wwv.r'.list.co . uk. 'LG BT

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit event listings information at least 14 days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 5


I Robopop (illt). 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 166 6034. l0.30piii 3am. l'ree belore llpiii; £4 l£3i alter. A llll\ ol t‘llixxle pop llllle\ and elL‘L‘ll’lL‘ lk‘.ll\ ltll’ thoxe who can‘t “it“ another da} to start their \icekend. l.ed b} [)1 ll.


I Pink Links Deep lllue. belou the Blue Moon. I Baron} Street. 556 3788. 7pm. £5. l’ink l,llli\'\ is back. llllS lime lor \H)lllL‘ll~tllll_\ speed dating hill on the lirxl l-rida} ol e\cr} iiioiilh. There are l5 date\ ol three lllllllllL‘S each. bar breakx loi‘ Dutch courage and tlpptll‘llllllllL'S to mingle altei‘xiai'dx with tree enlr} to (EHQ. l’arl ol Hill'l Youlh'x l'undraixing L'HtH'lS. See pilllel. l'lglil.

I Poptastic (iHl). 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 I66 6034. |0pin 3am. £4 t£3i ()ucer clubbing night \xith indie/electro lroiii l’hil Bakxlad in room one and retro pop/[I’lhll lroiii l’aul Mcho} in room txxo.


I Boutique (Hit). 4 l’icai'd) Place. 0845 166 6034. l0.30piii 3am. l'ree belore l lpiii; £7 (£6) alter. lilectro and lllllISt‘ lroni l)J Don/er.

I Luvely l‘ailh. 307 ('ougale. 335 5583. l0.30piii 3am. £l3 t£l0i. .-\ \auc} \oirec ol' lull-on. drix ing lltllISL' music with residents 'l‘oinin) Ka}. |)ean .\'e\\ton. (il'lllll Stone and Jon liduardx. I Make a Magazine Weekend

l.( iB'l‘ (‘eiilre lor Health & \Vellbeing. 3) Ho\\ e Street. 533 ll00. Suggested donation £3. ll take\ The List l\\o \\L‘t‘k\ to plit together this tome. See it _\ou can create an arts mag li'oin scratch in just l\\o dats \\ ilh \oine help from lillen (iall'ord. .lexxlca (iregxon. Kale (‘harlexuorth and Sophia Walker.


I Cilia Slack (illQ. 4 l’lL'al‘tl) Place. 0845 I66 6034. l0.30piii 3am. l‘ree belore l Ipin; £4 t£3l alter. A Iorra Iorra old gold. pop and chart lrom Mi“ (‘illa Slack.

“II More ('abaret Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 330 6176. l lpm 3am. Kaupu“ and Mixx ('hrix deli\ er the best in funk} \ocal houxc. club claxxicx and electro.

I Make a Magazine Weekend LGBT ('entre l'or Health & \Vellbeing. 9 Houe Street. 533 ll00. Sugge\led donation £3. See Sat 7.

Monday 9


I Passionality B}blo\, l'nil Q. Merchant Square. 7| Albion Street. 553 3805. ll.30pm 3am. £3 t£3l. D] Roberts pla} .\ chart hits for the

ga} /mi\ed croxx d.


FIE! The Hub LGBT (‘entre for Health & \Vellbeing. ‘) Howe Street. 533 l I00. 5.30 8pm. Stop b) for a chat and find out about the centre\ aclix iliex. haVe a cup ol‘ tea and meet some people. (‘onlacl laurenta lgblheallh.org.uk for more info.

I Call the Shots GHQ. 4 Picardy Place. 0845 I66 6034. l0.30pinw3am. l-‘ree belore l lpm; £4 t£3l alter. Take tolal artistic control at this requests onl} night. limail the tunes your heart desirex lo picard} place (fig 1 group.eo.uk

Tuesday 1 0


I Shoot (Hit). 4 l’ic.ird_\ l’lace. tix45 1666034 10.30pm 3am l'ree belore

1 1pm; £4 i£3i allei. ('hart. Rik“. L‘lllSSlcS aiid kll\c‘ll lroiii Dale l ll\ll and ll'lL'lltl\

Wednesday 1 1


I Donald Does Dusty lroii 'llieaiie. 63 'l'rongatc. 553 4367. 7.30pm £8 i£6i Diane 'l‘orr celebrates the lite ol her late brother. Donald. an antique\ dealei. l‘\' perlorliier. l)ll\l_\ Spriiiglicld llllpcl‘xtlllllitll' and inxpiialion lo hei tl\\ll llit‘ and career. But lll light ol upxeltiiig lL'\L'llllltlll\ about hurt. him decepto e l\ her personal iiieiiior}

I Allure The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 304 [000. l|.30piii 3am. £3 t\ludent\ £3-lor-I l. (‘hecx'x pop \otlndx from [)1 Darren and the gun behind l’;i\\iiilllilil}.


I Performance Poetry / Creative Writing Course I.(;B'l~ (‘eiiire lttl' Hellllll (k \Velll‘ellig. 9 Ho“ L' Street. 53.3 l I00. 6 7.30pm. Suggcxted donation £3. A course open to l.( it”. people. their lriend\ and \llpptll'lL‘l'S. 'l'r} )our hand at \L‘ll-L‘Xpl‘t‘SSIllll in a \xorkxhop led b_\ performance poet Sophia Walker.

FREE lcebreakers ('(‘ lillltillh.

3.3 34 (ircellxide l’lilL‘L‘. 5.50 9.3.3 l. 7.30pm. Social group lor people uho

\\ ant to make ”C“ lriendx in Hill]. coinpaii). 'l'hix \ielcoining and non- lhreatening group. organixed b} the l.olhian (la) and l.e\bian Switchboard. I\ ideal il~ _\ou're next to the cit} or recenll} otll.

I Wink (illQ. 4 l’ieard) Place. 0845 1666034. l0.30piii 3am. l-‘rce belore

l lpin: £4 t£3l illlL‘l'. Midneek clubbing l'roni DJ Michelle \\ ith alternalix e \oundx lllllllg llle lille\ till llltlle. elec'll'tl. rock'n'roll and pop.

Thursday 1 2

Glasgow I Donald Does Dusty 'l‘i'oii 'l‘heati'e. 63 'l'rongale. 553 4367. 7.30pm. £8 i£6i. See Wed l l.


I Robopop (illQ. 4 l’lL‘lll'tl} Place. 0845 1666034. l0.30piii 3am. l‘ree belore l lpm; £4 (£3) alter. See Thu 5.

Glasgow I Donald Does Dusty 'l‘i'oii 'l‘lieaire. 63 'l‘rongate. 553 4367. 7.30pm. £8 i£6i. See \Vc‘tl l l.


I Furburger (illQ. 4 l’icai'd} Place. 0845 I66 6034. llpiii 3am. £4 t£3l. l)J\ l)e_ia)bird. l‘unki Him and guexlx provide aural stimulation for ga_\ \\lllllCll and their eloxext l'riends.

Saturday 14

Glasgow I Donald Does Dusty 'l‘roii 'l‘lieaii'e. 63 'l'rongale. 553 4367. 7.30pm. £8 t£6i. See “ed 1 l.


I Boutique (iHQ. 4 l’icard) Place. 0845 I66 6034. l0.30piii 3am. liree belore l lpm; £7 t£6l alter. See Sat 7. I Mingin’ The (RV. 37 (luthrie Street. 330 3987. l0.30piii—3am. l-‘ree belore midnight; £5 alter. The dark. um). dirt} lltlUSL‘ and techno club returns tor a Mingin' re\‘i\al.

I Monologue Workshop LGBT (‘enlre for Health & Wellheing. () Houe Street. 533 1100. Suggexled donation £3. (‘her)l Marlin. director in residence at the Traxerxe 'l‘healre. leads a hall-da} workshop in \\ riling and performing

LGBT Sid H7 :5 PINK LINKS Blue Moon Cafe. Edinburgh. Fri 6 Mar

“J'N 2

Valentine's Day may have departed for another year on a bin lorry piled high with trampled roses and dog-eared cards, but for many the search for love goes on. As luck would have it, Edinburgh's busy LGBT scene just got a little more romantic, with the re-launch of a monthly speed-dating event

for single women.

Pink Links, which enjoyed a successful run at The Street in 2007-08, is re- launching at Deep Blue, downstairs at the Blue Moon Cafe, on Friday 6 March. The event, for women only, is being run in association with LGBT Youth with all proceeds going to the Scottish charity.

Entry to the night is a snip at five pounds, which includes a free ticket to nightclub GHQ, where, should you hit it off with one or more of your dates, you can carry on getting to know each other. The launch evening will also feature competitions, with an array of prizes donated by local watering holes, including a complimentary dinner for two and bottles of champagne.

Tickets can be booked in advance online at www.pink|inks.biz, and a sneak preview of the event is available on the Pink Links Facebook group page at http://tinyurl.com/pink0603. And if you’re intrigued but not quite sure whether or not Pink Links is your bag, contact hostess Miss Lizi T at pink-links@hotmail.co.uk (Allan Radcliffe)

lllonologuex, \xhich \\ ill contribute to tile cenlre\ l’lil}-Ill*;l-l);l_\ \Vorkxhop on Sat 3| Mar.

I Write a Film Weekend |.( ill'l' ('enlre l'or Health lk \Vellbcing. ‘l Houe Street. 533 Hill). Suggested donation "3. Make a liw-minule doculiieiilar} in |ll\l l\\o tl;l_\\.


I Sculpture Workshop ladinburgh Sculpture \Vorkxhop. 35 Haxxlhormale. 533 Hill). 1 5pm. Suggexlcd tltilllllltllh £3. .-\ hands—on \xorkxhop ax part ol the Hill]. (‘entre for Health and \\'el|beiiig\ .-\l‘l\ l‘t‘SllHll. led ii} Rocc'a (iiilleridge. I Cilla Slack (iHQ. 4 l’lc‘al‘tl} Place. 0845 I66 6034. l0.30piii 3am. l‘rce belore l Ipin; £4 i£3i alter. See Sun 8. Flt! More (‘abaret \‘ollaire. 3b 38 Blair Street. 330 6l76. l lpiii 3am. See Sun 8.

I Write a Film Weekend l.(ill'l (‘enli‘e loi' Health «k \Vellbeing. ‘) Hime Street. 533 1100 Suggested donation £3. Sec Sill l4.

Monday 16


I Passionality H}hlll\. l’nit t). Merchant Square. .7] ,-\ll‘lllll Street. 553 3895. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3 i£3i. See Mon l).


I'll! The Hub LGBT ('eiitre l'or Health ck \Vellbeing. 9 Him e Street. 533 ”00. 5.30 8pm. See Moll 9.

I Call the Shots (iii(). 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 1666034. 10.30pm 3am.

li'ee belore l lpiii; £4 3i alter. See Mon 0.

Tuesday 1 7


I Shoot ( Hit). 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 1666034. [0. 30pm 3am. l'l'ee belore lll‘tii‘. £4 i£3i alter. See luv 10.

Wednesday 18


I Allure The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 304 Mill). ll.30pm 3am. £3 lxllltlcllls L3-ltll'-l I. See \Vetl ll.


I Performance Poetry / Creative Writing Course I.(ill'l' (‘eiiii'e lor Health «K \VL'Hlielltg. ‘) ”(me Street. .533 Hill). 6 7.30pm. Suggexled donation £3. See \Vetl l l.

I Wink (illl). 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 1666034. l0.30piii 3am. l'ree belore

l lpiii; £4 i£3l aller. See Wed ll.

Thursday 1 9


I Robopop (iHQ. 4 l’icard} Place. 0845 I66 6034. l0.30piii 3am. l‘ree belore l lpin; £4 l£3i alter. See Thu 5.

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