
Glasgow Storytellers Sun S .\lar. 3.30 3.30pm ialso Sat 14 Mar. 3. I .5- 4.l5pmr £7 (Ur; children £3; lamil} ticket £14i. Mitchell Library 30| North Sire-CL 0344 S47 I633. Sitirficlllng hit all the lamil}. l’urr u/ .’l\(‘ ll'rrrw'. Hunk 11/ St til/um] Hun/t l‘l‘tlltrl/.

Morris Heggie, Gordon Tait and Tom Paterson Sun S Mar. 4 5pm. £7 (£0; children £3; lamil} ticket £l4r. Mitchell Libritr}. 30! North Street. ”344 847 l(r.S‘3. See hovt cornrc \trrpx are hurlt up then haw a go. I’urr (if .ilu' H'rrlt": Hunk u/ .St'oI/um/ lr’rmk l‘l'UIltll.

Jualia Donaldson Sat l4 Star.

I lam noon. £7 1U»; children L3; lamrl} ticket U4). Mitchell l.rhi'ar'_\. NH North Street. 0844 S47 HMS i. Join the celehr‘ationx tor the (irul'talo‘x tenth birthday. Agex 4 7. I’ll/'1 of .'l\(' B'riltz'.‘ [fun/t of .Si'ulltrm/ [funk /'('\ll\(l/.

Debi Gliori Sat l4 Mar. 3 3pm. £7 (£6; children £3: tarnil} ticket £14i. Mitchell l.iht‘ai'}. 301 .\'or'th Street. 0344 S47 l(rS3. l'ind out \xho or what the Strega-Borgiax are with l)ehi (iliori. l’ur! n/ she B'rilth': Him/t u/ Scot/um! Bun/x I't'xll't'ul.


Telling Tall Tales Sat 7 Mar.

l lam noon. L'thc. The Village Storytelling ('entre. St Jamex' l’arixh ('hurch. lh'3 Meiklet'ig ('r'excent. SS3 3035. Family \tor'ytelling \exsionx on the lirst Saturda) ol‘ each tnorrth. ('hildr‘en must be accompanied.

FREE Storytelling Sat 7 Mar. l lam. Scotland Street School \ltixeuni. 335 Scotland Street. 337 0500. l’un talex aplenty with thix tour arotriid the inuxeunr. Agex 3 7.


Activities and Fun

FREE Super Science Show / Meet the Scientist l'rriil Sun 2‘) Mar. l3.|5pm. |.l5pm. 3.15pm & 3.l5pm. National Muxeum ol' Scotland. (‘hamher'x Street. 3357534. Learn about the \eience hehind e\ eryda} Iil‘e. hitch a ride on a mini hovercraft. \it on a chair ol' nailx or lind otrt u hat \cientixtx get tip to in their ltthtH'dlUl'lL‘S. .-\ge\ 5+. Wednesday Art Club Wed 1 I it IS Mar. 3.30 5.30pm. £1 (50p). North lidinhurgh Am ('entre. l5a l’enn) \\ ell ('ourt. 3l5 315 I. Art cluh facilitated h} Joanna Bo) cc lior' kidx aged P4 P7. Mini Movers Thu 5. l3 & It) .\lar.

l0 llam. l'iii'xt child £3.50 tadditional children £3). ()ut ot‘ the Blue Drill Hall. 30 36 Dalmen) Street. l.eith. 555 7l0l. Drop-in creati\ e mmement and dartce claxx for toddlers to pie-School. ('hildren muxt be accompanied.

Saturday Art Club: Sculpture 2 Sat 7 & 14 Mar. Sat l0am noon &

l.30 3.30pm. £40 (filth. l)ean (ialler). 73 Bell‘or'd Road. 634 (i560. Learn techniques in conxtnicting and assembling sculpturex. taking inspiration from the modern sculpturex at the Gallery of Modern An and Dean (ialler); Morning \L‘\\i0n ages 5 7: al'temoon sesxion agex .S-l I.

Family Live Healthy Day Sat 7 S l4 Mar. I0am. U. St Bride's ('entre. It) ()mell 'l‘errace. 34o l405. Weekl) classes in gardening. cooking and “(new for all the family

Saturday Studio: Sculpture Sat 7 & 14 Mar. l.30 4.30pm. £40 tL'ltli. National Gallery of Scotland (‘omple\. The Mound. (r34 (i300. li\amine a range of sculptures in the National (ialleriex‘ collection and learn hoxx to create _\our own. Ages ll- 15.

60 THE LIST 5—t9 Mar 2009

FREE Sate Cycling Session for 5—7s Sun 5 8t l5 \lar‘. l lam .\'oon Ro}al Botanic (iarden. 30a lmerlerth ..._ '71"! (‘_\clr\t\ aged .5 3 cart learn iron to c}cle \atel} attd \err\rhl} l’arentx muxt he prexent Booking rn titl\.’tltcc IS evential plea~e L‘llldtl etentl” dancult co trk Sc’SStHlt tor age~ 3 ii at \amll. Susan's Art Club l'l'l (r Mar. 3 3 30pm I" lot 00 min xexxron. St ('atlrerrrrek :\t'g_\ ll ('hur'ch. (ll 03 (irange Road. on" 7330. .\rt\ and cralh tor S l3-_\r-old\ Afterschool Arts in (r Mar. 3 4pm ‘45 (hit ol the Blue Drill Hall. 30 it» Halmem Street. |.erth. 555 "ltll Hear about Ruxxran iconograph} then make \ome art \ktll’kS. Book \ra \\\\\\.lllllt‘tl.t\\\ttll rrre uk or 070.5] 15—‘3 I 3 .-\j_'L‘\ —+ FREE getEmotional Sat 7 .\lat'. noon 4pm Ro}al Botanic (iarden. 30a lmerleilh Rou. 553 "I“! l'md otit ho“ llllttglllg ltitilS can he llSL'd lU 'xee' the emotional l‘l'dlll at work. and make yttri- otxn neuron and emotrorial dial. .\ge\ 5+. FREE What is a Fruit? Sat 7 Mar. 3 4pm. Roytl Botanic (iat‘den. 30a lnxer'lerth Rim. 553 7I7I. l'rnd otrt the diller'encex het\\een ll'llll\ and \cgetahlex. and dixctncl' him the} dexelop. .-\gc\ 7+. FREE Dr Bike Sun S. Sat l4 a Sun l5 Mar. 1 lam lpnr. Roxal Botanic (iarden. 30a lmer'lerth Rott. 553 7|7l. l)r Bike \\ ill be on hand to help keep )our hike roadnorth). FREE Big K’Nex Construction Session! Sun S & l5 Mar. llatn 4pm. National Museum ol' Scotland. ('hamherx Street. 3357534. (iet )our‘ hard hat on and \pend an al'ter'noon huilding \tull. FREE Darwin: The Beagle and Beyond Sun .S Mar. noon lprrr. Rota!

Botanic (iat‘den. 30a lnxerlerth Ro\\_ 553 3 l "I learn about l)ar\\in\ \o}age on H.\lS Beagle and plantx .i\\t\‘tated \\ rtlr him on a tour or the (iardem .\ge\ l3o Afterschool Arts in 1 ‘~ Mar. 2 4pm {.5 ()ut ot the Bltre Drill Hall. 30 3o ”allitcll} Street. l.erth. 555 ~lttl -\ \torkdtop mxprred h} the \t_\ le ot \ext /ealand anrxt \latthrm Kauage Book \ra \\ \x \\ rulicdatt \onrrieuk or 0""5l

l V315 \gL'S at

First Impressions: Matthias Kauage Sat l4 \lai'. llam noon L4 in (hit ot the Blue Drill Hall. :0 3h |)almen_\ Street. l.erth. 555 "I01 Julie l)a\\ \oit lcad\ llth \kttt‘kxhop about Ne“ /ealand artrxt. Kauage x\ge\ 4 S. trrrder 5x muxt he accompanied. Book \ ra

\\ \\ \\.|llllt‘tld\\ \ontne tik or 0305] Hit.»

FREE Signs of Spring Sat 14 Mar.

3 3.45pm. Ro}a| Botanic (iar‘den. 30a lmerlerth Rim. 553 7|"l. l'rnd otit the hotu and the \kll}\ ot \pr'rng \\ ith the (iar'den Rangerx. Surtahle lol’ all agex. FREE Bags of Art in March Sun IS Mar. 3 4pm. National (killer) ol Modern .-\rt. "5 Belt'ord Road. (r34 (r300. (ii‘ah a goodie hag ol aclt\ HICS to help get the HittSl til the L'UllccltttltS. .>\ge\ 5 l3.


Children’s Classic Concerts: Crash, Bang, Wallop! Sun S .\lar. 3pm. £10 tlamil} ticket {3%. ()ueen'x llttll. B7 :5") (‘lt‘l'k Sll'L‘L‘l. (365' 3”“). Sec (ilaxgow

Theatre & Dance

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Sponge who Could Fly! A New Musical Wed I l Sat 14 Mar. \Ved ‘I'hu

~prti talw liltu 4pmi. I ['1 Sat 4 30pm t\ 7 30pm Llo 50 £35 l-e\tr\a| lheatre. 11:U\1Ui|\,tn.\‘uccpSjtlmxitl \t‘c prexte“

The Book of Beasts Hut 1‘) Sat .‘1 Mar. lhu l'l'l 10am talw lhtr l 30pmi. Sat llam S 3pm to. tantrl} ticket 133 Brunton l'heatr‘e. l adxu ell “at. \ltixxelhurgh. («‘5 3340 ('hrldren'x theatre compan) ('athertne \\ lieelx prexentx a pla} about I tonel and the “lt‘lc‘lk'd Hunk t‘l lic'dSlS. lltdl \‘llet‘ opened unleaxhex a \xicked red dragon


FREE Happy Birthday Gruflalo! Sat 3 .\lat. llam 4pm \\atei\tone\. (lirtreroii loll Shopping (cutie. it 1 ad} Road. Nth lSoh (‘clehrate the tenth l‘ll‘llitld} ol Julia [tonaldxon‘x hatr_\ head

FREE Julia Donaldson and Axel Schefflerlhu I3 .\lar. l0 itlanr \\Iillt'l'\l\‘lit‘.\. l35 l’l’lttt‘t‘S Street. 330 2mm. //r¢' (irriritr/o cr‘eatorx read trom arid \rgn copicx ot tlterr hookx


Discover the Half Seen World Sat 7 Mar. 3pm. £4 it‘3; group ot tour U3! Scottrxh Storytelling (cutie. 4i 45 High Street. 55“ ”5‘" Heat \ltil'lt‘S lltiltl \toi'}te|ler and artrxt Ken Shap|e_\ then take part in photograph} actortrex Bring a digital camera rt _\oti ha\ e one .-\ge\ S+.

Tiny Tales 'l‘ue IT Mar. to. {train tk 11.30am. £3 per cltild iaccomparrx itig adult li‘eei Scottrxh Storatellmg (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 55o ”5“" Storrex r'h} mex and \ongx tor \xee earx .i\ge\ ()lilllllIS Mix.

Back in December, Owen and Olly arrived as the new presenters of Children’s Classic Concerts like a brick through a window. The young percussionists are not only talented musicians themselves, but know how to bring other fun guys to the party. Their latest concert features the Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers, kilt-wearing drumming outfit Albannach and samba players from local primary schools. Prepare for an hour of explosive world rhythms.

I G/asgow Royal Concert Hart. Sat 7 Mar; Queens Ha//. Edinburgh. Sun 8 Mar.