
Three Monkeys i 15. secs

(Nun liilge ('e} lan. 'l'urlxe)./ltal}/i-ranee. 200M Yaxul liiiigol. llatiee Asian. Ritat Sungar llt‘linin 'liiiktxh auteur ('e}lan .tllihtllltlhl} branehex out into film noir territor) mth llih superbl} eiatted. eonteinplatixe and L‘llijilltttl _\arn l'ntolding met a \Wt'llt‘lllig. energyxapping \unnner m a elatixtrophobie lainil) llat. drixer tatlier l‘.)lip Iiiingolt. lil\ \iite Hater i.-\~Iani. and their teenage \itli lxniael ISungart lX’LHlllC embroiled in a web ot deeeit. guilt. and ultnnateI} murder (i/meim I‘ll/ll l/u'utn. (rlilieriii. l'l/Ht/lnuu'. [ti/III/Iult'lt Time Out Il’( it C... Il.aurent (Xiiitel. l-ranee. 2002t Aurelien Reeoing. Karin Viard. Serge l.i\ro/et I 34min 'l‘he original l‘reneh ltlle. [limp/III ilu [rm/H ttanxlatex literall) as ‘tiine-table'. \uggexting the strueture impoxed b} a working routine. littiilL'illl} so. \llltL' llii\ IN a slow burning stud) ol a middle-aged otl'iee \xorla'r who. hanng Imt lil\ lob. eannot bear to tell lil\ tamil}. so he \lllijtl} mxentx a next one lint maintaining llil\ tietion soon beeomex a lull- tiiiie oeeupation ('antet \xax lli\[illt'tl b} a doeuinented ease. but it i\ .i testament to lil\ torinal eontiol and ra/oiwhai‘p inxiglit that lii\ lietional ending I\ more tjlilt'll} demstaling than what happened in real lite Matineex onl}. ('umi'u. lit/lll/Hl/L’li. The Unborn l I5i so Il)a\ at S (io_\er. [S 2000; liar} ()ldman. Jane Alexander. ()dette Ylhllililll. H7intit. l’la}ed in \itrlttlIS \tatex oi undress b} \kmn} *iiiéiliillx Yuxtinan. ('ase} lialdon lK‘llL‘\t'\ that \he'\ being haunted b} a d_\bbuk. an e\ Il \pn‘it attempting to uxe her dead In in as a portal into our \Htrltl. A b} the-numbers triglit tliek elexated b) a resonant grounding in Jen I\li supernatural Iore (it'm'rul n-lt-uu: Valkyrie I l2.-\t O... tlir) an Singer. l'S/(ierman). 2008i 'I'om ('ruixe. Kenneth liranagh. liill Nigh}. l20min. Seeret (ierinan) and the 20 Jul} I044 plot to tt\\£t\\lnillc llitler get the 24 treatment in Singer's engaging neu thriller. Months below the end ol \Vorld \‘v'at' ll. ('olonel \oII Slaul'lenberg t('rui\et beeame the dm ing t'oree behind an attempted eoup. A big eaxl eaper tliek. iii/Litre doex drag in plaeex but it I\ ne\ er lexx than pen erxel} \HIISUIIIC. Sliou'i‘tm' ('Iriemu. (out/Wider, (ilmeou; Sliou'i'uu' ('utr'mu. I’iiiilt'i. l’imln. Vicky Cristina Barcelona l l2.-\I O. IWood) Allen. Spain/l‘S. 2008i Javier liardem. Penelope (‘ru/. Searlett Johanxson. Rebeeea lIaII. 96min. Young Amerieans Yiek} Illallt and ('rixtina Iiohanxsont go to slit) in liareeloiia tor one summer. When artist Juan ('arlo Iliardemt deelares his lU\I lot ltollt ol them a \et'Ie\ oil events are put in plaee that ma} jliSI be a bit too ‘l.atin' for either ol them. Dampened b) une\en \hil'tx li‘om laree to inelanehol). Ino- dimenxional ehai'aeterx and indil‘lerent direetion trom Brooklyn bard .-\Ilen. Selei'tnl I't'll'llfit'. The Village Album on i.\tihara Mitxuhiro. Japan. 2004i llliiiiii. Plans to build a dam iii the \ illage ol llaiiataiii \purx llie \ illage photographer to make a eolleetion of photos of all the local tainiliex in the area. The photographer emplo} \ the Iielp ol lil\ 'I'ok}o-ba.\ed son and a relationship drama unravels. This \ereening \\ ill be preeeded b} short doeumeiilar} The xi rt of Ii‘mhom ill-tiring. l’art ot'contemporar} iapaiiexe Film season. (it/niore/nll (il2. (ilmgon. Waltz with Bashir l lb't 0000 (All Folman. Israel/German) /I-‘ranee. 2008i Voices of Ron Ben-Yishai. Ronn) l)a_\ag. Ari I-‘olinan. 00min. This animated t’eature about war. seleetn e amnesia and the liltiCUliS genocide eommitted b) ('hrixtian militiamen on Palestinian refugee eatnps in Sabra and Shatila during the I982 Lebanew War is more optimistie than it \0lilitl\. lilieiting rare and painful truths. I-‘olman'x tlluxlrated memoir makes for a bra\ e. damning and rixeting piece of einema. I-ilmliouu'. Edinburgh.

Watchmen I IS) 000 I/aek

Snyder. l'S. 2000i Jackie liarle Hale). Patrick Wilson. Malin Akerinan. lolinin. See review. page 46. (inn-ml release. The Wave I lSt 0.. (Dennis (iansel. Germany. 2008) Jurgen \‘ogel. Frederick Lau. Max Riemelt. 107mm. A sliekl} produced examination ot‘ how fascism can

52 THE LIST 5—19 Mar 2009

enter exeryda} lite. Ilit Him l\ a peer promre teen drama “here inueh ot the heat wmex trom aboxe. littllet'al‘l} \ogel\ high \elitkil teaeher u ho uonderx u hat uill happen it he Ill\ltl\ in the kid~ a rut leMHl‘ troin the \a/i pa\l (ianxel doesn't dig too deep. but lli\ \iell-inade )ituth drama otters a eouple ot lIlHlIiClil5 ot lL'li\lUli eome the denoiieinent (Ii/t on [inn-lit m1. Re rim H Wendy and Lucy I5: oooe tKL'll} Re‘le‘ltliitrtll. [-5. 2005i \lteliL'llL‘ \Villiamx. \\ ill l’atton. \\ ill ()ldhain Mtnnn See rexieu. page 4‘ and profile in ll\llllj2\ (ii/tint. la/IIi/tu/g/i Who‘s Camus Anyway? i I5» coo I.\lil\uo Yanagimaehi. Japan. 2005: Shaun K.l\lil\\.il‘.il.i. lliiiaiio Yosliil‘aua. .-\i \laeda I I5min \ietaplnxieal drama about a group ot Japanese liliHL‘hll} \tudeinx u ho are \ lose to eompleting a lilllt about a murder. but when their pri\ate li\e\ iiitertere \Kllli then ereato e ettortx. the )oungxterx beeoine undone sliml} l’art ol Realit} l'ietion \eaxon I'l/IlI/llttlu'. Ia/IIi/iure/i Winds of September I I2;\t t'l'om I III. lam an. 200M Rli}tll;tli Vaughan. (‘hieh ('hang. Jenniter (‘hu I07min 'lendei eoming’ot-age drama \et ttgttllhl the heated baekdrop ot 'laman‘x I006 baseball \eandal in ninth \itlilt' ot the lxland'x most tamoux pla}er~ \\ ere eaught inateh li\lli}2. l’ait ot 'l‘amanexe l'lllli l-extnal. Il/m/Itttlu‘. lat/IIi/turg/I. The Wrestler I l5i C... Il)arien Aronotxk}. l'S. 2008i Mieke} Rourke. Marisa 'l‘oinei. l:\an Raehel \Vood. l0‘)nnn llltptnel'tSlIL‘tl urextler Rand} "I‘lie Ram' Rttltlliutli IRourket. lighting a liNlth' battle it ill] lil\ tinaiieex. trades on \ ulgar paxt glories b} taking regular beating\ on the independent \xi'extling eireuit. .\'ot .oerxe to ear\ ing “minds in his torehead to \imulate serious damage. Rand} liiiall} lillx roek bottom. but ean he ehmb baek'.’ :\ salt) llil\ ot brutal eoined) and while traged} inakex t'or an aeeomplixhed eharaeter stud}. Iio/tiinion. [Jilin/Hugh. The Young Victoria tl’( it so. IJeanvMare Vallee. l‘K/l'S. 200w Rupert l’i‘iend. limil) liltiiit. Mark Strong. l04inin. See leature. page lo. inter\ re“. page 47 and i‘e\ ten. page 4S. (ii’iit'm/ I't'lt'ilu'. Zidane: A 21 st Century Portrait tl’(it C... tl)ougl;t\ (iordon. Philippe l’arreno. I‘ranee/leeland . 200m 05min. 'l‘lie Seottixh tii‘llxl (iordon and lil\ l‘reneh collaborator l'ollou a mateh l'i'om Zidane'x perspeetn e. The lilm t'oeuxex lexx on the alread} publieixed exentx ot’(ierman} 2000. being le\\ a \pot'tx Itio\ ie and more tilt anal}\i\ ol the immigrant e\perienee. l’art iii an Intrmluetion to liuropean (‘inema eourxe. I“i/lllllHll\r'. Iii/III/ture/t.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


4_ 0 Sauehiehall Street. liookiiigx. 0141 352 4000. I’riee\ \ar_\

SATURDAY ,' MAR Making Film: Sleep Furiously «I’( it 2.00.

Arrangedil’m .\00.

SATURDAY If. MAR Making Film: Better Things I I5I 2.00.

The l'orge. l’arkliead. 24hr bookings tk int'o: (IS?! 200 2000 Adults £5.70 iL'5 .\lon 'l'hu bet'ore 5pmt: (‘Iiildren 9.4 (£3.70 .\ion 'l’hut: Students £4 (£3.50 Mon 'l‘Iiut: ().-\I’\ L4 l-amil} tieket £16. liai'l} bird tall perloi'inaneex beloi'e noont: £3.70. Moxiex tor .ltiniot'x ISal atiit: L'l. Yeai'l} jt;t\\ Iunhinited mo\ie\t: £1090 per month.


Bolt tl’(ii 8.40. Confessions of a Shopaholic ll’( ‘0 ll.l0am. 1.35. 3.50. (t.l0. 8.30. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button il2.-\t S20.

Hotel for Dogs it) I 1.50am. 2.05. 4.20. 6.35.

The International I I5) 4.05. 6.40. (t.l5.

The Pink Panther 2 ll’( it I.50. 4. I0. 6.I5.

l0.50ain. I20. 3.55. 0.20.

l0.55am. I30.

I 1.40am.

Slumdog Millionaire I I5» 3.55.

The Unbomtl5i I230. 2.45. 5.00. 7.I5. 9.20.

The Young Victoria ll’(iI |.I0. 3.40. (i.l0. 3.35.


l)ail\': I220. 2.50InotSunt. 5.50.

Bolt (Subtitled) I P( it

Sun: 2.50.

Confessions of a Shopaholic ll’( it l)ail_\‘: 12.10. 3.30. 6.00. 8.30.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button l I2At

l‘ri Stiii & 'l‘ue: S20.

Mails: The Transatlantic Feecfliack

Dietmar Post and

Lucia Palacios’

award winning 2006 documentary about the wild life and legacy of great cult German garage rock group The Monks finally reaches Scottish

screens for a few days this fortnight.

I GFf. Glasgow. Sat 74 8 Sun 75 Mar.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (50W) t l 2-\t

Mon 320

Hotel for Dogs ll i l).i|l_\ II 30am. I40. lgOf ll)(il

Sat Ittttttani

The International 1 I5. DJ”). 6 I0_ .\50 Kung Fu Panda II’( Sat l000ain MarieyBMetI’to


\VedtV l’hu ll00ain. I 30. 400. 6 30_ 000


l'lt lue 6 30. S45

\Ved tk llilt S 20

The Pink Panther 2 In it

in 'l'ue. noon iiioi Salt. I 10. l 15 Star Wars: Clone Wars mo.

Sat: l000am

The Tale of Despereaux ll i

Sat: ll 30am

The Unborn I I5»

l)ail_\' I230. 240. 4 50. "00. it to Watchmen I Is.

l)ai|_\: I240. 420. ‘40

The Young Victoria It'ttt

l)ail_\' II00ain. I 20. 350. 0 l5. S40.

Clnsworki BentrewStrset

7 Rentrexi Street 24hr ltitithtllgW .\ into 0S7l 200 2000. liai .\dult\ tit-10 IL2 50 Mon l'ri betore 5pnii. ('onex Lil-10 i’ainil} tieket L'I" 0215.60 Sun l'hut liarl} bird tall tieketx betoie lpmt :4 Yearl} pttxx iunliinited llttt\lt‘\l t' l0 0" per month.


Anvil! The Story oi Anvil I I5» 6 30. (too.

Boitii’to ll.40aiti. 2.00. 4.20. Boll3otl’(it ll.l0am. ll.30ain. l5 2.30, 4.40. 5.30. x30.

Che: PartTw0iI5t 6.20. 0,30 Confessions of a Shopaholic I tit I I l0.l5am. ll,00am. I240. I30. 330. 4.00, 6.30. 0.20.

The Curious Case at Benjamin Button ll2:\t I245. 4.30. 3.00

Doubtil5t 2.40.

Franklynit5t I30. 400. 6,15. 010 Friday the 13thtlxi 0.30.

Gran Torln01|5t noon. 3.00, 600 0.00.

He’s Just Not That Into You I l2:\t ll.00atn. 2.I0. 5.20. 540.

Hotel for Dogsit‘t ll.00ain. I 30.


The International I I5: ll.ltltaiit. 2.00.

5.00. S00.

My Bloody Valentine 3D I IM ".10.


NewlnTownitzm I220. 3.00. 530. 3.00.

Notoriousil5i 6.I0. ‘)_l0.

Pushtl2.-\t ll.30ain. 230. 5.20. 330.

The "8309f l l5) tiitolt. 5.40 Slumdog Millionaire I l5t I I.40am. 2.30. 5.30. x. 30. The Unborn I I5t 7.20. 9.50.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona I I2.\.

12.15. 2.40. 5.00.

10.30am. l.I0, 3.45. 6.20. 0.00. Watchmeniittt II.45. TheYounngctorlatItoi 12.30. 3.00. 5.30. 3.00.


AmericanTeeniI5t Daily: l.00. 3.30. 6.l0. S40.

Also late l'lrt (K; Sat: l l.30. Bolt Il’(it

Sat a Sun: I240. 3.00. Bolt 30 Il’(it

I)ail_\: ll.l0am Inot Mont. ll.30ain. I50 Inot Mont. 2.30. 4.40 inot Sat & Mont. 5.l5. 7.l0 (not Sat at Mont. Confessions of a Shopaholic «Pt it l)ail_\: lI.30am Inot'l‘uet. I240. 1.50 Inot 'l‘uet. 3.30. 4.200101 'l‘uet. 6.20. 7.00 (not Tuet. 9.20.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button il2.-\t

Daily: I245 Inot Sat 6.; Sunt. 4.30 tnot Sul~.\1tinl. 8.20 (not Stilt.

Late Sat: I040.