lt xtartetl iitl itixt tix in the xttitliu together hut li\e \\ei\e taken it up a niiteh \xith tun tlrtttninerx. xharetl \iiealx and Si pl.i_\ ing ke}hiiartlx inxtead til guitar“.

'I'he pair xprintetl through a ralt iil' intixieal \ltatle\ and little\ l't'ttllt eleelt'llletl tlI\Ut lit thrilled priig pump. xtielx} ltink antl xtitt. areh i'iiek \ll;t[k‘\. 'lilll\ ix le\\ it \ltlt‘ pt’tttt‘el. ”title a “hole other tiaieetiir}.

The new tilhtiiii /)ll/\(’ I’iiiii/eiiiuiiiimi ix out in :\pl‘ll. ttlttl I\ it I‘L‘L‘ttl'tl HI enthhlet‘alile tilte\[k‘eletl tttrnx. ax intieh Donna Summer ax ll ix King ('rinixiin. It ix aettial|_\ their xeeiintl i'eleaxe lel)5'\ I'lii' .I/iig/it'lii'i'iil lhl/xl' kielxetl thingx till in ”title riielxing xt_\ le antl ix part «it a trilng}.

'\\e‘re linixhing thingx till in Hill \\ith Herzl/i nit/1e [hi/w \xhieh xhiitiltl he an inxtrtiniental guitar x) tnphnn} ‘.

Burning hright. eatixing a xeene antl fleeing the xeene‘.’ llartll} \'ietiirian niannerx hut then thix ix hartll} [trellietahle xttill. t.\larlx Riiliertxiini Marmaduke Duke play the Bongo Club, Edinburgh, Sat 28 Feb; School of Art, Glasgow, Fri 6 Mar.

De Rosa

'.-\elttall_\. at lit'xt \\ e lhiitlghl lltere \xax lexx til~ a .xenxe til plaee on thix reenrtl.‘ xa} x .\Iartin llenr}. hreaking out into a xtnile. 'hut then . . . out it eaine.‘ lle'x xiniling heeauxe ax he lUUl\\ \lH\\ll at the artwork liir l)e Rnxa'x e\eellent ne\\ alhtini



l’re\entinn. it'x liaitl to imagine .iii}tliiiig more ileltnetl h} plaee. lhe emei I\ an original painting «it the hantl h_\ the legendar} (ilaxuegtan .it'ttxt \laxtlair (ira). \\hiixe nmel [unit/A inxpiietl xungx on their tlehtit .\Ientl and reappearx in the ‘tla_\hght. tla}hght' retrain on thix one. 'l'he i‘e\erxe HI the emer ix a I‘Uti inap iil lanaikxhiie. \xhieh ineltitlex 'linto Hill. the xtihieet ml the tinal xiing. 'l‘he printed l_\riex gi\e the giine aua} e\ en inure. ‘lt‘x in} ('l_\tle.‘ xingx llenr_\ on ‘Stillnexx'. one til xexeral xtantliiut traelxx that e\pliiie the tinxterinnx pull til home and the urge to exeape it. He e\plainx: '.-\ l.ii\e liennonn' |the opening xiingl \\;1x the xtart til the thinking . . . it‘x a hrealx-np xiing l mute the tla} al'tet tnming a\\;i_\ lriini (ilaxgim. haek to tlte liaxt l.ntl til lanai'kxhire. lt‘x \U run tlimn there. 'l'hix \\ax an attempt to he itlealixtie ahnttt it. attempting to get to the light but l‘alling liaekuartlx into the tlarknexxf

linin an a\erage xniiguriter thix inight xntintl like alarming eiineept—alhtini \agtienexx. but here it inakex xenxe. l’re\entiiin ix a enherent. l_\rieall_\ putterltil xtateinent. \xhieh reekx i‘mm beginning to entl til that attempt to reaeh lor the light. Sexeral reiieeurring tlarlx xtihieetx lealx hem'een the xiingx. htiiltling a piettire ill a man axlxing hiinxell tlit'lietilt hut tini\erxal quotinnx: Where do I lteliing'.’ \Vhere ant I gning'.’ \Vh} am I hiithering going there.’ .\ntl that tnakex it ttet‘e\\llile [it llltl\C \\lttt tltttt'l lxtttm llte plaee that inxpiretl the alhuni. ‘Still the night ix emning in lll_\ hlintlx'. repeatx llenr} on 'Niieturne l'nr an .\hxentee‘. haunting hleepx and nightiiiarixh. other-\mrltll} heatx. You ean leel


the terror. hut hix tleninnx are good newx l‘nr li\leltel‘\. ()ttl M, the \eitllet'etl tlitl‘lx‘llex\ ()I'

(ilaxgim antl l.anarl\xhire. l)e Rnxa ha\ e xtitehed

together a meaninglul hrightnexx. And in their

new part—lolk. part-eleetronie tleli\ei'} the} have l'L“lll\L‘lllL‘tl their \UlIlILl too. Some hands are ernxhetl h} the ehallengex til that tlil'lieult .xeeontl


More magic musical nuggets to cherish

We Were Promised Jetpacks Taut. twanging rockisms from these apttable chaps JUSI signed to FatCat.

www.myspace. com/ wewerepromisedjetpacks

Divorce Barely a half dozen gigs old but setting knees a-trembling With their four girls. one guy barrage of no wave rage. puredivorced

Acrnym Deatndetying. breakcore from the mean streets of Cambusbarron that sounds not Iunike two SNES consoles haying sex.

www. myspacecoml theacmyms

Tommy Rellly After winning Channel 4's Orange Unsigned Act show. Tomy's poised to take over the world. tommyreillymusic

Meursault Wheezy, acoustic. folksy croons clash with furious laptop beats from the Capital's most compelling new prospect. meursaulta701

Dolby Anol Big. scrumptious jacking beats from masterful Glasgow Del/production team. dolbyanol

Sandra MacBeth Cheeky folk pop from the highlands with ingenious twists and turns. Completely loveable. sandramacbeth

Pearl and the Puppets Shockingly without puppets or someone called Pearl in their number, this bejewelled acoustic pop is soon to be huge thanks to - a spot on a Vodaphone ad. pearlandthepuppets

Talkingmakesnosense One man ambient trip who creates breathtaking, othen/vorldly drones. talkingmakesnosense

Nadsrolc Dreamy raps as sweet as cherry Chapstick over twinkling. blinking loops and beats are the winning combination for 22 -year-old Ciorsdan Brown and producer Hudson Mohawke.

The Doledrums The Falkirk five-piece fuse gypsy melodies with the intricate rock of The Doors. and dazzle live with a swagger to their swing.

19 Fen—S Mar 2009 Till LIS‘I’ 21