' sludcnl .11111 1111' 18 11.11111111g 1r1.1| 1111' war 1‘r11111's. (ii'm'ml rrli'mi'.

Revolutionary Road 1 15)

0”. 18.1111 Mcndcs. 118/UK. 211118) Iconurdo |)1('.1pr1o. K.111' W111xl1'1. K.11hy 11.11111. 1 19111111. 81'1' r1'111'11. p.1g1' -l I. I'ilrnlimui'. Ink/inhurgh.

Rivals 1 15) O. Uncqucx M.1111ol. 1'r.1nc1'. 211118) 1"r.1n1'11is('111/1'1. (111111.1111111' (‘.1n1'1. Maric 1)1'n.1rn.111d. 1117111111. 11.111'11 1111 1111' .11111111111gr.1phic.1l 11111111 by M11‘h1'1 .11111 Bruno 1’.1p1'1 [1111.1 I"r1'r1'.1 ["111 1C 'I'ruuml, Riva/.1 is 1111' \lory 111‘ two 11r111111‘rx 111 1.111' 19711.1 Lyon, onc .1 cop, 1111' 1111111 .1 1'r11111n.1|. thn (i.1hric| (( '111/1'1) 18 r1'lc.1.\1'd 1111111 1.111 MIN .1 11'11 ycnr strclch, 1111' 1or1111'r pimp 11 51111 .11111rcd 11y 1111 ailing 1.11111'r. 11111111 1111111' irri1.111on 1111115 youngcr policc 11181101111! sibling Francois 1('.1nc1). ('umru, Ifdinhumh.

Role Models 1 15) O. 11).)1’111 Wain. [18. 211118) ('11r11111pl11'r M1111/ Plussc. 11111111'1' .1. '1'1111111px1111. 1';11/.1l1c111 11.111115. 91111111. 'I'Wo cxciluhlc cncrgy drinks rcps, l).11111y (Rudd) .11111 thclcr 181'11111 .1rc lorccd 111 1111'11111r Irouhlcd youlhs or 1.11'1' 1.111 lor rccklcss driving. l).1nny looks .11‘11'r .1 11'1'11.1gcr who 11 111111 1ncdicv.1l rolc playing (Mllll/ Plum) w111111 thclcr 11.15 his 1111) with .1 11111111111111111'11 |11~yc.1r—old Ronnic (1111111151111). ('111' pucrilc .11111 Icwd 11ch.11'iour. (irm'rul n'li'uxi'.

The Romance of Astrea and Celadon 112A) oooo 11ir1c Rohnicr, Francc/lluly/8p.1in, 211117) Andy (iillc1. 81cph.1nic (‘ruycncoun (‘ccilc (11.1w. 1119mm. Romancc 11c1wccn .1 xlicphcrd (‘éladon 1(iillc1) and 1111'ph1'rdcxs Axlréc 1111' (‘rziycncour1 .11 the lime 111'1111' Druids. Anolhcr 1U811 and youthfully 11p1iinixic roniunccr l‘roin aging 11121816! 1"r1'nc11 lilininukcr Rohmcr. (i/uxgim- I'i'lm 'I'limln', (iluxguw.

Screaming Masterpiece 112A)

.0. (Ari Alcxundcr/liric Mugnusson, Icclan11/l)c111ark, 211115) 18711111). A look .11 1hc Icelandic music indu.~.1ry from 11.1 roots in ccccmric inclodics and ancient poc1ry, through 111 modem electronic... thrash metal,