

Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to theatre©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

t Indicates Hitlist entry


I THE ARCHES :5 i Arr} lc \liccl. “‘5 I‘ll)” Ill. \\ ( '. \\fl-\l

Crocosmia 'luc 34 “in 2h l'ch

5‘ l5pm U) Ll“ lHl lNllll lillt'lx .\\\.Ilil \llil\\\ IcHIlL'L'\\|Hll L-l Ll! liil‘ l‘nll] lint l. ,-\u..ml \ll()\\\l 'l'lux ;\ichc\ Brick ,'\\\.ll(l piccc [nonuxm Io 'Iiauxpoll _\ou hack to thc (lt'llt'illt' luuc \xhcn lhc nnmc ol )oui parcnh' paxl lll\t'tl mill thc lllll\lc' ol tour lulmc'. unh tlclailctl characlcr \Ulllx .nul \lunuingg \l\ll;ll nuaggcr)

The Night Flyer 'luc 3-1 'l hu :0

l'ch. H. illpiu. L ll! lor holh Brick .‘\\\;lltl \llH\\\ lc'illlc‘t‘\\l(lll H to lor holh Brick .r\\\anl \llH\\\l ()nc ol lhc mm! lilllxt'tl ahoul lhcalic tlchulx al lutlinhurgh l'i‘iilch Inns and 'l'olal 'l‘hcalrc .'\\\lll'tl nollunccx. lhc lughl} original l’apcr (‘Inciua piolcclx inlricalc. l1;iiitl»tli';i\\i1 luanoncllcx oulo a \xhilc \crccn lo Icll a l;lll'}l.llt‘ narramc. accoiupaiucd h} lllll‘l'(l\l\t'tl lnc llllhlt' h} Kora. l’url of I/n' .ln luw Hm A .lmm/x. Scratch Night Thu 5 Mar. 7.30pm. l’a} \xhal yin can. .loin \xcllvknoun and up and coming lk‘l'lill'lllt‘l'\ ax lhc} 34c! Icn nnnnlcx cach to H} out ncu nlcax Ill lroul ol an .llltllt‘llL’L‘ and WA lcctlhack.

I CITIZENS’ THEATRE l l‘) (inl’lmlx Sil‘L't'l. ~12‘)()(l32. ll). ll. \\'(‘. \\'.‘\I Educating Rita l'ulil Sal '7 Mar (not Sun/Mom. 7.30pm 18a! 28 l’ch mat Jillpml. £0.50 (l7. Run. a workingvclaxx hairdrcxxcr. \Iglh up l'or atlull cclucalion L‘l;l\\c\ \xhcrc \hc cncounlcrx alcoholic hack l‘rank Brynn. .lcrcm} RHINO!) llL‘llll\ \Vill) Ruxxcll\ claxx. claw) conical}. Scc rcx ic\\. pagc NJ. Paperweight l'nlil Sal ll l’ch. “.Rllpiu. L7 tll. ()nc ol lhc lllml highly acclaimctl \llU\\\ at laxl }cai‘\ litlinhnrgh l-cxlnal l‘ringc. I’u/N'ru'cm/il lach a pcck Into clail) ol'licc lilc ax luo _\oung_' prolcxxionalx lighl lllllltllt‘\\ iuonolou} and pcrxonal crixcx \xiih chiltlixh pranlu ainl lca making. Romeo 8. Juliet 'l‘nc 24 Sat 38 lch. 7.30pm i'l‘hn lual 3.30mi” L'h' (UH. l’inal )L‘al‘ zlt‘llllg \llltlt‘lll\ al Rt‘ltl (‘ollcgt‘ \\ rap lhcu‘ \lxlll\ around Slmkcxpcarc'x ll‘;l:_'t‘tl_\ Ul lL‘lllPL‘\lllUll\ lCCll\. Men Should Weep Tue 3 Sat 7 Mar. 7.30pm llllll mat 2.30pm». £8 (UH. RL'ltl ('ollcgc linal )car acting \llltlt‘lll\ [\I'L‘\L'lll\ lina l.aiuonl Slcxxarl'x inliuialc porlrail ol a laluil} '\ \Irugglc lor \ur\i\al «luring lhc (ircal Dcprcxxion.


‘l l'niwrxil) :\\cnuc. 33” 5532. |\\'(‘. \\'.-\|

X Factor Dance Company Sat 21 l‘iL‘l‘. 7.30pm. [7 U). NC“ “(ilh chorcographcd h} .\ l'acloIN arlNic «ln‘cclor. .-\lan (ircig and .\'c\\ York‘x (icraltl (".ixcl. llllCtl ‘anrx '.


207 Ball) Strccl, ”870 UN) (uh-13. Ill. \\‘(‘. \\‘..\|

Sunshine on Leith l'nnl Sat 3| l-‘ch (not Sun). ".3llpiii (\Vctl ck Sal mal 2.30pm). {I l {37. .-\ nnmcal from Dunclcc ch linxcmhlc. packctl \\llll \ongx from ’l'hc l’roclaimcrx. that t‘ollo“ \ lllc‘ lliglh and lo“ x ml [“0 \Ultllch rcun‘ning homc from lhc arm}. Coppelia Mon 23 ck 'l‘uc 3-1 lich. 5.30pm. £13 £28. Rll\\l;ll18l;lic Ballcl prcwnlx [his clclighll'ul hallcl \\ hich lcllx Ihc tamaslical talc ol‘ an ccccmric 10}lll;ll\Cl‘ ancl hix ama/ing crcalionx. “hich inclnclc a lil‘clikc cloll.


He may spend every Christmas wearing false boobs and saggy tights, but there‘s much more to Allan Stewart than pantomime dame. The

singer/actor will show another side to his considerable talent when he portrays Al Jolson. one of the world's first superstars. These days, Jolson is synonymous with jazz hands, ‘Mammy‘ and little else. Back in the 19205, however, he had 23 number one singles, appeared in ten films and led 11 Broadway shows. Backed by an eight-

piece band, Stewart will no doubt do the la I K/l/ll}.:l I'llhiif'ti, [lili/lt'llllllt'l". {H t [(15) l

Swan Lake “ml 25 ck 'l‘hu 2o l'ch. 3.3(lpiu; 7.30pm. L‘l.i £28. Rll\\l;lll Slalc Ballcl ol Sihcrla pcrlormx a lax l\ll \laging ol‘ 'l'challcm \k} \ romantic hallcl.

The Nutcracker In 3" ck Sat 3\’ IN» 7.30pm (Sal mat Jillpim. (IR {3050. Rusxian liallcl ol' Sihcrla hringx (hc l()}\ of 'l‘chailcox \k} \ l;llllUll\ mm c hallcl [U lll-L'.


7H 73.5 (ii'cal \chlcl'n RUlltl. 557' (CW).

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint “cc-kl}- changing lunchlnuc tlramax \cc hclou lor clclallx. llfillpm will a l.ll5pm \tarl: t' Ill lickcl lllL'llltlL‘\ pic and drunk. Nigerian Story l'nul Sat 2| l-ch. \c-u pla} h} Simon .\lc('alluiu \cl on onc hot. tlrunkcn nigh! 1n Ihc corrupt. oil» rich \ocicl} ol' Nigcria.

Will Shu Mon 33 Sal 28 l-ch. .\c\\ pla} h} .lacqnclinc ('lark. ahoul Ihc illilt‘l'llltllll ill a gamc‘ Ul~ llltlt‘ and \CL‘h gonc \xrong. The Waltz of The Cold Wind Mon 2 Mar. .\'c\\ pla} about a \xoman Ul‘NL‘\\Ctl \\ ilh rccortliug \oumlx. h} clircclor l’atlth (’unnccn


ll‘llL‘ lil'ltlgL‘. lllllll \VLNIL‘l‘llUth Rmul. li;l\lcl‘l10ll\c. In) ”(No

Peter Pan ’l‘hn 2h Sat 28 l-ch. Scc Kltl\ ll\llll:_‘\.


98 Ingram Strccl. 5-18 344-1. [l’. \\'('. \\‘.-\. \\'.’\.-\l

Spring Awakening l'nul 'l‘hu ll) l-ch. ".Sllpiu. (‘onirowrxial aml \cantlalom. l-‘rank \Vctlckiml\ pla} criticiscx Ihc \c\uall} ~opprcmiw cnlIurc ol‘ tin tlt' xic‘clc (icrmam through Ihc P;l\\lUll and pain ol' aclolcwcncc.

Mr Kolpert Hi 20 ck Sal 2| l-ch Tfillpiu. £8 l£(».5(li. l)a\icl (iicxclmann'x clark conical) about a an) \xarcl clinncr part} \\ ilh an unuclcomc gucw a clclllctl corpxc that l'allx out ol~ a cupboard.

te legend justice.

'2 '.‘.:1' 27/: THE LIST 85