
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanneGlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Activities and Fun

FREE Saturday Art Club l'ntil Sai 3s l'eb. |0.30am Iprn. (taller) ol Modern Art. Rll)&tl Izschange Square. 387 3050. Art actrx ities relating to tire art on drspla} \sith drauing. collage. sculpturemaking and games. Parents can get stuck in too. Ages 3 l3.

FREE Back to the Drawing Board Sun 8 it I5 Feb. 3 .330piri. Museum ol 'I'ransport. KelHlI Hall. I Burihouse Road. 387 3(i5l. IIa\e lun at this creatne workshop “here )011 cart sketch some ot tllc objects on displa}.

FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club Sat 7 l’eb. I0.30arn_ Kehingrtn e Art (ialler‘) (k Museum. Arg) le Street. 370 959‘). (ialler) tours. specimen handling. hands-on actixities and games. This session loctIses on courtslnp arid breeding. Ages .’ l3.

FREE Transport in Art Sat 7 Mb.

I Iain I3.30pm. Museum ol 'I'ransport. Kebrn Hall. I Bunhotise Road. 387 3730. Make art tising chains and other bic_\ cle parts. Ages 7 I3. No booking required. Sing up Saturdays Sat 7 is I4 I‘eh. times \ar}. £53 £8tlt£34 £53 l'or eight ueeksl. Scottish Opera. 40 lidington Street. 0844 847 I045. Learn Italian arid Spanish as \\ ell as singing and drama t'rom Seollisll (lpera. Ages 3 I0.

FREE Burrell for Families Sat l4 Feb. 3pm. Burrell Collection. 3060 I’oIIokshaus Road. 387 3550. Tour the .‘lm'mt/ (heels exhibition and get inspired lo ileeot'tlle _\otlt' oun lel'l‘aeotla pol. Back to school with Miss Baxter Sun I5 Feb. 3 3pm. £3. Scotlartd Street Scltool Museum. 335 Scotland Street. 387 0500. Ir) a da} at school in I939 at this actress—led re-ertactment. Ages 5+. FREE Heli Whirlers Mon lb Feb.

I lam I3.30pm & 3 3.30pm. Scotland Street School Mtrscum. 335 Scotland Street. 387 0500. Make )ttlll' own to} thing rttacltirte and launch it l'rom the root ol‘ tlte museum to“ er. Ages 5 l3. FREE Zest Holiday Programme Mon to & 'l‘tie l7 Feb. 3 4pm. Burrell Collection. 30(i0 l’olloksltaxts Road. 387 3504. Cream e lun at tlte BurreII. inspired b) the xllu'it'nl (in'eks exhibition.

FREE Build a Wind-up Toy 'l'tie l7 Feb. llani l3.30pm & 3 3.30pm. Scotland Street School Mtiseum. 335 Scotland Street. 337 0500. Create your on n car. rocket or horse. Ages 5 l3. FREE Thaumatrope toys Wed I8 Feb. IIam I3.30pm (& 3 3.30pm. Scotland Street School Mtisetim. 335 Scotland Street. 337 0.500. Create :1 Victorian optical illusion to) called a thaumatrope. .-\ges 5 l3.

Theatre and Dance

Puppet Show Thu 5 Feb. I0am 4pm. £4. The 'I‘all Sltip at (ilasgoxs Harbour. I00 Stolk'l'oss Road. 333 35 l .3. Help Ratt} get all ol‘ his \sork done bel‘ore Pirate l’inkbeard thrtms him oserboardl For under 7s.

The Frog Prince and Other Tales Sat 7 Feb. 3pm & 3.45pm. £4.95 tchildren £4.75). 3collish Mask and Puppet Centre. 8 l0 Balearres .»\\enue. KeIVindaIc. 339 (085. Princess Stepltanie has no titne I‘or a slim} l‘rog . . . until she needs Itis help. Ages 3+.


FREE Telling Tall Tales Sat 7 Feb.

I lam noon. Village Storytelling Centre. St James' Parish Church. I83 Meiklerig Crescent. 333 303.5. Storytelling sessions on the first Saturda) ol’ each month FREE Storytelling Sat 7 Feb. | lam. Scotland Street School Museum. Museum of Education. 335 Scotland Street. 387 0500. th tales aplenty with this tour around the maseum. Ages 3- 7.


As all parents of school-aged children know, finding out what happened to them during the day can be akin to pulling teeth - and that's when you actually see them. For working parents who arrive home post-bedtime. keeping yourself informed can be a tricky business. as Zarrar Chishti discovered one day, when a strange new certificate appeared on his son,

Yahyaa’s bedroom wall.

‘My son won a maths award at school,‘ he explains. ‘And I didn't know about it until two weeks later, which really got to me. He was so happy about it, but because I had a lot of work on at the time, it wasn't until I noticed the certificate that I found out.’ As managing director of Glasgow- based games development company, T-Enterprise Chishti soon found a solution to the problem - a website connecting children and parents.

At www.2dayatschool.com parents can register their e-mail address. then each day after they've finished school, children can log-on and report back. Having filled in a series of questions (‘Did you have a good day?‘. ‘What lessons did you have?’) children can then play a number of fun games designed by T-Enterprise. Best of all, it’s absolutely free.

‘Now I get an e-mail every day at about 4.15,’ says Chishti. ‘Which is the whole reason I’ve done this. My son can’t get to the games until he answers the questions, so he always fills them in. It's not the only way to talk and I don’t want my son spending lots of time on it. But it's great to receive the e-mails each day, and when I’m 60 I can re-read them all because I'm storing them in an archive.’ (Kelly Apter)

1; . g . Q 3 g u “-

FREE Nanny Noo’s Nursery Tours Sat 7 Feb. 3 4pm. Museum ol"l'ranspoit.

Is'el\in Hall. I Burtliouse Road. 387 3(i5l.

Take a tour ol‘ the museum uith Nann) .\'oo. \\llll sortgs arid ntirser) rh}mes along the \\a_\. Ages 5 and under. Phone to check mailabilit).

FREE Children‘s Storytelling Sat l4 Feb. 3 4pm. Water‘stone's. I53 I57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9I05. Stor}telling and colouring-in inspired b} [.UI't'. Splat b} Rob Scotton.


FREE A Mouse Took a Stroll . . . Sat l4 Mon l Feb. Sat/Sun llam 5pm; Fri & Mon l0am 7pm; the l7 'I'hu l9 Feb l0am o30pm. (’ranhiII Beacon. 300

Bellt‘oek Street. 337 933.5. Meet a sl_\ lt)\.

a clex er \see mouse and somebod} \\ itlt claiss and teeth and a big appetite. Surtable tor _\otmg children and tamilies.


Activities and Fun

FREE Bags of Art Stilt l5 Feb. 3 4pm.

National (ialler) ol Modern Art. 75 BL‘lltll’tl Road. (334 (i300. l‘:\plol‘e the collection arid create _\our on it arttsork. Ages 3 I3.

FREE Art Cart l'ntil Sat 38 Feb. |0am 4.30pm. National Mtiseum ol' Scotland. Chambers Street. 347 4433. Range ol’crat‘t} acti\ities. Materials prox ided. For children ol~ all ages.

Afterschool Arts Fri 0 Feb. 3- 4pm. £5.

Out ()I' The Blue Drill Hall. 30—36 l)almen} Street. I.eith. 555 7IOI. Learn

collage techniques l'roni Julie Danson. Book \‘ia \\\\'\\.jlllle(lil\\son.llle.lll\' or ()795l I373l8.

FREE Making Friends with Japan Sat 7 3; Sun 8 Feb. I 4pm. National (taller) ol' Scotland Complex. The Mourtd. (334 (i300. Scottish artist (ieorge Henr) loi ed Japan. Be inspired by his paintings to make )tilll' oun \iorks oI' art. Musical Roots Sat 7 Feb. 1.30 2.l5pin & 3.45 3.l5pm. £3 ladults tree). Ro}al Botanic (iarden. 30a Imerleith Rim. 553 7l7 I. See what musical instruments cart be made Ironi plants and rec}cled materials. l'nder 7s.

FREE Sunday Science: The Private Life of Snowdrops Sun 8 Feb.

noon 3pm. Rotal Botanic (iarden. 30a lmerlcith Ron. 553 7I7l. Find out all about these beautiful lltmers. Ages 5+. Happy Birthday Mr Darwin ’I‘hu I2 Feb. 9am 4.30pm. Included in admission: £l3.50 t£8.50 £I0.50; under 3s tree). lidinburgh Zoo. Corstorphinc Road. 334 9| 7 I. Celebrate Charles Dam in's 300th annixersar} vi ith a \'o} age ol‘ the Beagle trail around the loo

Afterschool Arts Fri I3 Feb. 3 4pm. £5. (hit ()I. The Blue Drill Hall. 30 3o l)aImen_\' Street. l.eith. 555 7l0l. Celebrate the ('arni\aIe di Vene/ia is ith mask-making actixities. Book \ia

\\ \\ \\ .quiedau son.me.uk or 0795l l373l8.

Dino Dig and Dino Detectives Treasure Hunt Sat l4 & Sun I5 Feb. l0am~5pm Included in admission: £9.50 (£5.95 —£7.50: under 3s tree). Dynamic Farth. Hol}rood Road. 550 7800. I'nemer dinosaur bones. Under I3s.

First Impressions: Carnivale di Venezia Sat I4 I-eb. I lam noon. £4 50 (lot (It I‘he Blue Drill Hall. 30 3b l)a|men_\ Street. I eith. 555 7 NH Mask. making ltirt “Illl Julie Ha“ son .-\ges 4 8 Book \ i.i \\ \s \\ iulredaxs son rue tik or 0795l I373I8

FREE Stunning Snowdrops Sat l4 Feb. I 3pm Rosal Botanic (iarden. 30a |n\erleitlt Rim. 553 "I”I Make sour ostn sums drops. tisiitg the (iarden's collection as Insplratlon.

February Fabric Fun Mon It» In 20 Feb. l0am noon. £70 lor \teek. Imagination \\orkshop. I3b Marchmont Road. 400 0|43 :\ \sltole \\ eek ol leItmg. \sea\ mg. paper-making. siIk painting and I shut paiiitiitg .-\ges in

FREE Mega-Beasts Mon In is l'ue I7 l‘eb. l0.30am l3 30pm .\ I 4 30pm. National Museum ol Scotland. Chambers Street. 347 4433. Weird and stondertul creatures Ir‘om the lirmun't/ eshibition \isit the museum lot real. including a bird-eating (ioliath spider and snake. FREE A Slice of Life Mort Io In 30 Feb. I0. 30am I3. 30pm is 3 4pm. National Museum ot Scotland. Chambers Street. 347 4433. Stories ol the oldert tl;i_\s Irom a steam engine driser. doctor arid uoman III the stocks assaiting sentencing. Eco Fair Mon lb Stirt 33 Feb.

I Iarrt 3.30pm. Included in admission; £I3.50 t£l0.50; ages 3 l4 £8.501under 3s tree; larnil) ticket £35 £40). Iidmburgh Zoo. ('orstoi‘phine Road. 334 9l7l. ll‘s eas} being green \Hlll the loo's eco tau and actn ities.

Be a Royal Fashion Designer Mon Io Sun 33 Feb. I 4pm. Included in admission: £I0 l £0 £9; tinder 5s lr‘ec‘. lamil} ticket £30.50i. I’alace ol lIoI_\rtmdhotise. Ro}a| Mile. 55b 5I00. .-\cti\ it) trail arid art \sorkshop all about decadent ro}aI lashions. Ages 5 I l. FREE Super Half-Tenn Science Mon lo Fri 30 Feb. l0am 5pm. National Mitsetini ol‘ Scotland. Chambers Street. 347 4433. Rolling programme ol' Super St‘lt'm't' .Vlnti' arid .Ur't'! l/It‘ .3t'li'll!!\l. Animation Workshop Wed I8 & 'I‘hti l9 Feb. 10am 4pm. £30 (£34). l)ean (ialler). 73 Behind Road. 034 (i300. Make an animated tilm based on 'I‘itian‘s Drum: paintings at this \sorkshop.

FREE Plant Extremes Wed I8 Feb.

I 3pm. Ro)al Botanic (iarden. Imerleith Ross. 553 7l7 I. Learn some extreme lacts such as the tallest tree. the smeIIiest

llou er and the most poIsoHotIs plant. Drop-In session lor ages 5+.

Theatre and Dance

Private Peaceful 'I‘hu l9 I'eb. l.30pm & 7pm. £10.50 (£8.50; tinder I8s £6). Brunton 'l‘heatre. Lady“ ell Wu}. Mtisselburgh. no.5 3340. Iixcellent stage production of Michael Morpurgo‘s L‘lllt)ll\C slor) of a )oung WWI soldier.


Hearts 311! I4 I'ieb. 3.30pm. £0. Scottish Stor) telling Centre. 43 45 High Street. 556 9579. Ilear tales ol' ltrit and friendship. then make a sparkly Valentine's Day linger puppet. Ages 5+.


FREE How the Giraffe Got its Neck Sat 7 Feb. I I.45am d; 3.45pm. National Mtiseuni ol' Scotland. 3 Chambers Street. 347 4433. Join tu'o intrepid explorers as the) discm er the ansv. ers to life's big questions. Ages 4+.

FREE The True Story of Captain Gow Sun l5 Feb. 13.45pm. l.45pm & 3.45pm. National MUseum of Scotland. 3 Chambers Street. 347 4433. Join the swashbuckling Scottish pirate for exciting tales ol the high seas.

FREE Talking Trees Storytelling Sun l5 Feb. 3 73pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. Im'erleilh Rout. 348 3968. Tales ol magic. in) ster}. trees and travel for children aged 5+.

Tiny Tales 'l‘ue l7 Feb. I I.30am. £3 per child. adults free. Scottish Storytelling Centre. 43—45 High Street. 556 9579. Stories. rhymes and songs for ages omths—3 yrs.

5—19 Feb 2009 THE LIST 59