
Cyberworld 30 IV“) IVarInux. LS. 2000) Jenna lullman. Matt l'reuer. Woody Allen ‘Hmm Jenna lullman Ix the eyber han uhn InIrleueex [h in \arInux lIIIrelaleIl xegmenlx nl eyber aIIImaIInII llll' Sun/Mum and sin/.1 make ll) aprwaraneex III a \[K'leLUlIlf deplay of Inday'x mnxt Imprexxne graphII lL‘L‘liiiHllig) [WA Ilit'ull‘l'. (i/Inelns The Dark Knight I 12A) .000 I('lIrIxtnpher Nolan. LS. 2008) (human Bale. llealh ledger. Maggle (iyllenhaal l53mm. Nolan'x reyamp nl Ihe xupeIlIeIn lranehtxe reaehex IIx apIIIheanx \\ IIlI llIIx xequel tn [fut/mm Begun. a xupremely \I. ell IIIIagIned. perleetly exeeuted film that ennIhInex blnelxhuxler xpetlaele VIIIlI IndIe emema ennl and xmartx. l’xyelInIIe. elIanx loving elnvxn The Joker ILedgeI ) Ix Intrleueed ax the dark kmght'x IIlIIIIIate IIemexIx and a IlIrIllmg battle xlIm l_\ IerIanxex the pnpulaee nl (intlIam [MAX 'IJII’IIII'I’, (ll/(IXK’IJH' Dean Spanley It') .00 I'l‘na l‘Iaxer. Nev. ZealaIId/l 'K. 3008) Peter ()"l‘nolc. liryan lirnvvn. Sam NeIll. llllllillli. lnlerextIIIg elIaraeIeI drn en dIama er III lidwardIaII langland about the relatInIIthp between a erIIny old liner War \eIeraII. lIIx good natured xnII and an eeeenIrIe Indian man. (ifuvemv I'll/ll 'I'III'IIII'I'. (i/menn. Deep Sea 30 ll’(i) lllnyyard llall. (‘anada/l'S. loom VnIeex nl Johnny |)epp. Kate Winxlet. 4lllllii. A i I) dIgIlal exploration oi the neean’x deplhx and Itx ereaturex. IIlI/lX II-Il('(lll'('. (I‘lllyL'UH. Defiance I IS) ... (ladyvard [Ix Ielx. US, 2009) l)aIIIel (‘raig. Liev SelIreIlIer. Jamie liell. Homm. Remarkable true xtnry nl' lhe lltelxkl hmlherx. lllree real- lile lIernex who. againxt all nddx, prexery e a enIIIIIIunlly nl Jenx \yltn exeape l’nland lnr Ihe forexlx of llelarux during WWII. Allied with the RuxxIaII rexixtanee. Ihe eoIIInIIIIIIty thrivex unexix-etedly. lea\ mg leader 'l'uy Ia liielxki I(‘raIg) nith heavy I'expnnxthlIIIex. l’layed \yith xteely InIeIIxily by ('raIg. partixaII liielxki Ix nn paeIfIxI nr delnIIIaI. and lightx lire with lire. SI'II'I'II'II release. Dinosaurs Alive 30 I l ) I l)a\ III ('lark/llayley Silleek. l7S. 3007) 40min. Follow palaenntologixtx ax they xeour the globe for xome lantaxtie dinnxaur lindx. then watch the ereaturex burxt into 30 lIfe. IMAX Theatre. (iluagmv.

Doubt ( l5) .... (John Patrick

Shanley. LS. 2000) Meryl Streep. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Amy Adamx. Ill-1min. See review. page 45. General release.

mea Ho-Tep

The Duchess I I3.-\. 0.. Ix‘auI l)Ibb. l'S, 200M KeIra KIIIghIley. Ralph l'IeIInex. l)HliiiiilL ('nnper lllllillll l’erInd drama retelling the true lIle xtnry nl early I‘lth eenlury xneIalIte (ienrgIana (‘a\endeh IKIIIghIley I. who fmdx herxell III a IIIIxInatehed and Iemeramental IIIarrIage. enmplete vulh a IneddlIIIg other \xnIIIaII She lallx lnr the luture prIIIIe IIIIIIIxIer ('harlex (irey I('onper) but only IIIeIIualIly and tragedy ean enIIIe nl xueh axngnaIInIIx l'aInIlIar and IedInux \lllll.Hl(' I)!“ III \\ Ix exxentIally a beauIIlully xlInI perInd l‘\ drama ('IIII‘IIIII'II/ Ix’I‘II/II'II SIII'I‘I. (i/uxgun. (IIII'IIIII‘III IzI/IIIluue/I. IaI/III/Iu/e/I

The Edukators I l5) ... Illanx \VeIIIgartner. (iermany/.-\uxlrIa. 3001) l)anIel llruhl. JulIa Jenlxeh. SIIpe l'.it't'_L' l37mm IIIIerexImg (ierman pnIItIeal drama about a bunch nl anareluxlx \len are lnreed In rethmlt IlIeIr \aluex when they lIIdIIap a liberal buxIIIexxmaII. (iermaII l‘lllll and Language xeaxnII. I'I/m/quu; I‘I/lIl/JHIL'II Enchanted (H i) C. IKe\ III I InIa. LS. 2007) Amy Adamx. l’aIrIek l)empxey. JanIex .‘ylarxden lt)7mm ‘l‘un laIryIale eharaeterx xtruggle In lind eaelI ntheI and

make II III the 'real' world III IlIIx me nl int-

and anInIaIed aetInII Ia la lilin I'mmul Huger Rub/HI). [an IIIIIIII'I/ Ix nne nl Ihe IIaxIIext. man IIIxIIlInux ehIldI'en‘x fIlmx aIlullx mil lIa\ e the depleaqu'e nl xeeIng tlIIx yeaI. ('lInek lull nl pxeudn (’hrIxIIaII Ideax. Waxptxh IIIIpeI'IaIIxIII. prnduet plaeemenl and eelebralinnx nl ennxumer eullure Ihix Ix about ax eyIl ax l)IxIIe_\ geIx. Leaye your erIlIeal laeulliex. reaonI and humanity at the door. SI'II'I II'I/ I‘I'lmu: Falafel I 13A) 000 IMIehI-I KaIIIIIInun. l-I'aIIee/l.ehannn. 300m lillL‘ Mitri. lxxam linu Khaled. .‘leehel llnuranI, 83mm. Lehanexe dIreeInr KaIIIIIInuII Iapx Into the heart nl modern lieIrut \Hlll IlIIx enmieal aeenunt nl a young qudenI‘x night out on the town. l’arI nl MIddle l'.axIerII l‘llill l'extnal. I'I/nI/quu'. I'.Ili/IIIIIIje/I. Falling from Earth I IZAI II‘IIIIIII /.eneddme. l.L'lXIlltIii/l'rulik‘t‘. 2007) Ralik Ali Ahmad. ('arIIIeII Lehhnx. Ammar Shalalx. 70min /.eneddIIIe emplnyx an intriguing mi\ of IeelInIIIIIex. ineludIIIg him home mm Iex and xurveillanee footage. In depIeI the xIrangeIIexx of life in \xaI'IIIIIe Beirut. ('enlering on a hnmelexx man mm a rexpleIIdeIII enlleellnn nl phnlngrupltx. the film deliverx four ehapterx er in 2003. WW) 1082 and N75. Part of Middle liaxlern l'lllil l'exti\al. I'I'lnI/IIIIIII'. IleirIImre/I.

.00... ’00...’


Festen I 1‘) ”C. I l‘hnIIIax

\ Interberg. (ierIIIaIIy. l‘NSI l'lrIeh llInInxen. lleIIIIIIIg \lnIII/en. 'l'hnmax lin |.arerI IINIIIIIII Slade under the banner nl l)ngme "S. a tlllt'l dIeIIIIn nI \theh fIlIIIIe IIIaIIIlexIn Ix that the Inner lI\ex oi the ehaIaeIeIx IIqut qutIly the \xnIkIIng nl the pint. III IhIx eaxe Ihe xtnry of a enuIIIIy hnuxe pan) ngeII In eelebIaIe Ihe (>0Ih bIrIlIday nl rIelI paIIIaIeh llelge Klmgenleldt leannnx qulaee belnre long and a detuIbIng laIIIIly xeerel Ix Ie\ea|ed l’aIt nl lIIIIndueIInn In l'uInpean (‘Inema enurxe II/nI/quu. I I/III/IIIIgJI Fireworks Wednesday I l’( I I l:\xgli;li l'aIlIadI. lI.III. 3mm lledye lelIIaIII. laIaIIelI .-\lIdnn\tI. liaIIIId l'.IlHl\llllt'/ll.ltl l03nnn lIaIIIan drama about lIapley engaged eleamng lady RnnlII IAlIdnanI). uhn gradually playx \Hlllt‘SS In the deleI'InIaIIIIg IIIarrIage nl her InIddleI‘laxx emplny eIx l’aIt nl \lIddle lzaxlern l'lllii l'exlnal II/m/Inuu'. lI/uI/ImelI

Friday the 13th I IS) 0.

IMaIeux .\'prel. LS. 3000) Jared l’adaleeki. l)aIIIe|le l’anahalIeI. Amanda RIglIeIII. 07mm See Alxn Releaxed. page -1(I. (iI’III‘m/ I'I'II’IIII' [mm ['11 IA' I'I'l) Frost/Nixon I l5) 0... (Run llnxxard. l'S/l 'K/l'I‘aIIee. 2008) Hank Langella. .\1Iehael Sheen. Sam RIx‘kvxell. llzllllll. l’IlIII adapIaIInn nl l’eler Morgan'x txyohander. \yhieh dI'aIIIatIxed nIIe of the mnxl laIIInIIx liilL‘l'\lt‘\\\ III the hIxtnI‘y nl lt‘lt‘\l\it)li hrnadeaxtmg bet“ eeII popular liriIIxh brnadeaxler l)a\ Id l'I'nxt and IlL'lL‘xleIl e\ [)l‘exldeltl IIl Ihe l'S. RIelIaId Nnnn. l‘lllt‘ perlnrmaIIeex lrnIn Sheen and Langella and xnlid ennle\lua| paddmg help linvyard a\nId the pitfall nl a \lug'} lllltl. (rI'III'II/l I‘I'II'IIH'.

GYFF @ The Arches tl'.) (\‘artnux, l'K) 240mm. ‘l‘lIe \xInnIng eIIIrIex nl Ihe (ilaxgnvx YnullI l‘lllii l'I'xtIszl/(‘heyy 'l‘V nIIe IIIIIIute film enIIIpeIIIInII. xereened alnngxide lI\e IIquIe and l)Jx. ()ver Hx t'\t‘lil. 1.," .‘lI‘I'IIIW. (i/(lsunnl

Ghengis Blues IL) .0. IRIIIIII llelik. l'S. WIN) SHIIIIII. liluex xInger l’aul l’ena inuI‘IIeyx on a InuxIeal lengIIIage In 'l’aIIIIu 'l‘ma III eeIIIral Axia In meet nnIIIadie thrnal xIngerx. Iz'IlIn/nujeh I-IlnI (;lll/(l. l'.I/IIIIIIII'_e/I.

Gomorrah I IS) 0... IMaIIe-II (iarrnne. Italy. 2008) Salvatore Abru/zexe. SIIIIoIIe Saeeheltmn. Salyalnre Rneen. 137mm. (iarrone offerx an intriguing aeeount of the Nalmli—haxed ('amorra. adapted from the bextxelling book by

In case you haven’t heard already, the mighty Bruce Campbell is coming to town with his new film My Name is Bruce. He will be answering questions about life, love and The Evil

Dead from his many devoted fans. This event has now sold out but if you want to see Campbell in other weird fare there are these midnight screenings of Don Coscarelli’s enjoyably surreal and irreverent 2002 comedy horror in which Campbell plays a geriatric Elvis to Ossie Davis’ JFK. I Cameo. Edmburgh on‘FrI 6 8 Sat 7 Feb.

48 THE LIST {VIE} Feb 2009

InurnalIxt Roberto Sa\ IaIIn l'hIx e\eellent enernble drama \ltn\\\ IIx \arInux laeelx nl Malia lIle. Irnm Ihe reenntmg of young kIdx In the llillllfdllull nl xeennngly legIIInIaIe InduxIrIex xueh ax haute euuture and xeguex Into the “axle Induxtry A dexenmg \xIIIner III the (irand l‘rI\ at (‘annex l’art nl ('nIIIeIIIImrary Wnrld ('mema enurxe l'lffliha’llu'. I-IIIII/Imeh Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr Hunter S Thompson I 15) mo I.-\le\ (iIhney. l'S. 2003') l WIIIIII lIIlnrnIatne neyx deunIentary about the plInInInurIIalIxI and \IK'IU pnlItIeal elIInIIIeleI Hunter S 'l‘hnIIIpxnn'x turbulent Me and work l-.\erynne ltnIu lI‘liI \anle and Rail Steadman to Johnny l)epp are \\ heeled nut to reeall the IIIIxelIIe\nux nullau InurIIaIIxI \xlule (ithney uIIlIxex IIIIIIIIaIe. nexer belnre xeen hnnIe \Idenx. laney xplII ereeII rnxtrum and aIIInIaIInII \xnrl. In paint a revealmg pnIIIaII nl the enmIe AIIIerIeaII \IIIIeI ()I/enn' II’rIIeIII-IIII. RI'II/I'I'n

The Good, The Bad, The

Weird I IS) .... IKIIII JINNIKHL South Korea. 2008) Song Kang hn, lee liyung hun. Jung Won xung l ilimm See I‘m Ieyy. page ‘H. ('mennrltl Ren/n'u Street. (i/Inenn; (‘IIIennr/d, IzI/III/mreli Grindhouse I IS) .... IQIIeIIIIII 'l'arantInn/Robert RnIlrIgIIeI/lili RnIlI/lzdgar Wright/Rob Zombie, LS, .2007) Rnxe Md iImaII. l'I'eIlIly RodrI'gue/. Kurt Ruxxell l‘HIIIIII. 'l‘arantmn and RndrIgIIe/‘x xalute In the l‘)70x exploitaltnn nIner lneuxex on an ex xIrIpper \xItlI a grenade laIIIIelIer equipped Inaehme gun leg. who Ineetx and greetx a troop nl' llexlI eating mutating Inmbiex. 'l‘akmg a xlep do“ II III Inne. 'laranlInn‘x Heath l’muf Iraeex twn grnupx nl women tied together only by the prexenee (If a lunatic ex—llIIllyWnIKl qunlInaII. (‘oInplete with the orIgInal Imaginary trailerx, IlIIx ‘dnuble leature’ nlferx the (rl‘llltllltlll.\(' paekage up on one delIeInuxly eulIIxh plate. ()(ll‘UIl A! 'Ihe Quay. (i/(Lvemv.

Gushing Prayer I IX) .00.

IMaxan Adaehl. Japan. l‘)7l I AM Saxaki. llIroxlIi SaIIo. 72mm. 'l‘ale nl female xexual deeovery from underground Japanexe lilm arIIxt AdaehI, re-Ixxued in new .JSInm print. Part of Wild Japan. I'i/mIInuM'. I‘.t/fllhlll‘t{ll. Happy-Go-Lucky I IS) .00. IMIlIe Leigh. UK. 2008) Sally llavkanx. AleXIx Zegerman, Andrea RIxeborough. I leIn. Leigh reIurIIx with a faIIIIlIar. yet reaxxuringly different film. an alleetionate portrait of earelree ~ill-xomething Londoner Poppy tllavvkinx) and the minutiae of her everyday life. About everything and nothing. the downtime and the nptime. Ihix ix life-affirming quff. Part of ('nntemporary World ('inema eourxe. I‘IInI/Inuse. Edinburgh. Have You Another Apple? I 15) ... (Bay/ram l'a/li, Iran, 2006) '/.abI Athar. Leila Mooxavi. Ahmad Re/a Akhari. 88min. Set during a dyxtopian xovereignty III an unxpeeierd middle- eaxlern land. l'a/li'x xurreal allegory featurex a dark dexpntie ruler who employx mounted xethe-bearing warrIorx to enloree hix reign of terror. AII unlIkely hero ix championed and xetx nut to eIIIaneipate hix people. Part of MIddle liaxlern liilm ltxtival. Film/mine. Edinburgh. He’s Just Not That Into You I 12A) .0. (Ken Kwapix. LS. 200‘); Jennifer Anixton. Ben Affleek. Searlet Johanxxon. l2‘)min. See Alxo Releaxed. page 46. General release. High School Musical 3: Senior Year (1') 0. (Kenny Ortega. US, 2008) Vac lil‘ron. Vanexxa Anne lludgenx. Axhley Tixdale. l I lmin. ’l‘hix time high xehool xeniorx Troy Ilzfron) and (iabriella Iliudgenx) prepare for xeparation before they head off to different eollegex by xtaging an elaborate xpring muxieal. livery bit ax nauxeating ax It xoundx (unlexx you are a child under Itx xhamanixtie powerx), HSM 3 doex. however. take advantage of the big xereen format with xome imprexxive enxeinble muxie and dance numberx. Brunmn Theatre. Edinburgh.