Music Jazz


FREE The Mellotones ’l he Ja/I liar. I ('hambers Street. 220 4203. 3pm. Jimm} Ta_slor and band pIa} songs b} Mel Torme and other great Jan \ocaIisis. I Waverley Care ‘Come and Sing’ Jazz St ('uthbert's ('Iiurch. 5 I.othian Road. 22‘) I I42. 7.30pm. Singers {I250 (£9.50); audience {I0 (LM. 3\ chance to loin in with ‘.-\ I.ittIe .Ia// .\Iass' and ran l'oIk songs w rilten and conducted b_\ Bob ('hiIcotl. the night also teatures a performance b} ”and Patrick. Mario ('aribe. Stuart Brown and Izdinburgh ('oncert band's Ja/I Section (rehearsal at 2pm).

I Head2Head The Jan liar. I ('hambers Street. 220 420K. S. I 5pm. £4 (£5). See lit 2”.

I Dino Baptist and The Flavours The Jam House. .5 Queen Sit'eei. 220 4380. S.30pm. ch. See In 20.

I Fish Fry The Jan liar. I (‘hambers Street. 220 4203. I I.3()piii 3am. £5 (Ur. Scottish ia/l. lunk. soul and Latin bands ioin I)Js Iirik I)'\'iking and .-\sll'(iliri}. I‘eaturing the tan meets dance beats ol Joe Acheson ()llztl‘iel (2| l‘ieli. Ii\e recording tor the upcoming /.l\'(‘ rt! I/lr’ Jrr:: Bur ('I)i and the .‘\lrobeat ol‘ I)iwan (2X I‘ehi,


I The Zephirus Saxophone Quartet I.iiiIithgow Academ} 'I'heatre. Brucheud Road. (H SIN) 344247. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 £7). Sa\ophone recital. ()ne ol the countr) 's most e\eiting )oung chamber groups. the Quartet specialises in cutting edge new music. delt arrangements and 20th-centur} saxophone quartet repertoire.

St Andrews

I Jazz! Jazz!! Jazz!!! Younger Hall. North Street. (H.334 402220. 7.30pm. £2 (members l'reei. The Rotar} ('Iub ol' St Andrew's presents a toe-tapping exerting with .sotiie ol' I'iil'e's best—Io\ ed jal/ musicians.


I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra 'I‘olbooth. Jail \\'_\nd. 0| 78h 274000. Spin. {S rem. Saxophonist Tomm) Smith leads his hand-picked young talent through a repertoire oI classic big band arrangements and more contemporar} material.


FREE Jeuja Jazz Trio The Arches. 253 .»\rg)le Street. 565 I000. b.30pm. Laid-back ja/l.

I Brian Kellock Trio ('it)‘ llalls. (‘andleriggs. 353 8000. 8pm. L'I2. Iixpect another big-swinging. loot- .stomping. t‘un tilled per‘t‘ormance as Scotland's l'oremost ja/I pianist performs in the classic piano. bass and drums format.

I Nigel Clark and Friends (‘al‘e (‘ossachok. Russian (‘ultural ('enlre. 33 Albion Street. 553 0733. 0pm. £0. The acclaimed Scottish ja/I guitarist presents a contemporar) ja/l selection.


I A Night in Harlem the Voodoo Rooms. l‘ia West Register Street. 556 7000. 7pm. £8~~£ l0 (L'o—L'Si. .-\ night or 20.s- and 30s-st)'le ja/z and dancing from the Diminished 5th. (‘aledonian Swing Cats as well as (‘harleston dance comps. swing dance lessons (at 7.30pm). miles and more all raising funds for ()xjam.

I Glenn Miller Orchestra: Get in the Mood Festival Theatre. L‘s/2‘) Nieolson Street. 52‘) (3000. 7.30pm.

L‘ I 7.50—£2S‘. Impresario Raymond Gubbay stages orchestral performances of Glenn Miller classics. with special guests to help re-ereate the wartime mood.

FREE The Black Diamond Express The Jan Bar. l Chambers

76 THE LIST 19 Feb—‘3 Mar 2009

Street. 220—120.S midnight \Iternatise rockabrll}. roots. blues and RAB


I The Jazz Bar Big Band 'I he Ja/l liar. I (‘hambers Street. 220 42‘“

7. 30pm L4 (L3i .Ial/ classics trom this I7-piece enseriibIe rIi\e recording tor the upcoming /.l‘r¢' rrr r/rr .lrl " lr’rrr (‘I) (ill 2‘ I‘L'I‘l

FREE Monday Blues Open Session The ('ompass liar. 44 ()ueen (‘ItarIotte Street. I,eitIi. 554 I9“) ‘lpm HIucs session

FREE The Late Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan Iiai'. I (‘Iiariibeis Street. 220 42‘IS. I0 illpm I~\peet a rich llil\ ot st_\Ies as laces old and new drop in to pertorrii with the House Ir'io each week.

Tuesday 24 '


FREE MusiChess The Jan liar. I (‘hambers Street. 220 -I2‘).\'. 5 Spin. \Veekl} chess e\enmg with cool Ii\e background music.

FREE Tuesday Jam the Jan liar. (‘hambers Street. 220 «12‘IS. S30pm. Jal/ jam lrom the House Trio. FREE Funk Session The Jan liar. l ('hambers Street. 220 42‘lS.

I I.30pm 3am. I-tmk guitarist and HI .-\ki leads this two drummer lueIIed l'unk band.

Wednesday 25


I Strathclyde University BA Applied Music Jazz Majors ('ii} IIaIIs. (‘andleriggs. 353 S000. 5.30pm. £4. .'\ ‘Rush Hour" perl'ormance under the direction ol Stewart I’oi'bes.

FREE Lorne Cowieson House 4tet .\Iono. I2 King's (‘ourt. King Street. 553 2400. Split. \Veekl} ra// residenc} tor ('ow ieson and guests.


FREE Teatime Acoustic The Jan Bar. I ('hambers Street. 220 4208.

5 Spin. Toll) '.|aek ol' l)iamonds' and l'riends (illel' up an unplugged session. I The Kings of Swing I’Ia)Iiotise. IS .22 (ireenside Place. ”37“ NI“ 3424. 7.30pm. (‘.-\.\'('IiI.I.IiI).

Thursday 26


I Threel‘orm The Jan liar. l (‘hambers Street. 220 4203*. S.I5pm. £4 (£3). .-\ new acoustic group l'oi‘med b} pianist I’auI Harrison. bassist Iiuan Burton and drummer I)oug Hough (|i\ e recording ("or the upcoming [he at the Jar Ht!" (‘I)i.

FREE The Offenders The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 220 4380. 8.30pm. High qualit) blues.

FREE The Freaky Family The Jan Bar. I ('hambers Street. 220 42‘)S.

I I30pm. See Thu l‘).


I Al Hughes Duntermline I-‘oIk (‘Iub. Thistle Ta\ern. Baldridgebur'n. (II 383 720073. Spin. L'tbc. I.i\ e blues l'rom Lights ()ut B} .\'me man Hughes.


I Russell Trueman .-\delaide's. 209 Bath Street. 248 4070. 7.30pm. [7 (Hi. Jan and pop classics from 'I‘rueman and his tour-piece band also perl'orming tracks from his latest album (‘lrr/r/ or (ind.

FREE The Strathclyde University Big Band ('ale Source. I St .-\ndrew 's Square. 548 (3020. 9pm. The unixersit} ’s big band gets down arid plass a selection ol‘jaH arrangements from their e\tensi\e repertoire.


I The Jazz Bar Quintet llie J.i// Hat. I (‘Itambers Street. 220 42"-\

S I5pm L4 r11. \ai_\mg lineups ot top liIllSlcl.lII\. assembled each week b} llt.tlll\l.t_\ ot the I‘dmbuigh ran scene. drummer IirII Issle

I Skunk Funk Ihe .I.r// Hal. I (‘hambers Street. 220 42".\

I I.‘\llpiii :dIII L5 (til See I it 20


FREE Marco Calolla Quartet Iii‘eI. W 43 \shtori I .me. 342 John 3 (ipm \Iodein tan and turik

I Fabian Kallerdahl Music Music MUSiC (III.\ Il.tII\ RccilaI l\)\\tilll\. ('andIeriggs. 15§S000 Spur. LIO. ()tlbeat lIuid ].i// piano hour this Swede and his trio


Found, Joe Acheson Quartet and Emily Scott Hie Bower}. 2 Ro\burgh I’Iace. " illpm £7 (UH '\rt pop esperimentalists I-ound Iiost a S\S\\ luridraiser

FREE The Mellotones Ihe .Ia/I liar. l ('hambers Street. 220 42‘).\'. 3pm. See Sat 2I

I World Premiere Quintet The Jan liar. I ('hambeis Street. 220 42US. S,I5piii. (4 (Lil, .v\ dillerent selection ot the leading ia/I p|a_\ers come together lor each session with no rehearsal.

I Mike Kearney and The Flavours The .Iaiii House. 5 Queen Street. 220 4380. S.3(lpiii. {the Singing ia/I pianist Kearne) starts things oll. tollow ed b_\ housebaiid The I'Ia\otirs.

I Fish Fry The Jan Bar. | (‘hambers Street. 220 42‘IS. I I30pm 3am. £5 (Ur. Sec Sat 2|.


I Fabian Kallerdahl Music Music Music The Lot. 4 (ir‘assmarket. 225 ””22. Spm. U0. See Sat 2S.

I Sunday Singers Session The Ja// liar. I ('hambers Street. 220 42‘)S. H.30pm. £4 (Ur. Show casing e\ce|Ient \ocalists backed b} a line ia/I trio. leaturing Debbie Max is r I5 I‘ebi.

Monday 2


I The Jazz Bar Big Band The Jan liar. I ('hambers Street. 220 42%. 7.30pm. [4 (Ur. See Mon 23.

I Colin Steele Plays Kind of Blue ‘I‘ra\erse 'I'heatre. ('ambridge Street. 228 404. Spm. [lo (9; I 2 i. Trumpeter ('oIin Steele and his se\tet pIa_\ tnusic t'rom .\Ii|es ”to is' classic album. See pl‘e\ iew. page 1’ .’. FREE Monday Blues Open Session The ('ompass Iiar. 44 Queen ('harlotte Street. I.eith. 554 I979. ”pm. See M00 2.5.

FREE The Late Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan Bar. I ('hambers Street. 220 4293. II).3(lpiit. See Molt 2.3.

Tuesday 3


FREE MusiChess The Jan Bar. I (’hambers Street. 220 4293. 5 Spin. See Tue 24.

FREE Tuesday Jam The Jan Bar. l ('hambers Street. 220 4298. S.30pm. See Tue 24.

FREE Funk Session The Jan liar. l (‘hambers Street. 220 4298.

I I.30pm 3am. See Tue 24.

Wednesday 4


FREE Teatime Acoustic The Jan Bar. I (‘hambers Street. 220 4298.

5 Spin. See Wed 25.

I Joscho Stephan Trio Iidinburgh Folk Club. ('abaret Bar. ()0 The

I’Ieasaltce. (60 34% Iopm L'l.‘ rzlo~ (ispss swing and I aim i.r// trorii this phenomenal acoustic guitarist

FREE Soul Society Ihe .I.r// Iiar. l (‘hatiibers Street. 220 42‘“ \Irdnight I-unk and blues trom \Iike Isearnes ‘s tour piece

Thursday 5


I Evening Concert: RSAMO Brass and Big Band RS \\ll). loo Reilllew Street. ‘32 5057 " ((5! Isiek back w ith a tool tapping exerting ot lire Hand tunes

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic West End ls’osal ('oncert Hall. 2 SauchiehaII Street. ‘5‘ short illpiii LIII U3 .t\.llI.lI‘IL‘l Iznio} sour taxourite Broadwa} and \\est I rid show tunes w rth the RS\( ) and some lightning qurek |.i// musicians and \oeaIists I rom the old time classics ot (ieishwm and Porter to the more recent work ot Sondheim .md |.Io_\d \\ebbei. this concert recreates the IK'SI HI the (itiItIL'll lid

5 illpm L


I Musician's Choice: Keith Haldane Ilie .I.r// Ikrr. I ('Iiariibers Street. 220 420.\'_ .\ 15pm L4 (L z. I .icIi month the Jan liar will ask a Imal musician to hand pick a Irrie up and choose iIie music tor the night Ihrs month it‘s drummer Keith IIaIdanes \lIUI.

FREE The Blue Valentine’s Music Club The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 22h 4 ‘sStl, S illpm back. semi acoustic get together tor the .lam House‘s resident musicians.

FREE The Freaky Family llre .l.r// liar. I (‘hambers Street. 220 42‘l.\

I I30pm. See Thu I‘)

March On Stage llard Roek (“.rle. Is 20 (ieorge Street. Zoo i000 Sle\c (‘raddock and Simon I~ow lei trom ( )tt‘dll ('oIour Scene ptrt m an intimate gig to raise Itmds lor \ordoll Robbins \lll\l\ 'I'herap},


I Jazz Singers’ Open Mic 'lolhoorh. .IaiI “find. III-7S0 274000 .s'pm L5 (L ii. A chance to gi\e it some well} ma nurturing enx ironiiient.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Horthmore and Norman Chalmers.

>t< Indicates Hitlist entry

Thursday 19


I Skyhook St .-\ndrew 's m the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 55‘) 5902. Hpm L‘S‘ (Uri. Traditional music lrom Scotland. Ireland and ('ape Breton trom this acoustic Shel-IieItI trio.


I Session I'aIkirk I-oIk ('Iub. 'I he I’oIish ('Iub. .-\rnot Street. (ll 324 M 3 W5. 8.30pm. Intormal instrumental music and song. :\II welcome.


I Salsa Celtica (acoustic), Paul Gilbody, Bevvy Sisters, Dunya Ensemble, Dean Owens and Shoogelnilty Ro\_\ Art Home. 2 Roxburgh I’Iace. 5.30 I Ipm. £5. A gloriousl} mixed line-up cmering aII bases trom traditional Middle Izastern music t'rom I)un}a linsemble to Americana trom Dean (M ens to ('eItic dance I'usion trom headliners Shoogelnili} aII uniting 'in solidarit} with the people oi