

333 ”UPCSIR-g1.(IX-700606647. III. N(il), \H'. \VAI

Spider’s Web l'ntII Sat 7' Mar 7' IIIpIII (“In It XIII Inut ZNIIIIIII tl-l LII Vnrlnux \tzm (It thc \Inull \t'rL'L'll lllL'\P ll up .'I\ Ihc Agatha ('hnxtn' ’l‘hcnIIc ('(IIIIpIIn) rcturnx mth unnthcr \IIL't' atlnptntmn III :I L'lil\\lL' \Ihmlnnnn

HMS Pinafore 'l‘IIt‘ ll) Sal H \lnI.

7. Nlpln I'lhn & Snl Innl 2. ann Lll ILNII 'l'hc ('IIrI Rum (‘IIIIIImIII rclurn mlh .'l llt'\\ prntlnt‘tmn HI (illhctt untl Sulhxnn‘x L'tlllllk' npcru lt‘x gut Ihnl hull} lcllu lrmn (Drum/Hun \IIH'I III II \h. )(Iu knmx Ihc (Inc I m}. Inn knmx IllL'

I TRAMWAY 35 Alht-rt Hmc. HMS ~ “I Will. ll’. \\'(‘. WA]


Phantasmagorias: I, II and Ill: Sleep my Baby Sleep 'I’IIn Sal 7 Mar. 9pm. U) IUII. I)L'lll\ Mnrlt'uu. :Ilnng \Hlll l'lll' IQIIt‘ht-t'I. prt-wnlx Ihrcc plum-x uIIh \lllllltll' l't'\tlll£lllt‘t'\, nth-ring: rcIIIch'pI‘cInIuInx «It the Itlcn (ll :1 ghml \IIIry: l/lt' ”ll/It]. h} Mnurlt'c Muclcrhnck I(I.3(l[IIIII. 8/va I/I' ”(l/H S/m'p. h) Jun l-‘mxt' “Mum. and Sutnncl licckcll'x l’luI (l'l'l & Sal (Inl). 3.3(lpnII. I’ul'l u/ .\'m 'Ik'rrllm‘u'x 200‘). Climatology of Bodies: a trilogy Inc 17 Hi 20 Mar llllll \Vctll. NKIIIIIII; 7.30pm. t“) (LIIL S}l\;llll linIurtl l)nnw prcxcntx that “In ”I Inlcrhnkctl \\tll‘l\\ IIIIIIIII the un} nur hutlicx I‘cnct: thc striking pux dc dun l’lun- I/x’mm (Ill ’l'ut‘ l7 March. 'II'm/n (Iv I'lllt’ll thug} Hm I. which cxplm'cx Ihc unccrlnIIIIIt-x :Intl tlcxircs pmtlut‘ctl h} an llll\L‘lllt'tl L‘llVll'tIlllllt'lll. (III “In W March. and Ihc llnul [III-(c. Him: which prcxcnlx u tnlnl \Vint‘ (Il lIIItlIL‘\. (III HI 3” XIIII'L'lI. 'l‘Iclxt‘h l’IIr an :Irc lI‘t‘c \\ IIh :I Iit'kcl Im' t'IIht'I' III the earlier purlx. l’urt u] .\'m- ’IE'I'I'IIIII'II'I 200‘).

Figure This luv 17 Mar. 7.30pm;

\Vcd IS .\I;II'. 6.30an L") (LII). (Eluxgmx -l3&l\t'tl chtIII-ugrnplwr .-\nn;I Kryxtck prcnIicrcx Hum-v 'I‘III'I. IIIc lllltll IIIL'L‘L‘ III lIL‘I‘ ””033 (III \(llt) \HII‘kx, (Ill

'lncxtlu} I" \ldtt’h ()n \\k'tlllk'\\l;l} l\ \1IIrKII.IIILIIL“\tILIIIIIILL.II‘KIIIKIIIIIL' \Ihnlc Inlng}. \ch pit-I qux \xnrlxx /¢'\I .Intl XII/l I’ll/I u] \t n It [/{I'I'Il('\ 3mm Sm" plm W“. {‘4ch hi

I TRON THEATRE (I; lll‘lldelL'. “34%" Ill. “(1 \\ \l Frida: Viva La Vida l nnl \n " \ltn " Wptn LN «UH \ [‘.l\\l\lll.llk'. k'tlltllllllll. llllllll .l\\.lltl \IIIIIIInj: lnnk .ll lllL‘ hlt' HI I'Iltlll Kahln h_\ Iht' k‘\\\'llL‘lll 'l Ilw 'l hmtrt' ('unIpun) Multiplex l’hn * t\ In (I \l.n £5 \t-u plu} h} ('hIIxtupht-I \\I||I.IIII lllll .Ilmnl It‘t'nuut- ll\llt'l\ \IIIIkIng III .I L'lllt‘lllll l’It'wnIt'tl h} lmn\l\1ll\hnpx Donald Does Dusty \Vt-II I l Sal I-I Mat. 7. inIn. LN IUII “mm In“ t'L‘lt'l‘l'tIlLN lllt' lIlL' III llL'l l.Ilt‘ l‘IIIllIt‘I. I)Ull.lltl. an unthnt‘x tlt'nlt't. |\ [It-IIIII‘IIIL'I‘. l)ll\l_\ Sprlnullcltl llllpt‘l\tlllélltll tIIItl Illxpltglllnll III lIt'I tl\\ll lllt' and un‘t't'l‘. ”III III hght (ll IIIIxt‘IIIny I'L‘\t'l;IlItIll\ .Ihuut hnn. lIIm tlt't’t‘pnw |\ hcr pcrwnul lllt'llltII‘} ,’ ()rIggnmll} C(llllllll\\lt)llt'tl IIII‘ (il;I\g;I)' 3mm. The Gentleman’s Tea-Drinking SOCiety lhu l3 Sat H .\l.n. T leln. (III IUII l‘tllll lllL'll lut'c l\\llt'\ «II II'It'ntlthp. \L‘lL‘lIt'L'. \t‘\lI;Illl} IIIItl lllt‘ t'IItl (ll lllt‘ \\Hl'ltl. Ill llll\ prmlnt‘lmn h} lllL' Runnhmn 'llIcuIrc ('IIIIIII;III_\. I’m! u! .IIugm-rx (ill/wan lnlc'lnulmnul ('umu/I Int/ml.



llh llrixln Place. 325 0803. |\\'( I \\'rv\| Abigail’s Party 'l'tIt' II) San l~l .\l;II‘. 7‘ Itlpm. £5 IUSUI. SIIItlt-nt pnulnt‘tmn (ll Mlkc l.t‘ig_'h\ unnul} III Inunnct'x. .‘\ll_\tlllL‘ IN I: lItIlc [up up'.’



|.;Itl_\\\cl| Wu). .\Itl\\t'll\lll‘_‘_‘ll. (I05 23-10. ll’. ll. \\'('. \\’.-\|

My Grandfather’s Great War Sat 7 Mar. 7. IIIIIIII. HUSH ILXSIII. Snlu thannn “an Ill}: the \\'\\‘| thuIch «It ('nptnin .-\lt'\;Intlt‘I' Slcunl‘l \\llll IllL' pcrxpccliw «It lllx gruntlwn.


86 THE LIST 5— 19 Mar 1‘009

We'll Meet Again Hm I: \l.n

2 mpm LII fin III: MI. \t-t- (iltngtm, l’.I\ lllI In lhtuIIIt'

Verve \.II l~1\l.n Winn LI” *1)

IL\ *III \xmnl “Inning ptvxlgtmhmtt' \ltlllkk‘ tnInImn} IIIIIII \IIIIht'In \huul «II (‘nnIt-IIII‘HIJI} I).Inu' l’hc \hmx lt‘.lllllt‘\ .l nnu‘tl l‘lll III llt'\\ .Ind muting tl.Intc pint-x h} IIIIt'III.IIIuII.I| thutt'ngmpht'h l’llll‘ \tm llulllt'. .lt'nnI KI\L'l.l. (Ilt'llll

\\ Ilklnwn .nnl \lIl.In Round

The Book of Beasts lhu I” MI .‘_I \I.Il \t‘t‘ Kltl\ ll\llll_‘_'\


2 l L'M‘II \llt‘t‘l. <3" (IINNI [ll \\('_ \\ \| Jolson 8. Co - The Musical Inn! 8.” XI.” Inul \IInI IIIIIIII I\\t'tl .\ 54.1 ”MI 3 ‘IHIIIIII LI: *1) {3‘ Klny’x lht'utIt' aunt-ll} \l.ll\\.tll \ll.lll \It'xmtt \I.n\ tux Ihc lllllllll.ll‘lt' .\l .lnlwn. \l.ll Ul lllt‘ lll\l t'H'I ‘l.Ill\lt“ I/II' ./t1.'.' Smut! Ill I‘ll?

Southern Light Opera Company: Blitz! 'lIIt' lIl Sal ll M.” me I\\'t-tl t\ S.” that 3. “Hum L I“ t In \lelllllt' lllll\l\'lll h} lIuncl ”HI/In " ll.nlr l,ll\t'\ lll\ culntnutmn lll.tll\\. llltll unt- Patience luv 1—7 Sill 31 \int Illtll “MI. 7 \Ilpln; 3‘ anI LIZ [In “It- (iIllIt'I‘I untl Snlhxnn Snucl} .‘nt' hack at my King‘x \Ilth Inn much ltl\L'tl ( itkh' t‘luxxtt'x l’ulu'm r lullmu \tllllk‘ lmclm‘n |)I;I;_'Imn (lnnrtlx \plll'llt‘tl II} that llllt'lltlt'(l\. \xhn hnw lullt‘n IIII‘ .I cunplt' III t't'lchrlt} pvt-Ix. (iuh. tltth Inn hutt' ll \xht-n Ihnl hnppcnx"

HMS Pinafore \Vt-tl Ix Sat 2| .\I;n' Innl ’l‘hnI. 7. Nlpm. Ll: L'III. 'llIc (iIIthI :nItl Snlhxnn Swat-I} my luck ill IllL' King‘x \\llll Ixm lllllk'll Imml (INS

t'l;l\\lt‘\. and gut nll nnullcnl on board my

“4le l’llltl/III‘I'.


III/3‘) \IL‘IletIII Sll't‘t‘l. 53‘) (IINN). ll’. ll. M ‘. \I'AI

Thriller Live l'ntll Sat 7 Mar. 7. Winn; 5.30pm tk Xfillpln; 4pm tk 3pm.

i l 5 £375”. :\ L‘L‘lt‘lII‘tIlIIIII (Ill \lIL'lIIIt‘l .lut'kxun lllltl 'l‘ht' .luckwn 5. \\ IllI churcngmph} h} :mnrtl-mnnlng tln't'ctm (int) l.lII}tl and Inn-Ht Smith .llll.

It may be the world’s most popular ballet in its traditional form, but Swan Lake can withstand a fair bit of manipulation. David Nixon’s innovative version takes place in New England during the early 20th century, where a wealthy college boy and his pals find themselves thrown into a coming-of-age tragedy. Later in the week, Northern Ballet Theatre dishes up an impressive Mixed Bill showcasing its ability to switch from classical to contemporary in the flick of a pointe shoe.

I Edinburgh Fest/va/ Theatre. Tue 7 7—Sat 27 Mar Inot Fm

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Sponge Who Could Fly! A New Musical \M-tI I I \n I: \I.-.: \t-c l'\|\l\ ll\llll:;\

Swan Lake Illt‘ l“ Hm I" \l.II Vll‘lll lhn lll.ll .7 Myth» L I“ 1““ \«IIIht'In Hallt't llIcJIIc llltlhk' .t \It‘ltumc lk‘llllll In my l cxII\.Ilt lIIInglng lllt‘ll Imlm \l.llll In Iht' \ LIxxIt l‘.Illt‘l \\ t‘t‘l‘lt' \t‘t‘ htl‘llflll, l‘t‘l\\\\


liI l't'nnxxxt'll (‘IIIIIL ‘l‘ .‘l‘l HH’. \\ \I '

Sex and Chocolate Ihu \ \I.II ‘Iun HI I t-l t‘l Illt' \lxl'le plt'xt‘nl llll\ lIIIlt'I\\\t't'I “Inn-III .ll‘Ulll lllk'. l\‘\\'. llll'l‘\lt'l\ .llltl \l.IlIt-\c1~


l.\ I: (iIt‘t‘antlt' l’l.Itt\ II\ ‘H mm §1_‘I Ill. \\(‘_ \\ \l

Riverdance l lllll \Qn " \l.n xpm .\\n| t\ S.” III.II 3 {IIIIIIII 111*” U" ‘H lht' lll\ll ILIIIt't‘ \t'II\.IIIIIII lt‘llllll\ In \uIlmd lI_\ [ltll‘llldl tIk'lllJlltl

Dreamboats and Petticoats \Iun

‘I ,\.II I! \l.II ' IIIIIIII l\\\'\l .\ \II III.II T‘IHIIIIII {If Ml 1 VIII“ *1) L‘l \IlI Xt‘t' ( Il.I\f.‘II\\. l\III;'.\ Illk'.lll\'

Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat \IIIII II» \.Il 3| \l.n. iIIIIIII I\\t'tl lllll .\ lnt' III.II

3 IIIIIIIII. ‘IIIII tk 5pm. .‘IIIII \.nn~n\ \m [Mum llI/l I)u lllllllt'l\ up ml up Hm:

I llt‘\l\ gIntl hulk lllt‘ umlx III nI.In_\ t'ulntnx tllll HI Iht' Innlhlmlh In NH Ulll lllt‘ l IIIIIl \Vt-lIlIt'I \l.llltl.lltl\


N“ H" (‘Ik‘lk Slit‘t‘l. (IlIH ,‘lll‘l ll’. ll.

\\ ( '. \\.-\|

Edinburgh Festival of Music, Speech and Dance: Final Concert Sat 7 MIN. 7pm LN \ \llmxtnxt' HI \tllllt' III IlIt' higzhhgghlx llUllI Iln\ _\t'.n\ lt'\l|\.ll. lt'ultnlng (laxxltnl .llltl St‘uttlxh lllll\l\. hullt‘l tIIIIl lI.ItlIlIIIII;I| t|.IIIu'. IllL llltllllf.‘ IlIt' lunI llnnhxh III ”IV (‘nntt‘lln ( 'l.I\\. ut't'IIIIIpuIIIt'tl h} lllt' I‘llt'lltl\ ul lllt' l't'\ll\£ll ()It'llt‘xltn

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (lIIIItlId) Slit-cl. DIX lex ll’. ll. \\ ( f \\'.-\|

The Mystery of Irma Vep l nnl \n H .\l;n' llltll Sun/Mum TISIIIII I\.II ' .\l;II t\' Sat 1-1 \lnl ”Int 3, IIIIIIIII

£12 £30. 'lnklngg le haul llHlll l.llt'\ «II gIIllIIt‘ I'IIIIIIIIIt‘t‘. ”It .I/\ \ll'l\ u/ hunt I! [I l\ :I lnxt [mum] and \\lt'l\t'tll) lnnnI pnrntl}. llll\lllf_‘ III I‘t'lt'lt'nt'cx In lt’z'lm I II. 'I'III' Iqum/ II] I/lt‘ III/\Ar/IIHI'I .tlltl III:- .Ilummx. x\lllltl\l Itx Ihunph Daphne «In Mntn‘n't‘ hutl \H'lllt'll n pmtnnnlun cplwtlc IIl .\Iltl\tllllt‘l \lnnlt'tx. \Iumn}: my Mum llmlht‘lx. ()lI\ ltlll\l} Sn- rt‘xlt'u. pugc .‘x'tl

I TRAVERSE THEATRE ('nnIlIrnlgc Strut-I. ZZH l‘lII-I‘ ||’. ll. \\'( '. \VAI

Baby Baby l'nIII 'l hn 5 Kim 7 lIIIIIn U I I945 LXI. St't' (llnxgtm. l’luIlIII'III

A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Kyoto 'Iut- l7 SIII 3| .\l;II‘. lpIII. UH, St't' (ilnxgmm, ()run MIII'. untl [)l't'\ It'u. page 34. Success 'l‘hu I3 S.“ H Mm: Imp”: ISnI nInI 3,3(IIIIIII. I’I‘It‘cx \nr}. l.}t't'tnn Youth 'lht-nlrc ullcr up ;I new 3 I \I ccnlur) IIItt-rprcInInIII (II 'llu' Ru/w'x I’I‘ugn'u.



In} Squurc. |)untlcc. (ll ‘32 23 *5“) ll’. ll. \\'('. WA]

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? l'nlIl Sat Zl Mur llltll Sun/Mum. 7, iIIpIn ISuI 21 Mar Innt 3.30pm”. L'IU Llhr l)lllltlL‘C ch gct ull Hurtun and 1mm (In us. with u ncv» take I)“ latluurtl Alhcc‘x (lurk lm c-gIInC—hutl \tnry

The Great Australian Drag Show l"rI (I Mar. l”.3”plll. £15I£I3I l’crlcctl} pitchcd \ing-ulung drug l‘rnIn Anxtrnhu'x I'Incxt lunny-Iudics.