


V Product of the (ior'bals 'Ilall. broad chested. looks like a lighter and is. Seeks girl from home as poor as hrs own. with blouse both urrsorlcd and well filled. to share a single plate heaped w rtlr Iried fish and stearrrrng chips I’ (r24 (ll

0 East-End Gent seeks garrulous (ilasgow gal for roll”). Iriyolity and general lirgh rinks Itt his quest lor I.oyc. good times and ririrriortality. Must hayc strong constitution l’ (r24 ()2


O Man Seeks Woman Writer artist "I‘raycller later

‘Ills. warrrr educated n s seeks similar woman 30 4(lish

lor creatiye Iun. I.isty stuff. laughs. life's adyentirres. loy ing coittpaltiorisltip. ctlddles. I.'I‘R. Any ethnicity. l’.(124’t)3


0 I Saw You in

the West...

v I Saw You I love you but our fanc pants sa ad coul

do With some more salt and lemon. And maybe even some lasa ne on the side. U/6 4/3

V I Saw You in Starbucks (Borders) thandsorrie man in suit). you bought the a coffee as I forgot my purse. I would like to buy you a drink back .s‘otttelittie“.".".’ “bl-Ir I

O I Saw You Barista ('harrrpion at Wellington (‘offee I‘ve been coming in since day

I and you still don't know rrry narrrc or rerrrerrrber my order. Any sugar you ask'.’ No you're sweet enough for me. A whole lotta loy'e. U 0240

V I Saw You I lose you but your fancy pants salad could do with some more salt and lemon. And may be eyen some lasagrre on the side. l? 624 3

V I Saw You Vicki and my world became complete. Your eyes light up my world and make me content. \\ l‘ 6244

V I Saw You We shared my close on NYE. We kissed. then you called me a slut. Did I stalk you for the rest of the night‘.‘ It's ha/y. Thanks for the wine. U '634 5

V I Saw You Dongle and my feelings mattered. you. rue and that‘s it. Nothing else touches me when we're together.“ U 62-1/6

V I Saw You ('hico rrr ltalrrrranra. I loye your rireatballs, 'I‘Iirnkrng of you. Key l'b3s17

V I Saw You Ilandsorrie dark haired suited man. starrdrrrg from Izdiriburgh to ( ’roy on 'I‘iresday ~1.3(Itrarn. w hrle I. with red coat on. sat girrltrly? Would loye to see you again X l' (r24 H

V I Saw You lcay mg for (ilttsgow shores. It was a dark day for the drgr boys. We tap tavarssitap tap IIcritap tap. ("624/9

V I Saw You I.antus once daily. Aprida to meals. This Is the new est and best insulin. You are beatrtiftrl? \ U624 It)

V I Saw You ('ar I’Iirt? ercre did you go?'.’ I rrrade a wrong turning and went on up onto the cypressw'ay at the Anderstoir Railway Station junction _|llsl oil the MS... Iii/(r24, I l

V I Saw You wine colotrred ‘Astra' (peut etre'.’) Me: I’alc blue Rover 75. You couldn't but attract my attention. your deft diy'e around rue on the approach to the I)urrrbartorr turn-off was a pure tirrn«on... I'M-1 I:

V I Saw You Quando'.’ late 'I‘hursday niterearly Friday morning...bella spirita libera.

I hope this once in a lifetime strange encounter could lead to our meeting at the end of the route. ll/(r24/ I .l

V I Saw You beautiful blondc Balance beginner looking serene as I struggled along. I'll be

your (downward facing) dog. lUbZ-l/M

V I Saw You You swayed me with your looks. Maybe you'd like to go out on a youthful wing and take it further. U/(r24 l5

V I Saw You in l’rimark trying on a brocade coat ages ago. you dropped a liver and

I was going to tell you btit someone else picked it up and ran away with it. So sorry. hope you managed to get the coat anyway? [Vol-1'16

V I Saw You looking? Ifyou like it then you shoulda put a ring on it... [“624 I7

0 I Saw You waking up next to me this morning and I smiled - I hope you are there every morning from now on? So happy to be with you. Love (istar UbZ—I/IS

V I Saw You debating whether to run away for a week. You know what the right thing to do is. but your heart‘s not in it.

U 624/19

V I Saw You giy'ing a tenner to the Breast (‘ancer Research people - and you are a man? Thanks so much - coffee sometime? I was the blonde with the red scarf and brown heels. Or tea if you would prefer. I don't even like coffee U/(yZ-i/ZO

V I Saw You reading the Metro on the number II) hits last week 133ml I'eltl you slg‘lted when you reached the article about the whales I quite agree Sorry I was reading it oy er your shoulder because they ran out when I got on' I' til-l II

V I Saw You Icay mg the krtclrerr light on :\I l l)'\Y are ye try mg to make trs go broke’ Say e the cm iroiirrrent lIabs’

l' 02-1 33 V I Saw You (WY—733 thought

I might trrrd you here smiling down III the sewer, I' fill 33


0 I Saw You in

the East...

cl Saw You Miss Zee but now... you are one... Woe! Woe. Dark times are upon us - if only I had a badge yvrth

our face on it to

elp me through. Here’s to bigger and better things. A xx U/624/4O

V I Saw You at the Queen‘s IIalI. Stockhausen. second half. You asked whether somebody was already sittrrrg in your place. (ioing to any other concerts'.’

l' (r34 24

V I Saw You l'rsirla I’osch. You are my Bond (iirl. ('an I be your Daniel ('raig'.’ l' (r34 25

V I Saw You (linger headed hoIIic (“ .Ioscplt I’eat‘ccs. lord ol

the Rtttgs'.’ X l' (r34 36



V I Saw You In Ihe Street with your ere to be Yotr are both I“ ll "' How about some I' (if-1 3‘

V I Saw You In \ewirigtoii

Yoir were wearing your prirk kit I like it I like ll \ l ()l \\ l' til-l ZS

V I Saw You III llre Street. you w ere w earrirg a I'll\ h \ew York I shirt by the way I (ill .“I

V I Saw You in my dreams getting arrested III the crncrrra IYCIUIL' Iltc .tllctls .Illac kctl Us I knew w e should haye should haye bought lIIl'IIx’ popcorn rristcad ot sneaking oiir own in t' (\:~I to i

V I Saw You Susan Ill ( 'aly rrr Is'leiri looking hot .rud sc\y lsfl \ l. (LI-I ,il

9 I Saw You In the Itaseiiient on a l'rrday Itlack

IL‘tllltt't' lttittllk‘t |;tckL'l. dtttk eycs.

dclrcroirs smile. You can steak my rump anytime 1' till i.‘

V I Saw You '\Il choked w rtlr the cold and full ol siiottcrs but I still lose your wiggly birrii'

l. (r11 33

V I Saw You You work All Y'tit'k I’litcL'. You like I’L‘It‘ l)oherty. I like you \ 1' (ill i-l

O I Saw You .-\i ”re Srirokcslack. l was your llig l‘elly and you were my Skinny latte. I’rnk bubbles soon"

I' (r24 35

V I Saw You ’l'aminy Ithrnk that's your name? looking like a buy lady? I. fill 3b

V I Saw You I)ayc the Raye in your John l.ew rs lleecc in 'I'he Itaserrrent bar Do I hay e to buy another telly to see you again"

I fill 37

You are a total \ utre


V I Saw You \\ hen we sat together lll llalr then watched

you cat \ III\ k pea t urry did

\tlll se‘g‘ I I (\‘I i.\'

V I Saw You I Ill\llk' \llt't‘l liar. .‘H l ebiirary. about ltlpirr

\\ ho was the Irreridly girl w ith brow ri hair who asked cliarrriirig guy waiting "patiently ' .it the bar rt he was a 'ic'giilai‘ 'l till W

V I Saw YOU \Its\ /('t' I‘lll now you are gone Woc‘ \Yoc' llark times are upon us it orily Iliad a badge w rtlr your lace on it to help me through Ilt‘lt‘is III I‘ly';'cl :tlttl lu'llc'l things \ \yl till-1H

V I Saw You \\ rtlr your parsley shut and tk lire coat in lhe IIasenient iri I)ecerrrber

I (LI-l I:

Out of Town

V I Saw You \rttiilly earning a crust sr\ out ot seyeir (‘ome and share the nest I‘ye built tor you up hrgli. perfect tor little creatures in loye w rtlr beer

I (if-l I i

V I Saw You IIIorid girl in I’orrtclract tl llrrrrk II was, I was lost'i I was III a red car wearing a flight racket l' til-I I;

V I Saw You at the Ilrand gig you were chuckling .it was grititl lir sL‘L’ ytitl llitppy \YL‘ had coionas alter and I was astounded by your beauty \irll sard' X l' (ill ll

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