I Lollapalooza Wednesday at ()'('iitilurc 4pm iiiiii [the \Vcckl}. llltllL’. tliincc. pup and cheap think at Illl\ iicu \llltlL‘lll night. \ilicrc l'iii \iicict} illltl \ptil’ts lL‘illll lllL'llll‘Crs gii lrcc

I Octopussy ill lllL‘ .'\rt'llt‘\.

llpiii itiiii. £5. Wet-kl}. JilL'll/lh. hiiiiiic} castles illltl il (‘hzipcl til l,(l\L' at the Archu' rk'lellill \llltlL'lll iiif—‘hl.

FREE Rehab ill Bil\ lllltlllllell iaiii. Wot-kl}. Ail iiitlic. punk rock illltl [l\}(llL‘tlL‘llL' soundtrack.

I Sensations :il l'ircuiitci‘. ‘lpm 3am. Ulk'. \VCCH). Rtick‘ll‘t‘tlll illltl llltllc L’lil\\lL‘\ ”Hill the l‘ll'L'\\illL'l' team.

I Smashed Hits ill lllL' l'l}in:_' Duck. llpiii igiiii. H 11.31. \Vcckl}. \Vcckl} tlchliiiclit'i} \\ ith it liw pcrltii‘iiigiiiu' lartisl lhci illltl .l l)irl_\ Marc gixiiig .iural plcasiii'c lll it iiiulti-gclirc hgilli'iiiiiii hlil/. With L'ltih \ l\ll;ll\ and It'll illltl lilihl.

I Tongue in Cheek .ii lliiiiihiiti.

ltlpiii 4am. £5 lb—ll. Wet-kl}. l)J Miguel plans Ri‘t'll lit the iii;iiii l'tltllll. l)J ’ltizixt plans chart II] the lounge and .-\iitl_\ Wilson [llil}\ rock in thc i't'tl l'tltllll.

I Unherd lllltl Afraid of the Dark ill ('llixsic (irlintl. l lpiii igiiii. l'iu' hcltii'c iiiitliiighl; [U gillcr. \Vcckl}. 'l'mi cluh iiii lmi Icwls for (”It ctili'} lcc. l'ttci' (hitter's \llitlziiiic S lltlltl\ court ill l'iihci'tl. \xhilc .-\li';iitl til the l)ill'l\ \t‘cx l)J ('chiwii tli'iip tllirk. llllllllllill clcclrii. I Watchamacallit ill ilic liiil'l’.

I lpm .iziiii. Li. chkl}. l’iiiik. l'liiik illltl pup \iilh l)J liiihh) lillichcll.

I The Wonder Years ill lllL‘ (lurgigc.

l lpiii 3am. £5 11.3). \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc (itii'iigc is turning back lllllt‘ to phi} the best tracks thllll the last l3 )t'urx. .-\lltl_\ R and Brian .\lc(iill lzikc _\iiu through thmc musical 'mmtlcr )t‘ui'x‘.


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Ilenry Northmore.

1' Indicates Hitlist entry

I Ad-Lib ill lllt' (il<\_ ltlpiii i.iiii t-l 5 l'L'l‘. ’\ \L'lt‘t‘lltlll ill '\\ k'lltl lllltl \KlllltlL'l'llll. lllllltl\ t.lti_\ \llk'h lltxt‘tt. l.llllt' .\ll\\ l‘llllt‘lltlll .iiitl lliiiiit-uiiiki liillimt-tl h} tlL'L'P hiiiixc lltllll .liit'}

Ru} Iltlltl\ and John 'l'iiixlt-v

I Coco Island in ()lel l.tlllllf_‘t'. lllpiii .igiiii. £5. \Vcckly (hirclh Siiiiiiiiciwillt' lH'lllj.‘\ lllL' part) heats to Upal'x 'l’iki lounge special.

I Bounce .ii In» \.i \u.

Illillpiii 3am. {the \M‘ckl}. 'l'hiii‘xtlii} night llll\ til t‘llt\\lL‘ Rikli. liiiik} holist- and dance heats li'iiiii lokyflilu'x .liihii llllIL‘lllstill.

FREE Dance or Die .it Hit“ llixc.

| lpiii .iiiiii. Wet-kl}. llillltl\-llll tlgint‘c. clccli'ii house illltl ‘llls.

I Indilectro lit the litingii ('liih. lllpiii ,iziiii. £3 hcltirc iiiitliiiuht; t4 illtL‘l'. 5 l‘ch. 'l‘hc i‘csitlciits cook up .i mush til llltllL‘. t‘lcclrti. house and breaks \\ ith ti dash ”I tli‘tiiii & llil\\.

I Kinky Indie .it (‘iiriix (‘liih

llpiii .iziiii. [5 (Di. \Vcckl}. Indie music \\ ith ll touch til skli. (ill\ and fills.

FREE Play .it \\ h_\ \nl' lllpiii ;.tlll \\ t'ckl} \\ ith [Us ('hcxlt'i (illll\ .llltl ('h.itl llt'iiiiiiiiigxxa)

I Robopop .it (illl‘) lll itlpiii Kiiii

l mu l‘t‘ltllL' llpiii. :4 It; :, .lllL‘l

\M't'kl} \ llll\ \‘l tl.l\\l\ piip ltlllL'\ .llltl t'lt‘t‘tl‘lt' l‘t'.ll\ liii lll\‘\t' \\lll‘ \Jll-l \\.ill .llltllllL'l ll.i} ll‘ \lill'l lllL‘lI \wt‘kciitl FREE Sick Note at ('.il\.iit't \iill.iiic llpiii Kiln “ct-kl} liitlit' clt'tliu lllj_'lll liiiiii the (Kill. \Kllll lk'\ltlL'lll\ liiiiii ('l.i\li .llltl Spies Ill lllt' \\ llt‘\

I Az-Tech vs Noizteez .ii lllt‘ (Int-x Ill ztlpiii Lint, t“ IU» lllt‘llll‘t'l\l ti l‘t'l‘ .\ t'ltih \\ ltlk' llk‘Jtl lii llL'dtl ;l\ \tii/tt't'x hiiiig; lllt' tlllllll .\ l‘.l\\ .llltl .\/ 'lt't‘h \iippl} lht‘ l‘lL';ll\\

I Balkanarama .ii \iiilliii 24

”pm iiiiii 1;" below llpiii. L‘l .lllL‘l ti l't‘h. Night iil g}p\_\ 'li.ilk.iii.“l\|t'/iiit‘i llliltlllt'\\. llllll .iiitl \l\ll;ll\ lt'.ittiiiii;_' ll\t' lllll\l\' li'oiii .l.iiii lung: li.iiiil .llltl Kaliiiiiii lialugh plus I” HI)

I Big TOO’S Hi-FI ltl \VL'L‘ Rt'tl lllll ltl. itlpiii hiiii. £5. l3 l-ch. Reggae. thintt'hall. hip hop and tllllt‘l iliihh) 31mm cs li'iiiii liai‘hgi l’tippii ('hiippii. (' Biscuit. \cu \lL'\lL‘;lll limit and li In“; \\llll it special yiimt \llll ll‘t' FREE Black Tape .ii Siit-iik} l’cii-‘x. llpiii iliiii. ti l‘k'l‘. .\ llll\ til iiiilit'. L'l;l\\l( pop. rock. wul. piiiik. t'lct‘li'niiit'a and hip hop l‘..'ll'l_\ ll.l\'l\\ .iiitl t‘l;l\\lt' .ilhiiiii cuts lltllll lllt' llillltl\ _\tiu ltl\t'.

FREE Bubblegum Boogaloo .ii the Voodoo Rmiiiix. ‘lpiii Igiiii. (i l't'l‘. Night (ll 'gi'nm} it'li'u. \liaggguilclit' lounge. psylu‘dchc pop. hip

lll\tllllllt'lll.ll\ and \‘.l\_\ ‘ii'xlt‘a/x ll\lL‘lllllf_" lli‘lll _\Htll hosts l.lll.l,.ltll and lit; (ith l llit‘ (lt‘ (Sui. lc.iliiiin:_' \pcgml liw glit'xlx \l\‘\lll\ l.ltlll\'lllllf; thcii .lll‘lllll \iiiuii.’ flu/i: flu Ailri I: (.ixiilii I Carnival: A Venetian Masquerade Ball .ii lllt‘ (liwx ‘tpiii Kim t3” l i l ch \ masked l‘.lll to .‘t'lt‘hialt‘ \.ilciitinc\ \\ illi txilxiit‘t. t iit‘iix .iiitl hiiilt‘xtpic [‘t‘lli‘llllt‘l\ \\llll .i t'lit'cxt‘ .lllxl \\lllt‘ it‘t‘t‘pliuii iwi} claw} 1. .i l\\(‘ hiitii \ll\‘\\ [‘llh Ills t.ikiii;‘ sou lhiiiiigh lii lllt' “L't' \lll.lll lli‘lll\ I Cilla Slack .ii (illt‘) Ill illpiii :.l|ll l'lk't‘ hcliiit‘ llpiii. l." iHi .lllt'l “cckh ('h.iit llll\ \\Illl .i \.llll|‘ l\\l\l liiiiii ('il|.i Slack \tllllt' .ll lxk'k'l‘\ ”It" hit kiuiiiii griiiiiliiig \\ llll \Hlllk' Rtkli

A Creative Industries vs

Jackhammer .ii lllk' (il\’\

llpiii iiiii t ltl l\\L‘\‘l\t'll\l lit‘kt't tl-li h l't‘l‘ lt't'llllt‘ \himilimii \\llll special guest I)! \ll\|.lll .l\ .l.l\'l\ll.lllllllt‘l (‘ituiliw llltlll\lllt‘\ ciiilmik iiii lllt'll lii|l \\ Ct'lxt'lltl ill lL't‘lllltl llk'.ll\ \t'x‘ l‘lt‘\ lt‘\\. ll‘lf—T KS . DVB .ll Slllilt‘l .\ “Ell (‘t‘ll.ll ll.” xl‘lll lgiiii t'ltl iiiit'iiilwix Hi 3" l‘l'l‘ l'L‘ll\ll t'luh \\ llll l'tltlllllilll .liihii .llltl \ll\llt‘\\ \l.ill.i lllt' tllt‘\\ t'ittlt‘ .l\l\\ lHl .i lllllllllllllll til \lll.lll black \llt‘\\\\t'.ll .llltl .i :t'iit‘ial lk‘ll\ll \u‘ai tliiiii piilit‘} lhox [llt'lt‘l that lll\l lllllt‘ \l\lltll\ contact the tripaiiixt'ix l‘k'ltllt‘llillltl I Evol .il l'.iilh Ill illpiii i.iiii 15 \M‘t'kl} l‘iliiihiiig'h‘x liiiiut'xt iiiiiiiiiigg llltllt‘ lllj_'lll. \\ till the ll\l|.ll llll\ til lllt‘ l‘t'\l t‘iiiit'iit .llltl L‘l;l\\lt' .lllt‘lllillHt‘ .iiitl t'ltl\\tl\t‘l lllllt'\. l:\nl\ .iii lll\llllllltlll. (‘iii'it‘iill_\ lllillxllljJ .i llL'\\ huliit' .il l-;iilh tlllk' to thc lllL' .il lllL' I itpiitl Rtltllll.


Club venues

I ABC 300 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. This gig venue turns into an indie club night. See listings for details.

I The Arches Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. Probably the biggest venue in Glasgow and home to famous names like Colours. Death Disco and Pressure. See listings for details.

I Arta 62 Albion St. 552 2101. An incredibly flash bar, restaurant and club space.

I Bamboo 51 West Regent Street. 332 1067/8. A musical programme that takes in modern soul and funky house. See listings for selected highlights.

I Barfly 260 Clyde Street. 221 0414. A great club for those who like rock‘n'roll. See listings for details.

I The Beat Club 375 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9919. A quality selection of cross-genre nights. See listings for selected highlights.

I Blackfriars Basement 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. Rock. pop and indie DJs. with occasional bands. See listings for selected highlights.

I Boho 59 Dumbarton Road. 357 6644. Glossy weekend clubbing. See listings for selected highlights.

I Box 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. Rock. punk. indie and alternative sounds.

I Braehead Arena

Kings lnch Road. 886 8300. Occasional one- 011 events in this shopping centre-based arena. See listings for details.

I The Butt Club 142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. A number of fine nights take place at this upstairs-downstairs venue. See listings for details.

I The Bunker Bar 193—199 Bath Street. 229 1427. Late opening at the weekend and occasional big—name guest DJs.

I Byblos Unit Q. Merchant Square. 71 Albion Street. 552 3895. Flash mainstream dance soundsforflash mainstream drinkers.

I Carling Academy 121 Eglinton Street. 08700 771 2000. Host to big one-off parties from Club Noir to Back to The Future. See listings for details.

I Carnival Arts Centre New Wynd. 946 6193. Occasional. mostly world mu5ic- themed club nights.

I The Cathouse 15 Union Street. 248 6606. Metal. rock and goth club. See listings for selected highlights.

I CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Art space that throws the occasional club event. See listings for details. I Classic Grand 18 Jamaica Street. 847 0820. Regular clubs and live music. See listings for details.

I Club Living 69 Nelson Mandela Place. 248 7333. A full

complement of rockin‘ late evening sessions.

I Club 69 40 New Sneddon Street. Paisley. 552 5791. It's experimental and funky techno all the way. See listings for details.

I Common 25 Royal Exchange Square. 204 0101. A flash club which offers soul. R88 and house. See listings for selected highlights.

I Corinthian Ingram Street. 552 1101. Upper- crust clubbing for those who like to spend. spend. spend.

I Crib 375 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9919. R88. dancehall, soul. grime and hip hop.

I Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990. A massive clientele and a funky soundtrack.

I The Perry Anderston Quay. the Broomielaw. 553 0606. This floating venue on the Clyde plays host to various one—off nights. See listings for details.

I Firewater 341 Sauchiehall Street. 354 0350. Student-friendly indie and party choons. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Flying Duck 142 Renfield Street. 572 0100. An eclectic. indie-focused club. See listings for details.

I Fury Mury's 96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. No pretensions. just pure partying.

I The Garage 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. Student venue playing party tunes. See listings for selected highlights.

I Glasgow School of Art 167 Renfrew Street. 332 0691. Quality student venue With a cool roster. See listings for details.

I Guru 520 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755. Indie. pop. electro. rock'n'roll across four rooms. See listings for selected highlights.

I Hetherington Research Club 13 UniverSity Gardens. 330 4503. Converted Victorian house that was once students-only. although a Sign-in policy is now in action. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Hold The Admiral Bar. 72 Waterloo Street. 221 7705. Great venue that has just managed to get a new 3am licence. See listings for details.

I Ivory Blacks 56 Oswald Street. 248 4114. Featuring a mixture of rock gigs and techno clubs.

IThe Ivy 1102—1106 Argyle Street. 357 5454. It's a bar. but it still manages an enViable selection of DJ talent. See listings for selected highlights.

I Karbon 4 Buchanan Street. Springfield Court. 221 8099. Student nights. electro and party tunes across the week. See listings for selected highlights.

I Kushion 158-1668th Street. 331 4060. Student-friendly house. pop and indie $0unds.

I Maggie May’s 50 Trongale. Merchant City. 548 1350. A punk- themed mu5ic venue With a 3am license. See listings for selected


I: Nice’n’Sleazy 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. One of Glasgow‘s most down-to-earth and exciting bars. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Old Fruitmarket Candleriggs. 353 8000. One of the city's most atmospheric venues. See listings for details.

I Oran Mor Byres Road. 0870 0132 652. Huge venue in the West End that plays host to Friday and Saturday party nights. See listings for details.

I Play 7 Renfield Street. 226 4958. Mainstream sounds in the heart of the City.

I Polo Lounge Wilson Street. 553 1221. The gay community of Glasgow votes with its feet every weekend.

I Queen Margaret Union University Gardens. 339 9784. Student club and club- orientated gigs. See listings for selected highlights.

I Soundhaus Hydepark Street. 221 4659. Underground house. techno and live venue. See listings for details.

I Stavka 373-377 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3940 . A Russian-themed city centre bar-come- club.

I Stereo 20—28 Renfield Lane. 222 2254. Playing host to fine indie gigs and clubs in the basement. See listings for details.

I Strathclyde Students’ Union University of Strathclyde. Students Association. 90 John Street. 567 5023.

Cheesy and’or speCialist student nights. See listings for selected lllghllglllS.

I Sub Club Jamaica Street. 248 4600. The best club in Glasgow? Optimo and Subculture seem to corroborate the Claim. See listings for details.

I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. Dance tunes for a well dressed crowd. See listings for selected highlights.

I Nisted Wheel 73 Queen Street. Glasgow 0141 221 4851 Great basement club space and gig nights. licensed until 3am.

I Universal 157 Sauchiehall Lane. 332 8899. Drum & bass and laid-back club nights. See listings for details.

I Valdor 46 Queen Street. 221 6376. A mainstream house- orientated club. See listings for selected highlights.

I The \fiper Bar & Club 500 Great Western Road. Kelvmbridge. 334 0560. An unashamedly mainstream affair.

I The Winchester Club

49 Bell Street. 552 3586. This basement venue attracts the kind of night and clientele which befits its elegant decor. See listings for details.

I The Woodside Social Club

329 North Woodsrde Road. 337 1643. A selection of indie and mod clubs make up the monthly programme. See listings for details.

38 THE LIST 5—19 Feb 2009