
Sacco and Vanzetti 11:1 (l’t'lc‘l \llllL'l. l'S. I‘Noi 80111111 Docuriientary about (no ltaliari irririiigrarit radicals vtho \serc executed 111 W2w .-l('lz. lat/iri/iiug/r

The Secret of Moonacre 11 1

”O ((iabor ('supo.

Hungary/l 'K/l'rance. 20001|o.1n(irulludd. Dakota Blue Richards. Natasc ha \lclilhoiie liliiiiiri When I i-year old orphan \laria (Richardsi iiscs .111 inherited book to enter .1 magical kingdom she becomes lll\11l\L'tl 111 .111 CH) mythical plot to destroy Moonac re Valley Decent il slightly oyer egged adaptation ol I/it' [III/1‘ ll Iii/1 Ho! \1 by lzli/abcth (ioudge (rt'llt'ltl/ 11111111

Seven Pounds 1 13m 0.

((iabriele Sluccmo. l'S. 200.S'1\\1l| Smith. Rtisttrlti Days still. “111 1d} llal’lclstin

l25111111 Despite .1 promising pre credit sequence 111 which Smith‘s character Beii 'l'hoiiias declares he's going to commit suicide. this is .1 huge disappointment .'\s an IRS inspector with .1 pH\lll\L' mission \xe see him berate .1 blind “111 1d_\ llarrelsoii. audit .1 sick Rosario l)£l\\s11ll and shots puppy eyes .11 his gir'llriend (l.ee1. 'l he film's distributors asked critics not to reyeal ‘the mist it‘s not worth knoyyiug

Show 1111' (1111411111. ('mrI/iirt/ci', tilt/term. liu' lat/iIi/iurglr ()11'1111. lat/rii/rrue/r

Sign of the Cross 11:1 .00 1( ‘mt B l)e.\lillc. l'S. I‘H21l‘1edric .\larch. lzlissa l.aiidi. ('Iaudette ('olbert 122111111. |)e.\lil|e giyes the biblical saga ol the persecution the ('hristians 111 ancient Rome the once oy e1. lat/iri/mrg/i l'l/Hl (1111/11. lat/urlrur'e/i.

The Silence of Lorna 1 I51 .00 (Jeanl’ierre 1M l.uc l).11deniic. Belgium/l'K/l'rance/ltalyKiermany. 20031 Aria I)obroshi. Jeremie Reiiicr. l'abri/io Roiigione. I05min. .-\ young Albanian woman (l)obroshii dreams ol opening a snack bar \1 11h her boy lriend, lo raise the money she participates in a scam organised by petty criminal l‘abio (Roiigionci. With its Bressonian themes ol guilt and redemption. the concentration on symbolic obiects. and the hardscrabble milieu in “Inch a lonely

Falklrk Council

Falkirk Town Hall

The Wrestler 115)

Thursday 19th February 7:30pm Saturday 2tst February 7:30pm

Lemon Tree 1pc) Monday 23rd February 7:30pm

Australia (12A)

Friday 27th February 1 1:00am 7:00pm Saturday 28th February

7:00pm Patti Smith:

Dream of Life (15)

Thursday 5th March 7:30pm

Tickets and further information

from The Steeple Box Office or on the door from FTH Cinema

0 1 324 506850

50 THE LIST 19 Feb—:3 Mar 2009


soul rediscmers theii humanity there is no question that this is a l)ardeiine brothers" filiii Matiliccs only. (tr/new. lat/rirluuelr Slumdog Millionaire 1 151 .00. (Danny Boyle. l'K/l‘S. 200S1lr'laii Kahri. .‘\llll Kapooi. l)e\ l’atel. l20miii Adapted lrom Vikas Sysarup's ll(1\Cl (Ml by Simon Beauloy. Boy Ie's film chronicles .1 Mumbai street urchin (Ski/11' l)e\ l’ateli \\l111 makes it to the final round ol India's \ersioii ol ll’lro llirrriy 111/1124 .lIr/lrorrutr't'.’. .-\|terii.iti\ely hilai'iotis and heart \yrenchiiig. grimly realistic and dream-like. romantic and resolutely nonsentimental. \satching Shunt/11g .llrllro/rurrt' leels like \yatching si\ fihiis .it once. (it’irt'nrli'1'l1’1111'. Spellbound 1l’( i1 0... 1.-\|tred Hitchcock. l'S. l‘HSi Ingrid Bei’giiian. (ircgory l’eck. l.eo (i. ('arroll lllmm. (‘omple\. not entirely satislactoi'y suspeiiser as psychiatrist Bergman comes to the aid ol mentally disturbed amnesiac l’eck. \\ ho is passing himscll oil as Dr lidysardes. re released in He“ 35mm print. lt transpires that he has \\ itiiessed .1 murder. This is the one with Salyador I).1l1's dream sequences. amateur l‘reudiaii analaysis. Irish .\lik|os Ros/a music and .1 \yooden perl'ormance l‘rom l’eck. Still ol' interest. l’art ol short Hitchcock season. I'll/IlliUlMt‘. Int/iiilmrelr. The Spiderwick Chronicles 11’( i) 0... (Mark Waters. l'S. 20031 Sarah Bolger. l‘reddie lliglilliorc. Nick Nolte. 05min. l'pon nioying into the dilapidated Spidemick listate. siblings Jared (llighmorei. Simon (Highmorei and Mallory (Bulgeri find a guide to .1 lantaslical \Hil'ltl ol’ l'aeries and creatures in this adaptation ol llolly Black .1iid'l'oi1y l)i’l‘e1‘li//i's series. 'l‘hey must battle against .\lulgarath. lio\\c\ er. the es i| shape-shitting ogre \klto Is also alter the key to lllc

l'antasy land of laeries. ('r'iit'ittir‘ltl Park/111111. (i/mgou .‘ ('iiit'ii'orltl lat/iiihurglr. lat/iiilmrgli. Superman Returns SD 1 12.»\1

0... (Bryan Singer. l'S. 20001 Brandon Routh. Kale Bosxyorth. Key in Spacey. James Marsden. Marlon Brando. |5~lniin The Son ol Kryptoii's return to earth is captured in three blaring dimensions. l-eaturing archenemy l.e\ l.uthor (Spacey 1 hatching another inurderoiis. moneymaking scheme. and the tragically 111arried l.ois l.;tllt‘ ll311s\\(1nlll. [WAX I‘llt'tlll't'. (r/tlyg'tm. The Tale of Despereaux 11‘1 0.. (Sam Fell/Robert Steyenhagen. l'K/l'S. 20081 Voices ol l)tistii1 llollinan. Mattheys Broderick. limma Watson. 03min. British animated leature about the mediexal

.1d\ enttires of .1 mouse. .1 rat and .1 sery .1111 girl. .Si'lt't'lt't/ I'i'lt'ttu'.

Three Monkeys 1 I51 000. 1.\'ur1 Bilge (‘ey Ian. 'l‘urkey/ltaly/l-'rance. 20081 Yayti/ Bingol. llatice Aslan. Rilat Sungar. l09min. See re\ re“. page 42. l-‘ilriiliormz I'Itli'rihur‘gli.

Steroids and alcohol, what more do you want? Spend a day in the company of Mickey Rourke with this rather special double bill.

I (2.1111121). [*1/111/111/11/1, 811/1 LC” 1121).

Tokyo Sonata 1 12.-\1 O... 1K1y11s111 Kurosawa. Japan/Netherlands/llong Kong. 20081 llaruka lg.1\s.i.'lcr‘1iytiki Kagayya. Kyoko Koi/umi ll‘liiiin. A Japanese lamily sloysly disintegratcs “hen the patriarch is sacked as Director ol Administration trom a large firm. (iltrsgon l-rlnr I'lrt'utn'. (i/metm. The Trojan Women 1 I51 00.. (Michael ('acoyaiinis. l'S/l 'K. l‘)7l1 Katharine Hepburn. Vanessa Redgray e. Irene l’apas. (ieneyieye Buiold. l0‘)min. ()uecn llectiba (llepburni and the \somen ol 'l‘roy rise to find their city in rums lots are dra“ 11 and the \someii must retire to their allotted men. Widow .-\ndroiiiache

(Redgray c1 finds she will be the nest \sile ol .1 king. but her only son is committed to death. the triad ('assandra (Buioldi is taken away. and the late ol (ireek ternptress llelen (l’apasi 1s lelt in the hands ol' .\‘lcnc|.ius (l’alrick Magcci. l’art ol(ircck l'iiliii l'cstiyal. l'l/IN/lt’llu'. lat/tiilrurgli.

Nilight ( l2:\1 O. t('.1therine llardysickc. l'S. 20081 Kristen Sleysart. Robert l’attinson. 'l‘aylor l.autner. l2linin. ’l‘his adaptation ol Stephanie .‘sley er's \(llllpll‘L‘<l‘()lll;tllL‘L‘ noy el tells the coming ol age story ol Bella Sys .111 (Stewarti. l'nhappily decanted lrom Ari/1111a with her dad ('harlie (Burke). Bella‘s humdruin e\1ste11ce is trarislormed \yhen \anipirc liduard's (l’attiiisoni superpoyy ers save her lTUlll getting squished by a truck. She subsequently lalls under liduard‘s spell and into conllict \sith \ar'ious \ampire sects. liu' lit/iiihurgli ()1‘1'1111. lat/iii/iureli.

The Unborn 1 151 cc (Hand 8 (Boyer. l‘S. 200‘)1(i.1ry ()ldiiiaii. Jane :\le\.inder. ()dettc Ytistman. 37111111. See

rcy icys. page 43. (it’rit'r'rrl I't'll'tlw’ from In 37 I‘t'li

Underworld 3: Rise of The Lycans (151.. (Patrick 'l‘atopoulos. l'S. 20091 Michael Sheen. Bill Nighy. Rhona Milra. [02111111. Sheen and Nighy reprise their roles as \s ereysoll Lucian and enemy \ampire \'iktor 111 this prequel to the first l'iitlt'rmn'ltl. Lucian loy es \"iktor‘s daughter Sonja (Mitrai. (‘ould this be where their future troubles lie'.’ l’onderoUs but perl’ectly 11 atchable horror»action hybrid. Selected I't'lt‘th'.

Valkyrie ( 12A1 0... (Bryan Singer. l'S/(ierrnany. 20081111111 (‘ruise. Kenneth Branagh. Bill Nighy. l201111n. Secret (ierniany and the 20 July I‘M-l plot to assassinate Hitler get the 24 treatment 111 Singer's engaging 11c“ thriller. Months belorc the end (it \Vorld War ll. ('oloncl \Ull Staullenberg ((‘ru1se1 became the driying l'orce behind .111 attempted coup. A big cast caper fiick. lit/L1 He does drag 111 places but it is never less than pen ersely n insoine. (ii'rtt'rul ft‘ll'UM‘.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona 1 12m

0. (Woody Allen. Spain/l'S. 20081

J.l\lt'l Bardem. Penelope (‘rtiL Scarlett Johansson. Rebecca llall "(1111111 \‘oung -\111e1icans \ icky (Halli and (‘ristina (Johanssoni go to stay 111 Barcelona tor one summer \\ hen artist Juan (‘arlo1Bardemi declares his lust lot boll] Ul lltctli .1 scl‘lcs Ul eyents are pm 111 place that may 111st be .1 bit too ‘I .11111‘ tor either ot them llampened by uney e11 sliilts trom tarce to melancholy. two dimensional characters and indilletent direction trom Brooklyn hard .-\||e11

be!“ («'11 I’t'lt'tlu'

Waltz with Bashlri 181m. 1.-\11 l'olman. Israel/(iennany ’l‘rance. 200.51 Voices ot Ron Beiiriishai. Ronny llayag. .-\r1 l'olman ‘Nlllllll l‘his animated leature about \s .11. selectiye amnesia and the hideous genocide committed by (‘hristian militiamen on l’alestiniaii relugee camps 111 Sabra and Shatila during the WM l ebaiiese War is more optimistic than it sounds lilicitmg rare and painlul truths. l'olman's illustrated memoir makes tor a braye. damning and riyeting piece ol cinema l'i/niliouu'. Int/triburgli

Watcher in the Attic 1 1M ooee (Noburo lanaka. Japan. I” 't11 Jiiiiko .‘sliyashita. Reiiii Ishibashi l0(1min Beguiling and ollicrysorldly film about .1 Japanese laiidloid \sho obsei'yes peiyeise sc\ti.i| encounters taking place in his I‘l20s boarding house. l’art ol \\i|d Japan l‘l/Nl/limu'. [ct/iriliure/i

Who Killed Nancy? 1 131 (Alan (; l’arker. l'K. 20001 |001111n lhiity yeais alter Nancy Spungen “as lound dead in the (‘helsea llotel. punk expert .-\laii (i l’arkei reopens the case on her murder at the behest ol Sid Vicious" mother. (tinieo. lat/irilrrtrg/i.

Winds of September 1 12.911 1111111 [.111. 'l'aiyyan. 200M Rhydian \"aughaii. ('hieh ('hang.Je11mlei ('hu. lll7llllll. lender coiiiingrol~age drama set against the heated backdrop ol 'l‘aiyyaii's I‘M!) baseball scandal in which some ol the Island's most lainous players \s ere caught match fixing l’art ol 'l'aiuanese l‘ilni l'estiyal. l‘l/lH/lttllu’, Iit/iii/rru'g/i.

Winged Migration 1(‘1000

(Jacques l’errin. l'rance. 200l 108111111. llllprL‘\\l\'t' looking documentary that l’olloyys .1 group ol birds' migratory patterns throughout the course ol .1 year The birds cross sC\ e11 continents and 4(1countries. ()nc lor tvy itchers and amateur suryeillance equipment laris. (i/mgou' I‘ll/ll I'lit'uln'. (ll/1111:0111

Woman of the Dunes 1 151 00000 tlliroshi 'l‘eshigahara. Japan. 19041 lain ()kada. Kyoko Kishida 127111111. l'nayailable lor many years 111 the l7K. ’l‘eshigaliara‘s cruel and erotic thriller has been re—released in a nevy print. An entomologist is trapped by mysterious yillagers and is lorced to he VHlll .1 beatililul but inarticulate woman in .111 escape-prool saiidpit. A \isiial. mystilying. opaque. troubling masterpiece Part 111 Wild Japan. l'l/Hl/IUHM’, Iz'tliiilmrg/i.

Woods are Wet 1 1111 coco 1't‘ais111111 Kumashiro. Japan. 197 ii lliroko lsayania. Ric Nakagayxa. llatsuo Yamatani. (15min. Very rare screening 111 this deprayed Collision ()l sex and horror sci in .1 remote Japanese hotel. Recommended l’an ol Wild Japan. l‘l/"l/llittu'. lit/irrlmrgh.

The Wrestler ( 151 0000 (Darren Aronolsky. l'S. 20081 Mickey Rourke. Marisa TUIHCI. liyan Rachel Wood. l0‘)min. lmpoy'erished wrestler Randy "l'he Ram' Robinson (Rourkei. fighting .1 losing battle mth his finances, trades on vulgar past glories by taking regular beatings on the independent wrestling circuit. Not averse to caning wounds in his forehead to simulate serious damage. Randy finally hits rock bottom. but can he climb back'.’ A salty mix (it brutal comedy and subtle tragedy makes for an accomplished character study. St‘lt't‘lt‘t! re'lt'uw.