
{1"},‘v/‘IZ WENDY AND LUCY (15) 80min 0...

I'D/‘fl‘ 1 X” ‘3' ' ivv‘lv‘lly lv/‘i ,. ' ‘,

iri!‘r1“r, '1' I ‘7' ." i‘Iv ’. I 4 lrr’.. U" r I'l‘z "I” 2"}‘I1"i$ll "(l ’, l/ / r: I

nor? ;' I: tmlu' r) xarinm r. V»: M, y Nash: Their ;,r',li|e'rr',lie';' ' Quay/r. .'."~:' '.".’er l w: llr r 'ra brea‘r', (wt l in, 'lr',;ir,r,ea', with yr) , ,i ‘r:.'.' riollar', rr p.34 ;,, ref Uli‘: hill', lr‘:l'.‘:l‘ (ll'fl‘r‘; lllili’}' , '1'“) ."1Hl'l‘,‘r'11tll‘f [)‘:T‘:llll'il;’l. ',ll‘; ,lal', ’,r, l“; Thlll‘ 'l’).'.’lr l:‘:l llllllilll‘ l/‘r‘il ‘ll'fl l and to «oritrrrrrr: or: her j’ill'l,‘:, 'wrtt, With a (,r'rr'irlr: ',!r',‘ «,t 3;; .r'rrl or:- dodi, ‘.',/erul, .1! l l r; ,. .i r'» [arr lilll,‘ l'UllI Tl“: ‘l’r'l :ll " “if ”I" ,r’h‘l’i rrlrxrrnr' ’lrrrrmrtrtrl,li.r,_ FN" ‘1‘:“ r'nnr; or: the (Marcher, ol the America! [Ni-arr. V/rlliarrr',' .‘.’illl lrkr: (ilr\,'r,rriur- r'llill‘tl, rrrhatirt'. the role at Werrrly. .r'rrl throurth yer, little rlralortur: stir,- ‘l‘:|..l:lf, a ()t:lll)llll£llltjlf full of resrlrerrrr: and f>l()!lL|T,lll lhr: lrlrn". rrrinrrrral 'lexthrrtrr, it, a triumph to Kelly ()/rl./o'. Herchardt". mtrrbbed rlo‘sxn rlrrertron. combined ‘.‘/llll her crrrernalorirablrer 53am l ex'y's restrained ramera llull ot lorrr; uhotsr and Vv’rlliarrzs‘ modest br-rtorrn.‘rn<,r:. Shopping malls. petrol stations, roads and lilll‘flil‘i," tracks are captured as tlat our,/ locations that \Nerrrl, lrnrlt‘. hersell Ill whrlsl lr >okrn<r tor l um, lhe trlm's sound desrrtn ot trarns, comrnr; and doing). soltli,

captures the melancholic ebb and How of lrlr: H) the northwest, Short and sweet limit/t and l r/(:\.’ arr: worth spending; some time With.

(Selina Hobertsoni

I (Ll/net). [din/)u/glr lrr (1 All?“ lr/rnlror/se, lili/lbi/rgh, lrr .”/ Mar.

innit r l n SURVEILLANCE (18) 97min 0..

Director and co writer Jennifer Chamber's l\,nch rthe -1() year old daughter of trlmmaker [)avrd l ynchl has said that Sr/nuer/rtrrrtre was orrornallt about wrtches. That might explain why the finished film, which is a thriller rnxolvrno serial killers. rs such a muddle. albeit an rnterestrno one, It's certarnh a lot more watchable that Lynch's oreuous trlm, Box/rig; lle/ena. the laughable bsxchosexual romance she made her debut wrth 15> tears ago. Where l gnch seemed to know what she unranted to do but not how to do it. ‘.'.’|lll her follow up she appears not tlllllt,’ sure of what kind of tilm shes lllilhlllt], but nevertheless makes a better (Ul) ot rts execution.

Two FBl agents rJulra Ormond and Bill Pullman turn up at a txrckwater sherrtt‘s ottrce in the wake of the latest assault by a killer on the loose they 're tracking. Three of the killers ‘.'."()lll(l‘l)(2 ‘.'|(,‘T|lllf; ha\ e escaped to seek sateh wrth the local cops. lt talls to agents Anderson and Hallaway to interuev.’ everyone rn sight. and it's here that some hi tech surveillance eouroment comes into play. So tar so rnterestrng, not least because the decent cast also features Michael lronsrde and Pell James. who you might recall as a hibby girl rn Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers. Unfortunately. Lynch rs prone to longeurs. notabh the tedious setting up of the interrogations and an Irrelevant scene durrng which the young jock cops terrorrse some tourists. Still, the denouement rs pleasrngly

perverse. (Miles Fielder) I Genera/ release. Fri 0‘ Mar


You’ve seen him here, you've seen him there. Jan Gilbert talks to Mark Strong

‘You cannot play an “evil” character without finding the humanity in them. That’s what I find very interesting. You’re not asking for sympathy, but you’re not just painting a one-dimensional character,’ says Mark Strong. Having played his fair share of menacing men, he speaks from experience. Who can forget his performance as gangster Harry Starks in the small-screen version of Jake Arnott’s The Long Firm? Or his penchant for ripping out fingernails as the Iranian agent Mussawi in Syriana? Or even his murderous pursuit of the throne as ruthless royal Septimus in Stardust?

It’s twenty years since Strong’s television debut in the comedy After Henry, and thirteen years since his breakthrough role in the BBC series Our Friends in the North. He’s been ‘doing movies seriously’ for the past five years, during which time he’s packed in plenty, including Roman Polanski’s Oliver Twist, three Guy Ritchie features (Revolver, RocknRolla, Sherlock Holmes), Danny Boyle’s Sunshine and Ridley Scott’s Body of Lies.

In his latest role Strong plays Sir John Conroy


(pictured), the relentlessly ambitious royal adviser in the lavish costume drama The Young Victoria. Strong’s interest in Conroy was piqued by his research. ‘I read about his relationship with Victoria and it got me fascinated. I saw his picture at the National Gallery and thought it just looks like me! So I got the sideburns and a small piece made and, although it’s a Victorian character rather than a modern one, I feel I got him.’

The 45-year-old actor is currently on something of an historical roll, with upcoming films set in 19405 Siberia (Peter Weir’s The Way Back), at the fall of apartheid (Endgame), and in 19305 Germany (Good). His part as a Nazi censor in this last film, adapted from CP Taylor’s play, may be small, but it’s no less signficant for the actor. “As a young man wanting to get into the business, I’ve very strong memories of seeing Alan Howard on stage in Good. I’ve just one little scene in the film. At the time I was playing bigger parts, but it really was a labour of love.’ Strong’s scene may be brief, but his powerful performances make any film with his name in the credits well worth watching.

I The Young Victoria, general release, Fri (5 Mar. Good. genera/ release, Fri 77 Apr. See revrew. page 48.

T’: ’.‘l::' 2',',’: THE LIST 4']