Music Rock&Pop

Wednesday 1 1


I Deaf Havana, Allstationsdown illllI Proceed I\iir_\ Iilnckx, 5h ()\\\.II\1 Sliccl. 3-1\ .11 1-1 "pm If» ()ch 11x \Iltm .-\ ini\ HI .ill rm k. punk and cum \(illl](1\ HI) 1111\ IHII

I The Coast, We See Lights .mil Over The Wall (‘.ipi.un\ chi. 155 (11ml \\c\lcin RILIKI. 331 3533 5. 3|lpiii (linnilmn iniIic pup 11L'\\cHIIIL'I\

I Sandi Thom \l.( ‘(‘ (luk- .\udilniiuni. I‘llllllk'\1lill Qua}. 115”“ llllllllllll 3 3UP!“ L3H InniIun Ixixcil Scullixh \iingxlicxx \|.Illi 11,l\ Iiccn \IHIIIL' Iicr I‘II IHl lIic Yciu ul IIiiiiicuiiiiiiig FREE Broken Records and The Endrick Brothers ( )lilll \lm. ”ll " =5 (Ircnl \chlcrn RiuiiI. 357 (131111 \pin I'.lllll|k';lll liilk lllL‘t'I\ ilIIL'l'llilIHk' inilic Iriini IIll\ .icclniniciI l‘AIIIlI‘lIIfJII cnxcinhlc Iii'nkcn RccnriIx I'icc iickcl\.i\.u|.i1i1c 1min \\\\\\.IIIL'llllII |i\c.cnni

I Ghosties, The Travels .IIItI We are ROCKS“? I’l\ii I’l\ii. I5 \\111CIIHH Sli'ccl. 5(i~1 3311111 Hpni. IIic IlL‘.MIIlllL'l'\ .‘llL‘ inI'IucncciI In cwrymc 1min Duo in Duran Duran.

FREE Opal, Oscar Charlie and Scott McWatt 13m. ~l 31 SuucIiicIiiiII Slim. 3 33 5131. 8pm. 1.1M (‘11) Iiinlx li‘ununnn .\1c\\’;iu PI.’I_\\ I11\U\\ll gig. FREE Open Stage 'I’Iic II;iIl 13m; lhll \Vumllundx Road. 353 (NW), N, 3(lpiii. \Vcckl) upcn mic night.

I Secret Machines and Filthy Dukes King ’Iul'x \Vuli \\';iIi 1111!. 353:1 Si Vinccnl Sli'ccl. 331 537‘) H. 3llpni, L'lll. II_\pnulic Krnuu'nck inl'lucnccil glut“ L‘ llllicIllllc

FREE Nevada Base 1%.”- llluc. I l‘ IinlIl SII'L‘L‘I. 57-1 (iIllili. ‘Iplil. IlliIlc cIcclru-pup.

I North Glasgow College Band Night SIL‘I'L‘U. 3H 3H RL'IIIIL'Id 1.;lllL‘. .333 3354. Bundx (in lIic lllll\lL' cnurxc \Illl\\L'il\C lIicir \\;llL‘\.

'I—HEfl 1:1”

Live Music



FRI 6th

Va: 110: l’cllccfi.’

FRI 13th

Grllnr Cccpcr

SAT 14th


Full lislings 'Arrrmflicarl"rr;i‘.iir;.cr.i‘.‘. THE ARK 5-7 Waterloo Place

Edinburgh EH1 38G Box office: 0131-623-7147

70 THE LIST :3 '21 For $809

I Wake the President, The Doledrums .mil Little Eyolf (11.1%.“ \cIiimI H! \II. I"~ Rc'llIlcu \llccl. 55“ ~15 31 .\IcIniIic 111(11t'1‘il[‘\1L'I\ IichIinc


I Chasing Amy .III\I Last Letter Read SlilrIlli 33. 34 3" ( ‘.iIli‘ll RiMiI. 55\ 3‘55 ‘piii L5 \ngq} indic rmk Iliilll .\‘LUI

I Une Fiori \\cc Rcd 1341. I‘.k1111I‘lII‘_'II (’iillcgc ml \i’l. I..lllIl\IHIl Plan: 33" 1143 "pm H “1111 \uppuil. n.unc\ in I\' .lIlIlUlIIk L't1

I Playback: The Best of Edinburgh Open Mics llii- \mulm Rimnix I‘M \\c\l chhlci Sliccl. 55h ‘lihll " 5UP”) L3 H431 \ c'L‘IL'I‘lnIlHll ul IziIinIiurg11\ :JI;I\\IHHI\I.’11L'III. Ill‘\1k'\I Ii} .Icnn} I.iiiiI\;i}

I lndatusion and Bo Deadly IIIk' (SRV. 3"(iiilhiic Sliccl. 33113‘IN" .\‘pni U I’\_\cIiciIcIi.i incclx pimci pup IlHlll IniI.ilu\inn \iniIc Hulk-.1111} cilc ihc I‘IC\\L'(I .\Ii I)iiIiIIc} ;l\ illl inlIucncc. iiIiingxiiIc (Xiplnin ”ch11an and Iccringc I-giiicluh.

FREE Open Mic IIk' Jam IIiiuxc. 5 ()uccn Sli'ccl. 33h 43311. Spin. \\c\lcin mm): W! \\lIIl Sirclcli I).i\\rwn ; upcn IlllL‘ \L'\\IHII.

FREE Southern Remedy uml The Planes \Vliixilclmikicx. -l (r .\‘uuili Iil‘liIfJL‘. .55" 5114.9plll. I.UL‘;11.I\‘I\. FREE Dr Ruby’s Acoustic Showcase 'I‘Iic .I;i// Hui. | (‘|i;unhcr\ Sli'ccl. 330.1318. .\IiiIniinl. ‘\ \clcclinn HI :iciilhllc ;icl\


I Abba - The Show (';il'iicgic II;iII. I',;i\l I’iirl. (11333 (\(13303, ”3(1pm, £14.51). 'I’rrIiulc lu llic niiglil} S\\L'(1L'\.

Thursday 12


I Forever the Sickest Kids IIlc (iillIllllIW'. 1.5 1.1110” ~\‘ll‘ccl. 3-18 (i(iI1(i. 7pm. {8. ()\ci'- IJx \Iimx. 1"iirniulnic L‘lllH pup punk lruni IIll\ I)£lII;l\ \i\-piccc.

I Nell Bryden ;\15('3. 33ll$ziuchic1m11 Slrccl. 333 3333. 7pm. £7. ()\cr-IJ\ \Iiim. .\Iudcrn (In) I)i\ic :ind Iilucgruxx 1min Brnuklyr \ingcr-xungurilcr.

I My Cousin l Bid You Farewell \ic‘c'ii'SIc;i/). 431 Sziucliicliull Sircci. 3331101111 7.30pm. .'\kin In Nick (';1\ c \\III1 illl cIccu‘niiicu I\\l\1.

I This iS Soul Ril};lI (‘iillL‘cl'l IIuII. 3 Sziiichiclizill Sum. 35.3 Sllllll. 7.3llpni. [13 £311.:\ cclchrnlinn ul' Briluin'x 1m c ll151';lll'\\ll11I‘IllL‘k lllll\lL’ mcr ihc I;i\l 51) Manx. \\ uh (Icnu \\';i\|iinglun :uid lIic Ruin Jam Band. .Illlllll} JillIIL‘N illHI I’I’ .\rnnIiI.

I The Fuckups, Poverty Scum, The Babysitters and Dip Dap 'l'hc I“ I\lL‘t1 \VhL‘CI. 7.3 Qllccll Sll‘ccl. 331 4851. Spin. £4. I’mcri_\ Scum :irc pnliucixcd punks Il'Ulll (‘iiinhcrmiulil FREE Madaleine Pritchard Brcl. .39 ~13 :\\Iilnn 1.;inc. 3-13 4966. 8pm. I‘unk inl’uwd. qul'uI. Allumic \l}1c jzi/l l'ruiii lIic \iIk} \niccd c\-('uinniiuncnlx \lllgL‘l' ill IIll\ ('uncrclc (‘uinpl'irc night. I Master, Castrofate, Feral, Speed Theory and Nightmare Visions RUckL‘h. 1-1 .\IILIIumI Sll‘ccl. 331 11—730 .\‘pni. Rock and mclul l'caluring hundx I‘ruin Ihc 1K and 18.

I The Switchblade Masquerade and Out at Samsara l’iw l’im. l5 \\';ilcrluu Slrccl. 56-1 8111”. 8pm. Iilccli'u/Iiip hop/ruck Inhrid and mpcrnncnlul unihicnl ruck.

FREE St Deluxe, Diamond Sea and Lucker (‘gipluin'x chl. 185 (ircgit \chicrn Road. 331 3‘33. Spin. 'I‘Iic launch 01' SI I)cIu\c\ dchui ilII‘Ulll. Scc prcx icu pugc (‘3.

I The Aynsley Lister Band 'l'hc 15crr_\. .'\Ilt1L‘r\1UI1 Qua}. BI'UUIIIICIJ“. (11608 3(ill (185. 8pm. £13. 'I‘xxcnl} - xiiniclhing Briiixh h1uc\ lgiIcnI.

FREE The MeatMen, Franco Neon and The Last Corinthians Rm. 431 SuuchichaiII Slrccl. 333 5431. 8pm. RuckuhilI}. hlucgraixx :ind \kil‘flc from (iluxgim trio 'I‘Iic .\IcgilMcn.

I Ra Ra Riot .mil We See Lights King IuIK “ah “ah Hill. 353.: \'l \llch‘lll SIICCI. 331 5:“) \ 311p,“ 1h 511 \c\\ \urk SLiIc IlL‘diIIllli‘lx “ho \UI‘I‘UIIL'd \.inipnc “cckcnd «in twin Iml )c.n

I Alkotron, Convoi Exceptionnel .inil Not in This Town [lie 1 lung Duck. _ chlicu (hurl. 5331111141 up”, 1-1 ('1 .1H‘.lIIl[‘I1i\l‘lH\k iIun \linighl nulln -\I‘L'l}\[\\}1h

I Indafusion l 11h \uic (luc. 5” Ni King Sliccl. 553 I(\3.\ ‘lpni I’x}c11cdc1m incclx pmxci pup Ilt‘lll I)llllIL‘llllIlllL' I‘JIIKI IlliI.lIll\lUll

FREE Ten Tonne Wasp, Rachel Dawick .iml Jimmy Fast Keys llic I)r.i\\ing Runni. 11155 \'.iucIucIi.i|I Sliccl. 1N .\‘Mm ‘lpni .\Icllim mundx .ii IIll\ ucckl} (‘luicl RIUI niinl

FREE Bazodee Ilic 11.111 IL”. 1011

\\(HH1I.IIH1\Rl‘JlI. 553 ”Wm \cc IIlll .5


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery IIic .|.i// Hui. l ('Iiunilicix Sum. 33” .1303 5 Spin. Scc 11m 5

FREE Broken Records and The Endrick Brothers IIlc (km-x. .\rililr} Sli'ccl Suuili. 55“ 893" "pm l'rcc Iiul IlckL‘lcxI. SL'L‘ \VciI I I

I Nestival II;i\\ kc .mil llumci. 13 I’lc;ll'i1_\ I’Igicc. 55511053 "pin. L'". .\n cwning 01 Inc lllll\l\‘ Iiiuughl lugclIici Ii} lIic Ixxillci cliniinunn} .iII inixing Il111l1\ lur ('Iigiiil}: \Vulci Mum and I’clci (ii'cgmn ;uc \igncil up w Lu \NlIIl inurc In Iic ginnuunccil.

I The View 'I’Iic II.\I\' I’iclui'c Ilium". IMIIllllll Ruud. 11311 .\317 171“, "pin. {1 3 m illlHIIlCl' cracking gurugc} indic unxluughi Il'Ulll lIic I)llllk1(\lll;lllI}kL'\. \u' [in'i I('ll. [mgr 03.

I Smoked Glass IIIL' .\rk. 3 \Vulcrlmi I’Incc. (‘33 "14". 7.311pin. L31. I.UL‘;|I IIMIIC. \\ III) ”1011‘ ;icl\ In IM' cunlirrncd.

I The Bedlam Survivors Club and Salute Mary IIcnr} \ ('cllur Iiur. 3 lm .\Iurriwn Sirccl. 333‘13‘13 ani. {-1. Indic ruck.

FREE The Debuts .‘lIIlI Boycotts IIlL‘ I'nliill. IIL‘I'IUI \Villl l‘ni\cr\il.\. Ricc;ii'lun.~151 5333. ”pm. Syilh iIi‘iu-n indic ruck Il'Ulll IiiIinIiurin'x I)chul\,

I The Harringtons liniincrinun'x. \iiIiIr} Slrccl. 550 3354. ”pm. 9.11. Ruck. FREE The Lane, Phoenix O and Falling Red \Vhixllchinkicx. 4 (s Suulh Ilridgc. 557 5| 14. 0pm. I.uc;i1 llL‘I\. FREE The Freaky Family 'l'hc .I;i// Iizir. I (‘Iiunihcrx Slrccl. 33114308.

| 1.3llpni. Scc III“ 5.


I The Black Hand Gang .>\l£(‘3. 3 in Suuchichull Sli'ccl. 333 3333. 7pm. [5. ()\cr- l-Ix \Illl“. Run urhuii hlucx.

I Ida Maria ‘I'Iic (igu'ugc. J‘Nl Suucliichgill Sii'ccl. 333 113“. "pm. L'Ill. ()\ci=I-1\ \11(l\\. Bullx) \iirucgiun indic xtgirlcl and Iicr Imnd pI;i_\ IIll\ XIII: .‘\\\ill'\1\ gig.

I The Sears ()3 :\L‘;i\1Clll} 3. I31 Iigliniun Slrccl. (1844 J77 3111)”. 7pm. U». (illixgim pimcr pup/ruck li\c-picc'c IlL'ildIIIIL‘.

I St Valentine’s Day Massacre ('Igixxic (irand. 18 Jamaica Sirccl. K47 (1830. 7pm. £7. ()xcr- le \Il(l\\. Icn I‘llll(1\ lhc p|;i_\ ing Licrmx mu IIimrx.

I The Scheme Experience, Break Glass Emergency, Get Gone, Album and Sinking Cities Burrimlzuid 3. 34-1 (izillimgiilc. 553 4601. 7pm. £(i.()\cr-14\ \IlU“. .\ mix n1 IUCilI handx

I Brown Eye Superfly and The Gothenburg Address .\‘icc'n'Slcu/y 431 Suuchichaill Strccl. 333091111. 7.3llpni. Iiunk'} ruck munds I'ruiii Brimn Ii}c Slipcrll}.

I Daybreak .\IIiggIc .\1;i}\.()l):\1hi(in Sirccl. .\Icrchunl (it). 548 1351). 7.30pm. £5. Local indic.

I 0079 Rik‘kClN. 1-1 Midland SlrL‘cl. 331 (1736. 8pm. .-\('/I)(’ lrihulc.

I Nollowtin Sorrows ('zipiuin's Rest. 18.5 (ircut \chicrn Road. 331 3733. 3pm.

1h I)c.i\1 Kcnncilp inlIucnccil munik I Rat Pack Live IIlc 1cm. \11x1t‘l\1i‘11 ()uax. Iili‘i‘llllL‘In“, llerx :m Il\5 \pni L35 \ winging liiI‘uic in IIJIIk. \unnix dIIkI . FREE Rieser .mil Sneaky Pete BM. -1 3| \.lII\I11k'II.lII \lii‘t'l. 333 5131 5pm Indic

I Rodan and The Nancy Wha llic I\\l\1L'\I\\IlCCI. ‘3 ()uccn \uccl. 331 4551 Spin :5 (il.i~gu\\ Illi‘ nillucnccd Ii_\ .lIIU\Ii‘I \It1\\1\51i‘\ik\ .lc1\11i‘lll\1,l\\ HI killt'

I This Town Needs Guns, Endor .mil We Are Trapped in Kansas Ii.il11§.3(i11(31_\\1c\llccld‘h‘ll‘lll”ll‘l‘l‘l ani :5 \nguI.u guil.ii\.ini1iill kiIIci linic \lf_'1LlIlIIt‘\ liuni I I\(‘.

FREE Independence \.lllll|\‘1 liim (W "I \IIIIMIJIC I\)\‘.I\I. 133llIH“

.\ 3llpni local luck

I Paper Planes .mil My Final Wish King Iul‘x “411 “.111 Hill. 353.1 M \uiccnl \liccl. 331 53"" 5 3llpin L5 (iI.i~gu\\ pimci punk \lllI \llIJIIk'I liunlciI In \cu .Iciw} \ik'.lIl\I ,Icnnilci I’.ilc}

I Eddy and the T-Bolts, El Bastardos, Senzatine .ind Denis Law Jr I3I11\iilc('.iIL'.5II hll king: Sliccl. 553 1(i3X ‘Ipni I’unk ruck Iuic up

I Misc .iniI Perk .\"nunillmux .l“ II}iIL'[‘.llk SIICL‘I. 331 305“ 111 3UP!“ {13 iL'Illi I i\clchinu.icl\.il1qu \Ic.i/c club night

I Basement Jaxx ()3 .\cmlcnn. l_‘l Izglmiun \‘iicci. us“ .1" juuu RI‘S('III'I)I'I II) in 35 \piil


FREE Dr Ruby‘s Musical Surgery IIIL' .1;i// Hm. I (‘Iiginihcix \liccl. 3311 A1308 5 Spin Scc IIiu5 FREE Walk This Way with Shameless Ikiiiiici'iiiniiK. \iiIiIu Slrccl. 55h 335-1 5pin .\‘cc Ill 0

I Chil unil Beau Nasties \VIiixlIcIiinkicx. .1 (i Snulli IiiiiIgc. 55" 511-1 (\pin Iicc Iiclnic iiiiilniinl. U :iIlci'. Indic \\ ilIi niiirc ilk'1\ lIic

FREE Gand-Eye and The Pineapple Chunks \Vcc Rcd Ikii. IziIinIiurin ('UIIL'jJL' HI :\l'l. I.;illl'l\1iill I’I.ick‘. 33" 14—13. "pm. I‘,Ill\l\L‘ nuIic mldlmllx

I The Blow Monkeys and The Manikees I 11L" \iiiMIiiii RUNIII5. I‘M \chl RL'thlL'l Sim-i. 55h Tum 3llpni LII .«\n Nllx pup Imngin/n IichIinciI Ii} 'I‘Ilc 1310“ .\1iillkL')\. UllL'L‘ Inpll'lllg pup \ii[\11l\llc.'lIL'\ Iiul nmx nim ing in :i l'iMthl' \Ill'L't‘IlUll.

I Gallus Cooper, Vantage Point and The Engine’s Vengeance 'I Inc .-\rk. 3 7 \Vulcrluu I’Iilk'k'. 03 "1’17. 7.3llpni, L31. .\Iicc (‘nnpcr lrihulc.

I Meursault and How to Swim Sncuk} I’clc‘x. 73 ('mxgnlc. 335 1‘57 ani 3;ini, £3 Iiclurc lllllIlllfJIlI. licc gillci Indic club/gig niinl IIll\ l\ .\Ill\lk'.\\1111.'l gllL'\l I).I \PHI Il'Ulll Iil'iikcll RCCHHIN

I Athens and The Flavours 'l'liu .lum IIUll\L‘. .5 ()llL'L'll Sli'ccl. 33(i-13HII. .\’.3llpin. L‘lhc. Scc I'l'l (i.

I Lycanthrope, The Black Lights IIIHI Wildtype Iiginncrnizin'x \iiIiIi'} Succl. 55h 3354 ”pm £4 |.nc;i1rnck,


I The Ray Summers and Dave? IIIL' I)ug1iuu\c. I3 Brimn Sirccl. Ill 333 311(r813. 8pm. £5. .\1;llll\ll't';llll indic ruck


I Abba Mania .\Izignuin 'I'Iiczilrc. II;irhuur\iiIc.111394 378181. 7.30pm. L1“ l£l5i.(‘c1chr;iung 3i) wars UI IlII\


I Keith James: Poet in New York 5I3()1h()(llIl. leII \V'Hld.11178037400“. Hpin. £13l£10r Sungurncr and llilINIL‘ pruduccr Kciih Jauncx rclurnx undcr Ill\ imn guiw mm :1 cunccrt (i1 I.nrc;i\ pnclr} \cl In muxic.

Saturday 14

Glasgow FREE Halt Bar Hijack Noisefest 'I‘Iic Hull Bar. 1611 Woodlands Road. 353