
I Wing & a Prayer 'lchal Hum. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534 8pm £3 l‘Hlk/hluex dtto.

FREE Carnaby Street Samuel

l)ou 'x. (i7 71 \rthxdale Road. 433 (11117. 8,3llpm Rock and pop co\er\

I Wild Beasts, Napoleon lllrd and How to Swim King 'lut'x Walt Walt llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.311pm. L7. l-‘lamho-xant \Vermar cabaret-like \oundx lrom tlux l.akc lhxtrrct quartet u ho \ound like a poxxevscd llelt'ltl.

I Paper Planes, Fangs and The Miss’s 'l'he llnng Duck. 7 Renlreu ('ourt. 573111111). ‘Ipm. t4 lltltllL'Sl. L5 lgentsi. (ilghgou poxx er punk \url quartet lronted h} Ne“ Jerxe} \ocalrst Jenml'er l’ale} headline tlux line—up ol lemaleilronted handx to celebrate l’inup Nightx' l.;ltl1e\ Night.

I Slow Hands in the Badlands, Cursive Hearts, Psychoattractive and Aide: Moi 13111 Note ('ale. 51) on King Street. 553 M38. 9pm. Stoner rock crevt headline plux altrock and \ka punk hands.

I Heartbreak Stereo. 3” 38 Renlieltl Lane. 333 3354. 11pm. £7. lluntl}\ & l’almerx and ('urioux (‘urioux prexent ltalohouxe outlit llearthreak. ‘li\er_\ track I8 a mini pop claxsrc and danccl'loor \tormer in one.‘ \xenl 'I‘ln' List'x re\ ie\\ ()1 their debut album. /.l¢'\.

Edinburgh FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 'l‘he Ja// Bar. 1 (‘hamherx Street. 3311 43118. 5 8pm. See 'l‘hu 1‘). I Emerganza '1'he llix e. 15 17 .\'iddr} Street. 55(111-1-1-1. o.3()pm. (the. Round one in this big hattle ol‘ the handx comp. I The Apple Scruffs, Dead Good Villians and The Hot Lips The Bongo (‘luh. Mora} llUllSL‘. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 7pm. to £7. Libertinex- inspired tuneage from the charming. al‘l‘ahle Apple Scrul‘ls. I In the Flesh: Pink Floyd The ll.\l\' Picture llouxe. l.othian Road. (184-1 847 1741). 7pm. £17.51). Another l’ink‘ l5lo_\'d tribute. this one l'ocming on the lull-on \tage \lltm and liltlxlc‘ lrom l’loyd'x claxxic )ear\. I Little Death, HBRBR and The Marvels Sneak} Pete's, 73 (‘tm gate. 335 1757. 7pm. £5. lipic indie. Bombskare, The Amphetameanies and Big Hand Studio 34. 3-1 36 ('alton Road. 558 3758. 7.3(1pm 3am. £7 £8. lnl‘ectioux \ka action from the eight- piece Bomhxkare ax they launch their debut album (:1 Fistful ofilh'numilel \xitli Root Sytem and 1)].\ though to 3am. I The Blessed Order of Fallen Stars, Kaleidoscope Eyes and Kochka llenr) '5 (‘ellar Bar. 8- lha


.Rock&Pop Mu$ic

Morriwn Street. 335‘13‘” Btr/Aau gtlllah and wmc rock

I The Deloreans 'l‘he ;\rk. 1 Waterloo Place. (\33 71-17 7 3"pm :4 le'k.

I Fairport Convention ()ueenk Hall. 87 8‘) ('lerk Street. N18 3111‘! 7 lopm {'1‘}. Veteran tolk group lrom uhom Richard 'l‘hompxon and Sand} l)cnn_\ graduated and xx ho ho e del\ed into the murk} \xorld\ ot rock and |.t// m the courxe ol a career \xluch xpan\ cloxe on -1H}ear\.

I Flowers of Hell, Wounded Knee and eagleowl \Vee Red llat. ladinlungh ('ollcge ol~ Art. l.;tllr1\lt111 Place. 33‘) 1-1-13. 7.3llpm. Lthc. Weird and ominom orchextral ptccex and amluent lllf_‘l11\nl lane}, See caption. helou

I Please and Mucky Sailor llle Bower}. 3 Ro\hurgh l’lace. 7.3llpm {J .SL‘L' llltl 30.

I Athens and The Flavours I'lie .lam llouxe. 5 Queen Street. 33o 4 3811 8.3llpm. L'thc. Band ol hrotherx Pl;t_\lltf._' popular cmerx on guitar\ and haxx lollou ed h} liouxehand 'l‘hc l‘l;t\tilll\

I Sad Society, The Chinese Jocks and The Acid Fascists llenr_\ '\ (‘ellai Bar. 8 10a Morrrxon Street. 338‘13‘13. 111.3llpm 3am. L‘thc. ()ld \cliool punk.

7 3' lpu. L5

Cumbemauld I Gig ('umhernauld 'l'heatre. Kildrum. (11336 733887. 8pm. to. .\lonthl_\ night \xith local hand\ and UL perl'ornung 111 the \ltltllo and hat.


I Skaville UK llle Ungltnthe. l“ Bro“ n Street. (11383 311(1813. 8pm. £8, l’la}irig the hext lrackx 110111 41) wan ol \ka l'eaturing memherx ol' Had .\lanner\ and The Selector.

Saturday 28 ' "

Glas ow

FRE The MeatMen Maggie .\l;t}\. 5(1’l'rongate. Merchant ('n). 548 1351). 5pm. See Fri 1‘).

I The LaFontaines and Illegitimate Sons of the King .-\B(‘2. 331) Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. to. ()x'er— 14x \hou'. llea\ i1} -accented Scottish rap/rock lirom 'l‘he l.al‘ontaine\. supported h} a north l.ondon (illx— inlluenced quartet.

I The Skinflints ()3 .-\cadem_\ 3. 131 liglinton Street. (18-14 477 311110. 7pm. U». Rock ‘n' roll hand from (llIISgtl\\. currentl} uorking on their a\-_\et-untitled debut album.

I Tam White and the Sermon Organ 3rio (‘lasxic (irand. 18 Jamaica Street. 8-17 (1830. 7pm. £13. See Fri 31). I Ultra Violets Live Charity Gig in aid of Cancer Research UK St Andrew'x in the Square. St Andre“ '5


Square. 55‘15”“3 j‘rn 13"llllc llglzi \upperr (haul) luridzauer lealtzlm: in: lllllSIc trom \o \lt.1ll‘le ..nd llie l .1\\ Rideh \klill umtrue dance l‘t'llr‘llllallct' trom l leulcal lcatalmg lx’lrxtlmi \\.:\e and \holrcao ( apoeua. \tand up tron. Hall} \ltllonald and .~. :,'llk'\l appearance h} .llmm} Somerxille

I Chris Corsano, Heather Leigh Murray Duo, RM Hubbert .mtl Burnt Altar \lc'lc't'. 3" 3‘ l\"c'llllt‘ltl latte. 333 335-1 7 3llpm :5 lntllem'g. m\ent|\e and e\plo\i\e wlo drummer \xho l1.t\ \xoiked \Kllll lliotk

I Daybreak (‘mmopol lr~5 Hop.- Street. 331 ‘11 311 7 311pm :1 l\‘\.1l mdie

I In the Flesh: Pink Floyd l\’i‘\.:l (‘oncerl Hall. 3 Sauclueltall Street. ‘53 Mlllll7311pm 11‘15111335llSeelrt

I Jamie T Km; lut \ \\.di \\.lli Hut. 373.: St \ intent Street. 331 537"

8. 3llpm. Lthc llic erudite trouhadour ol \Vimhledon lt‘lllllh to Scotland tot ltll‘lllt‘l l.tlt‘\ 110111 the lllt‘ Ill .1 )iltlllfj gentleman

I Jill Jackson (H.111 \lHt. 1l <5 (ireat \\e\tern Road. 357 M31111 7 311pm Hi. Speedup liontuoman \terx out on her oxxn.

I The Travelling Band and Mitchell Museum \lce‘n'Slt-ax}. «131 Saucluehall Street. 3331111111) 7 illpm Indie lolk charmerx liom \l.tllcl1e\lt‘l

I 4 Past Midnight, Hateful and The Terrors '1 lie 'lxx l\letl \\ lit-e1. 7* ()ueenStrect.331 ~157l 5pm. {is 1L 11 -l l’axl \lrdmght launch then .dhum (I'm/Ix m ('lull‘eu/ at tlux \Vr‘eckin l’rt night

I Candi Staton 'l he l'err_\. \nderxton ()lld}. liroollllela“. lll(i‘).\ 3(ill 11S5 Slim {31). See lit 37.

FREE Casino Brag, DaCapo, The Tenements and The Merchants lio\. J31 Saucluehall Street. 333 5131 8pm. ‘l’roper' rock‘n'roll liom l'hc \lel'clldlllx.

I Full Metal Racket Rockeh. ll Midland Street. 331 11730 8pm, ('oxerx FREE Halt Bar Hijack llte llall llal’. l(\11\\'oodland\ Road. 3530111)!) 8pm. See Sal 3 l .

I The Viscounts l’no l’i\o. 15 Waterloo Street. 504 811111. 8pm. l’unk. poxt ptmk and tie“ \\a\ e \oundx at llnx l'nder 'l‘he l’a\ ing Stonex night.

FREE ltchycoo Park Samuel l)o\\ K. ()7 71 \itlixdaIe Road. 433 111117. 8.30pm. Retro \oundx.

I End of the Month Club 13m \ote ('al‘e. 511 (ill King Street. 553 1(i38‘1pm All good thing 111U\1 come loan end and [hell 71l1 l‘ll'llltlil} li;t\lt Ix alxo llle l.’t\1

e\ er lind ol' the Month ('luh. Bo/illa haxe rounded up a lltlxl ol' emotional guextx including l.egg_\ l’ee. ('nul. ()\er the Wall and regular collahoratorx to hid a fond l'areu ell.

. .197

Instrumental in Scotland’s electronica scene, music showcases from forward thinking Edinburgh label Benbecula always promise plenty experimental, Ieftfield beauty. This

night sees London space-rock orchestra Flowers of Hell, supported by innovative electronica from Edinburgh’s Wounded Knee and lo-fi post-folk from eagleowl. I Flowers of He// with Wounded Knee and eagleowl. Wee Red Bar. Ed/notrrgh College of Art. F .1}. Feet).

I Tuesday19May


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2'. 'THE LIST 71