
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days betore publication to suzannteist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Activities and Fun

FREE Saturday Art Club Sat 24 (S; 3| Jan. l0, 30am Iprri. (iallcry oi Modcrn Art. Royal szcharigc Squarc. 22‘) |‘)‘)(i. Art actrsitics nrrr by a drilcrcnt art cducator cach wcck. w itlt drawing. collagc. sculpturc making and gariics. l’arcrits can gct sttrck in too. Agcs 3 I2. FREE Back to the Drawing Board Sun 25 Jan is Suit I l’cb. 2 3.30pm. Muscuiii oi 'l‘ransport. Kclyin Hall. I


lilltthritlsc Road. 237 205 I_ l)rtip ”1“)th rnuscurn and hay c itrn at this crcatiy c workshop whcrc you cart skctch sonic oi thc obiccts on display

FREE Baking Made Easy Sat 24 Jan. I” l l,_3i|atti. Scotland Slrcci School Muscum. 225 Scotland Strcct. 2S7 0500 (ict your hands mcssy Icarnmg how to rnakc all sorts oi goodrcs. such as mcrmgucs. tarry cakcs. tam tarts. paricakcs and potato sconcs. l’arcnts cart gct stirck in too. Agcs 8+ I’lcasc book iii adyaricc.

FREE Rails and Sails Weekend 2009 Sat 24 d; Strn 25 Jan. Sat

I0am 4pm; Stiri I lam 4pm. Must-um oi

'l‘rarisport. Kclyiri Hall. I Bunhotrsc Road.

287 2720. (ict oitt oi thc Ircc/mg wintcr‘ wcathcr and cnioy a wcckcnd oi iritcractiyc transimrtrthcmcd llill.

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Fri 23 & Sat 24, Fri 30 & Sat 31 Jan

Scotland’s national poet penned some ripping yarns in his time. But getting your head, and your tongue, around the language of Robert Burns isn’t always easy - especially when you’re wee. Actor, writer and director, Andy Cannon is well versed in the work of the Scottish bard, having tackled his Tam O'Shanter four years ago to great acclaim.

Best known as one half of the wonderful Wee Stories theatre company,

Cannon has teamed up with folk musician Wendy Weatherby to present Oor

Rabbie, an hour of interactive storytelling theatre. ‘For me, Rabbie Burns is a storyteller first and foremost,‘ says Cannon. ‘And I think the fact that he tells such good stories in his poems is the reason they lend themselves to theatre. You’re not taking a poem and wondering how an audience is going to relate to it or how children are going to connect with it.’

Aimed at ages 8-adult, the show features a number of Burns’ poems, with

a splash of background info. And as far as Cannon is concerned, the stories

are ideal for younger audiences. ‘Rabbie’s work is very child-friendly,’ he says. ‘There’s not a child around who doesn‘t feel sony for the mouse that’s chucked out of his home in To a Mouse. And even the more adult poems like Tam O'Shanter or Holy Willie’s Prayer, are great stories that you find

yourself getting drawn into.’

Wee Stories are known for their clear, captivating performance style something Cannon has carried over into his project with Weatherby. ‘The first thing we do in Wee Stories is entertain ourselves, and that's true for Wendy and I too,’ he says. ‘I love doing Rabbie Burns and because we want children in the audience, we’ve made sure the show is accessible and

entertaining for them.’ (Kelly Apter)

including modcl boating a mic on a miniaturc stcam railway

FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club Sat 24 Jan. l0 .30am Kclyrngroy c .-\rt (iallcry is Muscum. Argylc Strcct. 27b U599 (iallcry tours. spccirncn handling. hands on actiyitics and garncs ’l'his scssron iociIscs on c\tinct crcaturcs .-\gcs S 12

FREE Prints Made Easy Sat 24 Jan. I30 3pm. Scotland Strcct School Mitscum. 225 Scotland Strcct. 2S7 0500 ’l‘akc a iuri tour oi thc inuscurn as a iarnrly. thcri dcsign and rrtakc your own Mackintosh stylc prints. .-\gcs 5+ l’Icasc book in atlyancc.

FREE Celtic Connections Workshops Sat 24 Jan. ‘1. to (i. topni 'lilt‘kt‘lt'tl. (‘(':\. 350 Saucliicliall Slt‘ccl. .352 4900. A oncoii workshop rrt bo\ playing tor young pcoplc

Little Explorer Days: Wrinkle Time ch 28 Jan. Iiiam 2pm. Includcd in admission: £7.95 (£5 ”5) (ilasgow Scit‘ttcc ('cntrc. 5|) l’acrlic ()tlay. (LS-7| 5-10 l000. Songs and storrcs about sparkly things with a hclping hand Ir‘orri Bcnuy

thc puppct. Agcs 2 5.

Theatre & Dance

The Magic Horse Sat 24 Jan. 2pm. £4.95 icltildrcn £4.75l. Scottish Mask and l’uppct ('cntrc. ti I0 Balcarrcs Aycnuc. Kcly'indalc. 33‘) (ilti5. Yugcn l’uppcts prcscnt thc Scottish talc iii a young man who cschangcs his old ritarc tor a black stallion, which lcads him on a qucst to wirt thc hand oi a lowly pririccss.

Three Wishes Sat 3| Jan. 2pm, {-1.05 ichildrcn [4.75). Scottish Mask and l’uppct ('cntrc, 8 I0 Balcar'rcs Ay cnuc. KL‘lVllltlfllL‘. 33‘) (i185. 'l’hc woodcuttcr and his Wilt‘ arc grtitlicd Iltrcc w'isltcs by thc Magic (irccn Mart. but thcy don’t hall rnakc sonic i'trnny choiccsl l’ayla's l’trppcts prcscnt this light-hcartcd talc. I'ollowcd by an adaptation oi Martin Waddcll's charming. (an 't lim S/m'p [iii/P Ifr'rll‘. Ages 3+.


Activities and Fun

After School Craft Club Inc 27 Jan & 'l'uc 3 l'cb. 4 5pm. £33 for 5 wccks. Imagination Workshop, I30 Marchriiorit Road. 466 ()I48. 'l‘ic-dyc. I'cIt-rriaking. dccopatching. origami and pupix-t-rnaking arc among thc actiy'itics on olicr at this al‘tcr school spccial. Agcs 5+.

Saturday Art Club: Sculpture 1 Sat 24 Jan 8; Sat 3| Jan. Sat Iliam noon & |.3() 3.30pm. £40 (U0). National (iallcry oi~ Scotland (‘oiiiplcx. ’l'hc Mound. (324 (i200. l.carn clay modcllirig and caning tcchnitiucs with artist Rachci ()‘Ncill. Morning scssion agcs 5 7. aitcrnoon scssion agcs 8 l I.

Saturday Studio: Watercolour Sat 24 Jan & Sat 3| Jan. l.30 4.30pm. £40 (£10). National (iallcry' oi Scotland ('omplcs. 'l‘hc Mound. 62-1 (i200. l)c\‘clop your cyc l'or sccing and painting with watcrcolours. lncludcs Visits to scc and discttss thc cxhibitions Turn” in January. Thi' Intrmutr' l’nrrrur'l and 1714' [slant/wry: An Introduction. Agcs l I I5.

FREE Real Life Science: Plant Hunter Sat 24 .lari. noon 3pm. Royal Botanic (iardcn. 20a lnycrlcith Row. 552 7 | 7 I. (io on a plant hunting cxpcdition and Icarn what botanists look i’or. Agcs 8+.

FREE Turner Drop-In Workshops with James Mayhew Sat 24 (C; Sun 25 Jan. 2.!5 4pm. Wcston Link. llawthorndcn lccturc 'l’hcatrc. National (iallcry'. the Mound. (12-1 (i560. llclp author Jamcs Mayhcw crcatc a giant 'l'urncr storm. complctc with lightning and crashing waycs. Ai'tcr. Jamcs will sign copics ol' his ncw book. Kurir' (rm/1hr British A rtt’sts.

FREE Garden Birds Sun 25 Jan.

I 3pm. Royal Botanic (iardcn. 20a Im'crlcith Row. 552 7l7l. Icam about thc birds in thc (iardcns and how you can encourage birds to feed and ncst in your own garden. With thc (iardcn Rangcrs.

FREE Chinese New Year Plant Trail Sat 3| Jan. I 3pm Royal Botanic (iardcn. 20a lnycrlcith Row. 552 717I l‘ollow .i trail through tlic (iardcns to discoycr sonic ('htncsc plants and dim irscs l‘hcn gct stuck into sonic craity .tctiyitics inspiicd by your irrids

FREE Art Cart Sun I Sal 2S l'cb. Iliain 4 30pm \atronal \lirsctiin oi Stttllalltl. (‘lldllll‘k‘l‘s Silt‘t‘l. .3-3 -l»l_‘.‘ (it‘I arty with a rangc oi cralty at ll\ itics Matcrials .ttc proyidcd l't‘l childrcn oi .iII


Wansgression Sessions Sal ll .l.itt. .S'prn {5 lraiisgrcssion \kaic l’aik. ()ccaii lt‘llllllldl. l cith. 55‘ 3‘55 liyc music at lransgicssion Skatc I’ark (‘licck w w w tr.iiisgrcssronscssitins co itk ior linc tip dctails .-\gcs So Strictly no alcohol

Theatre & Dance

The Singing Kettle: Musical Toyshop l‘lI 23 Strri .‘5 .laii. l‘II Iiiarn .\ 2pm; Sat ll.tnl tk 2pm. Sun noon .\ 3pm (It) itarnily tickct t~ Km l‘t'sll\.tl lhcatic. l V2" \lt‘tilsttlt Sllt‘t'l. ‘7)” Nil“ ()lt tlt‘al. all ilic toy tlcliycrics Iiayc bccri dclayctl’ (‘i||a. .'\l‘llt'. ( iar‘y and km in arc going to ttt‘t‘tl ltt'lp In siik‘k Iltc sllt‘lyt‘s. display all thc toys and gct rcatly ior thc .lllI\.Il oi .i inystcry gucst

Oor Rabbie l'll 2 3 .\ Sat .‘-| Jan .\ ll! 30 t\ Sat 3| Jan. lit/Sat 7pm iSat Ill.il 3pm). [S lib; iamily tickct t‘I-li Scottish Stor'ytcllmg('critrc.~13 45 High Sticct. 55b ”57”. l‘tkillsll Notion lhcatrc prcscnt a lariuly Ii‘icndly look at Robcrt Btrrns‘ bcst known works through rccrlatioris. music and stoi'ytclirng tht-atrc .-\gt's Sr Scc pr'cy icw.

L’Heure Du Conte Sat 3-1 Jan. I la!” £5. lristrtirt l'r‘ancais d'lzcossc. I 3 Randolph (‘r'cscan 225 5 3hr) Story oi a rabbit and his ir‘icnds rcad by Luna (‘Iaika and pcrlorrncd by thc pirppct company l,c l’ctit Mondc. lri l'lt'llt‘ll and liriglish. suitablc Ior agcs it


FREE Illustrated Storytelling with James Mayhew Sat 2| tk Sun 25 Ian. I. it) 2pm. National (iallcr'y oi Scotland ('omplcs. ‘l'hc Mound. (i2-I (i200 ('ornc and ltcar stor‘rcs oi Katic's adycnluit's through ’l’ur'ricr”s paintings. tlicn scc thcrii illustr‘atcd bciorc your cycs by thc book's author. Jamcs Mayht-w. .-\gcs 5 i.


Burns for Bairns Sat l-i .\ 3! Jail.

2. 30pm. U ([3). Scottish Stor'ytcllirig ('t‘ttlt'c. ~13 4.5 lllglt Slt'ct‘l. 550 057‘) Burns ior‘ w cc pcoplc and thcir iarrirIit-s will! sitirylt'llct' Robbtc l'otlit‘t‘lttglialti i2-l Jan) and l.i/ Wilson t 3| Jan i, who arc ltrisling an hour (ll stings, sitit'lt's :tlltl lingcr pupixtrnaking .-\gcs 5 r,

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

Rocking Rascals Sat *1 Jan.

|._30 4.30pm. U) (non dancing iniaiits ir'cc; i'arnily tickct £28). ('odc Nightclub. IX 20 \Vcsiptiri. \Vt‘siptirl lllllt'l. l.in|ithgow, Ari aitcr'rioon oi dancing and lint i'or kids agcd l 7 and thcir Iarrirlrcs Visit www.r'ockingrascalscir.uk ior iriorc into and to book a iickct.

Theatre 8. Dance

How Long is a Piece of String? l'ntil Sat 24 Jan. lhu Ii). 30am (y I.30pm; l‘ri/Sat I Iain it 2pm. U) it5i. Macrobcrt. l'riiycrsity oi Stirling. 0I7Xii 4(i(i(i(i(i. ()ily ('art prcscrit an rntcractryc. rriulti—scnsory prrxluction ior 2 () ycar- olds. l-caturing cxciting y isuals and original liyc music. cyplorrng arid cclcbrating thc woridcrs oi string. Cinderella and The Birkenstocks £7 (Uri. l‘alkirk' Town Hall. Wcst Bridgc Strcct. l-alkirk. (II 324 506350. Big Bad Wolf (’hildrcn‘s ’lhcatrc (‘ornpany pcri‘orms an updatcd y'crsion oi thc classic princcss talc.

.7? Jan '3 Feb 7’!“ THE LIST 53