tut) Alan Andcrxon handpn ks lll\ cliUlL'L' ol thc hcxl actx clttnhtng up thc cotttcd} laddcr.

Paul Sinha and Markus Birdman Maggtc Slavx. 5|) ltottgatc. \lt-rchanl ('tl}. 54S IKSI) ‘) l5pttt LIHILSI \ douhlc hcadltttc \hoxt Itottt tuo lellljJ \Iat'x.

Bumper Value Comedy: Southside

Agcntla liat. l5 \llllltt'at' Road. SottIlISttlc.

‘),3I)pin LS Ito) Scc lit l3

Patrick Rolink 'l ltc Slatc Hat. HS Holland Sttcct. 333 3l5‘) ‘l 3Ilpttt 'l’hc .4\IltlllL‘ Iutttt}tn.tn PIL'SCIHS In Hit!!! of Shutt/ I /)'

Comedy Cellar liacchux. SI) ( il;I\\lUl'(l Strcct.5731)I)SI). lllplll, L5 IH) Scc ill I 3

Magners Festival Club 'l’ln- Stand. 333 \Vtttnllantlx Rt).|(l_ ll.\'7ll ()llll (M55 II), 30pm. {I 3 It'lil). Scc Hit) 13.

Late ‘n’ Loud Sloatt'x. \tg} lc .v\tcadc. 357 5 3S7, III-15pm. L7 tUt) Scc in | 3. The Late Show lilttcklllttIS. tr. licll Stt'cct. 553 503-1 llpttt. LS. Scc it! |3


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltttlglcttt'x. ()ntttt ('cntrc. (itccnxtdc l’lacc.llS-1-l SH (NH-l. 7.45pm. l'lUIll Li I. Scc l‘l'l l3. The Saturday Show ’l'ln- Stand. 5 Yotk

l’lacc. 55S 73/3. ‘lpttt. t'l 3. Scc 'l'hu l3.

Magner's Glasgow International Comedy Festival Alan Anderson’s Comedy Coach Tour('tt} ('hatnhcrx. (icot‘gc Squarc. 33-1 lii5l. 3.3llpttt. LS t£7). .-\tt opcntop l‘tlS tour \\ ith local cotttcdtan attd architcctttt'al htxtorian .'\ndct\on. \tho'll ollct' a ncxx [)CI‘SPCCIH c on thc ctt_\. Comedy Club 4 Kids 'l‘ln- Stand. 333 \Yoodlandx Road. IIS7I) III 3 in»). 3pm. £7 Il;tlllll_\ Iickct £35). Scc Sat H. Lemoncustard Comedy lircl. 3‘) -t3 Ashton |.anc. 343 4000 3pm. £3. llt)\l\ Dcc ('ttxtancc and Siatt licxan hcad hack to thc L‘UIISL‘I‘HIIIH'} l‘ot' \tandatp. \\\L‘L‘l\ attd gantcx aplcnt).

Reginald D Hunter 'l'ltc Stand.

333 \Yootllantlx Road, (lS7ll (till) MISS. 7.30pm. L'II) (L‘S). 'l‘hc tttagniliccnt RC}: l) I\ hack.

Best of Ha Ha Raw Comedy

l\or_\ llotcl. |.attg\tdc :\\cnuc. Shaxx Iandx. Spn). Alan :\ndct\on attd Scott :\gnc\\ prcxcnt \otnc Iinc ncxx talcnt l'ot' ahxolutcl) tto\\t.

Mark Watson 'I‘ron ’l'hcatt'c. (t3

'l‘rongalc. 553 4307, Spit). L'l3. ’l‘hc \ortol \Ychh \\ i/ard rccottntx :l/l 'I'ltt' 'lettlg'llh I't‘t' llm/ Smu' / “in Hunt. Rhona Cameron ()ran .\lot'. 73l 73S (it‘cat \chtcrn Road. 357 MIN). Spur. £15. .\lorc ohxctwational L‘Uttk‘tl} I'rotn thc SL‘UIIISlI l;t\\ tltttIL‘ good. Sinful Sundays ('oxntopol. lh5 Hopc Strcct. 33l ”[30. Spm. £3. Mark .\'c|\on l‘l’L‘SL‘tlh a \ClL'CllUll till Ctttttt‘tllattx pcrl‘ornting ntatcrial the) \xottldn‘t darc do an} \\ hcrc clsc. Patrick Monahan Maggic .\la_\ \. St) 'l‘rongatc. Mct'chant (it). 54S I350. S.l5pnt. {S tt't»). Monahan uplainx \xh} hc'x a latcaholic. Four Quid Comedy Cabaret I’J (‘hantpx l7 l3}l'c\ Road. S.3I)pnt. £4. Sax c )ttttt' pcnnicx attd gct a cotnpcrc attd thrcc contcdianx Ior tour quid. Pete Johansson Blacklt‘tal‘S. 3h Bcll Stt‘cct. 553 5"3~1.S.3I)pnt. £7 tt'5). 'l‘hc tcrt‘ihl) tttmlt‘Sl ('anadtatt ix o\ cr hct‘c \xith his Slit)“ I'm \é'rt (ioot/ (H ("o/malt. John Cooper Brcl. 3‘) 43 .-\\hton l.anc. .343 4960. 0pm. U1 till). (‘oopcr ltN)k\ at growing up. gccking around and llaking ottt in a MC “ith a \kit) condition. Wilson Dixon 'l'hc Stand. 333 \thxlltlltdx Road. ”87” (will) ()(l55. 9.30pm. £S t£7). 'l‘hc (‘ripplc ('rcck lcgcnd hringx \UtttL‘ (NW to Thc Stand.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? Thc Stand. .5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. lpnt. Scc Sun S. Alex Horne 'l‘hc Stand. .5 York Place. 558 7373. S‘.3I)ptn. L'S (£7). Scc prmicxx.


The Scottish comedian and actress with the Audrey Hepburn poster relives her Edinburgh

Fringe show Things I Didn't Know. Bi’.’t(.‘ktr/.'t'f;. (Hangout; In Iii Ill/lat

lvlagners Glasgow International Comedy Festival Lunctime Laffs & Lattes Sloanix. .'\l'f_"\lt‘ ;\rcadc. 357 53S7. lptn. L‘S tt'7). Scc Thu 13. Alex Home Inc Stand. 333 \\'oodland\ Road. IIS7II (will) (iti55. Spin. [S IL7). Scc Stir) l5. Mark Watson 'l‘t‘on 'I‘hcatt‘c. (t3 'l't‘ongatc. 553 4307. Spit). U3. Scc Stttt l5. Miles Jupp 'l'hc Stattd. 333 \Yoodlandx Road. llS7ll (will) (10.5.5. ‘)_3()pltt. LS ([7 I. ’I'hc l‘L‘dlllllllll} \\L‘ll-\pt)kL‘It chap rcturnx to thc \tagc.


Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute Beginners licchiw Inn. (it'axxtttarkct. 335 7l7l. Spin. £3. Scc .\lon I).

Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. S3llpnt. £3 IU ). Sc“ talcnt aplcnt}. hcadcd up h} .loJo Sulhct'land attd lilcanot‘ 'l'icrnan.

Magner‘s Glasgow International Comedy Festival Lunctime Laffs 8. Lattes SloanK. ;\rg_\lc .-\rcadc. 357 53S7. Ipnt. {S tt.'7). SOC 'l'lttl l3.

Des McLean ’l‘hcatrc Ro)a|. 3S3 llopc Slrcct. ()S7I) ()(tll hM7. Spin. {I550

ti I 3). 'l‘hc (ilaxgou lamuritc docx \\ hat thc pcoplc \\ ant.

Pappy's Fun Club 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'l't'ongatc. 553 ~13h7. Spnt. L'S (UH. 'l‘hc \kctch troupc uplodc \\ ith I'tutr-rut.'

St Patrick’s Day Irish Comedy Special 'l‘hc Stand. .333 \Yoodlandx Road. (LS—70 (100 (3055 Sullipm, L' It). ('clchratc St l’add} \ l)a} \\ ith (‘oltn Muqth}. .\'iall Bromtc. lilcanor 'l‘tcrnan and Michacl Rcdtttond.

The Plot Thickens 'l‘hc l‘nhct‘xal.

57 5‘) Sauchichall Lanc. 3.33 SSW). S.3t)pm. L'h tL'J). .-\n itnprox ixcd cotncd} murder in} \tcr} \\ ith l)a\ id llct‘t'ron. ()htc and l’L‘lcr .-\tlcht\on.

Ginger 8. Black Bit-l. 3‘) 43 .v\\ltlt)tt |.attc. 3~l3 JUN). 0pm. U) tL'J). 'I‘hc

pla} llll dtto hlaxt ottt \outc cotncth \ongs atttl \laIItl—tlp.


Ivan Brackenbury’s Hospital Radio Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. S3tiptn. L'S 1L7). .loit) l).l lirackcnhttr} '\ 'Dixcaxc llout” “llt‘l't' tuncx attd gagx kccp tlou ittg.

Magner's Glasgow International Comedy Festival Lunctime Laffs 8. Lattes Sloan'x. .‘\rg'\lc .‘\rcadc. 357 53S7. lpttt. L'S It'7). SL‘L' 'l‘lttt l3. Comedy Speed Dating: Under 35’s Week .-\rta. (i3 :\lhion Stt'cct. 553 3 Nil. 7.30pm. \Votncn £10.05; ntcn £9.05. l‘tnd |o\ c. or at lcaxl a \xa} to \pcnd a plcaxant cwtttng. a\ a hand oI comcdianx hclp lMHlSl along lllL' \pL‘L‘tl-tlallllg cqwrmncc. Ivan Brackenbury 'l‘ht- Stand. 333 \YootllalttlS Rtttttl. lltS7ll (till) (M55. 7.3Ilpttt. L'S tt'7). Scc 'l’uc I7. Dave Spikey 'l‘hcatrc Ro)a|. 3S3 llopc Slrcct, (lS7ll (loll (to-l7, Spit). L l 7.50 IMO). 'l‘hc \xhitc—haircd onc lt‘mtt thc tcl|_\ plan to MS adoring ptthlic.

Jimmy Carr Sl-.('(': ('l}dc

:\Utlllt)l’llllll. l‘innicxton ()ua}. IIS7I) IHII 4i“). Spm. [3”. (air pCt'lUt'ttlS .lnkt' Ii'('/Hll( nut. a t‘athct‘ accuratc tlL‘SLTlPllUll ot thc l';t/t)t‘-\lt;II'p pt‘cclxion oi his gags. Joanna Neary 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'l'rongalc. 553 4307 Spit). L") It'S). Scc Icatttrc. pagc 33. Sian Would Like You to Be Happy (But Knows You Probably Won’t Be) The l'nixcrxal. 57 5‘) Sauchichall l.anc. 333 SS0”. S.3I)pnt. tt-l). chan opcnx up hcr hcad tor \ txitorx. in a dim: t'ull \\ ith \tand-ttp. \toricx. lilth and a “CC hit ot' happinc“. Smokes and Jokes Broad & Butter. 33 Ro}a| liwhangc Squarc. S.3I)pm. £6.30. .-\ chancc to rclixc thc day bcl‘orc thc \tnoking han. ax audiencc tttL‘ttthch and comcdianx alikc can light up.

Barry McDonald l’ncl. 3" J3 \xhton l anc. 3-13 IUoo ”put {tut-1t llc'x a cotttcdtan. hc'x local. hc'x thing up thc tatth at gtcat xpccd and th pct'tot’tntttg lttx Itc\\ \ltou

Colin Murphy l'ltc Stand. 333 \\tkkll.tlltl\ Rikki. ”57” Mill (\ll55

" ml‘ln t ill ttlS) lhc cclchtatcd cttcutt cotttcdtan l\ hctc \\ ith a htand ttc\\ \olo \ltou


Robin Ince lltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373 .S 30pm t” tt7) (‘lcxct conical} h} a \\tll_\ tttan tot \Iltdll pcoplc li’lt't't/mc' Hut): I [IN m/ t\ thc latcxt \htm Itottt lttcc. \\llll \uppot't Itottt l’htl .lca_\\

Magner's Glasgow Internattonal Comedy it?Sll\’Lil Lunctime Lafls 8. Lattes Slo.ttt\. .-\t'g}lc .-\tc.tdc. 357 5 3S7 lpttt LES It'7) SL‘L' ll lttl l 3

BBC Scotland Presents: The World‘s Greatest . . . Sitcom liltt‘ Scotlattd. ill l’ac tlic Qua}. ‘133 7W)“ 7 With). ('otttcdtattx attd othct tttdttxttt ligut'cx llSt‘ atchnc tootagc to thtaxh ottt \that IS thc hut \Ilcttltl ol all tttuc Stand Up Drink Up: Comedy Crawl .-\gcnda liar. l5 \ltllhtac Road. Sottthxtdc. 7.30pm {51(7) Scc l’htt I3 Four Play liacclttIS. St) ( il.t\\lt)Itl Sttcct. 573 IXISI) Spin £5 tt-l) Scc 'l‘hu l3 Janey Godley l’lattot-nt. l'ltc lit'ltlg‘t‘. llXXl \Yt‘SlL‘t‘ltotlxc Road. l'.a\lclltt)tt\t‘. 370 UN)!» Spit). L55“ L'lll lhc .t\\.tltl \xtnntng cotucdtan and \\IllL‘l ht‘tng\ [ht/mutt (int/In hack to hct hotttcttmn. Robin Ince 'l'ron 'l‘hcattc. ()3 'l rottgatc. 553-1307. Split. U) IL'S). Scc \ch IS Sarah Millican 'lhc Stand. 333 \Yootllaltth Road. (lS7ll (till) (ill55_ Spin, {S (9.7). \Ytttnct‘ oi last _\car\ tI.cotttcd_\ licxt \cucotncr :\\\ard conttntn-x to Man hcr ”all around thc land, Tam Cowan 'I‘ln-atrc Rt)_\al. 2S3 llopt- Strcct. I)S7I) (lot) (to-l7. Spit). t l 55” I£|3 I, .\n :lHl/lt‘llt (' tttI/t lam ("mum ollcrx Ianx ol thc \clct'an hroadcaxtct Ihc chancc to axk ltttt) an_\thtng thc} carc to tlttnk ol. Billy Kirkwood 'I‘hc l'tmct‘xal. 57 5‘) Sauchtchall l.anc. 333 SSW S. 30pm. U) (H). Jo}lul|_\ filth} and hounctngl} L'ltlltllSlt L‘ttlttctl} Irotn thc upeand cotnct'. Ding Dong Comedy Club .\tcl’ltahh\. 33 Sand_\lord l’lacc. 33l I)77I)_ S 30pm. £5 (£4). Scc 'l‘htt l3. Parrot lilacklrtarx. 3t) licll SII‘L'L'I. .553 593-1. 3.301)”). {7 W5). “Hi from I/tt' ('um' IS wt to unlcaxh tttot'c ol l’at‘rot\ no-holdx harrcd L'ttltictl) into thc uorld. Dan Nightingale lit-cl. 3‘) 43 :\\ltlt)tl l.;tnc. 3J3 -l‘)(i(t. Up”). U) (£4). North \icxtcrn \catnp Nightingalc docx lIlS thing. Magners Festival Club ’l'ln- Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. IIS7I) (illll (iti55. ltlpnt. L’S t£7). Scc 'l'htt I3.


Fit 0’ The Giggles @ The Mercat 'l‘hc Mcrcal. 3S \cht Maitland Strcct. 335 S710. S.3I)ptn. £3 per Slit)“. 'l'hc (ilasgovt (”than l'cxtixal prmicux roll on \xtth JoJo Suthcrland attd (iraham Mackic. Heresy 'l‘hc Jck}l| (Q Hyde. I I3 Hanowr Strcct. 335 3033. ()pm. £3. Scc Thu 5.

The Thursday Show 'I'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. 9pm. LS 1L7; ntcmhcrx £4). Start thc \tcckcnd carl} \xith .‘\l(' Sttxan Morrison. l)a\c l-‘ulton. Kcir McAllistcr. Titian} Stcxcnxon attd Stuphcn Callaghan.

E—‘Q Mar 2909 TH! LIST 43