v.*\'.\-..list.cc.uk film

unsurprisingly slick rcrnakc of sscll rcgardcd carly Xlls stalk and slash horror. Show my ('im'mu. ('mitbridge', (i/uxgmi My Bloody Valentine 3!) 1 1m

m tl’atrick |.ussicr. IS. 2009i Jcnscn Acklcs. Jaimc King. Kcrr Smith 95min. l)cccnt II unsurprisingly slick rcmalsc ot yscll rcgardcd carly 80s stalk and slash horror. Sl’ll'l Il’t/ ft‘lt‘UH'.

My Lite and Times - Michael Cacoyannis (PU) (Lydia (‘arras. (ircccc. 2008) 87mm. I'ilnimakcr ('acoyannis narratcs a pcrsonal tcstiinony that takcs iis from his childhood in colonial ('y mm to his Work on films such as Iz'li'rlm. Airbu and Iphige'nm I-caturing tcstimonics by (‘harlottc Rainpling. l)iiiiitris I’apaioannou and ('lairc Bloom. Part of (ircck I'IIIII I‘cstiyal. l-ibnhouu'. Iz‘dmburgh.

Mystery Movle (Iii '.’inin. My'stcry tilm prcscntcd by thc Scrccning Rooins.

St nix/nun St'rt't'nmg Ronni. Edinburgh. New in Town t 12m 0 tJonas Izlincr. LS. 2009) chcc Xc'llwcgcr. Harry (‘onnick Jr. Siobhan I'allon. ‘)oinin. Scc

rcy icvy. pagc ~12. (iv/it'm/ I't'lt’UH' fro/n Fri 27 I‘t'b

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (12m see (I’ctcr Sollclt. I'S. 2008i Michacl ('cra. Kat l)cnnings, Aaron Yoo, 90min. ('cra l'urthcrs his rcputation as the LS currcnt Icadiiig gcck in this slight but likablc tccn coincdy. 'Ihc only straight mcmbcr ot' a struggling quccrcorc band. Nick's csotcric tastc in music finds a placc in thc hcart of Norah (Dcnnings). and thc pair tcani up for a incidcnt-packcd Manhattan ridc to track down a sccrct gig. (‘Illl’li'lfl'll/ Rt'ltfl‘t'ii' SHIT]. (ilusgmr. Notorious 1 l5) 0.. ((icorgc Tillman Jr. LS. 2009) Jamal Woolard. Anthony Mackic. Dcrck Lukc. [32min 'I‘raditional music industry biopic chronicling thc last tinics ot' (’hristophcr Wallacc/Biggic Smalls aka thc Notorious BIG (\N'oolard). 'I'hcrc's not many surpriscs hcrc l'or tans of thc big man btit thc music is grcat and a major plus point is that Scan ‘l’ul‘t'y' (‘oiiibs is the

t'ilm‘s produccr. and has no qualms about dishing thc dirt. (;¢'II('F(1/ re'le'uu'. Notorious (new print) 1H i I 0.000 tAlfrcd Hitchcock. l'S. 194mm”) ('irant. Ingrid Bcrgrnan. ('laudc Rains. l()Imin World War II. ('ynical intclligcncc agcnt (irant cnlists playgirl Bcrgnian to hclp him uncoycr a .\'a/i atomic plot in Rio dc Janciro. Shc inamcs suayc plottcr Rams and tbcn finds hcr hfc in alanning dangcr. Rc- rclcasc ot this taut. classic thrillcr. VHIII a Iinc Bcn Ilccht script that CIIL‘CIHCI} blcnds romancc and sUspcnsc. Bcrgman and (irant crcatc moyic magic in cach othcr‘s prcscncc. particularly during what “its adycrtiscd as 'thc Iongcst kiss in history'. Part of short Hitchcock scason. Film/muse: lidinburgh.

Orz Boy: (PU) (Yang ya-chc. 'l‘aiys an. 2008) Kuan-yi Lcc. (‘hin-Yu Pang. Fang MciPan. I IIImin. Ya-chc cmploys a niisturc ol' liyc action and animation to dcpict tbc licry imaginations of unruly school Iricnds Liar No l (l.cci and Liar No 2 (Pang). I’art ol"I‘aiwancw Film I‘cstiy‘al. I’ilmhousc. Edinburgh.

Paris 36 t 15) O. ((‘hristophc Barraticr. I-'rancc, 2008i (icrard Jugnot. ('onis (‘ornillac. Kad Mcrad. 120mm. Scc rcyicw. pagc 43. I‘Illll/IUILH’. Edinburgh. The Pink Panther 2 (Pm so (Harald Zyyart. LS. 2009) Stcyc Martin. Andy (iarcia. Jcan cho. (”min. This tinic thc haplcss dctcctiyc Inspcctor ('louscau (Martini tcams up with a bunch of intcrnational crimc t'ightcrs Mio arc as clumsy as hc is. I'uriiiicr and inorc comprchcnsiblc than thc 2006 first film but still fairly lcdttiUs. (it'nt'nl/ I'l’ll'UH'.

The Prestige ( IBM 0000 ((Itristophcr Nolan. l'S/I'K. 200m Htigli Jackman. (‘hristian Balc. Michacl (‘ainc. Dayic Bowic. 130mm. 'I'hc Mcmmto

dircctor adapts ('hristophcr I’ricst's novel of

rival stagc magicians in turn—otlthc—last- ccntury London. 'l‘hc non-lincar chronology intcrwcaycs thc thrcc storics ot' Rupcrt Angicr (Jackinan) and All‘rcd Bordcn's

tBuICI magic tumon. :‘sngicr’s _|UUI'TIL‘_\ to mcct a mad scicntist tBouicI. and Iiordcn awaiting thc gallous for his riyal's murdcr With gloomy stylc and da/lling substancc. Nolan pulls off his trick Smisnmn St'rcc'ning Ronni. Edinburgh,

Push t lZAi C. (Paul Mchgan. LS. 2009) ('hris Iiyans. Dakota Fanning. (‘olin Ford. I I lmin Scc Also RcIcascd. pagc ~14 (ie'nc'ru/ n'lc'uic,

Quantum of Solace I IZAi oeo

iMarc Forster. l'K/I'S. 2008i Danicl ('raig. ()lga Kurylcnko. Mathicu Amalric ItISniin Quantum U! Soluu' starts with a tradcniark action scqucncc inyoly ing cars burning rubbcr around narrovs roads and thcn procccds to IUIIIP from onc thrill to anothcr. yshilc moy mg through locations Iikc pagcs in a traycl brochurc. A major plus is Anialric's turn as thc Vllldlll Dominic (irccnc. hcad ot’ an organisation which cxploits cncrgy rcsourccs for financial and political gain ysho arc bchind an Amcrican approy cd coup in Boliyia. Although thc oycrarching thcmcs arc intriguing. sonic of thc plot points don‘t makc much scnsc. ()dmn A! My Quui. Glasgow; ()dc'un. Edinbiu'gh.

The Reader t 15) one lSICpItcn Daldry. l'S/(icrmany. 2008i Ralph Ficnncs. Katc Winslct. [)ay'id Kross. 123mm. In a Wcst (icrman town at thc cnd of thc I‘ISIIs. lS-ycar-old Michacl (Kross) starts a passionatc affair with Hanna (Winslct I. a tram conductor inorc than twicc his agc. But alitcr a I‘cw months, Hanna suddcnly disappcars. and it‘s almost a dccadc bcl'orc Michacl sccs hcr again. By this timc hc is a law studcnt and shc is standing trial tor war crimcs. (it'm'ml rc'lmw.

Rebecca ( I’(i I eooo ( Alfred Hitchcock. L'S. I‘MUI l.aurcncc ()liyicr. Joan I‘ontainc. Judith Andcrson. Htlinin. A rc-issuc of thc wondcrfully' atmosphcric romancc. madc yshcn Hitch \\ as at his hcight. 'l‘hc young bridc of rich \sidowcr Maxim dc Wintcr joins him at his grand mansion. Mandcrlcy. But cy'cry whcrc shc turns. thcrc arc mcmorics ol~ his first wit'c.

yshosc dcath is surroundcd by mystcry .-\ndcrson's oy crys rought (iothic bousckccpcr \Irs [)am crs slcals [lic slioys I’dfl UI short IIIIc‘ltctk‘l‘ \L‘dsun I'ti'."t}ti'tnr‘. Indinburgh

Revolutionary Road I 15: «so darn Mcndcs. l'S LR. 2008» I conardo l)i(‘aprio. Katc \Vinslct. Kathy Batcs ll‘hiiin It's 1‘55 in suburban (‘onnccticut and Hank ilM‘aprioi .iiid -\pii| i\\'inslcti arc dissatiincd ys ith tlicir \shitc pickct tcncc liycs In a bid to iciny igoiatc thcir loy c .iiid qucnch thcir bohcniian longings thcy proposc a mm c to Paris. but as thcii dcpanurc datc approachcs. thcir bcst laid plans bcgin to uniaycl -\iiibitious adaptation ot iatcs‘ intcnsc. claustrophobic and quitc brilliant noy cl \t'in in! H [mm Role Models 1 [Si O. il)a\ id \\ain. l'S. Itklh‘i (’hristophcr Mint/ I’lassc. Iiobb‘c J 'l‘hoinpson. I‘li/abcth Banks ‘llinin ’l‘yyo cscitablc cncrgy drinks icps. Danny iRuddi and \thclcr iSuitti arc torccd to incntor troublcd youths oi tacc |.tll tor rccklcss driy ing Danny looks .tIIt‘l a tccnagcr who is into nicdicyal iolc playing tMintl-I’Iassi sshilst \thclci has his tun yyith a Ioulniouthcd III ycai old Ronnic t'l'homsoni. (‘uc pucrilc and lcyy d bcliayiour (‘Hic'iior/d Re'ntu'u Strut (iltiygmi. Ifni/ii/i’ ('lidt'bunk. ("lit/chunk Russian Ark it‘ I see. t:\lt‘\.tll\li Sokuroy. Russia/(iciinany. ZINIZI Scrgci I)ontso\. Mariya Ktt/tictsoya. Iconid Molgoyoy ‘Hiiitlti. Sokttroy (Mot/tr! and Sam has alysays bccn a l'oriiialist par csccllcncc. In this look at iiiodcrn Russian history. Sokuroy 's canicia passcs through onc room to anotlicr in a \ast St I’ctcisburg muscum as history untolds bctorc us \HIIIUUI a cut. I.Ilst' thc carlicr onctakc nondcr. Miltc I'iggis' II’IIt'i odc; this might acliicyc littlc dramatically; thcrc's a liiiiitcd criiotional rangc at work hcrc. as \sc lolloyy thc unsccn dircctor and his camcra into dil'lcrcnt cras. Ncycrthclcss. it‘s uiidcniably a scniinal work. Part ot lntrixluction to Iiuropcan (’inciiia. l'l/Hl/IHHH'. ladinbuigh



***** *****

Charles (Sarit. HEAT


James Mottrziin, MARIE CLAIRE




“Powerful, exhilarating stuff

Peter Bradshaw. THE GUARDIAN

théI _

The greatest lessons are learnt when life enters the classroom. CAMEO

Wendy 100, THE TIMES


Day/id Parkinson, E MPIRE


Glasgow. fiIn. th( .11"!

' 1

19 Feb—S Mar 2009 THE LIST ‘9