
ilick and llorah’s Infinite Playiist I I2.-\) Daily: I50 & 4.0011101 S1118; Sun). 0. 30.


Daily I40 8; 4.l01nu1Salik Sun). ()401nut Sat (k Still). I). I0.

The Queen (Senior Screening) I I2.-\) Wed: II00aII).

Revolutionary Road I 15)

Daily 7.50.

Role Models I I5)

Daily: I20 8; 3.50tnu1 Sat 8; Sun). ()20. 8.50.

The Secret oi Moonacre 11')

Daily: I220. 250. 5.I5.

Seven Pounds I 12A)

Daily: I2.I5 1‘): 300mm Sat & Sun). 540. 8.20.

Slumdog Millionaire I 15)

Daily: 2.20. 5H). SIT).

Star Wars: Clone Wars tl’(ii

S1116; Sun: I I00am.

Mlighl I I2:\)

Sat & Sun: I I40am.

Underworld 3: Rise at The Lycans I 15) Daily: ‘).00.

Valkyrie I 12A)

Dally: 2.40, 5.20. 845.

Gilmorel'illl 612

‘) I'lllu'l‘xtly .I\\cllllc. 330 5.522. I’ricex

1010M III I I R Waterboysdi) 7.00.

file 3 )wFIIm'I'Ileatre

I2 Rnxc SII'L'L‘I. 0I4I 332 XI2X. (Kile/liar. All perlhrniancex huulx‘ahle. Iiy'eningx: £5.501£4I. Friday helhre 5pm: £3. 'I'uesday special matineex ( 12.45pm): £3. (il’l‘ ('ine('ard holders: £I ull' all prices. (il’l' Sayers: £25 I£I7.50I II) see 5 films (valid 10)" three munlhx).


AChristmasTaleI15) 1.00. 4,00. 7.1)0. MlIkII5) 3.30, 5.45. 8.20.


BetterThings I 15) 3.1)0. 8.45.

Rachel Getting Marriedtl5) 3.30. 8.30. MiIkII5) 5.50.

BelleToujour5I15) 7.00.


Space Chimps II') I 1.30.1”).

Space Chimps (Autism Friendly)tl') 12.30.

Belle Toulours I 15) 2.45. 7.1)0.

Rachel Getting Married 1 15) 3.30. 8.30. BetterThlngSII5) 4.30. 8.45.

Milk I 15) 5.50.


MilkI15) I.30.

BetterThingSIl5) 3.30. 7.30.

To Get to Heaven First You ilave to Die 115) 5.30.

Rachel Getting Married I 15) 8.30.


Bean Spanleytl') 2.15. 6.30.

Rachel Getting Married115) 3.30. BetterT'hingSII5) 4.30. 8.45.

Rachel Getting Married (Subtitled)II5) (L00.

MilkII5) 8.20.


Dean SpanleyIl') 12.45. 6.30. BetterThingsI15) 3.00. 8.45. Rachel Getting ManiedII5) 3.30. MilkII5) 5.50.


BetterThingSII5) 3.00. 8.45. Rachel Getting Married I 15) 3.30. 6.00. MilkI15) 8.21).


BetterThlngs I 15) 1.30. 3.30. MIIktIS) 3.00. RachelGettlng MarriedII5) 5.45.


The Glasgow Film Festival runs 12-22 Feb. For more lniormation, see opposite and page 54 plus feature, page 18.

:\\Itit)n Lane. lllllllcad. iiixiklltg\ (k IIIII). 0I4I 33‘) 8444. Restaurant/bar. Tue I'rt: Seat £6 (£5 helure 5pm): Sula £I5 H; I 2 helure 5pm). Sat 6; Sun: Seat £71£h helure 5pm); Sula £I71£|5 helure 5pm). Mun: Seal £4; Sula £I2. ('I)nce\\11)n\: ('htldren £4: Students/(MIR £4 Inut ayailahle Fri Sat alter 5pm). KRIS. (‘Iuh £3. Watch \xith Iiahy: £5. I.ate \Iltiux‘ Seat £3: Sula £I0.


Frost/NixonII5) I245. 330. 6.00. 8.30.

RevolutionaryRoadII5) 1.00. 3.20. (LIS. 3.4.5.

Revolutionary Road (Parent 8. Baby Screening)II5) I030atn.


The Curious Case at Beniamin Button I 12A)

Fri 1% Sal: 3.00. 0.30. 9.45.

Sun Thu: 2.I5. 5.30. S45.

The Curious Case at Benlamin Button (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12A)

Tue & Thu: 10.30am.

Revolutionary Road ( 15)

Fri & Sat: I.I(I. 3.40. ().I5. 845. 11.15 Inut I-‘ri).

Sun Thu: 1.00. 3.30. ()00. 8.30. The Rocky Horror Picture Show I 18) Late Fri: I I.I5.

IMAX Theatre

(ilaxguw Science ('eIIIre. .50 I’aciIic ()uay. 087i .540 I000. Feature length Iilmx: £7.95 t£5.‘)5l or add £4 10 Science Mall admission. IMAX IiImx: add £2 tu Science Mall admission.


The Dark Knight 30 I 12A) 7.00. Deep Sea 30 (I’(il 1.1)0.


Cyberworld 3D Il’(i)

Sat at Sun: I00.

The Dark Knight 30 I 12A) Fri Sun. Tue & Thu: 7.00. Deep Sea 30 (PG)

Fri. Tue & Thu: 1.00. Dinosaurs Alive 30 (1')

Sat & Sun: 2.00.

Superman Retums 3D I 12A) Sal & Sun: 3.00.


Cyberworid 30 (PG)

Sal Wed: I00.

The Dark Knight 30 I 12A) Fri Wed: 7.00.

Deep Sea 30 (PG)

Fri: I00.

Dinosaurs Alive 30 11')

Sat Wed: 2.00.

Superman Retums 3D I 12A) Sat Wed: 3.00.


()I‘l' Paisley Road. ()I4I 42‘) 7627. 24hr bookings & info: 0871 22 44 007. Adullx £6.50 (premier seats £7.50): (‘uncx £4.50 (premier seats for (‘hiIdren and ().»\l’\ £4.75). Family ticket £Ih’.


Beverly Hills Chihuahua Il’) 3.20. BrideiVarsd’U) 4.15. 6.45. 9.25. Frost/Illxoml5) 2.30. 5.25. 8.30. Luckby ChanceII2A) 4.00. 7.30. Milktl5) 8.10.

llick and llorah’s Infinite PlaylistII2A) 4.00. 6.30. 9.15.

TheReaderII5) 5.35.

Revolutionary Road I 15) 2.50. 5.45. 8.45.

RoieModel5I15) 4.30. 7.00. 9.35. SevenPoundsIIZA) 2.10. 5.15. 8.20. Slumdog MillionaireII5) 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. Underworid3:RiseotTheLycanSIl5) 4.45. 7.15. 9.45.

ValkyrieII2A) 2.45. 6.00. 9.00.


Billu BarberI I2.-\)

Thu " 40

BO" tl’( i)

Sal & Sun III 50.111). II 40.11)). I I5. 220. 335. 4.51) t) 31) S40

Bride Wars II’('))

Weekday 2 20. 4 50. 7 II). I) :5 Sat Ik Sun: II 00.111). 7 I0. ‘I 35

The Curious Case at Benlamin Button I I2:\)

Daily. 350. 4 50. 7 :I). S :I)

.-\I\u Sal .& Sun 12 10. I II)

Doubt I I5)

Dad}: 3.30. (i II). 000

Mm Sat & Sun I255

Enchanted Il’(i)

Sal Ik Sun: II 00am.

Frost/Nixon I I5)

Dally 2.30tk 5.300101 Sal I\ Sun). S It) Grindhouse I 18)

Tile: 7.40.

He’s Just llot That Into You I 12A) Daily: 3.00. ()00. (I It)

:\I\t) Sat & Sun: nuun

ile’s Just Not That Into You (Parent 8- Baby Screening) I 12A)

Tue: I0.30am.

Hotel for Dogs I 1')

Sat & Sun: II.30an). 2.30. 5.20. Mamma Mia! (Senior Screening) Il’( i) Tue: II.0(IanI.

The Reader I 15)

Mun Thu: 2.I0.

Revolutionary Road I I5)

Daily: 2.40. 5.30 Inut Tue). 8.20. :\I\I)S;1I& Sun: I I 50am. Revolutionary Road (Subtitled) I I 5) Tue: 5.50.

Role Models I I5)

Weekdays: 4.40. 7.00 I\ 0.4.5 (1101 'l 11c & Thu).

.’\l\ll Fri: 2.I0.

TheSecretoi Moonacre 11’)

Daily: 4.00.

.-\I\u Sat & Sun: I I.I0an) tiiut Sun). I.30.

The Secret oi Moonacre (Subtitled) I 1 ' ) Sun: II.|0am.

Seven Pounds I 12A)

Daily: ().30. 0.30.

Alw Sat 1% Sun: I 120111)).

Slumdog Millionaire I 15)

Daily: 2.1)0. 5.01). 8.00.

Valkyrie I I2.-\)

Daily: 2.45. 5.5011101 Tue). U00. AIM) Salt I I..50aIII.

Also Tue: 5.30.

Kings Inch Road. 0871 2244 007. Adult £0.75; ('0ncx £4.75; Family ticket £I‘). I’retnier seats: Adult £7.75; Student £7.75; (‘hiId/(lAI’ £5.75.


Bedtime Storicctl’m) 1.00.

Beverly llills Chihuahua I I ') 12.30. 2.40. 4.50. 7.00.

BrideWarsII’u) 1.10. 3.31). 6.II). 8.40.

Frost/NixonII5) 3.20. 6.II). 0.00. My Bloody Valentine 3!) I 18) 1.30. 4.00. 6.30. v.00.

lick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist I 12A) 1.30. 4.00. 6.45. 9.15.

Revolutionary RoadII5) nuun. 2.45. 8.40.

Revolutionary Road (Subtitled) I 15) 5.45.

Role ModeISI15) 1.50. 4.20. 6.50. 9.20.

Seven POUI'IdSIl2:\I tltmii. 2.45. 5.30. 8.15.

Slumdog Millionaire I I5) noun. 2.4.5. 530. 8.20.

Underworld 3: Rise otThe Lycans I 15) 2.21). 4.40. 7.00. 9.30. ValkyrietllA) 2.20. 5.20. 8.15. 9.15.



We’ve extensive cover of this year’s OFF from page 18 but here’s some more of the cinematic treats on offer. For full details of all events visit list.co.uleFF

An Iolaire Documenting the peacetime Sinking ot the HMS Iolaire in which over two hundred troops from Lewu; and Harris were lost as they returned home from WI. The Mitchell Theatre. 19 Feb, 7pm.

Awaydays Adaptation of Kevm Sampson novel (pictured) set in grim Thatcher's England about football hooligans gang The Pack. Cineworld Renfrew Street. Sun 15 Feb. 9pm 8 Mon 16 Feb, 4.30pm. Ballast Award-winning American independent charting a shattered family's reactions to an attempted smcide. Cineworld Renfrew Street. Wed 18 Feb, 4.45pm 8 Thu 19 Feb. 6.45pm.

The Burning Plain Screenwriter Guillermo Amores Perros Arriaga directs a revealing melodrama starring Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger. GFT. Sun 15 Feb. 8.30pm 8 Mon I 6 Feb. I.30pm.

Burn The Bridges (Ouemar Las Haves) Award-winning feature debut for Mexican director Francisco Franco chronicling 19- year—old Helena and her devotion to her dying mother. a former pop singer. GFf, Fri 13 Feb. 8.30pm. Blue Eyelids (Parpados Azules) Moving Mexican romance about a lonely factory worker who wins a dream holiday tor two. GFT. Sat 14 Feb, 6.15pm. Chiko Terse and authentic insight into the German drug trade centring on a dead-eyed youngster set on becoming the king. Cinewor/d Renfrew Street. Fr) 13 Feb. 2pm 8 Sat 74 Feb. 4.30pm.

The Grocer’s Son Uplifting and acutely observed drama about a 30-year-old Parisuan who must return to his home village to drive the family grocery van. Cinewor/d Renfrew Street. Wed 78 Feb. 8.45pm 8 GFI'. Thu 19 Feb. 1.30pm.

Is There Anybody There? Michael Caine plays an elderly magician and widower reluctantly moving into an old folks home and finding unexpected solace. GFI', Sun 15 Feb. 6pm 8 Mon 16 Feb. 4pm.

‘17 7’) Fol. 2009 THE LIST 53