
Seven PoundsI12AI 4.35. 7.25. 10.25. Sex DriveII51 14,40 Slumdog MillionaireI15I 11 l0arn. I55. 450. 7 30. I020 MlighlII2A1 II.05arn. I 50. 4 l0. Underworld3leseolTheLycansII5I I245. 305. 5.25. 7.55. I0 I0 ValkyrieIIZAI ll.l5arn. 1.10. 2.00. 4.I5. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. t) 45. I0.I5. TheWrestlerI15I 720. 1000.


Australia I I2.-\1

Daily: 7.20.

Also late l'rr & Sat: I0.45. Bedtime Stories Il’(iI

Daily: I I.35arn. 2. I0. 4.55, Beverly Hills Chihuahua I I 1

Daily: II30aru. l.50. 4.l5. 0 W Bolt (I’m

Sat IS; Sun: |I.45ani. I2.I5. 2.|5. 2.45. 4.45. 5.I5. 7.I5. 0.45. Bride Wars 0’61

Daily: I2.l5. 2.30. 5H). 7.25. Also late I‘rr I? Sal: I2. I0arn. The Curious Case at Benjamin Button I I2A1

Daily: 12.30. 1.00. 4.00. 4. :0. 8.05.

Also late l‘iri IQ Sat: Doubt I 151

Daily: I I.55arn. 2.40. 5.20. 7.50. l0.20.

He’s Just Not That Into You I 1241 Daily: lI.00ani. I.40. 4.20. 7. II). 0.55.

Also late l‘ri IQ Sat: Hotel for Dogs II'I Sat I52 Sun: I205. 2.35. 5.00. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (l’( 11 Weekdays: I I.45aru. 2.I5. 4.25.

My Bloody Valentine I 181

Daily: 8.40.

Also late I‘m IV; Sat: I Hi).

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist I I2.I\1 Weekdays: 7.05. ‘).20.

Late l‘ri IQ Sal: I I.30.

Punisher-War Zone I 181

Daily: I I.20am & I.55 (not Sat IQ Suni. 4.25 (not Sat IQ Sun). 7H). 9.35.

Also late l'iri & Sat: ”.55.

The Secret oi Moonacre It‘1

Daily: I I.00am. I.30. 4. II). 6.30. 0.00.

Also late l‘ri IQ Sal: Seven Pounds I 1241 Daily: I I.05aru It I.55 (1101 Sat It Sun). 4.50 (not Sat I52 Sun). 7.45. I030. Slumdog Millionaire I 151

Daily: I I.|0an1. l.5.5. 4.50. 7.55. I035.

Underworld 3: Rise oiThe Lycans I 151 Daily: I245. 3.0.5. 5.25. 7.40. l0.l0. Also late I-‘ri & Sat: l2.|5am.

Valkyrie I 12A)

Daily: I I.I5am. 2.00. 4.45. 7.30. |0.I5.

Edinburgh IE—

ace Cinema. Autonomous (‘entre of lidinhurgh. I7 West Montgomery I’Iace. 0| 3| .557 6242. Films are shown most Sundays. I’ree. donations \y elcomc.

SUNDAY 15 FEB Waltz with Bashlr I 181 3.00.

Brunton Theatre

Brunton Theatre works in partnership with a range of rk‘rforming arts companies to produce and present performances of adult and children's theatre. music. and film. Some of the summer highlights include After Mary Rose (2 May). The (‘urye Foundation Dance (‘ompany (8 May). The l'gly' Duckling (9 May). Jan Ray ens (26June1. and the Bank of Scotland lmaginate Festival (26 May-I Jun).


High School Musical 3:SenlorYearIt‘1 6.. 0.

II 00am. | 40.



II.00. I I30.

I 2.30am.


Quantum oi SolaceI12I\I =0

3S llI1111c SIr'ch llIIIikrrrgs IIISal "04 2052 Min III ;I 22S 4.\36 (ate/liar

Inc In \dulls L6IIIIL5I0I1cI01e 5prni. ('oncs L4 00 I L4 IOI1etore .5pr111. Members L4 60 IL 60 before 5prnr .\lI1111e\cept Ilank IrIIIrdaysI L4 III. Mernhers L260. Sat Sun Iand Ilank llolrdaysi. L6 I0. (‘oncs L4 00. \Iernhers L460 Sunday Douhle hills L6 l0 (LIVII; \lt‘llllk'r‘s Ireet \Vt‘tl l-IIsI slIIiyys III t‘Itt'lI \t‘lt‘t'll LI 5” lrtl cttllt't'\\lrilis lily: Screain IIor‘ parentsIcarers and Iialues only 1: L4 IL i. \Iernhers L2501 Membership costs L25 per year It'oncs LIISI. ys yyyy prcturehIIusescouk


Conversations with MyCardenerII2.\I I245.

MIIkI15I 12.15. 3.10. 0.05. «100. MyHameisBruceIIsIIII5.11.15 Rachel Getting MarriedI15I {.20. non Slumdog Millionaire I I5I 2.40. 0.05.


Bubba Ho-Tep I 181

late In I\ Sat: nudnrght.

Changeling I 151 + A Mighty Heart I Mr Sun: l.30.

The Curious Case at Benjamin Button I I2.I\1

Daily: I00. 4.50. 3525.

I’ve Loved You So Long I l2x\I

Daily: I240.

Mllit I I51

Daily: I220 (not Sat Is Sum. 605 Inot Sun). ”.00.

:\lst1lalt‘ III IV Sal: ”.4“.

Rachel Getting Married I 151 \Vt‘t‘ktlaysi .llll.

Sal: I220.

Srrn: ().I0.

Slumdog Millionaire I 151

Daily: 3.20. 6.I5InotSat1. 0.000101 Sat Ik Suni. Also Sat: ”.50

Clnewor'ld Edinhu : h

l-‘ountainpark. Dundee Street. 2011 bookings IQ i11I0:I)IS'7I 200 2000. (‘afe/har. .-\dults L630 (L550 Mon I'ri before .5me; concessions L4. 30. Izarly hird (all performances before noon 1: L4. Moyies for: Juniors (Sat arni: L I. I‘arnily ticket: LI7. Yearly pass (unlimited rnoyiesI: LIO.‘)‘) per month.


Beverly Hills Chihuahua Il'I I |.30ar11. 1.50. 4.00.

BrideWarsII’GI 12.50. 000. ChangelingI151 II.00arn. II.00. Deflancerl51 2.45. 8.45. The Duchess I I2.-\1 1.30. Frost/Nixon I 151 II.35ani. .s'.10.

HungerI15I 4.00. LuckbyChanceI12AI 1.45. s00. Man Ol'IWlTEII2AI i1.00.

Milktl51 II.0.5an1. .5.l.5. MyBloodyValentine3DIlX1 I245. 3.40. (III). 850.

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist I l2:\I UK). 3.30. 5.55. H40.

Revolutionary Road I 151 ll.20arn. 2.10. 5.10. 8.05. Role Models I I51 8.55.

Seven Pound5I12AI 3.00. s15. Slumdog MillionaireII5I mm. 2.50. 5.40. s30.

Underworld 3: RIseoiThe LycansI15I ll.l.5an1. 1.40. 4.l0. 6.30. 0,00 ValkyrleII2.-\I ll.40ani. 2.35. 5.20. 0.15. 8.10. «1.10. TheWrestlerIl5I


Beverly Hills Chihuahua It‘I Daily: I I.40aru. I.50.

Bolt II’(i1

Sat & Sun:


J1 I.) .J‘

l.05. 5.30. 620.

l2. l0. 6.0.5.

noon. 2.l.5. 4.30. 6.45


Ir: Sun II 20.1111. 110 10“ II ‘I. sit)

luc llru II 2".1111. .‘W‘ 13" 'I‘

City oi Ember III \II III i‘larr‘r

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


ll‘llli I215 1.211 LIIII 5I1II_ ‘lrr s50


11.II1_I I? I5. =05. 5 :5 s.‘II

\l\l‘ Inc l 11 I\ Sat I105 Frost/Nixon I I5I

Daily II Warn .\ .‘ .‘0 5 25-11101 \il'lll. .s 55 The Good,The Bad. The Weird 15 [)‘III\ [305. liIr IIIIIr ‘IINI He's Just Not That Into You 1 \I Daily II 05.1111 5 I0. \ Ir' .\l\I1l.tIt‘ I II I\ Sal II III

Hotel lor 0095 l Sat I\ Sun noon. Igor I1’(II


The Lady Vanishes . 1 I

.\lon. II 15.1111. 205 51‘, My Bloody Valentine 3D . IsI lue Hm ‘I *0

late In I\ Sat II ;0

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist I 1 \I l);lll\' I 00 I\ i ‘0 Inol Sat I\ SnnI.

0 10'

.\lso late l 11 I\ Sat Him’s Island II I

11I~1\.:'.I\ \uvrI.


N \‘


SaI' l0.l5.nn Revolutionary Road I 15. Daily II I5.Inr. .‘ I5. 5 I5. 50‘

Role Models I 1 5I Daily 4 05 Inot Sunr. .\Ion \yeIII. 005. Role Models (Subtitled) I I5I

Sun 405

Mon (1. =5

The Secret of Moonacre I1 I

Daily |I50an1. 20'. I 15 Seven Pounds I I.‘.-\I

Daily: 5.500101 S.11I\' Sunr. S .‘5 Slumdog Millionaire I 15.


Daily. l2.l0. 255. 540. 5 *0 .-\lsI1laIel'11I\ Sal. ll 25 Valkyrie I l2:\t

Daily: II i5anr. 2 i5. 520. S I5 .\lsI1laIe l'rII\' Sat. Him

05' \eyyhaltle l'errace. ('(‘ hooking III :1 447 477I lnIII (II 3I 447 2660 and 14" S450. :\dull: Standard L5 70. Superior L660. (‘rnerna 3/4 L660. .\Ion Irr before 6pm: Standard L470. Superior L400.(”1nerna 3/4 L560. ('onccssions/('Iuldr‘en: Standard L4 20. Superior L5 60. ('rnerna 3’4 L4 20. I’ullrnans: :\Ilt'111I1I111 L600. l'\c11111§2

Ll I..50. SoIas/Reclrners' .\Iter‘nIIon. L750. layerung Ll2.50. ('rnerna 2 SIIIas .I\Iternoon L750. Izyenrng L.\.50 Students (Sun ’l'hui L4 60 includes a drink. l'arurly tickets Ironr L i 40 per person. Parent and halyy screenings Li tor each accompany in}: adult


BrideWarsII’m 2.00. I DefianceII5I 4.10. Frost/NixonI15I 2.20. TheReaderII5I 1.05. 600

Seven P0|flld$tl2x\l 1.50. s50 Slumdog Millionaire I W 2.05. 4 40. 3.00. ValkyrieII2.»\I 3.25.


Bolt II’( 31 Sat IQ Sun: l.l.5. The Curious Case at Benjamin Button


5414). 7 {5

S 4D.


Daily: ;.25. 720.


Daily: I25 0101 \1011 I\ Inc). 6 I0 Frost/Nixon I I5I

Daily: I35 Inol .\Ion Ik liter. 4 00

AI“, I‘rr IK Sal: 0. l0. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Il’(ii Sat & Sun: I.25.

Milk I I51

Daily: 6 30

The Reader 5

l ‘.. it \ \" Slumdog Millionaire 5

ll::\ ‘1‘\\

Valkyrie \ rIv~

Valkyrie (Parent 8. Baby Screening)

\ lr' ..

EdinI ~ll Film Build l"l""l\ ‘\l“'-" ‘."l\I‘l ‘ll‘ "\; \II‘ \I- 'I-Ic' III‘Is Ii ."'V\'. '_\'I\" I1 " "I l’ s II 'III sI~1.:I‘.‘ 'I‘sc rIsIIr

l\{\lll i‘ '\\ ‘.' \l 'I'

l\ '1'. 'I 1 I, here“ sI iI‘cr‘IcIl ‘*\ "1.: l :01 .11. '1 Sun exert "‘ lI~r II.11I1 ‘I s'

:.I. .1... I'Ilrrr'tm: 'I‘IIIIIIQIIIIII I It”.

The Lavender Hill Mob 1 II III

Ghengis Blues 1 WI-

The Ten Commandments l IIIII

Smiles 01 a Summer Night I‘( I ' IIII

I\.\IIIII11.Irrls’I-I.i 01:12“ ‘05“ II I'

ls’I-stanran‘. I \I‘nrnv s. rI'ur‘ItrrI'I IIIHI" ‘prrrr ‘6'? I ‘01 \I.;t'-‘ IliI-IIII: 5prnI i150 9:. I" on .0". 1; ..1"~Ic~ (£50.12.

1. Revolutionary Road so II 00 S is

2.Frost/HixonII5I s00 IIIIII s10 3.TaxiDriverI‘I\I I <0. II.‘II TheWrestIerIlm 100 ssII

1. Revolutionary Road IN 1 00 s :0 IInn, .s H

2. Frost/NixonIIM 1.‘ Is. No s10 Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid IsI II 00 3. TheWrestlerI Is. 1 :0 s so "ameSSIl’(ii (i I5

1. Revolutionary Road 1m IIII I {It

(IIIII. s <5 2. The Scent of Joseph’s Shirt I M II (III

Killer Elite ls. l 15 Frost/NixonIl5I 606 s It) 3.TheWrestlerIr5I 1 III Mo WomenII'II. II<I1


yI I‘ll,,‘.¥ :1

1. Revolutionary Road I 15I 1 IIII. : <I1_ (Hill S R

2. Tehran Has No More Pomegranates! II'(II I 00

Frost/Nixon I5. 420 s III

Junior Bonner M I II IIII

3.TheWrestIerI15I 1W. <50. s50 Three Women II’III II III

"M 1M .;;;.

1. Revolutionary Road I 15I 2 <0. I, 00


2. Frost/NixonI15I R011 \50 GomorrahI15I IIIIII 3.TheWrestlerI15I <15. .stII

Have you Another Apple? I 1 5I II 10

'III’I'H/ we,

1. Revolutionary Road I5I .‘ «II. 000. s :5.

2. Frost/NixonI15I <00. Crazed FruitIrsI ‘HIII 3.TheWrestierI15I =15. FestenII5I II :II



1.Revolutionary RoadI15I 2 ‘III. 600. x :s

2.Frost/HixonI15I =00. s U)

Buena Vista Social ClubII'I (.00. 3.TheWrestierI15I <15. s55 The EdukatorsI15I 545