I Animal Farm .‘ll Sit-rm l lpiii illiit. L'thc. 3| l'ch. Jli/l-lnllucncctl tcchnli lrtilii gut-st l)litiil.'in Schulirt/ and the .'\l' rcgtlllirx.

I Back to Love lit Anihlir thcllm litllltllii lllpiii iliiii. £5. Wet-kl}, Soul. lunk. .\llttmtn. L'l£t\\lL‘ RA'B linll liip hop I Baller’s Social Club at lllc l\}. Xptii. £5. 3X l‘ch. llwnlkli llllll\ thc l.llL'l\}.\lL' rcslllcnts. \thli plli} li llll\ til liip hop. tllihxlcp. tcchnli lliill nilirc

I Bass Warrior lit the (illlsglm Sclililil (ll Art. llpiii .ililit. H lUi. 2| l‘ch. l)J l)ll‘l\lllilll brings _\lill li hlli/in' night ltl llllill rcggilc lllilit‘chilll. \tllh it till til Slicu lhrmtn iii to f._'I\t' ll L‘lHllPlL‘lL‘ ('lii'lhhclin \ Ilk'.

I Bottle Rocket ill Nicoli‘Slcli/y

l l._illptii .iltni. l-‘rt-t- hcllirc l |..illplii; U itllt‘l'. 3| l'ch lthiCL‘lll‘lc llltllc (ll\L'U ltil‘ both the (’h'fi lintl l’itt'hltirk sets lilting with hints til guilt} [ilL'll\tll'L‘\. .\ltttlmti \pllrklcs. llitll punk} ltltp\. lixpu'l broken hearts. hlitl dancing. llntl llllgx.

FREE Bunker Saturdays lit the Blinker lilii'. ‘)plii Zuni. Wet-kl}. 'l‘lilist (ll’HPN llltllL‘ hits. rock picks and student linlht'ins.

I Chakra ill llIL' (ililsglm Sclllitil Ul- .»\l'l. llpiii 34ml. L'lll lt‘h. L'fi l'lir (38A \llltlclllxl. 2s l‘ch. ('hlirlic (ift)ll\L‘ ltiitl l);l\ lL‘ (ill) not plzl) tlccp ('liicligli lltltl\t‘ lintl ti‘ihlll lltlll\L'. \\ till this month's thcnic being; ('lirniulll With llw hailitl Kings lil' .\llicunihll. iiillwigc. lilL'L‘ painting. lirc tllliit‘t‘H lintl liltil'L‘.

I Couture Saturdays lit ()‘(‘litittirc. tililiii .iaint. t'lhc. \Vccltl}. lntlic. tlllncc. pop lliitl citclip drinks all this hrlintl llL‘“ club.

I Dance! Dance! Dance! ill lllL‘ 'l‘xtistt'tl \thcl. l lpiii .iliin. £7. 38 l-‘ch.

It's the lirst hlrthtlli) til llll\ night til lili- tllst'ti and house llilcltt. \\llll special guest Blilcaric .\llkc lintl rL'\l\lL'lll\ '\lltl.\ l’lilL'L’lllllll. Derek Siiilth. l).l l-crlcrlt .intl ('liplillli BK .\lL‘VC}

Death Disco .it the .\i-clit-s

llpiii .‘Hllll. {l4 21 hit lht- .ili}thing gut-s t'lcctrli plll't} |ltlll\ lulu-x ulth l)l\(tl lllltlillhulh \tith special gllL'\l\ lil‘lltlllhkl. Jttkt‘h (ll lllt' St‘t‘llt' lllltl l'Illlt} l)lll\L'\. I’ilrl it! {In (i/lixuuil l‘l/Hl I'l'llti'lil. I Electric Sheep .lt liill’ll} I lpiii .iliiit. £3. \Vcckl}. llltllL' and electro \\llll l).l 'l‘ltiii tS.iltin lilit‘lxi l‘cliltii'llig \PL‘L'lill gut-st l).l\ Ill iltllltittn tlp\l;lll'\.

Footwork vs Monox lit

Stillntlhlitis. llpiii Jilin. {the IN l't‘h. l’i‘cpllrc )tttii‘scll lot it huge night \tlth ll lcgcntllir} guest. Detroit's l).l (ilitlllithcr Plil}\ ghetto-tech llllL' genie llc llL'lpL‘tl lilllllltll liltillgwtlt' l‘L‘\Itlt'lll\ ll'liiii l-tilitutirk lliill .\ltilitt\. I Glamorama ill Ruliii. ”Hilllilll illiii. £3. \VCL‘lxl}. RL‘\lthltl l.ll' th‘ll plll}\ it llll\ lil' Ulls llllll\t'. Nils classics. Rtkll .iiitl hlg chlit‘l songs for )tillr PlL‘ihUl'L‘. I Hanoi Rocks lit l-irt-ttlitci: 0pm .ilitii. l'l'CL' hcllii'c lll,,‘~llplii; H 19.3) lll'tci‘. Wall). “is .lliL' Smith .iiitl (till; Wilson plli} inth hunt plist lintl [‘I'L'\L'lll to it discerning lllll\lC Cl'tl\\tl. I Homegrown llt Bliiiiltlili. ll).3llptii .illiit. £7 lt'Si. \Vcckl). Sttwic Slilc pl;l_\\ ll funk}. \lllllllll lltlth' \L'l “llll .\ligticl pl;t_\ing Rtkll lintl l)ttlllllllL' .\llirtin \llppl}lllg the funk and iii//. I Inner City Acid lit l’im l’im. midnight .iliiii. £7. 28 l-t'h (let it l;l\lL' til l(':\\ ”C“ l’l\li l’i\li ltiish. \xlitch \till he llllL‘l'\pCl‘\Ctl \\ ith lhcii' i‘cgtillil'

Sittiiitlhalix _'i__' l'hlx lllllL‘ the} \wlt‘ltiiic l).\l.\ Kit'xt .illtiigsltlt‘ .t hunch \‘l Sittintlhatis ll\tl.ll\

I Inside Out .ll tlit- \it-lit-x

lllpiit 2.1”] 12: SH :5 lch Hanging lll‘lht‘. tct'hntt .liitl li.liit‘t‘ liltiii \l.itclt \. th'haitl l)iii.intl. \l_\ .\ l‘ll.l. | l\.l l..l\llk'\. llt'.itlhlinlt‘t/. Suit l’ittltx‘t .liill lL'\ltlL‘lll\ \\ illi.iiii l).iitlcl and Dunn} Smith

I Love Music .il \li(' llpiii Kiln L“ lift \\Ct'l\l_\ Sittil. t‘ttt'k'n‘iltll. llltllL' .iiitl t'lt't‘ti'tt \\ itlt (it-rt} l)ttll\ .tlltl l).i\ l\l Sinclair tktllt'i' Kilst'hi

I Men 8. Machines .ll Sit-lull

llpiii “.llll {Sit-1i 3h l-t'h. llltlist' .ilttl lt't‘hittt littiii guests l).ll.lj_'ll li}lllk‘. ll.lll\ litllllllll}lllt' .llltl .lt'.ln Rtllllk'\\t'

I Monox .it \tilliitlhlitix llpiii iiiii [l2 ttllli, 2| l‘k'l‘ -\ ltlll night's hill til tititlt'igitttlntl tct‘liiitt. t'lt't‘li‘li and industrial. lt‘.illiriii3_' guests Satilltxt‘ll l)l\ll'lt‘l lllxt't .ilttl l)t‘ii ll.l.in duct. and I'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ .\tllilii .\. .\llkt- Singleton. Stiilil‘lit'. .lliliiit‘ 'l’hliliisiin. lht' \\.t\p. l);i/ lintl (little.

I Nu Skool .il lllL' lillll. llHllpiii iliiii Ut. \Vt't‘kl}. .\lt'k l’t‘ut‘ttt'k. (ting: 'l‘hliiitpxltn. John Ross lilill .\lk'\. pim ltlt' ll llllL' lliic in tllst‘ti. iitti‘tht‘i'li \lilll .lntl .lll things lliiik}.

I Red’n’Black llt l)i'lip, lllplii Kiln, L7 lfSl. \Vt't‘lxl}. SL‘L‘ l'l'l.

I The Rock Shop at .\lliggic .\lli} ‘x.

I l..illptii iliiii. l-rt'c ht'llirc iiiltltilglil; t5 lbil glllt'l'. \VL‘L'lxl}. RL‘\ltlL‘lll l.L't‘ (-lillfJ pl;i_\\ :l \clcctiltn til rock. intlit' llittl liit'tlil Clit\\lt‘\ ill the bliwliiciil.

I Sabado Saturdays lit lltlilm. llpiii .‘tlliii. L'S lUii. \Vt‘ckl}. llltll\L' Illll\lL' l'i'ttlii lllln 'l'liliiiixtiti MIN litzigii/inci llntl l’lilil Rt'il.

I Salsa in the Buff .il the Hull

.\ :lll‘lll Knit :5 lx‘ttiit' lllpiii. Lti .iltt‘l \\ccl.l_\ llmlt‘tl l‘_\ \t‘.itlciiti.l llt‘ \.ll\.l. \\ll\‘ pull til .i tlt‘t'ttlt‘tll} \.ll\.l \l.lll\ in; \l\‘\\\l. llll\ \t‘\} t’ltil‘ night .ll\t‘ l‘t‘.t\l\ .l \lL'\ll\.llk'\l .\ltiiittt l‘.ll on the ltit‘//.iiititt‘ lk'\k'l lll \t‘l lllt‘ llltttltl

I Saturday at Maggie May‘s .it \l.t;_'g;it' \l.i_\ \ llpiii Kiiii :5 \\t-t'kl\ Dclxilit'ht'tl lllli .llltl sat clt'ttilt ill lllk' ll[‘\l.lll\ l‘.tl

I Saturdays .il ilit- t'ailtnuw

ll) illpiii :.llll truth *llt \Mx‘klt l).l\ l'l'lt .tlltl \lllppt‘l t‘llk'l t'l.i\\lt .llltl \llllt‘lll link «in lt'wl itiit'. \\lillt' Ill liillt .tlltl li.liiiit' lwll lilll t'iittt .iiill iiit'l.il l‘ll l\‘\\'l

I Shout Bamalama .lt lil.lt‘l\lll.ll\ llpiii kiln Ut 3| lch Rhinitis litt‘k'ii‘ltill. gilttnllr lx’l\ll. llilliiipiil; will .llltl titht'i \tlllll\l\ littlli lllL' l‘.l\l th.il‘ll lll.ll\L' )titii hackhltiit' \lll‘ .il llll\ lll\l hillhtltx l‘.lll_\ \\ilh liw ilitk'ii‘ittll lll‘lll lit-ll} luct‘tl and thc (hm-ls plus gilt-st l).l l).i\t' Stunt

I Singles Night at lllk‘ l l}lll_L‘ l)ll\'l\ llpiii Kiiii ti l‘t'll'lt‘ iiilllitlght. ti .lllt'i 2| l-t'h. \litl) ll)i\ iiit't .llltl liL'.lll\ tllt'llt‘ lk .\t‘haxtllllii [‘l.l_\lllf_‘ ”in \liiult'x .lll night. littlii ptiiik lit liip http. titt'k'ii'ittll lll \tltll

I Sound The Alarm .il ll.l\lii.l lil.lll\'.l .ll lht‘ lil'llll\\\l\l\ lltilt‘l llpiii :Jlll H II l-ch. .\ll llll llllell lt‘t‘hliti [MID llll\ lht' \Vht'cl. \\llll guest I” l.k'ltl\.l

I Spectrum .il lll.it'klll.ii\ llpiii illlll t” it'.; \llltlt'lll\l lb" l‘t'l‘ .\ lll_L'lll til t‘lt't'li'tt lliitl iltt‘k'ii‘iltll \\llll it'xillt-iit l)_l .\llttttl l’\}t‘lilt.

I Subculture .ll lllL' Stilt (‘liilt

llpiii .ililn, tl.‘ it'llli \Vt-t'kl} |l.illi liittl Donn-nick \tt'll t‘\l.ll‘ll\lll'll lltlll\k'


Club venues

I ABC 300 Sauchiehall


I The Arches Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. Probably the biggest venue in Glasgow and home to famous names

for details.

2101. An incredibly flash bar. restaurant and club space.

I Bamboo 51 West Regent Street. 332 1067/8. A musical programme that takes in modern soul and funky house. See listings for selected highlights.

I Barfly 260 Clyde

club for those who like


I The Beat Club 375 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9919. A quality selection of cross-genre nights. See listings for selected highlights.

I Blackfrlars Basement 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. Rock. pop and indie DJs. with occasional bands. See listings for selected highlights.

I Boho 59 Dumbarton Road. 357 6644. Glossy weekend clubbing. See listings for selected highlights.

I Box 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. Rock. punk. indie and alternative sounds.

I Breehead Arena

Street. 332 2232. This gig venue turns into an indie club night. See listings for

like Colours. Death Disco and Pressure. See listings

I Arta 62 Albion St. 552

Street. 221 0414. A great

rock'n'roll. See listings for

Kings Inch Road. 886 8300. Occasional one- off events in this shopping centre-based arena. See listings for details.

I The Buff Club 142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. A number of fine nights take place at this upstairs-downstairs venue. See listings for details.

I The Bunker Bar 193-199 Bath Street. 229 1427. Late opening at the weekend and occasional big-name guest DJs.

I Byblos Unit 0. Merchant Square. 71 Albion Street. 552 3895. Flash mainstream dance soundsforflash mainstream drinkers.

I Carling Academy 121 Eglinton Street. 08700 771 2000. Host to big one-off parties from Club Noir to Back to The Future. See listings for details.

I Carnival Arts Centre New Wynd. 946 6193. Occasional. mostly world music- themed club nights.

I The Cathouse 15 Union Street. 248 6606. Metal. rock and goth club. See listings for selected highlights.

I CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Art space that throws the occasional club event. See listings for details. I Classic Grand 18 Jamaica Street. 847 0820. Regular clubs and live music. See listings for details.

I Club Living 69 Nelson Mandela Place. 248 7333. A full

complement of rockin' late evening sessions.

I Club 89 40 New Sneddon Street. Paisley. 552 5791. It's experimental and funky techno all the way. See listings for details.

I Common 25 Royal Exchange Square. 204 0101. A flash club which offers soul. R&B and house. See listings for selected highlights.

I Corinthian Ingram Street. 552 1101. Upper- crust clubbing for those who like to spend. spend. spend.

I Crib 375 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9919. R88. dancehall. soul. grime and hip hop.

I Cube 34 Queen Street, 226 8990. A massive clientele and a funky soundtrack.

I The Ferry Anderston Quay. the Broomielaw. 553 0606. This floating venue on the Clyde plays host to various one-off nights. See listings for details.

I Firewater 341 Sauchiehall Street, 354 0350. Student-friendly indie and party choons. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Flying Duck 142 Renfield Street, 572 0100. An eclectic, indie«focused club. See listings for details.

I Fury Mury's 96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. No pretensions. just pure partying.

I The Garage 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. Student venue playing party tunes. See listings for selected highlights.

I Glasgow School of Art 167 Renfrew Street. 332 0691. Quality student venue With a cool roster. See listings for details.

I Guru 520 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755. Indie. pop. electro. rock'n'roll across four rooms. See listings for selected highlights.

I Hetherington Research Club 13 University Gardens. 330 4503. Converted Victorian house that was once students-only, although a sign-in policy IS now in action. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Hold The Admiral Bar. 72 Waterloo Street. 221 7705. Great venue that has just managed to get a new 3am licence. See listings for details.

I Ivory Blacks 56 Oswald Street. 248 4114. Featuring a mixture of rock 9th and techno clubs.

I The Ivy 1102-1106 Argyle Street. 357 5454. It's a bar. but it still manages an enviable selection of DJ talent. See listings for selected highlights.

I Karbon 4 Buchanan Street. Springfield Court. 221 8099. Student nights. electro and party tunes across the week. See listings for selected highlights.

I Kushion 158—166Bath Street. 331 4060. Student—friendly house. pop and indie $0unds.

I Maggie May’s 50 Trongate. Merchant City. 548 1350. A punk- themed music venue with a 3am license. See listings for selected


I Nice’n’Sleazy 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. One of Glasgow‘s most down-to-earth and exciting bars. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Old Fruitmarket Candleriggs. 353 8000. One of the city's most atmospheric venues. See listings for details.

I Oran Mor Byres Road, 0870 0132 652. Huge venue in the West End that plays host to Friday and Saturday party nights. See listings for details.

I Play 7 Renfield Street. 226 4958. Mainstream sounds in the heart of the City.

I Polo Lounge Wilson Street. 553 1221. The gay community of Glasgow votes with its feet every weekend.

I Queen Margaret Union University Gardens. 339 9784. Student club and club- orientated gigs. See listings for selected highlights.

I Soundhaus Hydepark Street. 221 4659. Underground house. techno and live venue. See listings for details.

I Stavka 373-377 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3940 . A Russian-themed city centre bar-come- club.

I Stereo 20—28 Renfield Lane. 222 2254. Playing host to fine indie gigs and clubs in the basement. See listings for details.

I Strathclyde Students’ Union University of Strathclyde. Students Association, 90 John Street. 567 5023.

Cheesy and or specualist student nights, See listings for selected highlights.

I Sub Club Jamaica Street. 248 4600. The best club in Glasgow? Optlmo and Subculture seem to corroborate the claim. See listings for details.

I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. Dance tunes for a well dressed crowd. See listings for selected highlights.

I Twisted Wheel 73 Queen Street. Glasgow 0141221 4851 Great basement club space and gig nights. licensed until 3am.

I Universal 157 Sauchiehall Lane. 332 8899. Drum 8. bass and laid—back club nights. See listings for details.

I Valdor 46 Queen Street. 221 6376. A mainstream house- orientated club. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Viper Bar 8. Club 500 Great Western Road. Kelvmbridge. 334 0560. An unashamedly mainstream affair.

I The Winchester Club

49 Bell Street. 552 3586. This basement venue attracts the kind of night and clientele which befits its elegant decor. See listings for details.

I The Woodside Social Club

329 North WoodSide Road. 337 1643. A selection of indie and mod clubs make up the monthly programme. See listings for details.

34 THE LIST 19 Feb-5 Mar 2009