Music Rock&Pop '


I Main Street Blues, Eryka, Retraspective and Dignan, Dowell 8- White \5- lll\llcl‘lllktc\. >1 (\ \Htlllt lllltlch. 55- 5l l»l (rptll l'lcc‘ l‘t'lttlL' ltlltlllllell. L-l attcr lllucx mdrc. it u k and

I Constant State of Terror, Burning The Prospect and Gusto Mastivo llc'lll'} Ix ('cllat llat. 75 llta \itll'llvtll Strcct. 323 ‘) Wi “pm L5 l)lY hardcorc punk ltorrr l'.tlf_‘lalltl and Scotland.

I Flat Iron, Battle of the War Machines and Death in Blood Sttltllo 11. ll :0 (alton Road. .555 i753. 7pm. L5. \lctal trrplc bill

I Sebastian Dangerfield, Lyons and Blank Canvas lllc' (;l<\. *" (iullurc Strcct. 33‘) 303“ "pm, Ll :\ltcrn.’itr\c rrrdrc/countr'} lrorn l.drnbur;_'h lour prccc Scbaxnarr l)artj_'crticld,

I Faithful Narrator \Vcc Rcd llar. ltdrnburgh ('ollcfgc ol ;\r't. l.;ttlt'l\loll l’lacc. 32‘) 14-13. ".illpm. L5. lathcrcal acotrxtrc. \\ rtlr rrrorc actx tbc

I Left Side Brain and Laymanites 'l'hc Mk. 3 7 \Vatcrloo I’Iacc. (ill “l-i", 7.30pm, [-1. \lclodrc ltca\} rock ax lhll \uppor't thcrr dcbtrt alburrr ('o/lrrli'r.

I Hi-Voltage \Ilctolla l’at'k llolcl. Ill l'cr'r'} Road. 8pm. £7. Rockabrll} with ”I support lrom low and Big: John.

FREE Soulussion 'l ltr‘cc .\lonkc)\. H“ l’or‘tobcllo lligll Stt‘cct. l’ol'tobcllo. (\(r‘) 7|55. 8pm. .\lr\ ol drxco. ltmk and \oul. I The Stormy Seas and DanDanDan llcru'} \ (‘cllar llar. r\' loa Morrison Strcct. 238 (Hill. llpm 3am. L31. l'olk} mdic.


I The Cavern Beatles \Vhitclrall 'l‘ltc‘att'c. l3 llc‘lllicltl Sll'c‘c‘t. lll 5.5.: 434040. 7.30pm. Ltbc. Scc l'rr Ill.

Sunday 22

Glasgow I Y Rock Class of 2009 Barth. 2M) (lnlc Str’cct. (l.\'7t) t)ll7 (NW). 3pm. Ur (£5). ()\cr> Hx \lttm. ('ompctitron to lind thc bcxt lllj_‘ll \cltool band in thc laud. \\ ith pcrlormarrccx b) 'l'hc l)ancro\. /.aun. l'iinal ()utcorrrc. Modclx l‘or' tltc Radio. l.o\t in ()\}g_'c‘rr. Surtch lil‘l'cct. l)o\\nl'all. Sihcrtr‘acc. (ict (ioncl. Sonic Scnxc ol' Sccurit}. 'l‘otrrrxtl and l.) cart. I Left Side Brain 3:3. 4‘") Sauchrchall Strcct. 353 31 I l. 7pm. (5. .\lclodic hca\_\ rock ax lSll \upport thcir' dcbut album ('o/lii/i-r. I Abba Mania l’a\ ilion 't‘lrcarrc. lll Rc‘ttlic‘ltl Slt‘cct. 5.5: lX-lh, 7.50pm. L' | 7.50 (L'l5l. (‘clcbr'atrng ~ill wan ol goldcn hitx \xith a lantaxtic rc—crcation ol thc li\ c Abba show. I Rosco .\'icc'n‘.\‘lca/_\. 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 (MM). Tfillpm. l.oca| indic-rockcrx. Shhh! 'r‘rlc .-\r'chc\. :53 my) '6 Strcct. 5(r5ltlllll. 7.30pm. [8. .\l_\ l.;tlc‘\l No\ c‘l. 71W) Van (ioc‘). Uoll‘} .-\nol. llol_\ Mountain and llcrr Butlcr' tk .\lou\c l’ad c\plorc thc lrnkx bctuccn muxic and lilm. cach producing ncu muxic inxpircd b_\ a piccc ot lilm. \\ ith thc \c‘lttlc‘ th’c‘\\c‘tl to look likc‘ a l‘lllb lilrn thcalr‘c. Part of Ilrc (i/mc’on Music A‘ film I'i'stir'ul. I Woodpigeon and The Miserable Rich (‘aptain'x cht. 185 (ir'cat \chtcr'n Road. 3M 2733. 7.3(lprrt. ()rchcxtral pop t'rom (‘artada'x \Voodpigcorr. I Fifty Caliber Smile, Ghosts of Progress and The Bensons l’lm l’i\ o. l5 \Vatct‘loo Sll‘c‘c‘t. Sb-l h'lllll. 8pm. liucrgctic hca\_\ rock. cwcrimcntal blucx and cuthuxiaxtic pop rock rcxpcctiwl}. I Malcolm Holcombe, Haight Ashbury and Jim McAteer 'l‘hc 'l‘uixtcd \thcl. 73 Quccn Strccl. 231 485 l. 8pm. £7. 'l'hc hcadlinc act lrax bccrr dcscribcd ax thc ‘blucx in motiorr' b) Rolling .S'rom‘ maga/inc. FREE The 10:04s, Alex Wayt and The Tenants Bm. 43t Sauchichall Strcct. 332 543l. 8pm. .\lclodic indie rock.

88 THE LIST ‘9 Fen—5 Max SOC:

FREE Yahweh, Tug of Love, Barn Owl and The Oran Social \lorro. l: l'\tr‘.j_"~ (hourt. km}; \trcct. 55; 11H” bl‘tll l \pcrtrrrcntal. arrrblcnt \Htllltl\ at llll\ \altu ch album launch I Vagabond, The Mode and Shimmer Km; lutk \\ah \\ah lllll, I‘la \t \ rtlccnt \lrcct. Ill 52"” \ i‘lprn L5 \oul blucx rrrtlucnccd band produccd b} .\cnorrrarrra. tllc poucr bchrnd thc (irrlx \loud thronc FREE Lou Hickey Bar llloc. ll~ ltatlr Strcct. 571 (illfrh ‘tprrl llrltcrwkcct \on;_'\ urth a \ubtlc |a// rntltrcrrcc trom burlcutuc \rrrgcr l on llrckc) I Spy Movie, Dumb Instrument and The Ex Men I ill] \otc (alc. 5” on Km; \trcct. 55* lolx ”pm 1‘ llcartbrcak rrrdrc lrom c\ \lotrxc lat \louxc loundcr .lolmn} \\ hrlc. latrnchrnj: hrx ldl’ l’hrltp |.arkrrr \ard I Shelby Lynne Romrl ('onccrl llall._‘ Sauchrchall \‘trccl. ‘5‘ Xllllll. ('.\\(‘l'l,l l'l) FREE Woodland Creatures lltc' llalr lltll'. 1(“’\\It‘(‘tilltl]\i\l<“l“l. ‘5: ”ml“ \lorrthl} \houcaw ot .tc’Utl\llc .rttt\t\


I Crystal Stilts, Jesus H Foxx and Occasional Flickers Sncak} l’clc\. ”5 (‘ougatcz 3:5 lq5" 5pm. L5 l)alk rrcu \\a\c lrom llrook|_\rr

I The Spinto Band and We Were Promised Jet Packs ('atrarct \ollatlc. it» 3.5 lllarr Snccl. 33” (d7) "pm Lb ()urr'k} collcgc rockch lrom thc Statcx. rnllucnccd b} thc ‘li\c llx'. llcatlcx llcach Hop. llourc. lkrcharach and llcrlm

I Slow Motion Replay and Februus lhc ;\rk. i " \\'arcrloo l’lacc. (‘33 "H". 5. lllpm. 1.41. Irrdrc \\ rtlr mor'c actx tbc. FREE Original Only Acoustic laxprorragc. J Indra llurldrrrgx. Victoria Str'cct. ~17" "(ll)". 0pm. .r\cott\ttc night. llo co\ c‘t'\ alltm L'tl.

FREE These Are Your Friends, Laurel Canyon Boulevard, The Hostiles and The Scardey Cats \Vhixtlcbrnkicx. -l (r South Bridgc. 55“ 5] 1-1. ”pm. lrrdrc bill.

FREE Bonnie 8r Clyde laxpronagc. ~1 llttlla lltllltliltgx. \‘tc‘lot'ltt Slt'c‘c‘l. 4—H "till? lllpm. local mdic.

FREE The Black Diamond Express lhc Ja// llar. l ('hambcrs Strcct. 220 4298. mrdrrrght. .-\ltcrrrati\c rockabill}. I'oot\. blucx and Rtkll.

Tommy Reilly


I The Cavern Beatles l'alkrlk [ourr llall. \\c~l Hrrdgc \trcct.

Ill 1:} 5ll(\.\5tl _ illpin Llh rillr \c'k‘ lo 3”


I Billy Ocean l<o_\al (‘oriccrt llall. _‘ \atrchrchall Soul ‘5‘ Mill“ ;”pm 1115“ {In 5” l'l:..‘llllc‘\ \oul balladccr \xlto rncrtcd rrrragrrrar} lo\c rntcrcxh c\cr} uhcrc to ‘( ict ()utta \l_\ l)rc.rm\. (ic‘l lllltt \l_\ (all.

I AcidDICA, Marc Evans, Johnny Corr arld A March in November l’t\o l’t\o. l5 \\atcrloo Strcct. 5o4 Xlllll 3pm \\cckl} \couxtrc lla/ooka rtr_~_'ht tcaturrrtg; \cltll)“. \ \\llrt ll.t\ l‘c‘c‘lt tlt'\c‘lll‘c‘tl .t\ 'drup tn human torrn' Soundx pcrrloux

I Acoustic Jam \rc‘c"rr'5lc‘.i/}. ill Sauchrchall Strcct. ”1 INHH Xt‘lll \\c'c'kl} \lltm caw lot local \trttj.‘\\l'llcl\ pcrtorrrrmg orrgrrral matcrral

FREE Majestic Dandelion, Tragic O’Hara and Paul Cuthbert llo\.

-1 {I Saucluclrall Slrcct. ”I 5.13 1, .\'pm .\cou\trc troubadour 'l’ragrc O'Hara. \omctrrrrcx \xrtlr backing \upport,

I Michael Simons 'I chat ()\ na. ‘13 ()tagol,;rrrc'.35“»153-1.8pm. LC. (ilaxgrm baxcd gurtarrxt pla} in; lolk. blucx artd bc}ond.

I Open Mic chublrc llrcr' llallc \\c'\l. 5": 5—74 (ircat \\c'\lc‘l'll Rozttl. ‘3‘) ‘)l7". 3pm. \Vcckl} opcn \taggc.

I Rosalita, Culann and Kalla Heartshake King: 'l'ut'x \Vah \\'ah llut. I‘la St Vinccnt Strcct. Ill 53““. 8.30pm. £5. lpxurch-baxcd clcctro rrrdrc pop quintct \\lro \xon laxt _\car\ Road to \' compclrtron.

FREE Helsinki Seven llar‘ Bloc.

l l“ llalll Strcct. Shy-l ()llhh, 0pm. .’\lt.rock trro l'rom ('hcxhrrc.

FREE The Street Light Conspiracy, The Black Carnations and Journeybox 13th \olc' ('alc. St) (ill King: Strcct.551 Imx. 9pm. liqual .-\nd ()ppoxitc tlrrrd brr'thda} bash lcaturing iudic rock urth harrrrorr} and \iolin crrrbcllithcnh l'rorrr 'I‘Sl.( '. .\'rr'\arra and .lcl'l llucklc} rrrl‘ltrcnccx l'rom 'l'hc Black (‘arnatiorrx and Milk} mclodicx t'r'om .lournc}ho\.

It’s all happening fast for young Tommy. Having just won the Orange Unsigned Act award on Channel 4 to add to his long list of acclamations, bigger stages and more caviar filled riders must surely follow. Catch the Glaswegian singer- songwriter while you can as he celebrates his recent success. I Caoare! Volta/re. Edinburgh. So" 8 L‘r’eo J Mar: Garage. Glasgow. liar: Rock 8 Poor

Tim :3


FREE Open Mic \\ltr\1lcbrnkrc\. J o \outh Hrrdgc. 55" 51 l1 ”pm ~Inst ltltll ur‘ and pcrtorm

Tuesday 24 _


FREE Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ()ran \lor. 5 it "15 (ircat \\c\tcrn Road. ‘55 “3”“ 'pm \couxtrc rrrglrt ltoxtcd b} lx’o“ (’lark

I Peter Doherty llatrou land. .‘ t: (iallougalc. 55.‘ tool 5 illpm \t ll It ()l l ()xct l-lx \hou lhc tt\ unprcdrctabrlro trorrr thc

l rbcrtrncx ll.rb_\ \llanll‘lc\ man. plat rrrz' thrx \\ll \\\ard\ \hoxx

I School of Seven Bells, Kyte and Apache Beatt‘\ l\’\‘\l. rv (ircal \chtcrn Road. HI 3 '.‘..‘

" kllpnr l \ \ccrct \l.t\lllll\'\ rnarr llcnrantrrr ('trrtrx rx iorrrcd in \\\cct|_\ llattllollhltl}: turn \l\lct\ \lcrarrdra and (‘laudta l)clrc/a tn tlrrx cthcrcal band rrarncd allcr a rmthrcal \otrth \rrrcrrcarr \chool tor pickpockch \cc prc\ rc\\. pagc o:

I Snow Patrol attd Fanfarlo \l t'( '. l‘rnnrc-xton()tra}.ll.\"llll.1tl.lllllll

" illpm, L3” V \rrtlrcmrc mdrc pop tr'om 'l hc l’atrol

I The Magic Carpet Cabaret It llal ()\na.-13()tag_'ol anc. {575.11 \irm [3 Jun \lc \tccr plcxcntx a tllletl ol \ongu rrtcrx and band\

I The Muscle Club lllc l\\ l\lt‘\l \Vliccl. 7 i ()trccn Strcct. 3.71 ‘l\5l 3pm 9.31. \Vclxh tittartct \\ rtlr a \llllllh lrkc bcrrt

I This Kid Kodiack, Out of the Swim and Scopeboy l’t\o l’rxo. l5 \Vatcrloo Slt'cc'l. Sol 3 lllll bpltl Sclu/oplu'cnrc \oundx and brpolar bcat\ at thc lzclcctrc (‘ollcctnc

I Babel, Opportunity Club artd Spanish Boy’s Name Klllj: lurk \\alr \Vah llut. 273a St \inccrrt Strcct. Ill 53“). Nillprn. L5 l'olkx} rndrc trorrl thrx Brighton \r\ prccc. promoting: tlrcrr rrcv. albttln ('Iouki'i/ lint/u I


FREE New Rhodes and The Fusilers (‘abarct \oltarlc. it» {h lllarr Strcct. 2:“ M “b 7pm. lrrdrc doublc btll ax part ot l)ut} l'rcc.

I Billy Ocean Phonon»: l.\ 33 (it'c‘c‘thltlc l’lacc. ”3..” (tlllt i-lll 7.30pm. L'tbc, Scc Hon 3‘

I Jewel 8. Esk Showcase lllc -\rk. 3 7 \Vatcrloo I’lacc. till all“ illpnr Lil. \lr\cd Irnc up ol barrdx trorn llic r'cxpcctcd rnuxrc cottl'xc.

FREE Band Showcase \Vhixtlcbrrtkrcx. -1 (r South llrrt §_'c. 55“ 5| l4, ”run. ('all m ad\ancc lot a :r:

A r

FREE Ayrplay Heat Mild llomc Pub 17 \cu Road. 5pm. .-\ llurnx rnxprrcd battlc ol thc bandx corrrpctrtrorr. Rock to uni thc charrcc to \upport a lrcadlrrrrn}: act at lirirm Rink at .'\_\r Racccottrw on ll \la}.

Wednesday 25


I Nazareth 'l hc ('atlrouw. l5 l'nron Strcct. 343 (mun. 7pm. U5. l)unlcrrrllmc rnanc-xhakcrx trom thc ."llx. trorrtcd b} thc rcdoubtablc Dan .\lc'(‘;rllc'r't}. who could \trll \hou _\ourr;_'cr band\ a llllllj.’ or tun about rock.

I The Ting Tings ()2 Acadcrn}. lll liglinton Strc-c-t,tlH4~l-1 7720i)“. 7pm. SULI) ()l "l. lalcctro garagc duo lrom \latlc‘licxlcr u ho appcar to bc thc nation‘x lamurrtc ncu band at thc rrromcnt. uhrch borch \xcll tor thcrr biggcst (ilaxgou. gig to datc.

I Findo Gask and Stricken City ('aptarn'x cht. 135 (ircat \Vcwtcr'n Road. 5.5l 3-723. Tillpttl. :‘xltcrnatrrc c‘lc‘c‘tro poppcrx \xrth ho} \oprano \()c'al\. plus spik}. Janglmg pop quartct.

I Snow Patrol and Fanfarlo Sl-.(‘('. l-innicxton Qua}. 03700-104000. 7.30pm. £2937. Scc Tuc 24.