
NewInTowni12-\. 11 mum. 2411. 5 :5. hiii)


PUShil3,-\i l3-il). ‘45. “35. liii5 Slumdog Millionaire . 15. II 15......

2 :5. 5 .15. H i5

The Unbomil5. II Iii..m. 1:5. 4 Iii.

(i ii). liiii)

The Young Victoria .I’(i. I3 25. Iiiii. s 11.. hiii)

ilill')/5‘l/ i- llli SILL/M '

American Teen . I5.

l)uIl\ l3 55. i3i). (. l5. H55 .\l\ii l.ilt' l II (\ Sill ll 2”

80" il".ll

Sui .\' \1111 l iii). i ii)

Bolt 30 il’i i.

lell} II ”(1.1m inni Mimi. )3 II).

I 111 1111.1 \liim. 3 41). ~liiiii11iil.\liini Confessions of a Shopaholic 1 1’1}. Hull} )3 35 inni \M'.) (k i ll“).

Nil). 5.51) inui \Vcil .\ IllilI). H 35 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button il3:\1

l'l'l luv. 3 *5 111.11 8.11 .\ Sun). 851). .‘\l\ii in & \iiill ll.ll5ulll.

Gran Torino i 15.

Hull}: II.-Iiiuin. 3.45. 5 ii). NH). :\l\..lult'l‘1'1& \uli l|.iiii.

The Great Escape il'I

\liin: I355. 435. Niii).

Hotel for Dogs .1'.

Sui .\ Sun: I) ”5.1111. )4”.

Igor il’(i.

Sui: liiiiiiuiil.

The International i 15.

l);lll}I I I.5i)um llllil Sun).

3. *5 111111 illL' ill“).

5. ‘5 iliiil 'l‘ut'I.

H.15inui'l'11i' llllli.

_'\l\li'i.llL'j (xiii)

.‘\l\ii lulL' l'l'l «k Sui: ”.35,

Kung Fu Panda il’il)

Sui: Iii.|5um.

Marley& Me «Hi.

\Vcil & ’l‘lilll Iliiiium. 13.51). 3111), ill), 5i)”, (i,llil_ Kill) ‘)_i)i).

My Bloody Valentine 3D 1 Is.

liuil) inni Mimi: (.31). 0.05.

New in Town i 13A.

I)...I}: 5.iiii_“...

The Pink Panther 2 .I’( 11

Sui & Sun Ii).5iiuIiI.

Slumdog Millionaire. I5.

liuil}: I|.I5um. 3.35. 5.45 (1101 Wall.


Star Wars: Clone Wars il’( in

Sui: Iii..‘~iium.

Surveillance i 114.

liuil}: I351) 1111.1 Wu) «k Thu). .. .. .5.-l.5111111\\i‘ilt\’ 'I’huI. 8.15.

.-\|\n \Vcd & llilli 13.45. 5.41).

.'\l\ii lulc l'l‘i & Sui: li).5i).

’4 J1


The Unborn i I51

Dull} ll Ilium .\ l 151nm Mi .\ \11111. 4 IiI_ (.411, I) ll)

:\l\il luiL' l‘lI (K \.'II ll 5“

Vicky Cristina Barcelona . I3 -\.

l‘rI \lim (. Iii

Watchmen. Ix.

l).11l\ 11min. liii). Hi). 4 ;H. 5 )5. x41.

.'\l\i) llllL' in k Sul' ll) 45

TheYoung Victoria 1111;.

l);ill} 135i). ”5.1mm. .\ :1.


lH \L'\\li;iiIlL' ‘lL'i'l'tlL C. (it liiiiiklllL‘ ”l 5i 445 45"” lllli) iil 5l 4-3—5 :(iiill .illil 44‘ 34511. .»\illill' Sluniluiil L5 ~i). Supciiiii Ui.(.li.('111c111u V4 U. (iii \liin l'l'l iwluic (ililil' Sluniluril L4 “ii. Supciiiii £4‘)ii.('111c111u V4 {5.1.11 ('iinccxxiiinx/i'liililrcn. Sluniluiil L4 31). Sllpi'iiiii‘ L5.(.i).(‘111cin;. \14 L431) l’uIIIIiunx. .-\Ilci'n..nn Li) ‘iii. l’.\t'lilli.‘-‘

Ll l._5i) Siilgh/Rt‘t'lllit'l'x .-\llt‘l'liiiiili‘ {7.51). ltwning {)3 5i) ('Im'mu 3 Sulux' Alli-1111mm L751). ltwmng L35“ 8111.lele iSun llilli £41.11 lllL'lllilL'\ .1 drink. lunml} llL'kL‘lx II‘iiIII L' i.4ii pcr pcrwn. l’ui‘cni uni) huh) \ci't'i'ningxi Li llil L'llk'li ut'i‘mnpummg udull.


Confessions of a Shopaholic .1'( l. 1.31). 5411. (xiii).

The International 1 15. 1.411. 4. I 5. 1.45. The Readeril5. 2311. 5.111. Revolutionary Road 1 15. x45.

Slumdog Millionaire. I5. 3111.. 5.1m. H.111.

TheWrestleriI5. XII).

The Young Victoria 11%;. 3.1111.


Bolt il’(iI

Sui & Sun: I41).

Confessions of a Shopaholic .1’( I. liuil}: 5.45.

.»\l\nl'1‘i.\\'cil& 'l‘hii: Iii).

Hotel for Dogs 1 i i

Sui & 81111: 1.15.

The lntemational i 15.

liuil): H.3i).

The Reader. I5.

liuil}: 3.35.

Slumdog Millionaire i 15.

Hull}: (xiii). 8.3.5.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona 1 12.-\. l)uil_\: 3.I(i inni Mun & ’l‘uci. 4.31). (1.5.5. 3.5.5.

The Wrestler i 15.

liuil): (xiii).

The Young Victoria 1P0.

liuil): .iiili. 5.35. Mil).

The organ replacement business goes corporate in this thoroughly silly and demented goth comedy rock opera from Saw franchise director Darren Lynn Bousman. Anthony Head, Paul Sorvino and Paul Sorvino feature among a large cast. Bousman and writer/actor Terrance Zdunich will be in attendance to take part in 0&As at both screenings.

I Fl/li)/iOU$P. Edinburgh. Wed 1 1 Mar. GFF. Glasgow. Thu 12 Mar.

\\ l i‘ll)l.lli Ri1.lil.lll ll :3\ :(‘\\ ii.” RL'\l.ilII.ilil l \t‘mn; win-111119 illi‘lii 5pm. {ii .14 51)) \i.llIIlCC5 Il‘L'li‘lL' 5pmi L45i'i111.l11ixiiguin111.11111ccx

11511.1‘. . 1;; ' ‘U- “Hi.

1. Conversations with my Gardener .13\.Iiii1.i.iiii ThreeMonkeys.I5. Hi1. \ u. 2.AChristmasTale.I5. :iiii. 5.15 In The Realm of the Senses (A) No Corrida).1.\. x511 3.Paris36.I5. Iiiii. 1.1111 WaltzWith Bashiriix. 545. 5 55

Wm. . "5.1 1.TheYoungVictoria11’il. I :1. 545. (m1. .\ I5

2.TheReaderiI5. 1345. 231......11. 5,41.

3. Flame and Citron . I5. :15. .\ :1. Killer’s Kiss. 1:. 1.25

()Ail ”‘in ' l.l'.\l‘i 1.TheYoungVictoria.I’(i. I :1. 145. 1.1.1. Ms

2.The Reader.l5. 1245. 53H. H.411 Cape N07 .I’(i. (..iii)

3. Flameand CitroniI5. 115. x :1. Mazu.1’(;. 4111.

Killer’s Kiss. I.‘_. i. 15

f3) )NI NW A MAI.‘

1.TheYoung Victoriail’il. 1511. ;45. (.1111. 3.1.5.

2. Flame and Citron. I5. 3 45

The Readeril5. 5.45. .\'.%ii

3. Killer’s Kiss . 13. 1.15

Winds oi September l 13.-\. .1 iii).

Drz Boyz.1’(;. 1.31..

Flame and Citron I 15. x45

MiiNl )AY t) MAN

1. The Young Victoria (Parent 8. Baby Screening) il’( )1 ll). ‘xiium.

The Young Victoria il’(;. Iii). K45. (.1111. 8.15.

2.The Reader.l5. 1.1111. 3.15. Hunger. I5. (.1111.

3. Flame and Citron i 15. 3.45. 5.111. Seasons 11%;. + Roam il’(ll 5.45.

Ilii SHAY 1i? MAR 1.TheYoungVictoriail’ii. Iii). H5. (.011. 8.1.5.

2. Hungeril5. Hi). 3.45.

The Killing 11%;. (.15.

3. Flame and Citron i 15. 3.45. 5411. Zldane: A 21$t Century Portrait iI’( i1 1.1.1).


1. The Young Victoria il’(l) 151.. K45. (.1111. 3.15.

2. The Killing 11%;. 5511.

Doctor Strangelove (Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb) il’(;. (.1111.

Repo! The Genetic Opera 1 Ix. 5,11.

3. Flame and Citron i 15. 2.45. x 2i). Faceilx. 5.45.


1.The Young Victoria 1H}. 1.31). 1.45. 1.1.11.

Restless Natives 11%;. KM).

2. Doctor Strangelove (Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb) 11%;. 3.311. (.1111.

The Young Victoria il’( )1 x. I 5.

3. Flame and Citron. 15. 245. SN). Row,l...115. (.15.

FRIDAY if) MAR 1.TheYoungVictoriail’U. 1.311. 3.45. (viii). hi5

2. Paradise Now115. 2.1.1). (.15. Anvil! The Story ofAnviliI5. 4.15. 8.45.

3. Flame and Citron i 1.5. 3.011. 8.31). Live Today, Die Tomorrow! 1 15. (mi.


1. The Young Victoria .I’( i. I51). mm. 3.15.

2.Anvil!TheStoryofAnvil.I5. 115. .\ l1)

LemonTreeil‘i. 1111515

3. Lithuania and the Collapse of the USSRil’iii 11min FlameandCltron-I5. “15. ~11...

1. Pooh's iiefialump Movie .1 » 1 iii) The Young Victoria .I‘ii. liiii. 1.111)

.\ I5

2. Tale of the Three Jewels. I.‘ \. liii) Anvil! The Story of Anvil I5. 1 .‘ii.

5 l5

Spartacusil5. ‘15

3. Flame and CitroniI5- u... 545 Chosyu Five i )5) .\ ii)

1. Pooh’s liefialump Movie .1 . Ii) “Mm

The Young Victoria .I'ii. I 2... 145. 1.1111. .\ I5

2. Slumdog Millionaire . I5. I I5

Anvil! The Story of Anvil 15. 5 l5.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind .1'1 1. s is

3. Flame and Citron. I5. :1... .\ iii Slumdog Millionaire l I 5. 1. iii) ”11:47.. *‘LIAH

1.The Young Victoria il’iii I :1. H5. (. iii). 5 I5

2. Slumdog Millionaire . I5. I 15. i. I5 Anvil! The Story of Anvil . I5. 145.

x .15

3. Flame and Citron i 15. Hi1), .\ iii

The Counterieiters (Die Falscher) . 15.

\.'.‘1 1M 1;: IA. MAI-I

1.The Young Victoria il’('.. 1 iii. ;45. 1.1.1., .\ I5

2. Slumdog Millionaire. I5. I I5. 1.. I 5 Anvil! The Story of Anvil . 15. H5.

.\ 45

3. Flame and Citron. I5. 1111.. h 111

A Chain of Islands . 15. 1.1.1.

1111 Ilium/(1’ 1'.

1.The Young Victoria il’ii. 1 iii. K45. (.1... x15

2. Slumdog Millionaire l 15. I I5. (.15 Anvil! The Story oi Anvil i 15. H5. 345.

3. Flame and Citron. 15. 11.11. 3 iii Who's Camus Anyway? . 15. i. (ii)

llh l.i)llil.lli Riiuil. H) il 33) H77 34hr hunkingx .\ 111).. 11371 33440117 liui‘. .’\lll|ll\ i." iUilwliiIt' 3p1111.('iim'\ L5.

I111 )iifsiii‘x/ '3 MAP.

Confessions of a Shopaholic ll’( 1. I. 111. 14.5, (.111. 3,15

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ll3x\i liiii.

Hotel for Dogs 11'. I 45

The lntemational l 15. 3111.. 5.1.1). mm. Slumdog Millionaire i 15. 2.15. 5.15.

H. I 5.

The Young Victoria .l’( I. .\ ii).

HillJA/h THURSDAY ‘1.”

Changeling (Senior Screening) . 15. inc; lliiiium.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 1 I3:\I

l'l'l 'l‘uc: 7.45.

The lntemational i 15.

ill luv: 30”. .5.iiii.

Marley 8. Me 11%;.

Wu) d; 'I‘hu: 2.1K). 5.1m. .H'. I 5. Slumdog Millionaire i 15.

l)uIl_\: 31511101811111. 5V). 8.45 inni luv).

Slumdog Millionaire (Subtitled) i 151 Sun: 3.l5.

'luc: 3.4.5.

Watchmen i Ix.

Dull}: lili). 4.51). xiii) inn! Thui. The Young Victoria i1’( 1.

mu}; 1.31.. 3.4.5. mm. 8.31).

The Young Victoria (Parent 8. Baby Screening) il’iii 'luc: Iii. iiium.

a‘.‘::' j/ THE LIST 55