
LII/(e I’m es talks about his newest novel. ling/i1 and Shiny Morning. /’ar! a! .-1\e Hr!!!"


Reading Group: Books Group Scottish l’oetry Library. 5 (irichton‘s ('losc. ('anoiigate. 557 2876.

6.30 8. 30pm £5 (£3). Julie Johnstone picks a new poetry book each month tor you to read and discuss. Book )1) advance.

Tuesday 10

(3188 ow Off the Page Mitchell Library.

201 North Street. 0844 847 I683. 3 4pm. Stories. songs. poems and sketches hour the (irealer l’ollok ('arers (ireatne Writing (irotip. I’arr of .-1se Il'rne' Days Like This Anthology with Jamie Andrew and Roddy Woomble Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). .-\ discussion ()1 the project run by the Scottish Book Trust and BB(' Radio Scotland to collect eyeryday stories ()1 Scots. l’arl o/ .‘tse ll’rrlr‘.’ Emmanuel Jal Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 I683. 6 7pm. £7 (£0). See picture caption. lelt. Janice Galloway and Jason Donald Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. ()844 847 I683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). The theme ()1 lainilies in memoir and liction is approached by both an csperienced and a new writer in this discussion. l’arl of give Writin' An Evening with Alexander McCall Smith Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). The No l Ladies Detective Agency writer brings his new novel. 'Iea ‘Iime im- the Ii‘rirli'liriliril/s' lira/I. to the table. Part a] .Ilse Il'riie.’ Angus Campbell and Donald Meek Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). A (iaelic Rings event with writer. broadcaster and actor ('ampbell and boat-builder. writer and academic Meek. I’ar! of .itve Il'rrle.’

Benjamin Zephaniah Mitchell

Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). See llitlist. I’aI'I of .-lve Il’rih’.’ Deyan Sudjic Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). Dcyan Sudiic ()Bli. Director or the I)esign Mtiscum in London. discusses the problem or design in an object-abundant world. to coincide with the publication or The language of lilting“. Part or .-1\e B'rile.’


VIII A Celebration of Poetry from Scotland and the Middle East \Vord l’ow er Bookshop. 43 “est Nicolson Street. 662 ‘11 12. 7pm. Jenni ('alder. (iha/i llussein. Slieikh (ihassan Manasra and .lila Peacock read their rhymes in an ey cut (or Scottish l’liN chaired by Tessa Ranst'oi'd.

Wednesday 1 1


Graham Swift Mitchell Library. 201 Noitli Street. ()844 847 1683. 6 77pm. £7 (£6). The Booker pri/e-w inning author introduces his new book. Making an l-flepltant. which is a mixture of poetry and prose. I’ar! o/fl-ts‘e ll'riir’.’

Lydia Syson on the Love Doctor Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. ()844 847 1683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). Dr (irahain was the world's lirst sex therapist. who invented the ‘('elestial Bed'. Sy son tells his controversial story. Part all-lye Il'ri'ref Tom Hodgkinson and Ed Mayo Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 6-7pm. £7 (£6). Hodgkinson and Mayo talk about the big business that Iias grown tip around child-rearing. Parr afxtye ll'rile.’

Helen Fitzgerald Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30-8.30pm. £7 (£6). The prolitic Glasgow writer has published three novels

in two years. Join reading groups to hear their opinions on My last ('an/esaon. /)t‘(1(/I/H(‘/\ and “If l’r’) I/.\ .Sltlll‘t (IH' I’d/“l Hf .-l\¢' Iii/11¢"

Philip Hoare Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 I683.

731) 83(1pm, £7 (£6). lloare's novel

In iaI/ian delves into the underwater world ()1 the whale. l’arl of .-1\e ll rm" Spanish Civil War with Paul Preston, Chris Dolan and Daniel Gray Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 0pm. £7 (£6). Willy Maley chairs this event tor the 70th anniversary ol the end oi the Spanish (.1\ II “it”. l’rll'! H] .‘l\(’ Ilil'llr’l


FRII Fiona J Houston Blackwell. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 622 8222. 6.30pm. 'I'icketed. I-‘iona .l Houston spent a year recreating the lives or her ancestors in the I7‘I0s lor the book The (inn/en ('ullage Diaries. I-‘iiid otit all about it at this talk and signing event.

Raymond E Feist Waterstone's. 13 I4 Princes Street. 556 you. 6.30pm. £3 (redeemable against purchase). l-‘antasy author I-‘eist signs copies or the lirst book in a new series set in his Midkeniia universe: Rules a Ih‘em/ Legion.

Peter James, Ann Cleeves and Brian McGilloway Waterstone's. l28 Princes Street. 226 2666. 7 8.45pm. £2 (i‘edeeiiiable agaitist purchase). It's a crime writer triple leature today. ('atch the creators ol Detective Superintendent Roy (irace. Vera Stanhopc and Inspector Devlin red-handed signing their new books.

Storytelling Cafe Scottish Storytelling ('enlre. 43 45 lligh Street. 556 957‘). 7pm. £4. Storytelling. music and song in a relased caie atmosphere.

Thursday 12

Glasgow Alan Riach and Sandy Moflat Mitchell Library. 2(Il North Street. (I844 847 1683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). Riaeh and Motlat's book. .-tr!s of Resistance. looks at the connection between arts and political culture in Scotland. I’arr olklye ILHH'.’ Ian Rankin Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). Iidinburgh's tirst son or Scottisli crime Iiction talks with Denise Mina about his Inspector Rebus novels and the recent heist thriller. Doors Open. l’arr (Ifixlil’ ll'rile.' Lewis Wolpert Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). Science meets philosophy in this esatiiination ol' stem-cell research. cloning and DNA. l’arl oil-lye II'riIe.’ "I. Eleanor Thom Borders Books. ()8 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 6.30pm. liistore signing for The 'Iin-Kin. the highly praised debut from Thom. in which secret family histories are uncovered in the north of Scotland. Kate Summerscale and Ian Rankin Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 I683. 8»—‘)pm. £7 (£6). See llillist. I’url oil-lye Il'ri!e.' VIII Literally Ouizzical Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 8.4577 9.45pm. Try to beat the librarians at their own game in this literary quil. I’arr oil-lye 11'rr're.’


"II Artists’ Books in Focus: Henri Matisse’s Jazz Dean (iallery. 73 Behold Road. 624 6268.

I 1.30am- I2.30pm. ()ne of three sessions ioctising on individual artists and books. Please book in advance by phoning or emailing glltaillltiw nationalgalIeries.org. "II Anne Donovan and Mari Strachan Blackwell. 53-59 South Bridge. 622 8222. 6pm. Ticketed. Established atithor Aime Donovan (Built/ha I)a) joins new Welsh writer Mari Strachan (The Earth Hams in If Ha!) for a dichssion of their respective work.

Glas 0w

Peter James, Ann Cleeves and Brian McGilloway Borders Books. ()8 Buchanan Street. 222 "00 I2 30pm See “led l l FRI! Celebrate Community Writing Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 84" 1683 I 230pm Showcase event (or (ilasgow 's Learning ('ourses l’arr at .-tse lil’lh" Bill Paterson Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 I683. 6 “pm. £7 (£6). The actor talks about his childhood in (ilasgow ‘s liast lind during the 1050s. ’ar! Hfh‘lH' lil'llr" Esther Woolfson Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. 6 7pm, £7 (£6). Novelist listher Woolt'son talks about her his e (or corv ids in her new book. l’arr (if :lH' llil'llt'l Peter James, Anne Cleeves and Brian McGilloway Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). See Wed l I. Run of site lir'lh'.’ Lindsey Davis Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). Dayis talks about xlletanrlria. the 19th l'ialco novel. l’ar! r)! .‘lyt' ll'rile.’ Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.40pm. £7 (£6). .Mnt'liere Io Belong: 'Ia/es «nan litirai'agan! ()ulsrrler is a one- woman show about a t'gandan in Britain. l’rll'l rill-he Il’rilt'.’ Shetland Poetry and Music Mitchell Library. 201 Noitli Street. (1844 847 1683. 7.30 ()pm. £7 (£6). With .lcn Iladtield. Robert Alan Jaiiiicson. ('hristie Williamson. (‘Iiris Stout and (‘atriona McKay. l’tll'! (If :tyr' IITIH‘.’ Alan Bissett: Times When I Bite Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1) 10pm. £7 (£6). Novelist Alan Bissett takes to the stage in his own ‘one- woman show '. l’arr of'xts'e Brae?

Saturday 14

Glas ow FRI Bronwen Winter Phoenix Waterstone's. I74 .-\rgy le Street. 248 4814. 10am noon. The local writer otters insight into her two novels. Iisea/n’ng Dreams and Nightsital/air. which is set in the at‘terlit'e. FRII Rodge Glass, Ewan Morrison and Strathclyde University Work Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. I lam I2.30pm. 'I‘icketed. Two new and acclaimed (ilasgow writers talk about the work of the Strathclyde Writing School. I’m‘! (ifxlye ll’rih‘.’ David Robinson Mitchell library. 201 North Street. (I844 847 I683. Noon lpn). £7 (£6). The literary editor ot ill/1e .S'ernsnian talks abotit his new collection of essays and interviews. In (‘o/rl Ink. Part of xlt‘r' ll'l'ilt'f Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Ziauddin Sardar Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 I683. Noonpm. £7 (£6). Stories ol'Asians in Britain: a history by Sardar while Alibhai-Brow'n looks at the shared experience ()1 cooking. I’arr ail-lye Il'rilr'.’

"III Dave Gibbons Borders

Books. 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. I2.30pm. See llitlist.

Catherine O’Flynn and Mari

Strachan Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 1.30pm. £7 (£6). See llitlist. Parr ofxtye ll'rite.’ John Gray Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 1.30—2.30pm. £7 (£6). The philosopher and intellectual dichsses his latest collection of essays. (iray's Anatomy. with Marc Lambert. l’art rims-e Il'rile.’ Tommy’s War with Shawn Sewell and Ronnie Scott Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1.30pm. £7 (£6). Shawn Sew eII discovered 20 years of diaries by Thomas Caims Livingstone covering working class life in Glasgow during WWI and beyond. He dichsses the first volume with its editor. Ronnie Scott. Pan (if.-l_\'e Il'rim’

FREE The Broons Quiz Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 84” 1683. 3 4pm David Stewart Donaldson presides oy er this comic-based «1111/. Par! or .-1se Il'rilt“

Geoff Dyer and David Robinson

Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 84‘ 1683 3 4pm £7 (£6). llitlist. I’M“! of rise ll I'm" Sara Maitland Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 84” 1683. 3pm. £7 (£6). Maitland. whose book .-1 Book of Silence seeks to esamine the importance or know ing w Iieii to be quiet. breaks her. ahem. silence with this author talk. Part of :lH' IlTlh'.’ Steve Fuller and Robin McKie on Intelligent Design Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 3pm. £7 (£6). .-\ debate oy er the role (it lntelltgerit l)esigii (seeking to go beyond its equation with creationism) by advocate litiller and Darwinian supporter Mcls'ie Part of .‘lw' Ill'llt" Anne Perry and Quintin Jardlne Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 4.30 5.30pm. £7 (£6). Two crime writers discuss their trade. Part of .-l\'e B'rrh'.’ Mervyn Peake’s Poetry with Sebastian Peake and Robert Maslen Mitchell Library. Ztll North Street. 0844 847 1683. 4.30 5.30pm. £7 (£6). l’cake's son and the editor or the I’eake collected poetiis discuss the contributions to poesy by the (iormeng/iasl author. I’ar! ofxtve Write.’ Polly Toynbee and David Walker Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 4.30 5.30pm. £7 (£6). (iiiartltan 100111301818 Polly Toynbee and David Walker delve into the widening rich/poor divide in ('njus! Rewards: lit/irisrng (ireerl and Ineqtailrrv in Britain 'Iorlay. Part of site Il'ri!e.’ Liz Lochhead Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 6 77pm. £7 (£6). The writer in residence at the (ilasgow School oIArt introduces (ili'lieragara. a collection ()1 writings and illustrations from stall and students. Part of .‘TH’ ll'rne.’ Lorraine Kelly with Stephen Jardine Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 I683. 6 7pm. £7 (£6). The Queen ol Morning TY discusses her childhood and autobiography. Im-raine.‘ lit'lnt’r'lt you and illr’. With telltm TV presenter Jardine. l’arr ri/‘xlve 11’rile.’ Aye Write! Awards Ceremony Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 8 9pm. £10 (£9). Bank of Scotland I’ri/e (or Scottish l’iction. Par! (if .-l_\‘t' ll7'llt'.’

Wednesday 18


StAnza: Scotland’s International Poetry Festival VarioUs venues. 01.334 475000. L'ntil Sun 22 Mar. times vary. Prices vary. The sole established poetry l'estival in Scotland: an opportunity to engage with all forms of poetry and hear world class poets in atmospheric venues. I’ar! ofIlrnneeamrng Sear/and 200‘).

Thursday 1 9

Glas ow

FRI Brian Whittingham Borders Books. ()8 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 6.30pm. Whittingham's look at the Scottish shipbuilding industry. Banners &



FRII An evening dedicated to Corinna Bille (1912-1979) Institut Francais d'Ecosse. 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. 6pm. An evening dedicated to the Corinna Bille. Swiss short-story writer. play wright. poet and novelist.

Irregular The Voodoo Rooms. 19a West Register Street. 556 7060. 8pm—Iam. £tbc. New club night from the folk at Canongate Books with a mixed music policy for like minded folk showcasing live acts. poets. writers and DJs.

5—19 Mar 2009 THE LIST 33