


Flatshares continued.

I Large room in

Mnriiingside llat. l,nunge. ’l'\'.

Brnadband. £300 including ("l3 Hills extra. \Vntild stiil lelttiile prtil'esstnnal 30-30.» Available lst l'ebrtiar) niiwards 6 inniiths lease. 'l‘el: 07771644 473 nr 0] 3| 477 0304 (if I) l .3l 3.33 ()7 I X

I Room to let in [tip llnnr Shni‘e llat in share \\ ith laid back ga} gti}. £350 pcm includes all bills. \Vnttltl

stiit iinii siiinkiiig ga) male. depnsit required. Tel: 078 l 7 037 354

I Quiet, sunny room l'nr rent in ama/iiig. spacinus (‘nitiel_\ Bank llat. N S prnlessintitil (3U) lnnking tn share with similar. l‘lat has usual iiind eniis and is hand} litir Sltiekht'ttlge lti\\'tt. Tel: 07765 346 850

I Double room in art} chilled nut llat. share \\ ith nne nthei‘ prnl l‘eiiiale 34. £350 pciii. iiitist be it s cnnsiderate. clean and gay lriendl}. l5 mins walk West in 'l'nxt'ii ('eiitre 'l‘el: 0l3l 343 3333

I 2 Double Bedrooms tn rent (3 \Vil) lease) in mndern 3 bed llat near Itinl nl liaslet' Rnad. £300 pcm with free prixate parking. brnadbaiid and Sky TV. ln\'el_\ llatl Tel: 07060 (III .304

I Large furnished double rnnni available tinw in spacinus ( l500.sqlt. ). tu'n bedrnnm llat near l’layhnuse. All iiind enns. (i(‘ll and Will. Shared kitchen.

dra\\ ing and dining rnniiis. £350 pcm inc bills e\c| ("l'. 'l'el: 0I3l 478 0l0|

I Furnished double room axailable in .\lnrniiigside \l;i\\\ell Street l’rntessinnal leiiiale tn share a great llat \\ ith 3 ntliers. £300 pcm .-\\ailable .3lsl l‘eli, 'liel. II7HH-1ll77 (i4(i

I Large lovely double rnnm in ('entral .\'e\\ingtnn llat. l'latshare \\ ith .3 leinales. Shared kitchen dining rnnin. (i('ll. Stilttletl llnni' \\ IIlt Itttitl enns £330 pcm pliis (“l and bills. Stiit n s prnl temale. 'l‘el: ll I 3] 007 85-10

I Morningside/ Bruntsfield. Double room in lnxel}. bright llat. Stiit .\' S prnlessinnal. Sharing \\ ith t\\n nthers and l\\ti ginger cats. £300 peiii pltis bills ("ll :\\ailable 0th l‘eb. Slini‘ter let a\ailab|e Tel: 07747 6| 7 l75

I Furnished double room lni‘ reiil iii ln\el_\ 3 bed llat near ()cean 'l'ermiiial. Rent £305 pcm includes ("l' tn share \\ itli it s pt'tilesslttttltl l'einale. .-\\ail l‘eb .\lar 'l‘el: 0770l I56 054

I Large double room in 3 bedrnniii lull) l'iirnished \xatei'li'nnt llat. l’i‘estnnpans. l‘ni' a \er} clean tid} nnn- siiinkiiig prnlessiniial. £350 pem includes ("ll phnne calls tiint mnbile callsi and electricit} ttip tn £30 iiiniitlii. 'l‘el: 07875 407 70l

I Nice room in shared hntise. (‘nlintnn £75 per \teek. stiit prnl'. iinii smnker \shn likes cats & dngs. l5 mins bus tn cit) centre. l'ree parking. clnse tn b}pass. Napier ('i'aiglnckhai't campus & (i) le. l)bl bed & 'l‘\' in rnnin. 4

\\ eeks depnsit and i‘els reqd. Tel: 07738540004


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94 THE LIST 5—19 Feb 2009





the West...

0 I Saw You and I’d ive you five

an ime. Meow Meow. RS. please keep the sexy

vam ire look, love Mari yn M. U/622/7

V I Saw You I at (‘eltie (inttttec‘lttitts lieltt l'leek cultcet‘l inn: x\rtist in Harris 'l\\eed. \le: \Vild ltL‘ItIIélrL'tl hair and green ti'ntisei‘s 'lihntight \\ e had a date the lnlln\\iiig \\ e'.’ l" 633 l

V I Saw You in S|ea/_\s. _\nti bntiglit me a drink ‘nne man band‘ Barr}. We didn‘t e\eliaiige numbers. | \\ntild lt;t\ e liked tn ltIt\ e bntiglit _\nti nne back . . . \ ('tirl} (ial l' 633 3

V I Saw You .\li' llaiilnii lnnking lint as alua}s last 'l'hiii'sda} night at the cinema l‘ 633 3

V I Saw You l.atira. gnnd tn meet )0” lane} dragging the \\tititlett—leg nltl snmetime'.’ Stnnlhnggei‘ \aeiiinrel l' 633 4

0 I Saw You ('eliie ('nnnectinii. R 'l'linmsnn. \\ e chatted in bar Q - Ynii interesting \\nman - art} glasses dark

hair (me slt£t\ ed headi . liked \ntir st\ le. like tn see \nii again. I. 633 5 i

V I Saw You Man pla_\ ing the clarinet ntitside the ('it) Halls. and l tlintiglit it \\ as the sexiest thing I‘d seen in a \ei') lniig little. Men“! I' 633 (i

V I Saw You and I‘d gi\e )nti li\e aii_\tittie. Menu Menu. l’.S. please keep the se\} \ainpire lnnk. ln\e Marilyt .\l. l' 633 7

V I Saw You \\ inking at me \\ ith _\ntir nne e)e. We laughed \\ hen \\ e s;i\\ _\ntii' e\pressinn. I. 033 b'

V I Saw You l.i/ in )nur Hell Stalljacket lnnking \er) hntl l' 633 0

V I Saw You \uirkiiig in the :\B(' bn\ nt‘lice. ljiist \\ ant tn .sa} I think _\nti are a ride. l)n _\0tI get it nn',’ l' 633 10

V I Saw You “Illt )ntir pants dtmn iii Satiehiehall St! \ l' 633 I l

O I Saw You in the sun“ pushing the gate intn pedestrians - shame nii _\0u. what it there had been nld ladies there'.’ I' 633 II

V I Saw You making e}e.s at Freddie nn Saturda) night at Slea/_\ 's. did _\nu lulu“ he's a bla)a?'.’ l.adeee/Y \\ l' 633 I3

V I Saw You Jane. and I hope

I see )nu again I’ 633 l.3 mu

V I Saw You I ln\e _\nti' -\l\\a_\s and tnie\ei \seiie ntt In see the \\ I/'.Iltl' l Iltlllls lltgtl‘s c-\t'i'}tliiiig \\l 633 I4

V I Saw You iii ( inxaii lnnking a bit linlltm as )nti \salked .tl‘ttlllttl the slinppiiig centre b} the ttibe statinii. _\nti slintild get sniiie sntip iii )ah (ia\ iii' llig tip tiniii the Buchanan iiiassil l 633 I5

9 I Saw You 5 times last \seek C\L‘Il thniigli _\nti hu- 50 miles aua} li'niii me ll nn|_\ I didn't ha\ e tn gn hnme lllls \\ t‘eltelltl \\ Ill Iltlss \ttll' l‘ 633 lb I

O I Saw You I sa\\ me making a tntal t't nt III}\L‘ll nii Satiii‘da} \\lIIl\I slinpping \\ ith _\ttll sn sni’i'_\ Ini~ being such a gtititt. l. 033 l7

V I Saw You being rude l‘ll “rite “hat I like thank _\nti \er) much. (let a lilel l‘ 633 l.\’

V I Saw You \\ ith iintliiiig better tn dn than kick the pigeniis in (ienrge Square shame nii _\ntil l'rniii me and animal |n\ei's exei'}\\liei‘e l' 633 l0

V I Saw You slipping nii the escalatnr at the ( iallei‘ies _\nti said thank )0“ and smiled \\ hen I caught )0“ , please can I

catch _\nii again'.’ Ynti had slinrt curl} blniide hair and bright red lipsllek. \titt alsn ltatl stll_\ slines till? I. 033 30

V I Saw You making me

a cuppa at the nlliee in NI} laxnuritist iiitig exer. linne china dnes make a dillerenee darlinkl l' 633 3|

0 I Saw You I-‘retleriek. getting blnxt n ntit b} the red heads at the bn\\ ling alle_\ in the centre. Ynti slintild change _\ntir mnx es _\nu aiiit da Jesus? I. 033 33

V I Saw You .lasper. ln\ mg the lreelaiice llle. 'l‘ltrti“ Us

a crumb here iii lidinbtii'gh

l Ile\ er gnt tn dn pnlitical cartnnnsl l' 633 33 0 I Saw You .-\dam. li\tracting the l'rine \\llll\l I am struggling tn till tip the space bah? l' 633 34

V I Saw You Iltti\ ing axsa) tn ()\l‘nrd and lCiI\ ing tis all behind - remember tis bn} s iand girlsli \\ hen )(Ill hit a pint l'nr _\(ilIr birthda} All l.aters Dude. I’ 633 35

V I Saw You lnnking at me

\\ ith _\nur glass e_\e iii the bar at the .»\B(‘3. l)nes it hurt tn take it nut'.’ What‘s behind it‘.’ 56 main questions. which I can't ask due tn etiquette l' 633 36

V I Saw You Kern-Ann - iitm )ntt haxe )nur tm ii I Sim Ynu? .\l_\ turn next l’nrtnight'.’ Kit I' 633 37

V I Saw You pla)ing the tiddle in the Oak l' 633 37

V I Saw You making tIIlll}:_'t'IIl\‘ tnnd again in the tnilet _\nti can hide snui diet iii the st.itiniiei‘_\ etipbnaid'

l 633 3.\‘

V I Saw You singing \shite lines in the street nit l'iida) 30th .l.iiitiai} -\iid all the tiiiiel dteam nt _\nti' l‘ 633 30

U I Saw You .ii l‘IlIII (it)

“It.” secret piniects aie )till \tnikiiig nii ntm liiiiiii (‘ntiiit iiie iii' l 633 30

V I Saw You iisiiig sniii innbile phnne nii the plattniiii lt aiiit ennl _\nti kiin\\. tint L‘\t‘I}tIIlt' lias i'eeeptinii (iii' l n\ e _\.i. t i( i \\l 633 3|

V I Saw You “tiling me an lSaxs \nii \\liile l “as \siitiiig _\tItI aii l Sau \nti. but I beat _\nti tn the bn\' \e\t time )nti had bettei get )ntii game nii I am e\pectiiig giaiid declaiatinns bab_\' l‘I‘IIII \ l' 633 33 V I Saw You liiiiit" liinit’ liiiiitlll' laughs and lnx e lrniii tis all and Sand“ icli llea\ en l} ()3: 33

V I Saw You ti'}iiig tn xxnrk me ntit as _\nti \Htllt'tl at the bits stnp b} the ('iiieunrld iii the ln\\ ii centre I had a red hat nit btit \\as cart} mg a trnmbnne

\\ itlintit a case Ynti can call me an}time' l' 633 34


. I Saw You In the pub showmg me your mutant muscle! xx U/622/38

V I Saw You la” red head. beatitiltil smile. 'I t‘elttelttltitts. See _\nii at a gig snnn',’ l' 633 35

9 I Saw You In a ltil)

interx ieu 3 _\ears agn. (ilad l gnt the inb. l’ikal l.n\e _\nu \er) much \ l’ 633 36

V I Saw You l'rida) night ”he. Me: black punk} hair green e)e sltzttltm )titt: ltittg red hair nipple piercings spent the night kissing btit managed in lnse )nul l.n\e tn see _\()ll again'.’ X l' 633 37

O I Saw You In the pub shtm ing me >nur mutant muscle? xx L' 633 38

V I Saw You James. will (mu be m} Valentine? xxx L' 633 30

O I Saw You Sian. nn - “all - l actuall} hawn't seen you l‘nr \seeks - turn up tn a lecture darnit? l’IUs “e need a enl‘l‘ee l,‘ 633 40

V I Saw You Where are )'()U ()SCAR‘.’ If 633-ll