
. Classical Music


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

:l: Indicates Hitlist entry


FREE Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kehingrmc Art (idllL’l’) N .\lusctim. .»\rg}le Street. 270 959‘) lpm l‘lt't‘ lunchtime organ recitals eier} da} h} different organists.

FREE Haydn Trio Eisenstadt (ilasgon l'niiersil} ('oiicert llall. l'nixersit) .-\\enue. 330 4002. l.l0piii. 'l‘ltc lltt}dll 'l't‘io litsclisladt is wiped h} soprano l.orna Anderson and tenor Jamie .\lacl)ougall fora concert of music celebrating the national hard. See prex ieis. lell.

FREE Guitar Masterclass with Pavel Steidl RSANtl). l00 Reiilreu Street. 332 5057. (rpm. ('lech classical guitarist l’axel Steidl is ranked among the hesl guitarists in the \sorld. (iet tips and inspiration lrom the anard-u inning musician.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: The Story Tellers 2 ('it} llalls. ('andleriggs. 353 S000. 7.30pm. [l0 [2.3 (f3 {2| l. l‘ittltltslt L‘otldtlc‘lot‘ John Storgards leads a programme steeped in ttl)lltolog}. Sihelius' I.('IIlIlllIl/\(lfll(’ll legends is perloriiied \\ ith Nielsen's lIe/im ()i'erliire. 'l‘hca .\liisgi‘me's Song u/ the liiit‘liuiiler. and a performance h} ()lli .\lustoiien ol' l’rokolie\ 's cwr-popular I’i'mio (‘nnt'erru .\'u 3. With a l’re-(‘oncert l’reliide at (i.-l5pni and a l’ost-(‘oncert ('oda.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: RSNO Favourites Roytl ('oncert Hall. 2 Satichieliall Street. 52‘) ()000. 7.30pm. “0 £32 (concessions availahlel. Rohcrt Ahhado conducts a concert with a distinctl} ltalian llaiotir. (‘ellist .\lario Brunello pla_\s Respighi‘s strikingl) heatltiltll sit/(rein mu/ liiriuliom. followed h_\ lla}dn's (inure/tn NH I tlttd Rossitli's littltotls lli/ltrlltt [It'll ()l't’l'llll't’. Beethm en's enduring .S'i‘mp/imii' No 5 completes the concert.


FREE Live Music How: Philip Gault and Claire Haslin National (ialler) of Scotland. The .\lound. 024 (1200.

(i (r30pm. Baritone l’hil (iaull is accompanied h_\ ('laire llaslin on piano as he performs songs inspired hi landscapes.

l'rlda 28 - _ .

Glasgow I Friday Lunchtime Concert Series RS.-\.\ll). l00 RL‘llll'L‘“ Street. 332 5057. lpm. L") (Hit. The RS:\.\ll) Ste\enson Winds gi\es a performance of Mendelssohn's Kitiiferhltieke .Vu 2. featuring clarinet & hasset horn \irtiiosos .\la\iiniliano Martin and Samuel llernande/ .-\\ ila. l’ollon ed h} .\lo/art‘s Serenade in I:~ ”(If liliftm'. The Love of Three Oranges 'l'heatre Ro_\a|. 2S2 llope Street. 0870 060 (ih~l7. 7.|5pitt. U2 £20. RS.-\.\l|) ()pera performs l’rokotim 's quirk} The Lore for Three ()ruirees. a hand} coiiihination of Mt. l';iii'_\tale. hedoiiism and romance. \Vith director |.ee Blakele) and the Orchestra of Scottish ()pera. Sung in French \xith liiiglish .surtitles. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mendelssohn's ‘Reformation’ (‘in llalls. (‘aiidlei‘iggs. 353 S000. 7.30pm. L‘l l~-t‘2-l (£8.50—U8i. See Thu 22. Edinburgh FREE Organ Recital: John Kitchen

Reid (‘oncert Hall. [idinhurgh L'nixersit}. Bristo Square. 650 2427. l.l0pm. John

Kitchen pcrloims \\ilil\s l‘.‘ _lS Hat h

I Haydn Trio Eisenstadt St ('.-.ili.r's llall. \iddi} Street. 2-10 5000 30pm

1, l 3 iUH Sc'c‘ l lltl 22

Glasgow The Love of Three Oranges .lllt'dllt' l<l'}.tl. 2\2 llitpe \llc‘t'l. ”3‘” ”(ill (ile— _ l5rini L]: :3” \t'c' I ll


Come and Sing Haydn Si

(‘iilhhcrt's (lunch. 5 l othian Road. 55ft I750 llaiii ~5piii L l2 ttM \ \ll.tllct' to loin \xith like minded souls and hue a great da_\ singing all the hest hits tioiii ll.i}ilii's oratorio. I/ii ( ltd/It'll. l)iiccted h} John Rutter. it pioiiiises to he an inspirational e\peiiencc lenois and lNlSSL'S L'spt'clall} \sclcoltlt' FREE Edinburgh University Sinfonietta Reid ('oiicei‘t llall. ladinhurgh l'nixersit}. lii'isto Squaie. 050 2427. 7.30pm. lain .\lclart} conducts l’rokoliex ‘s Peter and I/lr' ll'u/i. narrated h} Nigel ()shoinc. lollim ed h} 'I'hoiiias Sclt/‘s liu/iii ('uiit ( Ito and ('ecil ('oles‘ lie/11ml I/ll' Inn's. \Vith \ ioliiiisl .\ai'on .\lc( ii‘egor. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mendelssohn’s ‘Reformation’ Queen‘s lltlll. «57 3‘) ('lt'l’h Sllt‘t‘l. filth 201‘)_ 7.30pm. {S [Io lU) {WSW l'olloixing his hugel} successful debut as guest conductor with the S(‘() last )c‘ill. Yaiinick \e/etSeguin returns to mark .\lendelssohn's hiccnteiiar} \\ ith a perlormance ol his ‘Ix’erurniiirmii' Smi/i/iuiii. paired \\ till the eoiiiposei 's c‘ttlllt‘lllpttl'ttl'} Schumann's .lliiiiin-t/ ()i'ertim' and the gorgeous I’ll/nu (‘uiii'erlo .\ti /. \sitli soloist .\icliolas Angelich.


FREE Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Kcl\ iiigro\ c .-\rl (iallet') & .\luseuni. Arg} le Street. 350 050‘).

3 3.45pm. Sunda} promenade concerts \\ itli different organists.

I The Singers Company RS‘;\.\ll). I00 Renl'ren Street. 332 5057. 3pm. [12 ll." l0l. Afternoon concert.

I Homecoming Scotland Suite Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 2 Saucliiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £20 £24 iconcessioiis mailahlel. 'l'he RS.\'() performs speciall} commissioned \iorks h} eight leading composers and intisicians. in a hid to re eslahlish the strong links that once e\isted hetnecn Scottish classical and traditional iiiusic. Sa||_\ lieaiiiish's I'm/er I/It' lime features legendar} sa\ophonist liraiilord .\lai'salis. along \\ ith a host of other lantastic tolls. tan and classical musicians.


FREE Sunday Morning Music National .\liiseuni of Scotland. ('hanihers Street. 247 4422. llaiii. lznio} a stroll through the .\lusciiiii to the talents of )ourig musicians lroin I.fl‘t' .\Ium- .\mi .' Still/(UNI.

FREE Sunday Music St .\lar} 's (‘illllL'tll'ilL l’allllc‘t'slotl Place. 22.5 0293. 4.30pm. First in a series of afternoon concerts l'olloising lixeiisong \ielcoiiies organist Nicholas \Vearne in recital.

I St Giles’ at Six St (iiles‘ ('athedral. Ro}al .\lile. 226 0073. (rpm. Retiring collection. .-\ concert of iiiadrigals and partsongs from Ital) and liiigland h} .\loiite\erdi. Stanlord. lalgar and Vaughan Williams.


I Fife Festival of Music: Opening Concert Adam Smith llieatrc. Bennoch} Road. 01592 5S3302. 2.30pm. £5 l“ l. The celehralion of musical performances h} primar) schools in West l-‘ite kicks off \\ ith pertormances from primar} -aged children. French horn pl;i_\er ('hristine Smith and the File l-‘estixal ()rchestra.

Glasgow I Music on Mondays Rs \\tl), loo

ls’entiexs Street. 33- lpiii :5 \igel lioddice peiloiiiis llll the

RS \\ll) liutiipets

I Celtic/Cosack Connections RS \\ll). 100 ls’ciiliexs Street. 332 llie RS \\ll) Song Studio presents .l liiittsli Russian piogiaiiiiiie. ioiiied h} singers lioiii Rtissia and \iiiieiiia liiitteii‘s I’m/xiii: (Xi/i lift lit'ri'n ,iIIIt‘. \itllg‘Sl‘} lcliaikm sk} .iiid ls’acliiiiaiiiiiox. and litllldlltc'S and ballads lioiii ( )ld Russia \\lll he peitoiiiied. the ticlset [‘llct'

in. hides a \odka shot

505" 5 30pm L5


in FREE Mark Tanner and John " McLeod Reid (kind-ii llall. ldinhuigli l'iii\eisily lliisto Square. (‘50 2125 l lllpin \laik laiiiiei peiloiiiis llllt't‘ ill lllallllls g‘ttlg‘c‘iitls /l.‘i'r llllt _ t. tolloned h_\ the \cilllhll premiere ol John \lcl eod's Huthi/i '\ l’tt Kim \. inspired h} drawings h} Icelandic coiiiposei llallidi llallgiiiiisson \ltl cod iiaiiales

SKI-EU“! ‘1' {’2 "

.La....i I. Glasgow

FREE Drew Mulholland (ilasgtm l‘iii\ersit'\ ('oiieeit llall. l'iii\eisit_\ \\enue. H0 1002. l 2pm. (ilasgois l'iii\eisit} presents the coiiiposei‘ in l't‘Sltlk'llL‘C.\ tliiisl tt'c’c‘lll \\\lll\\, \\ t'lllt‘ll lor string quartet. piano and electronics. the si\ pieces are based on musical ps}ehogeogi'aph} and iiienioi}.


all: The Love of Three Oranges ' 2‘2 l-esti\al llieatrc. l 3/2" .\ic‘olsoii Street. 52‘) (\llllll, "A l 5pm. t' l 2 {20. See in 23.

I Viennese Strauss Gala lhunton llttll. l.;itl}\\t‘ll \\';i_\, (i(i5 22.10, 2.30pm. £l»l.501£l2,50i_ -\ chance to lie

\\ Iiislsed mm} to the h}goiie age ol glamorous soiiees and sparkling Viennese \salt/es in a recreation of the romance and splendor ol the Viennese l'csll\c season.

Glasgow I Westbourne Music the .\lerehani HUUSL‘. _/ “est (ic‘til'fJL' Sllc'c'l. “77' l

550052. l2,-l5pm. LV tt3 Uri. .\le//o soprano Sandra Porter and pianist (iraciiie .\lc.\'atiglit pcrloriii \soiks h_\ l'attrc. Rossini and liritisli coiiiposeis. FREE Music in the University: Da Vinci Piano Trio (ilasgoxs l'iii\cisit_\ (‘oncert llall. l'iii\eisit} \\eniie. 330 .1002. l.l0 2pm. We ensenihlc pcrloriiis \iorks h} .\lo/art. Jaiiatels. ch‘lslc'l' and Ireland.

FRI]: Trumpet Masterclass with Rex Richardson l<S.\.\tl). llll) Rciilreu Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. .\cclaiined crosso\ er trumpeter Res Richardson gi\cs some insights.

I RSAMD Chamber Orchestra RS.4\.\ll), I00 Reiili'e\\ Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7 tL5l. l)a\id l);iii/iii;i}i‘ conducts \iorks h} .\lendelssohn and Schuhert. along \kllll \Vcher‘s huo}aiit and challenging (i/(ll‘lllt I (-I‘Ht i‘l'lri \‘r' 3. lL‘dllll'lll}! lllL' \\ inner ol the ('Iassical (‘oncerto competition. ('alum Rohertson.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mendelssohn’s Elijah l'esti\al 'lhcatt‘c. l372‘) \lc‘iilsiitt Street. 52‘) noon ",3llpiti. L's [:(itfih cursor, .\lendelssohii's epic oratorio met tinprecedented success at its lS-lo premiere. Yannick .\c/et-Segiiin conducts the 5(1) and 5(1) (illtll'lIS with star soloists. soprano l.uc} (‘rou e. me/xo Karen ('argill. haritone Jonathan l.eiiialu and tenor .\lark l’adinore.


:t Mark Tanner and John McLeod As part of the 75th birthday celebrations for Scottish composer John McLeod (pictured). he is joined by pianist Mark Tanner for the Scottish premiere of Haflidi's Pictures. a series of twelve aphorisms for piano based on drawings by the Icelandic composer Haflidi Hallgrimsson. McLeod has also written twelve epigrams. which he will narrate. to accompany the pieces. Reid Concert Ha//. Edinburgh, Tue 27 Jan.

it: Come and Sing Haydn Choral music expert John Rutter leads a scratch choir in singing Hadyn's The Creation. Organised by the recently established Friends of the Music of St Giles' Cathedral. the day will help raise funds for the Cathedral Choir's forthcoming summer tour to Canada and the USA. as well as support its outreach work with young musicians back home in St Giles'. St Cuthbert’s Church, Edinburgh, Sat 24 Jan. :l: The Love of Three Oranges RSAMD Opera‘s first Outing on the stage this year presents Prokofiev's opera which has a fairly absurd plot based on the fairy-tale in which a prince goes in search of three oranges, not for their vitamin-C content but because each contains a princess. High standard of previous productions bodes well for this one. Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Fri 23, Sat 24 Jan; Festival Theatre. Edinburgh, Wed 28 Jan 8. Sat 37 Jan.


I Friday Lunchtime Concert Series RSAMI). I00 Renlreu Street. 332 5057. lpiii. U) tUii. International trumpeter Rex Richardson joins the RS;\.\ll) Brass lznseiiihle. BUR!” Allen conducts.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mendelssohn’s Elijah (‘in Halls. ('aiidleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L'll {2-1 iL'ts’50 {ISL See Thu 2‘).


FREE Organ Recital: Michael Harris Reid ('oncert llall. lzdinhurgh l'nnersit}. Bristo Square. 650 2427. l.l0pm. The organist performs works h} Btixtehude. l-‘roherger. Kerll. Hanll‘. Bohm and Bach.

Fer. 200’: THE LIST 71

22 Jii'i—C