
This short season of new films from Taiwan features the excellent Taipei music scene drama Cape No 7, Tom Lin’s 1996 baseball scandal drama

Winds of September (pictured) and Iikeable children’s fantasy Orz Boyz. Ticket deals available. I Film/rouse, Edinburgh, Sat 88 Fob- Sun 8 Mai.

Franklyn l ISi O. t( ierald McMoriow. l‘rance/I'K. 200‘“ Sam Rile}. lixa (ireen. R}an l’hillippe, 07min. See profile. page 42 and Alxo Releaxed. page 4-1. Selected I'e/emejrmn [ii 3." I'll). Friday the 13th 1 IS) 0. (Marcux Nixpcl. lb. 300”) Jtit‘ctl l’atltilcckl. l)atilcllc I’anabaker. Amanda Righetti. ‘)7rnin. 'I‘w'ell‘th outing for thrx horror francliixe revixitx the original xummer camp xet I‘lStl film with a new caxl of bright )oung tliiiigx. 'I‘he rexultx are horrificall) thrilling or dixappointing depending on what age )ou are. (ienerirl I't'lt'tlu'. Frost/Nixon t l5l C... tRon Iloward. l'S/l'K/l‘rance. ZIKISI lirank I.angella. Michael Sheen. Sam Rockwell. Illinin. I’ilm adaptation of Peter Morgan'x two- hander. which dramatixed one of the llltlxl famoux interx iewx in the lllxttit') of televixion broadcaxting between popular Britixh broadcaxter l)a\'id liroxt and detexted ex-prexident of the IS. Richard Nnon. I'inc iwrformancex from Sheen and Langella and .xolid contextual padding help lloward amid the pitfall of a xtag_\ film. Selected release. Glasgow School of Art MFA Screening itii (\ai-ioux. t'k’. 3on7i 90min. New lilm workx b} line An .xtudentx. ('(‘.-t. (iluxemi.

The Good, the Bad, the Weird

(15).... (Kim Ji-woon. South Korea. 2008) Song Kang-ho. I.ee ll}tlll:.!- hun. Jung Woo-xurig. l3tlmin. (lifted South Korean filmmaker Kim Ji-woon takex on Sergio Leone'x greatext w extern and (unlx-liex‘abl) l emergex \ ictorioux. lt'x the l93llx in the dexen \\ ildcrttexx ol Japancxe colonixed (‘hinexe Manchuria and three treax'ure hunterx are in a race for boot}. An incredibly enjoyable adxenture that pullx in the amt}; Manchurian handitx and the inhabitantx of a Ill) xterioux ghoxt market. (‘ineii'orlil Relif/‘eu' Street. Glasgow:

Gran Torino t ISI .00. it‘lini

Iiaxtw'ood. l'S/.~\uxtralia. 2003i (‘lint liaxtw'txxl. (‘hrixiopher Earle). Bee \‘ang. l 16min. See review. page ~13. Selected release.

48 THE LIST 19 Feb—5 Mar 2009

He’s Just Not That Into You t Ilm 0.. tl'x'en lx'wapix. l'S. 3(lll‘)l .lennil'ei’ Anixlon. lien Allleck. Scarlet .lohanxxon. ll‘hnin. Romantic coined} baxed on the xellihelp hook ol the xame name h} (ireg Ilehrendt and l.i/ 'I'uccillo. following the lm elorn iinxad\entiirex ol xe\era| indnidualx in their lex and ltlx.

I.ightw eight occaxionall} amuxing coined} pilclied at the Set will the (in demographic. (it'lti'l‘tt/ I'i'lt'itu'.

High School Musical 3: Senior Year tl'l O. tKenn} ()itega. I'S. Illtlh'l /.ac lilron. \'anexxa Anne lludgenx. Axhle} ’I'ixdale. I I Imrn. llllS time high xchool xeniorx 'I‘ro) tI-.lroni and (iabriella tlludgenxi prepare for xepar'atioii belore the} head on to different collegex b} xtaging an elaborate xpring inuxical, Ii\er} bit ax nauxeating ax ll xoundx tuiilexx )ou are a child under itx xhamanixtic pow erxl. IISJI .i' docx. how e\ er. take adxantage ol the big xcreen format with xoine imprexxnc enxemble muxic and dance numberx. Selected I't'lt'tlu'.

Hinokio (Iii t'l'akahiko Akiyama. Japan. 3005) .\laxatoxhi Nakanttira. Kanata llongo. Mikako 'I‘ahe. l l Imin. Withdrawn alter the loxx ol' ltlx mother. Salorti'x lather iNakamurai biiildx hix xon a robot called llinokio. 'I‘hrough llinokio. Satoru tllongol beginx to communicate with the world again. including Jun i'I‘abel. a tombo} pretending to he a ho}. 'I‘hix xcreening w ill he preceded b} xhort docurnentar) ll'ueux/ii: I‘lie li’eiiim of Spirit o/ .lii/iiuiexe ('oiitei'timn. Part of ('ontemporar} Japanexe liliii xeaxon. (ii/iiiore/iil/ (113. (i/irieim. Hotel for Dogs il'i 00 i'l'hor l-reudenthal. l'S/(ierman). 2000i lllllllltt Robertx. l.ixa Kudrow. Jake 'I‘ Auxtin. 09min. ()rphaned xiblmgx turn their new foxter home into a dog retreat. ('ute famil} coined} baxed on the no\ e| b} l.oix Duncan. undone b} lame dialogue and bufl'ooriixh adult ix-rformancex. (it‘llt'l'tl/ release. Hungeri 15 l .0... tStexe McQueen. l'K/Ireland. ZtltlSi Michael liaxxbender. Stuart (iraham. llelena Bereen. ()omin. In I‘lSl pr0\l\lt\llttl IRA member Bobb) Sandx ttlltt“ c‘tl lllx l‘tttl} [0 become the ulllllltttc‘ inxtrument of protext when he led the .\la/e prixon hunger xtrike. Directed b} Turner I’ri/e-winning anrxt McQueen and written b} Irixh pla} w right linda Walxh. Hunger ix the xtor} of the Iaxt xi\ weekx of Sandx' life. A bra\ e and unforgettable film. tinged with thematic prexcience and the politicx of belief. ()tlt'ttllj Bl‘tlt‘ltt‘tltl. Rt'llll't’li.

I’m Going Home it’( ‘o O... i.\lanoe| de ()Iixeii‘a. l'rance/l’tir'tugal. letlli .\Iichcl I’iccolr. John .\lalko\ ich. ('atherine I)ciieu\e ‘lllinin. At ‘) lAL‘lll'S old. director .\laiioel de ()Ii\eiia ix xti|| producing ('annex l‘ilm l‘L‘SllHtl-thl'lll} lilmx. I'm (inure Home followx a xiiccexxlul I’ai'ixian actor ax he dealx with the auto-craxli deathx ol liix wife. daughter and xon-in-Iaw. With iiioxt ol the xlor}tel|ing left to cinematiigraph} and facial e\prexxronx. \ icw ei‘x are forced to conxtantl} tluextion the innertworkrngx and leelingx ol each character I’ar‘t ol Introduction to Izuropean ('inema. l‘l/lll/ltlllu‘. lzi/iii/iiire/i. Igor t l’(il 0.. (Anthon) |,eondix. l'S/l’rance. llltlh‘i Voicex ol John (‘tixack. John (’leexe. dedie I//ard. Shinin, llunchbacked Igor (\orced b} (‘tixackl ekex otil lilx prccarlotlx L‘\ixtcncc ax humble xerxaiit to the xinixtei‘ I)r (ilickenxtein i('|eexei. an e\i| geniux xet on winning the annual c\ il xcience lair in the badaxx pro\ ince of Malaria. Ilut Igor bra\e|_\ decidex to enter the cornpctiton hrrnxelf and enterx hix llride ol l-rankenxtein—xt}le creation called lzxa (Moll) Shannon). l)ecent but uriiiixprred animation. I'JII/tll't‘ (Yule/mule ('lu/e/iimk; ('iiri'iior/i/ Iii/i/i/iiire/i. lat/iii/iiire/i. In the Realm of the Senses (Ai No Corrida) t IS) 0.... (Nagixa ()xhima. Japan. l‘)7oi 'latxu}a l'uii. Iziko .\latxuda. lll5min. At Iaxt deemed fit for certilication. ()xhirna'x xhockingl) erotic lilm can now be publicl} xcreened. In the militarixt Japan ol I‘ll“. tt L‘Ullplc encloxe lltclltxchcx In their own xenxual world. their paxxion excalatmg until onl} death can pro\ ide the next orgaxm. Maxterl). though necexxaril} extremel} explicit look at the power of xexual arouxal. w hich hax attracted eontroxerx} throughout the world. I’art ol Wild Japan. l'l/Ill/IHUH'. lat/iirhiire/i. Inkheart tl’(il C than Sottle). (iermanx/l'K/l'S. 3008i Brendan I‘raxer. liIi/a Bennett. I’aul Ilettari}. loomin. lain Softle) 'x long-xhel\ ed adaptation of ('ornelia liunke'x children‘x no\ el xeex liraxer pla_\x Mo I-‘lockart. aka Silxenongue. blexxed with the magical abilit} to bring xtoriex to life b} reading them aloud. With daughter Meggie iBennetti in tow. Mo traxerxex Iiurope in xearch of IiiUieuri. an ultra-rare book. An illiterate and exhaUxting c‘\ 'rience lint Ltll tigex. Selected relt'uxe. The International t lfii 000 (Tom 'I‘}kwer. l'S. Zoom (’lixe ()wen.

\aomi Wattx. \fltllll \lueller-Stahl I l‘min \ec reHew. page 44 (ii in mi reiiau tnwr

I It 3‘ [iii

lphigenia il’t ll t\lichael ('.ico_\aiinix. (ireece. 1""! 'I‘atiana I’aparnoxchou. Irene l‘apax. Koxtax Ka/akox ll‘inin Mythical drama entwining a lioxt of Spartanx with the princelx xon ot Ito). \lenelaux' arm). a xacred deer. the clllcl \tN‘lll\.l_\CI tll lllc (ireekx .iiid an oracle that callx lot the xacrilice ol Againemnon'x il'x'a/akoxi firxt boin daughter. Iphigenia il’apamoxchoui l’an ol (lieek l’lllll l‘L‘\lt\.tl ll/Nllli’ttu. I'i/iIr/iiiieli

Jag Jeondeyan De Mele il’ih iltalul Singh lleo. Indra. Zoom llarbhaian \lann. 'Itilip Joxhi. (iurpieet (lugghi lo-linin I me and loxx are e\ainined in thix xtor\ of one _\oung man'x iouine} -\bahiiot i \lanni

w antx to find true on e but can he do that in modern da_\ India' (ll/eon A! “It Own. (iiihQriii

Kiss Me Kate it: 00.0 int-orgi- Sidiie_\.1'S. I‘lSM Kathryn (il.l_\\t\ll. Howard Keel. Ann Miller Ill‘lmin Drawing parallelx between a muxieal production ol Ilii- limiiiie or the Slow and e\entx in the pinate Iile of the caxt. thix ix a deliglitliil .\I(i.\l production with plent) ol xong and dance Watch Miller xtop the xhow with "loo I)arri llot' Ipi/iIr/iiire/r l‘l/Ill (iriilil. Izilriiliure/i

The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) t IS: 0... il-Iorian llenckel \on l)i\llllt‘l‘\lll;lrcl\. (ieiirian). Zoom Martina (iedeck. l'lrich Sltiehe. Sebaxtian Koch l37min l'.\cellent cold war thriller about xurx eillance and cultural lreedom in liaxt ller'lin under the Staxi txecret police) A lilrn that managex to be both horril)mg and huinoroux llighl) recotniitertdcd At "It. Int/rIr/iiiieli

The Lost World «tr 0000 (Hair) o lltt}l. lb. “’35) llexxtc l,o\c. l.ltt}tl llughex. I.ewix Stone. ‘Hinm. Silent \er'xion ol the Arthur ('onan l)o} le book ol the xame name which pro\ ed inxpiration lor later lilrnx Kine Kong and .llll'tHHt I’ll/'A. l.l\ e piano accompanimenl I'i/niliouu'. lat/irrliiire/i.

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa tl’(il ... tlzric Darnell. IX. 2008) Volccx ol lien Stiller. ('hrix Rock. l)tt\'ltl Schwimmer. Sacha liaron (‘ohen 80min, Alex the lion (\olcetl b} Stiller ). (iloriti the hippo tSinithl. Melrnan the giralle tSchwrrnineri and Man) the rebra (Rock) are put on an llight back to their /oo home. mil} to craxh land in Africa. The going natne theme lx expanded. with good-time laxcixt leinur ((‘oheni getting the bext linex and the pengumx the bext Iatighx. With cle\er rillx and unexpected poetr). thix ix a welcome proxpect. ()i/enn A! lite Qtun; (i/thgoit. Man on Fire t Ito .0 lion} Scott. I'S. lellJl l)en/el Waxhington. Dakota I‘anning. ('hrixtopher Walken. Micke} Rourke. [45min Iix marine turned hotl_\giiard ('rcaxy (Waxhingtoni Iookx alter a nice rich white girl and then xhe getx kidnapped and ('reaxy takex on the entire terrorlxt network of Mexico (it) to lind her. Deepl) unxpecial wallow in righteoux xaxager}, lite Iii/in/iiireli ()nmr. lat/iIr/mre/r Mazu tl’(il tl.m Shr-ren. 'I’aiwan. Illil7i Voicex of hi ('hi-hui. Sun 'I'xur-I-eng. (‘hiaiig 'I‘u-hui. ‘)7min. Animated film about 'I'aoixt goddexx ol' the xea Sta/u and her endctnourx to conquer the deHl and protect lixhermen and xailorx lrom xtril'e. l’an ol 'Iaiwanexe l‘ilm l‘t'SllHtl. l'l/Nl/IUHH’. Iii/iiiliure/i.

Milk t ISI 0... ((iUx Van Sant. l'S. 2008i Sean Penn. Joxh Brolin. Iimile llirxch. 128mm. 'l'hix fairl) comentional biopic of the fier openl} gay elected politician in the l'nited Statex xucceedx in mercorning genre limitationx to create a powerful and compaxxionate film. Tracing lIarVe) Slilk'x (I’ennl life from hix apolitical fortiex. through three unxuccexxful political campaignx. before winning a xeat on the San l‘lilllClSL‘t) board of Supenixorx. Van Sant deftly w'eaxex archive footage with drama. crafting a film that‘x undoubtedly up there with the ver} bext of hix work. Cameo. Edinburgh.

My Bloody Valentine i 18) ”0 (Patrick Luxxier. CS. 2009) Jenxen Acklex. Jaime King. Kerr Smith. 95min. Decent if