
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

:0: Indicates Hitlist entry

Alice in the Cities II'I.... I\\ IIII Wenderx. (iermany. l‘)7-II Rudiger Vngler. Yella Rntlander. l.Ixa Kre/er I lIlIIllll .-\ dexparrmg: plIntnInurnalIxt trayellmg acrnxx the l'rIIted Statex lindx IIIrnerI on a Inurney back In (iermany III the cnmpany n! a nine

year nld girl III the \eanlt Inr her Iarnrly. he

IiIIdx IIIIIIerI hecnrrnny her xurnruate parent and prrItual guide Wrxc. percepme and heautrlully xhnt early Wenderx New ifimm prIrIt Part III IntrIquctInII tn Izurnpean (’Incrna cnurxe l'l/III/IHHH', IzIII/I/mre/I Australia I 12m .0. IBM Iuhrmann. .-\uxtra|Ia/l 'S. 300th NIcnle KIdmarI. Hugh Jackman. lirandnrr Walterx. Inimm I’rrxxy l'.ll}1ll\ll\\tilll.lll lady Sarah Axhley le'IdrIIanI headx tn AIIxIIaIIa tlImeInp xhe'x ynmp In catch her huxhand cheating nn her. only In Iind a cnuntry run by lllytllx. I.uIIIIIIaIIII xnnn Ialtex I.ady Sarah \xalkahnut. delIyerIng a xerInuxly damning \erdrct nn hix cnuntry ‘x paxt. Hut hard hitting xncIaI cnIIIIIIeIIIary Ix nnt l.uhrIIIaIIII'x Inrte and while he xtrIyex Inr Imtmence. all Ix Inxt III a IIIagIcaI reaIle xyktxll, .S'I’II'I'II’II I'I‘II'IIH'.

Bedtime Stories Il’tiI so IAtltllll Shankrrian. I'S. IIXIHI Adam Sandler. Kerr RuxxelI. (‘nurteney (‘n.\. ‘IIIIIIIII, l‘amily Iarrtaxy ahnut a man whn can make hedtrme \IUI‘IL‘\ (time It) lllt‘. XI’II’I II‘I/ I‘I'II‘IIH'. Belle Toujours I ISI .0. IMIIIIIx-I de (Ilneira. I’IIr'tugal/I‘rance. 2006) Michel I’Iccnlr. Iiulle ()gier. (ISIIIIII. .‘v‘lannel de ()lIyerra payx trihute tn Iiuriuel‘x l‘)(I7 titaxtet‘prece IiI'l/I' I/I' .IUIII' and rey l\ll\ hnIIxenyIe turned pr'nxtrtute Seyerrne

I( )gIerI ax xIIe Ix unhapprly purxued hy Inrmer client Ilenr'I II’IccnIi). l7nnecexxary xcquel In cttll claxxrc. (II/(IJILIUH' I'i/m I‘lll'tlll't'. (i/le‘g'rm.

Better Things I IS) .000 (Duane Ilnkanx, l'K. 2008) |.ram Melll'atrick. (’he ('nrr. 'l‘ara Ballard. ‘Hrnirr. MIIIII-narratrw drama that dcprctx a painterly pnrtrait nl IIIc III a xmaIl rural Iinglixh tnyxn. and cnllagex dIIIerent generatinnal apprnachex tn liy e.


hue and Inxx Writer/directnr IInkanx Ix clearly a talent In yxatch (i/mems l-I/m I/lI'Illn'. (ilusg’rm Beverly Hills Chihuahua It") .. IRaIa (inxnell. l’S/Mexrcn. IINIM Urey» Iiarrymnre Ianch. I’Ipcr I’erahn. JamIe l.ee ('rrnIx tx'lmrn I‘IIIx hnghtly III IamIIy cnmedy Ix a \aprd Iixh nutrnl \xater cnIIIecIInn. reynlyrng arnuIId pnxh pnnch (illlll' (\nlcetl liy liarrymnrer “ll“ gt'lx kidnapped Irnm Rachel Il’erahnr during; a rexnrt \acatrnn In keep ('lIInc‘x real Imuer. Rachel‘x aunt \‘Iyran II,ee('ur1IxI. III the dark. Rachel xelx IIIII Ill IL'\\'lIC lllt' pampered pet Irnm her pntentIaI late at the handx nI Mexican dnglighterx ‘IaIeIIt heayy tlIlL'-|let' talkmgdng mner (It’llt'l'tl/ I'I'II'IMI'. Billu Barber I IZAI II’rIyadarxhaII. Indra. ZINI‘H lrlan Khan. Shahrukh Khan. I.ara I)ulta. IZIIIIIIII. Iinllyyxnnd drama ahnut a hehmd the trmex harher \xhn xeeltx In re\ rye lll\ Inrtrmex \yhen hix IaIIInux IrIeIId cnIIIex hack In tnyyn. lint “III the xuperxtar reIIIeInher IIIIII". ()lll'll’l .‘ll l/It’ QIIIII. (iIIIIyIIII:

Blue Film Woman I lh'l oooo

IKan Mukar. Japan. WIN) Yuprn lxlIIhara. Maxahrkn 'I'xugayxa. Izrkn Ilrgathtanr. SIIIIIIII. ()utIaIIdeh I‘HIIIx xuinging 'I‘nkyn-xet pink Iilm prexented an new xpecIalIy created 35mm print. A ranylIIIIg reyenge tlIrIIleI \xilh pxychedelrc \Ixualx. Part III Wild Japan. I'IlnIlIIIInI'. Iz'IIrnburglI.

Bolt II’(iI .... Illyrnn

Ilnyyard/(lirrx \VIIIIamx. 1'8. 300% Vnrcex nl' Miley ('yrux. JnIIn 'I‘raynlta. SuxIe lixxman. IIHIIIIII. See I'eyreyx. page JII. (rI‘ItI'I'Il/ I'I'II'IIHK

BO“ 30 Il’(il .... Illyrntl

IInyyard/(‘hrrx WillIaIIIx. [8. 300m V’nicex nI .‘ylrley (‘yrux. JnIIII 'l’raynlta. Srixie IixerIan. IIHIIIIII. See reyreyx. page 40. SI'II'I'II'I/ I‘I'II'IHI'. Breakfast at Tiffany’s I ISI 0000 (Blake Iidyxardx. I'S. I‘Hil I Audrey Hepburn. (icnrge l’eppard. l’atrrcra Neal. Buddy lihxen. Mickey Rnnney. I l5mm. ‘llnyx dn I Innk'." axkx anginal \xarl Ilephurn III the rnle nI' hnrderline chII/nphrenic IlnlIy (inlrghtly. ‘V'ery gnnd. l muxt xay I‘m ama/ed.‘ repliex I’eppard in the rnle nI' I'ruxtrated \y riter and part-time gignln l’aul Variak III tlIix adaptatinn Irnm

Here at The List we think Austrian filmmaker Ulrich

Seidl's Import/Export - a sly and compelling examination of the

economic migrant's experience - was one of the films of 2008. We liked it

so much that we’ve asked Trinity Filmed Entertainment, the film’s distributor, to offer our readers the chance the win the newly released

DVD plus very exclusive posters of the film signed by feted photographer

turned film director Seidl.

I To be In with a chance of wrnn/ng a DVD and poster set vrsrt

www. //st. (70. rile/otters now.

the nmel by Iruman (‘apnte Ihe IcnIIIc Ilephurn hax neyer made rIeuranx Innk xn gnnd. and uhIIe the Iilm may hayc IIuIIIernux redeermng Ieaturex IIInt Ieaxt the exquIxIte crnernatngraphy by I‘ran/ I~ Marie and the xmngmg xnundtrack by Henry \IancInII. It Ix xhe \yhn Iemamx rexpnnxrhle Inr makmg II xuch a well Inxed claxxrc XI I’!\"ltl’l SI I'm-rune Runm. I'.Ill’l}’llrL'}l Bride Wars II’(iI ... I(iaIy “Huck. I'S. .‘IIINI .-\IIIIe llathayxay. Kate lludxnn. (‘aIIdIce Bergen ‘NIIIIIII .»\ leyx gnnd Inkex and xet pIecex Irnm the makerx III 1 el\ Item and [1/qu L .lIUlL’ll . hut uItIIIIater .I patranIxmg; Idea nl \\ll.ll a 'grrl'x IlIcIC xlIntIld he. that IIeyer quite llltlixt‘\ II dnyyn the .ll\lL'. (iI'III'III/ II'II'IMI' The Broken I IN) ... ISean l‘.lll\. l'rance/l 'K. .‘IXIKI I ma Ileadey. Richard Jenkmx. .-\xrer Newman 85mm \VIIerI heautIIul and xeeIIIIIIgly xtahIe radrnlngrxt (Ema McVey Illeadey I \ygrkex III a I.ananI IInprtal Inllnyymg an erIcnuIIter With a IIIyxterInux dnpiwlganger her Irle turnx mtn a \yalltrrrg; nightmare. lite IIax hecnme a IIIetaphnycaI IIIyxter‘y yyhere eyen her hclnyed IamIIy hax xanIetIIIng In lIrde .-\ mature \xnrk nl rare and literary IIIIIxIan ('IIII'HIII'II/ RI'Il/I‘I’Ir SII‘I’I'I. (I/IMI'IIII Bubba Ho-Tep I IHI .00 man ('nxcarelII. l'S. ZIXIZI Bruce ('aIIIpheII. ()xxre I)a\Iex 02mm. 'I'he ‘trrre' xtnry nl what really became nI I-.I\Ix. \Ve lind the aged King III a nurxrng hnme III 'l‘e\ax. There an Iigyptran mummy xtaIIxx tIIe cnrrrdnrx at night. xucltmg: the xnIIIx III the nearly departed. 'I'IIIIx II lallx In Izly I\ (played In [X'rlectInII by [he I-fr‘rl Hem/‘x ('arIIphellI and aIIntlIer elderly rexIderIt I\\lltl thrnkx lIe'x Jl-‘K. except IIe'x hlacki In dn hattle with the de\ ll III drxguixe. ('Iimeu. Iz'I/rrI/iurje/I. Buena Vista Social Club Il'I .... IWIIII Wenderx. ('uha. I‘I‘NI Ry (’nnder. IhraIIIIII l‘errer. Ruhen (inII/aIeI. III-1min. ('uha Innkx a little like the land that time I’nrgnt. A theme Wenderx hrmgx nut hnth III the nyer e\pnxed Imagex nI llayana and alxn III the IIquIcal hrrllrance nl tlche Ix‘tngerIarIan and nnnagenarran mIIxIcIaIIx \yhn hay e Inr xn Inng been neglected. .-\IId It‘x IrnIIIcaIIy thankx In an American. Wenderx' regular muxical cnllahnratnr Ry (‘nnder. that their careerx haye lk‘Clt rexurrected l’tIt’l (ll Shun Sighted ()xcarx. I'HIIIIIHNH’. Iz'I/III/mrjelr. Changeling I ISI oooo It‘IInI liaxtwnnd. IS. 2003) Angelina Jnlre. (iattlin (iril‘lith. JnIIII Malknyrch. HIIIIIII. When (‘hrixtine ('nllrnx' (JnIieI xnII Walter ((Iril'lith) gnex IIIixxIng. xhe Ix iIIiIIalIy reliy'ed when the LAM) xay they can return the hny In her. but nn xeeing him xIIe dnex nnt recngnixe the child. Iler xuhxequent accuxatinnx nI cnnxpiracy prnmpt the authnritiex In take \lltk'hlllg and radical actinn. The xtnlen child theme may he a IIIelndrarIIatic xtaple. hut Iiaxtyynnd'x nld- I'axhinned and deeply claxxy wnIIIan'x picture Ix a timelexx ilIIillf. (‘IIII'H‘UFIII RI‘Il/I‘I'H' Sll't'l'l. (i/uaguli'.‘ (.Illl'llUI’ltl Edinburgh. Iz‘I/IIIIIIIIjeh; ('IIIIII'II. I'fI/III/trtre/I. Che: Part One I I5) oooo (Steven Snderhergh. Spain/I'rance/l'S. 2008) Iienicin I)e| 'I‘nrn. Rndrign Santnrn. l)emi;in Iiichir. l2(IInIn. I’art nne nI Sleerhergh'x xtructurally magnificent ‘Iilm diptych' ahnut ('he (iueyara (Del 'I‘nrnI unI'nIdx III a nnII-Iinear Iaxhinn. 'Iliix hinpic detailx hix liIe ax a cnIIectinII nI' incidentx rather than a cnherent whnIe with three eyeritx are Uxed In highlight (‘he'x philnxnphy hix initial meeting with I-‘idel (’axtrn; the lighting.’ in the Sierra Maextra mnuntain reginnx; and hix cnntrnyerxial I964 xpeech In the l'nited Natinnx. (’InewnrlIl I’IIrL/II'IIII. (I/usgIm‘. A Christmas Tale I IS) on (Amaud I)explechin. France. 2008) (‘atherine I)eneuye. Mathieu AIIIaIrIc. Jean-Paul Rnuxxillnn. ISIIIIIIII. Annther typically idinxyncratic. InquacInIIx, .xtylixtically amhIIInUx and xprayyling tragicnmedy Irnm drrectnr I)explechin. Superhly acted by an enxemhle caxt. all centring nn a ('IIrIxtmax reuninn where (‘atherine I)eneuye'x IIIatriarch annnuncex .xhe needx a bone marrnu Iranxplant Irnm nne nI‘ her nwn relatry ex. (ilusems I-i/m Theatre. (i/Inenu.

City of Ember It‘t'n .00 I(ill Kenan. I'S. lelxi IlIlI Murray. I'IIII Rnhhmx. Sanrrxe RnIIaII ltltlnIIrI Studcntx IranI the urrdergrnund crty nI Itmher gn thinugh a erIex nl adyentuiex In help Itx crtI/enx excape le lllc'lt'.l\lll;j deterinratrnn lln IIIIIII hut \Ixually IIIIprexxrye chIIdIeII‘x adyenture ch Ii ('IIII'IIIIIII/ I'IIIUII III/I (I'IIIxc-IIII. ('IIII'IIIu/II I I/IrI/Irueh. I din/Hugh Conversations with my Gardener I l.‘ -\I .... IJeaII Becket. I-raIIIc. It“ 'I Ilaruel -\uteIII|. JeaII I’Ierre Harrnuxxrn. l'.IIlll\ ('nttencnn IIISIIIIII Succcxxlul I’aIIxIaII paIIIteI I.-\uteuI|I I‘eturrIx In the rural clIIldhnnd hnme he hax Inherited Ill xnuthein I'IaIIce and placex an adyert Inr a gardener Ihe Iirxt applicant ll).tlIIItl\\lllI lIIIIIx nut tn haye been an nld chInnI Irrend and they tallx Ireely .Ihnut their lt‘\[X'cII\I' IIIe e\perrencex \dapted Irnm IleIIII ('Irecn'x nnyel. Illl\ IIItIIIIate tun IIandeI IIIII'III xcem xlrght nn paper. but It'x a \lII'IlII\III}:l) IIInyrrIy xludy nI IIIaIe IIIeIIdthp .\IatIIIcex nnly ('IImI‘I'. liI/rIIlIIIIe/I

Crazed Fruit I IIx'I COO IKU

Nakahrra. Japan. I‘HIII \‘IIIIIn lxhrhaia. Maxahrkn Ixuyayxa. I‘IItn lligaxhilanr XIIIIIIII IleanIIxtIc decadence I\ eurltcd III tlIIx x\xcaty xIIIIIIIIeI tale nI tyxn hrnthetx' dexrre Inr the xaIIIe girl Part III \N'Ild Japan. I'l/IIl/II'IIH'. I'I/III/mrelI Cross of Iron I lIx'I oooo ISIIIII l’eckmpah. l'K/Wext (ieIrrIany. I‘ll/I Jamex ('nhurn. MauIIIIIIaII Schell. Jamex Maxnn I ”mm I‘M-I Ruxxran IInIIt xet \yar IilrrI IInIII I’ecItIrIpalI pInIIeIIrIy a cnIIIpaxxrnIIate accnunt III xnIdIeIx trapped III a nn man'x IaIId \yrth IIttle chance nl excape. l’eckmpah‘x Iaxt great llllll I'IIIN/IUHH'. IzIIIrI/mre/I. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button I l3.-\I ... Il).l\ Id l‘lllcllt'l. I'S. IIKNI Iliad I’Itt. ('ate Iilanchett. Julia ()I'IIInnd. IIISIIIIII. See Iey Ieyy. page -I-I (JI'III'I‘III II‘/I'II\I'.

Falkirk Council

Falkirk Town Hall

Changeling (15)

Monday 9th February 1 1:00am 7:30pm

Sunday 15th February 7:00pm

The Wrestler (15)

Thursday 19th February 7:30pm Saturday 21st February 7:30pm

Tickets and further information

from The Steeple Box Office or on the door from FTH Cinema

0 1 324 506850

‘o 1‘.) Feb 2009 THE LIST 47