wysw.iist.c‘c‘.tzk film

Sigur Rns and lljnrk A unique piece nI musical histnry recnrded in an inspiratinnal documentary endnrsed by the likes nl l'Ixi l'ighters and Darwin Albarn Izzlinhurgli I‘llfll (I'm/(l. Inhnhurg/i

The Secret Garden It'i m (Agnies/ka llnlland. l'S. I‘I‘HI Kate Maberly. Maggie Smith. Jnhn l.y'nch l02mrn. 'lbe unusual cnmbinatinn nl the directnr nl Izumpu [cum/m and the writer nl [Ll/HUN] .SI tunrhrmrly cntispires IIi create all authentic and allecting yersinn nl the children's classic nnyel Shipped back lrnni India. lnnely nrphan Mary (Maberley) makes lriends with a lncal lad and her sickly cnusin. exerting a magical recuperatiye pincess nn the latter and reyealing a hidden walled garden 'lnuchiiig and uncnntriyed. ('inenurlil I’urltlinul. (iluygmi.

Seven Pounds ( llAi O.

((iabriele Muccinn. l'S. 3008) Will Smith. RIisarin l)awsnti. WIxidy llarrelsnti. 125mm. Despite a prnmisiiig pre credit sequence in which Smith‘s character lien 'lliniiias declares he's gning tn cnmiiiit suicide. this is a huge disapixiintment As an IRS inspectnr Wllll a pnsitiye iiiissinii we see him berate a blind Wnndy llairelsnn. audit a sick Rnsarin l)awsnn and slinw puppy eyes at his girllriend (Lee). The film‘s Ilistributnrs asked critics tint tn rey'eal 'the twist' it's iint wnrth knnwing. (ii'm'ml release

Sex Drive ( l5) . (Seat) Anders. HS. 2009) Jnsh luckerinan. Amanda ('rew. ('lark l)uke. Katrina llnwden. l0‘)min. Determined tint tn start cnllege a y irgin. semi nerdy teenager Ian (/iickcrman) driyes acrnss cnuntry In bed a red lint babe he met nii the internet named Ms 'l‘asty (llnw den). lttlt lttkes his best pal. Ille Iibtttixititis chubster Lance (Duke). and unrequited childhood sweetheart. (iIiIli git'l l'elicia ((‘rew). nn the mad with hiiii. A prick tease and cnp nut (it a mny ie with nn innney slint (iI'ItI'I‘u/ release.

Sex and the City: The Movie I IS) on (Michael Patrick King. IS. 2008) Sarah Jessica Parker. Kiiii ('attrall. ('yiithia Nixnn. lslSmin. A tcw years nn lrniii packing away the series. the characters are back and lleshed nut. the individual angst nl’ each wniiian realised ennugli tn engage ey en the hardened cynics. l.ike lite hnw ey er. the lilrii isn't perfect. the beginning recap is clumsy. the ending is rushed. and the versinn nl' l'etninist pnwer and lemale snlidarity the lilm peddlcw is slightly simplistic. Ilriuitmi 'I'Iieutre. lat/iriluug/i. Shrelt the Third ((1).. I('tiris Miller. US. 2007) Viiic‘es Iil‘ Mike Myers. liddie Murphy. ('ainernn l)ia/. Justin 'l‘iinberlake. litldie Murphy. Antnnin Bandcras. 92min. The green ngre (yniced by Myers) was away lrnin parental and l‘tiytll respnnsibility In gn nn a jnurney with lnyal cniiipaiiinns l)nnkey (Murphy) and Miss in llnnts (Banderas) In seek nut annlher heir In the thrnnc ('l'imberlake). The third instalmetit nl this blockbuster phenniiiennn l’ecls a bit l'nrniulaic nnw but there are enough lnw-brnw jnkes In keep under educated children entertained. Iz'riipi're

( 'li'I/I'hu/ik. ( 'ly'delmnk.

Slumdog Millionaire ( t5) .... (Danny llnyle. [TK/l'S. 2008) Irl'an Kalin. Anil Kapnnr. l)ey l’atel.

l20rniii. Adapted l'rnin Vikas .S'warup's nnyel Qcfixl by .Simnn Beatil'ny. llnyle's lilin chronicles a Mumbai street urchin (Ski/13' l)ey' l’atel) whn makes it In the linal rnund of India‘s yersinn nt Wlm Wants to he :I Millimitii'ref’. Alternatiyely hilarinus and heart wrenching. grimly realistic and dream-like. romantic and resnlutely nnn— sentimental. watching .S’liumlug Millinnuire feels like watching six films at nnce. See prnlile. page 4 I. General release.

Space Chimps (ll) 0. (Kirk t)c- Miccn. US. 2008) Vnices ul‘ And) .S‘amber. (‘heryl llines. JelT Daniels. 80min. ()ii the whim nl~ a sinister senatnr ('l‘ticci i. llam lll (.S‘amberg) - the circus perl'nrmer grandsnn nl‘ nne of the first chimpan/ees in space is sent into nrbit tn retrieve a missing satellite. With endless monkey and banana puns and bog-standard aniinatinn. Space ( 'Iiinips is strictly for easily pleased little mnnkeys. Vue Edinburgh ()eeun. Edinburgh.

Space Station 30 (l I lntii \lyeis. ('aiiada/l 'S. 300‘) Alfimin \airated by lI'tlI (rinse, this big screen l\1v\.\ presentatinii lnllnws real .isttnnauts intn the big blue Impressise. but tint as awesniiie as it \llttlllil liaye been Ill-H' Illi'tl/ll, (Ill/scum The SpiritIIJAIOO Il tank \lillei IS. 3003) (iabticl \laclit. Samuel l Jacksnn. Scarlett lnhanssnn lttlmiii l)isapixiinting adaptatinn nt \\ill I mm s legendary suix-ihcrncnmic serial lt Links gnnd btit it's Iairly incnmptelicnsible and the dialngiie is really lame plus plinned in [x-rlnrmances Irnin Jac ksnii and Jnliaiissnn really dnn't help SI In In! It lnin Star Wars: Clone Wars «Pt I. C. (l)ayel'i|nm.l \.:l)llt\l\Iilcc'inl .Slatt l.antei. Samuel l. .lacksnn. ('hristnphci |.ee ”3mm l mpeini l’alpatme. ('nuiit |)nnkii and ( iencial (iiieynus are pnised tn title the galaxy lhe tiniyerse rests iii the hands nl the Ildllll‘.‘ Jedi Knights. led by ;\ll.Iktll Skywalkei and ()bi Wan Kc‘iiiilii. alnng with brand tiew llt‘ltK'S sticli .is .»\nakiii‘s padawaii learner. Allstikit l.|kc‘ lllc‘ ttiIiIt' tt‘cc'til .SIIII llirn lilins. this is Iaiily tedinus stull. but it is nicely animated and laiis will pinbably Inxe tI (iI’Inii’IiuL (i/Iis.:uii

Straw Dogs I tsi O...

l’eckitipali. l‘ls'. l‘)7l ) l)ustin llnllinan. .S'usan (ienigc. l)a\ id \\ainei llein :\ mild mannered '\lllL'llc'.IlI and his langlisli wile mnye tn lici ('ninisli liniiietnwn. nnly In liase yinleiice tlaie up l,nng taiieIl with the 'gratuitniis‘ biiisli. l’eckinpali's cnnteiiipniaiy liniini/tliiillei still retains its pnwei l’att nl l’ec kiiipali scasnti. I‘I/III/IUUH’, Iii/iIi/ime/I The Tale of Despereaux It) 000 (Sam l‘cll/Rnbet‘t Stc‘sc'iili;i§_'c‘ii. Ills/l S. 3003) V'Iiic‘c's nl l)ustm llnlltiian. \lattliew llrndertck. l'.llllll;i \Vatsnii ‘Hiiiin lliitisb animated leatiiie abnut tlie nicdieyal


adyciilures nl a ”nurse. a rat and a seiyaiit girl. .S/IIIHI Ilyi' ('i/ieimi. ’Iiis/n. ’(lI\/I'\. lite lat/iii/iiug/i ()I III”. la/iIi/iu/e/i

Taxi DriverI IIS') ...” (Martin .S'cnrsese. l'S. |‘)7(i) Rnbert |)e \iin. (‘ybill Shepherd. Jndie l'nstcrx ll~lmin .\ re issue nl the nnw classic stniy nl an alienated tasi Ilriy er iii New Ynik is sn repelled by the squalni and the innial decay ainund liiiii that be Is driseii tn terrible y inleiice ()iie nl the key lilms nl the sesenties with the .Scnrsese l)e Nitn partnership at its peak l’llll ttl Sllttl'l Slglllc‘tl ()sc‘ttl' sc‘ttintl I'i/m/inuse. InliIi/mrg/i.

Throne of Blood (l’(i) O... (:\kita Kurnsawa. Japan. l‘l57) 'lnsliiin \lilunc. lsu/u Yaiiiada. .Slinnru ('liiaki. lllltlllll. li's Shakespeare's Scnttisli play. Japanese style. as samurai .‘\liluiie is spurred nn by his w He and the spirits tn murder his best Iriend and then his master. :\lthnugli the baiest plnt and striking Images icinain limit the Iirigiiial. Ktii‘nsaysaiK atiiinsplicric settings in mist—slii’nuded lnrests giye the Iilm a brnnding pnw er. lzili'n/iiu'gli l'l/III (iiu/il. I'fi/ililiii/jc'li.

Times and Winds I IS) ooooo (Relta lzrdem. 'l'urkey. 3mm :\li Bey ls'ayali. ()Ikan ()Ieti. l'.l|l lscaii. llZmiii. laidem's inagiiilicent wnrk prnyides a striking \ Isinn nl childhnnd in a iiinuntainnus .'\ll;tl()ll;tll y'illage ny erlnnking the Aegean Sea. (‘Iiltc‘etllt'ttllltg (ill the c‘\pc‘rlettc‘es til (I ”III nl pre pubescent adnlcscents within this patriarchal cnmmunity. where inndern lechnnlngies are nnticeably absent. religinn and nature are billed as the nnly lnrces guiding the rnutines nl the area's inhabitants, Directed with cnmpletc assurance. this is a lilm tn saynui. (iltisgim I'i/m I'III‘IIII'I‘. (”Ingrid

To Get to Heaven First you Have to Die ( l5) .... (Jamshed l'sninnny. Rtissia/l‘rance/l'aiikistan/( ieriiiany /Sw it/ei la nd. 200m ls'hurshed (inlibekny. I)iiiara Drukarnya. Marni l’ulnd/nda. 05mm l'stnnnny 's maclin but engaging. quirky and darkly litiiiinrnus tale nt irnpnteiice and iiialia initiation chrnnicles 30-year nld Kaiiial ((inlibekny ) w linse iiiipntence since marriage has led him nn a Inurney nI snrts In the reginn. With little In dn he hangs arnund the tnwn w atchiiig wnmeii and attempting In kick start his libidn. ’l‘hen nne day he meets \'era (l)nikarnyai. But with Vera cnmes her psy chntic petty thiet

lltlsl‘.:l7\l‘llttlIKl/Iisls. lr .\ .. / ,. [MIN/I (yi.,\_'.r.-.

Tout Va Bien~is O... t..:~ t (iIKlalxl lc'.ill l’lc'llc' ( imtt'! lI.:I.ct‘ l'.:.

l‘I '.‘. \ \es \li‘lillalitl l.n.el -r..l.. \

(apiiuli ‘"inn. hwdaml llicsli'JlCS '92. lailtitcs ml the \las l‘I“S .le1:.~i.s':a?:~:‘s Ileliyet l.t\lttl‘.' \ lianz'e tliiwti-‘T‘. .d esaniinatn n (it a .siitk'ii.‘ c".il‘lc' If. ma stiilc Iniced In re ..ss. .. 1?...i

aspiratinns and sens.~ . t‘tnisis. ():,.~

(iislatil s s.'ltitti.:l t‘wlzltcai '.st~'ks Iii/rituals: /..’/ri/':u qr; Nilight‘ E_‘\... i( .tt:.'ii'..'

ll.tlil\\lcl.('.l S .‘IN'M l\t1-7ct \l.".s.:7' Ruben l’attnisnn laslnil tttlllc'l l‘7zi '7. lliis .idaptatiwn (it \l.'l‘l!.;il7c \l. \ainpne tiiltldllcc' iinyql I.'lls the .mnai' ‘. .tj.'c sluts ml llella Swan '\l\"s‘-.tli

l iiliapp'ly decanted tinni \7l/I'Il.: .~.11".'..' dad ( liailie illinkw

existence istianstniined when ".211; n.

l‘lclla s linnidrnii.

ltl\\tll\li\ 'l’attinsnni sitts‘t;u~‘.‘.ci Iinni gettinr ssllllSlls'Il by a na. i. Sli. snbsctpiently talls under I dwaid is'ii .ztl‘ llllU \t'lllllcl with 's.tll|'ll\ ‘..itli}‘ttc‘ 7. (it III Iii/ II /I us; Underworld 3: Rise of The Lycans ll" .. Il’altick latiilmnlnis l S .‘HH‘II \licliael Slieen Hill \iz'liy \litta llt.‘tnin Sec \lsiI ls’elcasetl pan l~ (ii'm I..’/ II /I (is: Valkyrie i l.‘ \i .... ‘l‘il'iat. Sitiz'erl Stieiniany ‘0th luni ('inise. lscniietli lll.lll.i"ll l’iill \l‘.'lt'. l.‘0miii Sec ie\iew_ page L7


and tcatnie page lll (n II! III/ II II (in

Vertigo Il’(ii ”000' \llied lllls li. I». l. l S. l‘l\Si laines Stewart lsnn \wsal. Ilaibaia llel ( icddes l.‘Sniin l)etec ll\c' Stewart. .i iiiati altaid nt lieix'lits talis I7!

lnye with a wnnian wlin .ippaiently . nnniat-

suicide \\ lien he meets liei dnnble. lie l‘c‘citlllc's Iilisc‘ssc'cl \stllt lllc tt-tssilttlth '.l'..:7 she is still .iliyc l\lt.titltlll1.il_\l‘litlllllt'lti this Iindeiyaliied llitclicn. l. stnds n! rniiiaiitic mania. with Stewart Illc'lttitldl‘l‘s cast .I_‘.'.tIIIsl type .is the distinctly en the edge cnp llie lleinaid lleiiniann scnie Is siiiitiltanenusly lush and distiiibinz' l’ait w: Slinit Sighted ( )sc.” seasnn IIIIH/IIMIH li/Hi/iiuzjli

Villu I|’(ii Il’iabliu l)e\a Stindaiain India 1000) \iiay. \ayantaia l‘_‘niin

acliiitl/ciitlictly (Ill! mil/(l /\'I I3":

lannl (ll/(i\'\'I)H

Volver ( l5) .... Il’cdin \lni-nlnxai Spain. 3000) l’cnelnpc ( ‘rn/.( ainien \lauia. l nla l)ueiias_ lllanca l’nitilln, Ynliaiia ('nbn with his ( 'aiiiies llll and ltitli llllll. \kltlx ll

lllmin \lmndnyai ietnzns sees .i career high ltnm ( 'iii/ in a \ |\ Id and intricate tale nl wntiien Iinin tliiec gctieratinns (it niic laiiiily it I lu'iu/asuxl. w. t l‘) ... Illltyci Stntie.l S. .‘Hl'\' Jnsli llinlin. .laiiies ('inniwell lli/ahetli Hanks l_‘7)inin that suggests ‘any bny can g'rnw up h- be

llie \inetican apliI ‘llslli

president' is blandly dianiatzsed in Stnne s niittagenusly tnncd and pulled up lll'li 'iie lllsl lttitttlc‘ lIi c'IittsIIlc't llic‘ lllc stniy Iil .: sitting l S president linlin plays ( ic‘IiI'.'.' \\ llush Jr. a liaid diiiikinz‘ Iiatbny \‘.ll-'. attci lliitatinns with spniting junnds and the ..;1 business. snmelinw ends up lc‘.ttll1l.' lns cntmtiy iiitn a war iii a bid tn appease liis lallict \iu III/liliiilajli (I. rm. line/i l‘ 7: WALL-E (l t.... \ndiew Stantnn t's. jnnsi \cht's at tied \\lll.tlil. lcll (iailin. llcii lluitt li classics linin the l‘NiHs and "tie I’isai

ltliinin Inspired by sti

hayc created .i pnst apncalyptic stniy set it. a lutuie in which the l aitli has been abatidnned by humankind. wlieic a snlitaiy rnbnt named \\ \|.l. l esccntcs his new pnintless trash cnllectiiie pineianime -\t1ls heart this is a yeiy sweet inniantic cninedj.

and that‘s what pruy ides the cmntinna L'lttlll (llllHl’I/IlI‘ll/1.“!Ilti’ (lilti'\\‘l'i'. ('im'iiu/M [thrilling/'1

Waltz with Bashir« Is) 0... \n l‘UlIttdll. lsiael (ieiinaiiy l iance, 300M \Iitccs HI ls’nii Hen \ isliai. Runny Maya: -\ri lnlman ‘Hiinm abnnt war. selcc‘tiye amnesia and the

lliis animated teatiii;

hidenus genncide cnniinitted by ( linstian militiamen nn l’alestiiiian retugee camps in

Sabra and .Shatila during the 1713‘: lcbanese

War is mnre nptiinistic than it wands l:liciting rate and paiiitul tintlis. l-nlinan s

‘I' Where Is My Friend‘s House? 1

.... ‘\"" l‘s «\ l‘kd‘.‘ ‘\' ll .\ X .l' l\" ll S‘ \- ’\ liw':..-. w \\ ‘li "1.7. l'\ ..

The Wild Bunch ~ 0.... llfl: i' 'l-' ls‘ 'ls. b :\l

ll \\ ;~ 7. "i i l:." l' l. i".

The Wrestler O...

l‘.:i' '\' -' i. S V)" \l:. ls' .... \l {3‘ ls'i.‘i i\\. I" -. l’ l‘ ils’wiiH takiz. .. .st. shin: \ wninzd ini= 7.3. Il.lll|.l ls’a " . lint. :::l:.' 7I'."" '. (I lttitlal it'll l. III i ll)! ..H at» 7&3le Yes Man ‘x .0. l‘ l\ .IIH‘ l't‘.l.7' .’. 1* Sas'... \le~.:'.l' '.I-7.:li‘. .7].l. .1 J 3. liI.'. i l).ttill‘.\\.tll.i.. 'iwwi .7 (.7 i7'7t‘

