

There has never been a better time for great live music in Scotland. Here we celebrate a handful of acts who are trying to do something a bit special, whether it's party hip pop from Young Fathers, cape-sporting funk from Marmaduke Duke, plaintive beauty from De Rosa or the massed joy of The Second Hand Marching Band

20 THE LIST 19 Feb—5 Mar 2009

Young Fathers

\llhoueh those in the neighimuihood knoxx that \o‘lnh hip hop hiis heen .itlne loi iii.iii§ \t'tll\ no“. it‘s slill the kind o1 Lllllllxt'l_\ concept \\.hieh “in llltllNC lhe llillll‘lltil lllt‘tlld e.isp. sit up .ind sei,i1eh their head lake the good tidings lliiil lime ,iteoinpdnied l'illlll‘lll}fll liio \oung l.ilheis .is Ilie_\‘\e ieeeiill§ \ltlllx'il lo llltlht‘ .i lltllllt' loi lheiiiselws doun soulli Hui don'l .l\l\ \l(' rind pioeidininei (iltllldlll ll.islin_~.'s lo e\pl.iin_ l‘ee.:iise his lxind .iien'l sliitllx hip hop. h\ his i“.‘.ll delinilioii

‘l’he l_\ile\ oi hip liop \l'll:'\ .iie .il\\.i_\s \Illllt‘ sli,ii;_'li1loi\i..iid_' lie sii_\s_ '\\illi the \l(' s.i_\in;: \khiil he Iliinlts .il llie liine \\ \xe \\iile nioie in .1 pop \\.i_\. where lhe ine.inin;.' \.lll he l.ll\t'll in .1 lol ol dilleienl \\.l'\\ \xt"\t' ,:l\\,i}s l‘i't‘ll ii pop h.ind \\lll‘ does hip hop. ll _\ou see \\ll.ll | ineiin~

ll.islin;.'s .iiid his lelloxx \oiinj.‘ l.llllk'l\ ,\llil_\\lUl|\ \\iioi l\\llii \\.l\ hoin in liheiiu iind iiio\ed lo l'dinl‘uieh \\hen he \\.l\ hunt and Kiwis lidiilwle i.i \ltft‘ll.lll \xho also li\ed in \\.isliin;:lon. l)('i niel .n the \.iid .\l(‘s' undei lh‘ hip hop nig'lil l l\l\\ll“l .il the old Bongo ('luh. 'lhe lliiiijg .ihoiil hip hop is i1 eoines li‘oni lhe iiiideieiound .iii_\\\.i§'. \;l} \ ll;l\lllltf\. 'sii lll\l l‘t'tklllst‘ \\ k' ililll l llLKll much about ll lioin Scotland, ll doesn’t mean there Nil ;1 good he.illh_\ st'eiie',

l{t‘f_‘;ll'illt‘\\. llie \oiine l;illiei's. .ill ll. \eleiuns ol ;i Seols ho_\ lmnd ii.inied i Rule and signees ol l'.\lllll‘lllf_‘ll lgihel lildelt \piiiie. are :i good ;id\ei'l lor the di\eisil} ol lllll\lt';ll eullure up here, lheir dehul \lllleL' ~\‘iinielil liiiek on It is deseiihed h_\ ll;l\llllf_'\ ;is ‘;i purl} song: iihoiil going; eluhhine. hiil ;ilso laughing in posei‘s in the eluh'. .ind i'ines \\llli llie ineli‘opolilun purl} sl}le ol |)e l ;i Soul or ()llll’xdsl.

‘\\'e'\e linislied our iilhuni'. s;i§s l|;islin3_'s. Hind il-s culled /ii. oiii i'iiii/i/r (iii/ll. (viii-viii“? It‘s 41 pl.'i_\ on [he lldlllL‘ Young: l‘nlhers. hul il's .ilso ine.inl lo s_\inholise soinelhine unmpeeled like Seollish hip hop making ;1 name loi ilsell l;ii‘ iind \xide'. ll);i\id l’ollot‘lxi Young Fathers play the Picture House, Edinburgh, Sat 14 Mar; Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Fri 27 Mar (as support to Yo Majesty! .

Marmaduke Duke

'lr_\ :ind lind n time when dillei‘enl isn‘l good. You‘ll he h;ird pressed. espeei;ill_\ in music. 'loo ollen our heroes eun disuppoiiil h} pl;i_\ in; sdlL‘. ()ne lmnd \xlio li;i\ e eupilgilised on their gihilil} lo urine as man} llL'\\ llilllst li'oin their sound is Bill} ('l}ro. hi llieir sliorl egii'eer llievw eroun lroin posl grunge ;ispii';inls lo prog inonslei's dlltl [NM er pop inelnl inudriuuls \\lillL' ne\er l'orgelliiigg the right side ol :i lune. ll \l;illtl\ lo lensoll Iliul uhen there's a l‘l'c‘ulx lil'iilii lllt' 'tl.‘i_\ iiil‘~ li \llHllltl lk‘ Iii lei (ill \lL‘dlll in another direelion. Siinon Neil. Hillvs lronlinzin did iiisl that. learning up hill] .ll’ Reid. l'i'onlinun l'oi' inueh underrated .'\.\rshire inollen roelx heusls Stieiopei‘ro. Lllitl donning his best '\'ielori;in e\plorers‘ outlil 1o L‘I'L'illL‘ \lzirinudulte l)UhC.

‘\\-L' \\ Cl‘e lllspll‘etl. (11 least ilillliill). l3} lhe slur} ol :1 li'iend's relzilne who \\ role books about 11 Portuguese l)ul\e.' e\pl;iins Ihe zilliihle Reid ziku 'l'he Dragon. The duo look Ihe notion us :i jumping oll’ point to lorin Ll hand.