
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

* Indicates Hitlist entry

Alki llai il)aixukc 'lcngan. Japan. .‘iioli llaruliilxo Kato. Ric 'loiiioxalta. ('liialxi llaia ll‘hiiin. .-\ motorc}c|c accidcnt lc.i\cx l‘i'\t‘l ’laiclii iKatoi paral_\xcd and \xhcclchaii hoiiiid llcuitchcd h} a girl. hc lolloux lici lo Slillllo xlirmc ulit'tc lic lK'Utlllt'\ laxcinatcd h} Aikido 'l liix xcicciimg ol .liAi \klll lk' prccctlcd l1} xliorl I‘M: documcntar) (In .-l llim/ l-mm llli' Soul/i ”If I'm! lawn/mm lmluu I on .lu/nui l’ait ol (‘ontciiipoiau Japancxc l‘lllll xcaxoii (it/nmn‘ltl/l (Ill (iluwuu Annie (Sing-a-Iong) il'i 000 (John lliixton. l'S. I‘IKl i Alhcrt l'miic). Ailccn ()iiinn. ('aiol lliiiiictt. 'l‘im ('iiii} IZKnim. l'cclgood muxical xcliinalt/ courtcx} ol tlic orphancd rcd hcad «()umni who xiiigx hci \Nit} mto tlic licart ol hatd lliixt'tl huxincxxniaii l)add_\ Warhucltx tl-iniic} l. lltii‘nctt \Hlx both to pla} t'\ll orphanagc hoxx Mixx llannigan and Curr} cuulcx itixt tlic right amount ol xlimc ax lici monc} rgralihing hrotlicr. ('im'imr/i/ I’iiI'Uti‘ml. (i/uwmi,

Anvil - The Story of Anvil 1 IN

C... tSacha (it'l'\;t\|. l'S. Mil); thiiin Scc iiitcrucxx and .-\lxo Rclcaxcd. pugc ~14. ('ilii'ii'iil‘li/ Ri'II/I'i'ii .sill'l'l'l. (I/iiwmi. The Asphalt Jungle it’( i) 0000 (John lliixton. l'S. 195th Stcrliiig llaylcii. l.ouix ('allicrii. Jcan llagcn. Sam Jal'lc. Marilyn Monroc. llZiiiin. lluxton'x lrcxhl) clcaiicd up IUSU liliii noir/licixt claxxic lcclx ax l'rcxli today ax iiitixt lia\ c liccn it tlicn. llaxcd on “R lliirnctt'x ptilp no\ cl and with a blindingly xtarr} caxt. thc xtor} ol a hotchcd diamond licixl \NlllCli hringx dimtl cliaractcrx l'rom cxcr) rung ol' xocict} \xax iiiiiiicaxurahl) inllucntial. Although, iii thc currciit climatc. thc political o\ crtoncx ol llic ciidiiig xccin to jar. lliix ix a io) and undouhtcdly oiic ol lluxton'x hcxt. Iii/inlmrg/i l'ilm (iui/il. Iz'iIiIt/mrgli. Barfly t IM tllai'hcl Schi‘ocdcl'. l'S. 1087i Mickc} Rourkc. law l)uiia\\a). .-\licc Krigc. ‘Niiiin llaivroom hum Rouilxc lindx artixtic inxpiration in tlic dcmon tll'llllx. hut liix dixcowr} h) a prcxtigioux litcrar) maga/iiic and thc tcmptationx of “calm tlircatcn liix rclationxliip u ith lclloxx alcoholic Dunaua). (‘alculatiiig c\crcixc iii cxixtcntialixm. liaxcd on thc autohiogaphical writingx ol' ctilt author (‘liarlcx lliikouxki. hcrc ciicrgcticall} impcrxonatcd h) a gamc Mickc) Rourkc. ('umi‘o. Iii/Ill/llll'g/l. Bedtime Stories ll’(il so iAtlain Shankman. l'S, 2008) Adam Saitdlci'. Kci‘i Ruxxcll. ('ourtciic) ('o\. 00min. l'amil} liiiitax} about a man \\ ho can makc licdlimc xtoricx Cultlt' it) lllt‘. Si'li'i'li'il I'i'li'ilu'.

Win Free Films - Short

Beverly Hills Chihuahua ll .

.. 1R.l|.l(iitxllt'll. l S \h-ucu. :lllm l)rc\\ li.ill}lllitlt‘ lMtltt‘l. l’ipcr l’ciaho. Jamic l cc (‘tiitix hlmm lliix liiightl} lll laiiiil} ci'lllt'tl} ix .i \apid tixh out ot \xatcr coiilcction. icxol\ mg around poxli pooch (‘hloc ixoiccd h} llari_\morci \\ ho gctx kidnappcd lrom Rachcl il’ctahoi during a (tutti \dellHll .lU kt‘t'p (illllk'.\ lt'dl iiullt'l. Rachcl'x aunt \ l\ mu il cc (‘urtixr in llic (litllx. l(.i\llcl \clx Ulll lit lL'\\llk' lllt‘ painpcicd pct lioin hci potciitial latc at thc handx ol \lc\ican dogliglitcix lalciit lit‘.i\} onc iokc talking dog moxic \c [f I It .1 ”JUN!

Bicycle Thieves in i) 0000.

t\ ittoiio l)c ~\‘ica. Ital}. l‘HXi lainlicito .\laggioiam. lzn/o Staiola. lianclla (aicll 33min llcatitilull} icxtoicd pimt ol \ittoiia l)L' Slcti.\ I‘M!“ llalltiit Itco lL'.lll\l maxtci‘piccc ("ii/new, [ill/[I’lllg'll

Billu Barberi IZAI il’ii}adaixlian. India. ZHU‘U lrlaii Khan. Slialiiuldi Khan. l.aia l)ulla llllmin lloll)\\ood diaiiia about a licliind tlic linicx hailici \xlio xcckx to tan c liix lortuiicx \\llCll liix lainoiix liicnd comcx hack to town lliit \xill llic xupcixtai l'clllcllllk‘t’ him". Spin ml n'lum-

Black God, White Devil (lit .00. 1(ilaulict' Rocha. llt'a/il. l‘lo-li (ici‘aldo l)cl Rc}. Yotia Magalhacx. .\l.tllllclit do \allc llllmin. l-ictionalixcd account ol thc ad\cntuicx ol Ilia/lliaii liiicd gunman .'\llll)llltt dax .\loi‘tcx tVallc I. lat/i/i/iiug/i I'l/Hl (int/«I. l'aliIi/iurc/i.

Black Rose Ascension 1 Is: ooe I'lilhllllll Kumaxhiro. Japan. I‘l75i Shin Kixliida. \'aomi lam. \lcika Scii. 72mm. Japaiicxc xolt corc cqunalciit ol li’oogu' Nix/itx. comicall) cliioiiiclmg tlic trialx ol a xcll-inipoitaiii poiiio diicctoi. l’art ol \Vild Japan xcaxoii. Ill/H/IUHH'. l-a/in/iu/g/r

Bolt tl’( ii 0... ill}ron llouard/ ('hi'ix \Villianix. IS. 20“”) Voiccx ol .\lilc} ('}i‘tix. John 'l‘raxolta. Siixic lixxmaii. lliimm. llcart-tuggmg |)ixiic} animation about child actrcxx l’ctiii} (\oiccd h} (')i‘tixi and dog lloll ('l'rmollai \\lltt xlai‘ lit a hit 'l‘V xct'icx, 'l‘lic dog licllcu'x tl‘x all l'cal. xo \kltcit lic Cxcapcx lrom liix trailcr and cndx up thc otlicr xidc ol' thc countr) hc ix in loi‘ a l'cu l‘lltlL‘ \lll'pl'lxcx. (ii'ni'l‘il/ I'i'li'ilu'.

Bolt 30 il’( it 0... (”won lltHKJl‘tl/ ('lirix \Villiamx. l'S. llNNi \'oiccx ol .\lilc_\ ("\rux. John 'l'i'a\o|ta. Siixic

laxxman. llem. llcai‘t-lugging l)ixiic_\ animation about child actrcxx l’ciin} (\oiccd h) ('_\i'ux) and dog lloll t'l'i'moltai \xlio xtai‘ in it lttl 'l‘V \cl‘lcx. 'l'lic dog ltcllmcx Ilix all rcal. xo \xhcii hc cxcapcx l'rom liix trailcr and cndx up thc othcr xidc ol thc coiiiitr} lic ix in IN a lcu rudc xurprixcx. .S'i'li'i'm/ ri'li'uuz Boogie t llAi 0.. (Radu Muntcan. Romania. Zoom l)ragox lillL'Ul'. .-\namaria Mariiica. Mimi lil‘ulleCll. I‘llmin. lrrcwrcnt aitd ctitcrtainiiig Romanian comcd} about a )Ullllg lamil) man'x

New Films New Talent is

Scottish Screen’s DVD

catalogue of the best recent short films from Scottish filmmakers. Many of the films included are cult favourites and have appeared at international festivals all over the world including the Sundance Film Festival and the Seattle International Film Festival (Xtreme Luggaging, pictured). These award-winning short films offer great alternative viewing for film-lovers and each film is a tantalising taste of great

Scottish filmmaking talent.

I To wm one of five New Films New Ta/ent DVDs VlS/l wmw/stco.u/coffers

46 THE LIST 19 Feb—5 Mar 2009

.ittcmptx to iccicatc liix hard paitx mg paxt \xlicn lic tunx into xomc old xcliool lticndx on a trip to tlic xcaxidc lii'rrflwuu, liliii/Hugh Bride WarSil’ti»... that} “mick. l S. IUUW \niic llalli.i\\.i_\. l'xatc lludxoii. (‘andic c llcigcn ‘Ntmm \ lc\x good iokcx and xct picccx liom thc makcix ot I ci’x [it In and li/ntiil lung/i liut ultiiiiatcl_\ a patioiiixing idca ot \xliat a 'giil'x llick' xliould lic. that ncxci quitc makcx ll doun lllL' dl\lk' \i [(1 It i/ If [i an Burn After Reading t 1*» see ilitlian (‘ocii'Jocl (ocn. l \l lx'l iaiicc. 2H1 lHt (it'itlgc ('linillt‘), .litllll \ldlluw lk ll. lliad l’itl ‘Hmm l-oul moutlicd (’l \ aiial}xt ()xhomnc «\lalkox iclii quitx liix ioli .lllL'l lk‘lllg ilcllliilctl \ctoxx [nun .il ()xliiiiiiiic“x gum xlou \\illt'tl c'tliltlii}t‘t'\ (‘liad il’ilti .iiid l inda I.\lcl )oiiiiandi happcn upon oiic ol liix dixcx -\ xliaggx. punctutcd l_\ic lilackiiiail tliiillci cntailx \xilli thc icquixitc outliicakx ol xliock l.l\ll\ \iolcncc and .ihxuidixt plotting (Ii/run ll I/Ii' Quin. (i/iixgmc Il/In/Il'llu. liliii/Hush Cadillac Records 1 l5: .0. il)ariicll \lartm. l'l-x'. loom llcyincc Knoulcx. .\lox |)cl. .-\diicn lliod} lllhmm Scc .-\lxo Rclcaxcd. pagc «H (tritium/(l Ri'H/I‘i'ii Xlli'i’l. (Hinton Cape No 7 il’(ii (\Vci 'lc xhcng.\\.ill. loom \‘au l‘an. ('hic 'laii.’il.a. .\la Ju~Jung IZ‘hnm lai\\aiicxc pop xtai Van l-an pla}x axpiiing iockci .»\ga in lliix cliaiinmg homcgioun liliii about a local coaxtal toun hand and tlicii oiic cliancc to thc l’art ol 'laiuancxc l'lllll l'cxlnal ll/Hl/li'uu'. liliii/Hugh. Charlotte’s Web it'i 000 l( iai} \Vmick. l'SA. loom Dakota l-annmg. \oiccx ol Julia Rolici‘tx. Sam Slicphcid. Sic-\c lliixcciiii. 07mm ('hirp} tot l't'lll tlannmgi rcxcucx \Vilhur tlic pig lrom a crucl liiiiiiyii’d latc loi onahlc aracliiiid (‘harlottc to cwntuall} xa\ c tlic da} iii a hittcrxu cct linalc that touchcx on practical mattcrx ol lilc and dcath Soincxxlicrc ht'l“ L'cli lllt' L‘tllc\} lill/N' tiliil ()I'\\ t'll‘N political .Ilnumi/ I'HI‘III it xhould draw iii cliildrcn and noxtalgic adultx alikc. (il'iiu'i'nul'. (iliht’ifli. Che: Part One l IS» 0000 «Slut-n Sodcrhcrgh. Spain/l‘raiicc/l '8. Zoom licnicio l)c| 'l'oro. Rodrigo Santoro. l)cmian llichir. llomm. l’art otic ol Sodcrlicrgh‘x xlt'uctiirall} magnil'iccnt "liliii dipt}ch' ahout (‘hc (iucuira il)cl 'l‘oroi unloldx ma non liiicar laxliioti. 'l‘liix lHUPIL' dctailx liix ltlc ax a collcction ol incidciitx rallicr lliaii a colicrcnt \xliolc \\ itli tlircc cwntx arc tixcd to highlight (‘hc'x pliiloxoph} liix initial mcctmg “llll l'idcl (‘axtro; thc lighting in tlic Sicri‘a Macxtra mountain rcgioiix; and liix controxcrxial No.1 xpccch to tlic l'tiitcd Nation» Sic/m li'i/ I‘i'li'iiu'.

Che: Part No l Iii oooo

(Stcxcii Sodcrhcrgli. Spaiii/l’raiicc/l 'S. lellhl llCtllL‘lo l)L'l 'l'orti. Rodrigo Santoro. l)cmiati Bicliir. l27mm. Scc rcxicu. pagc ~1l. .Vi'Ji’i‘li‘t/ I‘i'li'uu'. A Christmas Tale 1 IS: 000 t:\rnaud Dcxplcchm. l‘ritllL'L‘. zoom (‘athcrinc l)ciicu\ c. .\latliicu Amalric. Jcanr l’aul Rouxxillon. lfillmm. .-\notlicr t}picall} idiox}iicratic. loquacioux. xt}lixtica|l} aiiihitioux and xpi‘axxlmg tragicomcd} lrom dircctor l)cxplcchin. Supcrhl} actcd h} an cnxcmhlc caxt. all cciitring on a ('hrixtmax rcunion \xlicrc ('atlicrmc l)ciicii\c'x matriarch announccx xhc nccdx a honc marrim tranxplant l'rom oiic ol hcr oun rclatncx. IVi'lni/mim'. I'a/iIi/iuru/i,

The Class 4 15; see. dam-m

('aiitct. l-rancc. 2003i l-raiicoix Bogaudcau. lixincrclda ()ucrtaiti. l-raiick Kcita. 130mm. Scc prc\ icu. pagc 4t) and :\lxo Rclcaxcd. pagc 44. (ilmgou I’ll/II ililll'llll't’. (i/mumi. Confessions of a Shopaholic mm C il’J Hogan. [8. SHOW lxla l'l\lle. llugh l)anc_\. Kr} xtcii Rittcr. Ill-1min. Scc rm icu. pagc 4 l. (ivni'ru/ ri'lniuz Conversations with my Gardener t l2.-\i C... than llcckcr. l'rancc. 2007i l)anic| .-\utcuil. Jcan-l’icrrc l)arrouxxm. l‘ann} (‘ottcncon 108mm. Succcxxlul l’arixiaii paintcr (Autcmli rcturnx to thc rural childhood homc hc hax inhcritcd in xouthcrn l-‘raiicc and placcx an adwrt lor a gardcncr. 'l'hc lirxt applicant il)arrouxxini

tuinx out to haw hccn an old \\ll\‘\‘l tiicnd and tlicx tall. ticclx about thcii lk'\}\‘\ll\\‘ litc c\pcticnccx \daptcd lli‘lll llcnii ('ucco‘x no\ cl. tliix intiiiiatc tuo handct might xccm xlight on papcr hut it'x a xuipiixmgl) moung xtudx oi inalc liictidxhip lii'miroim la’iifi‘atcf:

000' l l g, \lu“ i)\‘\l\. ( ilt‘t‘x t“ Ill l ' l \annix lximitxclix. \ndicax (atlhldltlllli‘tL \axxo l\a\alictatou lit-1mm lhc lixcx ot a gioup ol (iicck xoungxtctx lwcomc \aiiouxl\ iiitcimincd oiic hot xumiiici'x dax l'oiccd to grim up taxr thc piohlciii \llk'\\ll hum li tiamplc tlic ll.lll\\.l_\\ ol \tlicnx aiipoit. tlic l‘k'.l\llk‘\ ol tlic \Jli‘llh (lull .iiid llic paxtmcx ol \lount l'xiloiitix l‘ait ol (iicck l ilm l cxtixal li'i'miiouu lain/Hum: Correction l‘i llianox \iiaxtopoulox.

( iiccc c. .‘lNl ‘. ( iioigox \’_\ mcomdix Hiiicla lxapctaiii. \axma \limam " 'imn lh'liliciatcl} .iml‘iguoux diaiiia that chI\ tacklcx ixxucx ol itatioiialixiii .iiid tiaiixtuxioii Hl \lllllllt‘\ lll citlllt'ltlpi‘lal} \iklt'llt‘\ l \ \i‘ll \oigox licgiiix lollonmg a toting \xoman \xlio \\oth m .i tcxtauiaiit \litmiicd lit thc uailic‘xx. tlic man icxpondx lo taking a ioli m lltc \ll‘allldll talc in \\lll\ll xlic \xoikx l’ait ol (iiccl. liliii l'C\ll\.ll li/mizoau liliii/rural: Cross of Iron « IM 0000 min l’cckinpali. l l'x',\\cxt (iciinaiix. l" ' 'i lamcx (‘oliuiiL \la\iiiiiliaii \clit‘ll. laiiicx \laxon liillllll I‘l‘x-l Rtixxian ltoiit xct \\.ll liliii liom l’k'tlxllllltlll piollciiiig a \i‘llll‘.i\\litll.tlt' account ol xoldicix tiappcd m a no man'x latid \xitli littlc chain c ol k'\\.l|‘\‘ l'ccltinpali‘x laxt gicat llllll l’ait ol l’cckilipalt xcaxon ll/Ill/li‘llu. liliii/Hugh The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 1 l_‘:\i .0. il)a\ id l‘lllcllt‘l.

l S. ZlNl‘li lliad l’itt. (‘atc lllanclictt. .lulia ()iinond loimm lloiii ax .iii old man old} to dic ax ati mlant. thc llcniaimn lliiltoii chatactci cicatcd h} l Scott I it/gciald m liix I‘ll: xlioit xtoi) gctx thc lull 'picxtigc piclut'c‘ ticatmciit in l).i\id l‘iiiclici'x lax ixli romantic lantax) \ xalutai} talc ol a man who \xould turn back timc loi lox c. and lailx. tcllccting l-it/gciald'x oxxn \lt'\\\ ol thc iinpctiiiancncc ol lox c (jun m/ Il'lf in. Cyberworld 3D il’(ii i\aiioux.l S. loom Jcnna lullman. Matt l'lt'\\k'l. \Mmd} :\l|cn. ~1-1min Jcniia l'.ll|l|;tll ix tlic c_\lici lioxt “llii intioduccx iix to \ai'ioux uniclatcd xcgmcnlx ol c_\l\ci animation llu MHz/mun and .rlnlx. inalxc il) apik'aiaiiccx in a xiwctaculai dixpla} ol todayx moxt llllpl't‘\\l\L' graphic tccliiiolog} Ill l.\ I'lli'illl'i’. (ilihfiilit.

Dance on Screen: Paris is Burning ilzi iVaiiouxi ‘Mlmin l’iogiammc ol liixtoi'ical lilmx c\.iininmg tlic rclalionxliip hcluccn dancc. nioxcincnt and thc camcta. Sclcctcd in iclation to ciiiiciit C\lllhllli|ll I/ii' Ill/h Hum/x lliix xcicciiitig lcaturcx Jciinic laxitigxton'x I‘Nll docuiiicntar} l’u/ix /\ Burning l'lllllt'tl lll thc lalc I‘lhllx. |.i\ingxtoii documcntx thc hall culltirc ol \c“ York and thc .-\liicaii Amcrican and l.almo ga} .iiid tiaiixgciidcicd coiiimuiiit) Ill\iil\L’tl in II (t ' l. (i/iiwnu The Dark Knight 30 1 ISA» 0000 ((‘lirixtoplici Nolan. [8. Boom (‘lirixiian llalc. llcalh l,cdgct. \laggic (i}llcnliaa| l52min. .\'olati'x icxamp ol thc xupcilicio lliillc‘lllxc tL'dL‘llL'x llx tipiillicitxlx \killl llll\ xcqucl to li’ulniun Ili'umx. .i xupi‘cincl} \H'll imagincd. pcrlcctl} cxccutcd lilm that coiiilimcx lilockhiixtci xpcctaclc \Nllll mdic cincma cool and xinartx l’x}chotic. chaox lo\iiig cloun 'l’lic Jokcr il.cdgcri ix ititroduccd ax thc darlx kniglit‘x iiltimatc iicmcxix and a thrilling hattlc \lt)“ |_\ tcrrorixcx llic populacc ol (iolham l.’lI.-l.\' llillf'ull'f'. (i/ilxgiiii.

Deep Sea 30 il’(ii illoxiaid llall. ('anada/l'S. 2006i Voiccx ol Joliiin} l)cpp. Katc \Vinxlct, JImm, .-\ ’i—l) digital c\ploration ol thc occan'x dcpthx and itx crcalurcx l.lI.-l.\’ Illl’llll'i’, (i/mgmi