
200m anniwrxar} L'clchrauonx L'onunuc ()uixlanding; plllllhl Slcphcn llough pcrlormx lhc \parkling \houpiu‘c. Plum; (.um ('I'IH .Vn /. conducted l1} Andrcm Spcring. u. ho alw lcadx ('u/m Sm um/ I’rm/wruux lmuug' and thc inL'IdL'nlal lllll\lL' lo :l .lln/mmmrr .VIL'lil'x I)I'('(llll. Willi th' lilillt'\ ol th' RSNU ('horus. With a prc-L'onL'L'rl talk at 6.45pm.


I St Mary’s Music School/Young Sinfonia SI Mar} "x (‘alhcdral l’almcrxlon l’lauc. 515‘ 7700. (rpm. £8 (£5/L'2i. .\'o lC\\ lhan 701alcnlcd}oung lllll\lL‘lilll\ conic logclhcr lroni lidinhurgh and lhc Sage (ialcxhcad to pcrlorm lllll\IL‘ inxpircd h} l'ranL‘L' and Spain. l'ornicr 81 Mar} '\ Mimic School \iudcnl and 2003 BlK' Young Muxu‘ian ol lhc Ycar linalixl. ”and Smith I\ \(ll()l\l in thc llulc L'onccrto h} lhcrl. 'l‘hc hour long programinc l\ lolloucd h} rclrcxhincnlx.


I Yeomen of the Guard (‘arncgic Hall. liasl l’oi'l. (”383 002302. 2.30pm & 7.30pm. U0 11."); l'lhx L5). SL‘L‘ 'l‘llll l‘).


I The Zephirus Saxophone Quartet l.inlilhgo\\ Acadcm} 'l‘hcalrc. Brachcad Road. 01500 344247. 7.30pm. £8 (U £7). ()nc ol' lhc counli') \ moxl L‘wiling _\oung chamhcr groups. \pccialixing in culling—Cdgc llllhlt‘. (lL‘ll arrangcmcnlx and 201h-L‘cnlur} \ax quarlcl i'cpcrtoirc.

Sunday 22 '


I Scottish Opera - Five:15 ()ran Mor. 73l 735 (ircal \Vcslcrn Road. 473 2000. 3pm. £l5. Soc Fri 20 and l'calurc. page l8.


Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Edinburgh FREE Sunday Morning Music National \luwuni ol SL‘oIland. ('hainhcrx \IrL-cl. 24“ 44:: llani lanlo} a \lroll through lhc National .\1u\cuni\ Io Ihc lalcnh oi _\oun_: llllhlL‘lglllx troni l.!\(' .llum \‘un’ Sr Ill/(Ulll FREE Bel Canto National l’oruaii (iallcr). l ()uccn 811111.024 “:00 2. 5UP”) & me 'l'hc a L'appclla group [k‘l’lilrllh \aL'rcd niuxic \panning Ihc Huh 2 l \l L‘cnlui'icx. I Strictly Strauss: Raymond Gubbay l'cxmal 'l‘hcalrc. I V20 Nicolxon Slrccl. 52‘) 0000 2. illpiu U750 £28, l.L'l lhc Johann Slrauw ()i‘L‘hL‘xlra tranxporl _\ou hack lo the Vicnncxc hallrooim ol lhc I‘llh L‘L-niur} \Hlll thc lllll\l( ol Ihc '\\'a|l/ King'. dirL'L'lcd lrom lll\ poxilion ax lirxl \iolin h} l)anicl Rou land. in traditional k'lll\\lk'£ll la\hion With \oprano l2|cna Xanlhoudakix and lhc Johann Strauxx Danccrx lll pcriod Lll'L‘\\. FREE Sunday Music St \lai'} \ ('alhcdral. l’almcrxlon l’lacc. 225 (CUR 4.30pm. ()rganixt Duncan l‘crguwon \xilh 'l'hc (‘omplL-lc llcrhcrl lloxu-llx RCL‘llal. I St Giles’ at Six Si (iilL-x‘ (‘aihcdi-al. Ro}al .\lilc. 226 0073, “PIN. Rclii‘in}: colch‘Iion. (ilcnalniond (‘ollcgc (‘hainhcr ('hoir [M‘l‘lill'llh \xorkx h) l)urul‘lc and WAN}. I Edinburgh Studio Opera Si (‘L'Clllil‘\ llall. Niddl‘) Sll‘L‘L'l. (\(ih’ 2lll‘). 7.30pm. L'h’ iL'5l. lidinhurgh l'niwrxil}\ opcra \oL‘icl} pcrl'oi'nix lla}dn\ .S'g'nHix/i Sunux and uncrplx l’rom ilx upcoming production ol‘ Mozart‘s linal opcra l.u ('lvmmm (I: Tim. a talc of lo\ c. rm cngc and poucr \u'ugglcs w! in Ancicni Romc. 'l'ickclx arc axailahlc on tho door. Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()llL‘CHK Hall. 87 h") (‘lL‘l'lx Slrccl. ()(ih’ 2lll‘). 7.45pm. U0 iconccwionx a\ailah|c). l’clcr li\an\ conduclx th' \mrld prcmicrc ol‘ l.liam l’alcrxon'x

Stophane Denevo Mum Director

ociOOOOOOT 2 ~—— .0 oooooooool

[durum lunar/win alongxidc HL‘L‘llio\L'll\ (In Iran lumm.’ Strauv' [our law: Vino and liuhhin; \kllll R.l\k‘l.\ lll\\li‘ll\ l‘JllL‘l ”1'.”th l‘caluiin; \Hl‘ldlli‘ l\ll\llll



Glasgow I Music on Mondays RS NI). lilo

Runny“ SIIL'L'I. “2 505" 1pm :12 «LXI lohn I oyan and Ihc RS \\ll) l'ian'h liollh

I A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé ( )Iau \loi. "ll 1* (in-.11 \VLwlcm Road. *5“ 0200 0 15pm L l0 'l’hc Scollixh l’lllllldlllli'lllx' lll.l\\ [k'l'lillllh lllll\l\‘ h} llindcnulh. (ial‘llL‘ll. l’rcnu‘u. lla/cl. \lanwll (icddg‘x and John \\ illiaiux l)UHl\ opcn a1 5 l5pni


FREE John Harris 8. Red Note Ensemble 'l'rau'rxc lhg'alic llai. ('aiuhridgc Slim-I. 225 140.1 5pm lhc ‘l‘rau‘i‘xc'x ncu nium‘al \llelh ol ihL' l'nmpcclvd' original. L'onlcnilmiai} clavical \xorkx ax pci‘loinicd h} th- Rcd \olc l‘.ll\L‘llll‘lL'.


FREE Piano Recital: Alastair Edmonstone le ('onL-cri Hall. lidinhurgh l'iuwrxil}. lli‘ixlo Squaw. (i50 2427. l.l0pni. :\ pg‘rloi'nianu' ol cu‘crplx li'oin .\lL'\\iacn\ L'pic piano QL‘lL‘. ling! Ix’i'L'ru‘i/x \m' I'lzuliml ./g \m logclhcr \\ ilh .lohn x\dani\' \li'ongl} llllllllllillhl l’lirwum (;(/I('\.

Wednesday 25


I Canto Vivo! l’ollolx llouxc. l’ollok ('ounli'} Park. 2000 l’ollokthu Road. 0100410. 7.30pm. U005 L‘llll;


so 00 ‘90 :03:

60 00 00 109

'00 fee .90-,




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I Wednesday Lunchtime Concert Series \ouiu‘ci llall, \ozth \Iiccl. 1h.‘.‘.‘l\ '. l5pm t,‘ »Ill\‘llll\\‘l\

\ \HlltL‘ll l\\ lhg- l I‘il\L‘l\Il\ \.i\o;‘honc Quarry:

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I Westbourne Music lhc \lm h.mi llilllu‘g \\L‘\l (ig'nrg'g' \[ig‘g'L ll ‘1 I §i\l(\5‘ l.‘ l‘plll 2,». HM lllk' lg'ig'x ()uailcl l‘x'llillllh \ ll.|llll\‘l \\illl\\ hx llayln and llailok

FEW-TS Music in the University (il.l\:'il\\ l lll\\'l\ll\ (louu'il “.1”.

l uiwhil} \wuuc. ;:0 1002 l llll‘lll l\k'\lll llouu‘i .uid lohu lluil [\‘lli‘llll l\’“llill\l\l\-\\ill\"ll.\l/lll,l”\ll’v.vl"l:l\1',|'(llll' and \\ Illl.llll llolgouik In \. .v. \

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra l\’\ \\ll). 100 lx’ciilimx \lin'l. ii.‘

lllpiu tl.‘ I28; \lgulxu lliahhuix Londug lx \‘\u‘l]‘l\ lioni l’lllhl‘llk'\l\ /\’l"ll(1'ililr1 llldll ,' luycllrm \\llll \lll/.lll‘\ l)’(4'\\i‘I’/l( \li.i\iii\l\§ '\ |lll[‘|\ll \"l pmwrlul mum lll lllL' l‘.|llL‘l /'¢ HIM/Ill: \\ llll l‘.l\\iHlll \oloixl (ilJL‘IIlL' llioxxii. \\lllll\‘l ol lhg‘ ('lamilal (‘oiigg'iio ( 'oiupg'lilion pvrlornung loo





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'.'»:' ' V THE LIST 79