Around Town


What is it?

Scotland's oldest inhabited house, dating back to 1107. so we'll thank you to be a little more respectful in your tone.

Sorry. Pray tell, what manner of house is it?

One of the last bastions of the Royal Stuart line. Traquair has hosted 27 visiting kings and queens of Scotland. While the historically restored house is undoubtedly impressive, the grounds. stretching well over 100 acres. are absolutely magical. The woodlands and walled gardens are studded with hidden sculptures and tunnels, while the back garden contains one of Scotland's largest mazes. Amazing. What are the best bits?

Weren't you listening? There's a maze. An actual maze. There's also a hidden ‘priest hole' in the house itself, used to hide Catholic fugitives during the Reformation. Anything else happening there?

The grounds are entertaining enough by themselves. but also play host to a huge number of events throughout Spring and Summer. Look out for the all- action Mighty Deerstalker competition this fortnight (Sat 21 Mar). followed by the annual April Easter Egg Hunt in the maze. and the Medieval Festival in May. How much will it cost?

£27 (£4) for entry to house and grounds. £3.50 (£2.50) for grounds only. from Fri 10 Apr. If you're feeling flush. they also do bed and breakfast in the house itself.

Is there a cafe?

Yes. a very nice one. In the summertime. you eat alongside strutting peacocks.

llow do I get there?

From Edinburgh, take the A7 to Galashiels. then the A72 to lnnerleithen. From Glasgow. turn off the M74 for Lanark. then switch to the A72. Pedestrians can hop on the 62 bus from Edinburgh.

Innedeithen, Peeb/esshire EH44 GM 01896 830323.

www. traquair. co. uk

28 THE LIST 19 Mar-2 Apr 2009

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to aroundtownGlichomk, including venue, times, dates, fees and short descriptive blurb. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

at: Indicates Hitlist entry


Activities & Events

Allen Wars l'ntil Mon 3l Aug. 'I'hc Archcs. 25.3 .-\rg_\|c Strcct. 565 I000. 2.30—|0pm. £10028; 5 forundcr ltisl. Thc tcrrif') ing ‘total rca|it_\' mpcncncc hascd on Sigournc} 's spacc od} ssc}. mm with an cxtcndcd run at thc .-\i'chcs. llax c you got thc. ah. guts for it'.’

St Patrick's Day - Glasgow Schools Concert with the Glasgow Irish Thu |‘) Mar. Royal (’onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcci. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£ H). A colourful displa} of Irish culturc prcscntcd h) (ilasgou (‘it_\ ('ouncil and Education and Social Work Scrx iccs. lncludcs dancc. drama. and (chic rock music.

FREE Monosyllabic Thu 1‘) Mar. Mono. l2 King's ('oun. King Strccl. 553 2400. 8pm. Mono and its assoitcd hipstci's and hippics gct in on thc spokcn \Hil‘tl gamc.

FREE Once Upon a Dancing Tale Fri 20 Mar. (ilasgou \k'omcn's Librar}. 2nd Floor. 8| Parnic Strcct. 552 R345. 6—8pm. Thc third of lhrcc stor)tc||ing cvcnts f'or lntcrnational Womcn's |)a} lit hm bccn a long Day) at thc lihrar}. Danccr Rosina Bonsu and stor)tcl|cr Jcan lidiniston pcrl‘orm an African l'olktalc. FREE Seeds of Thought in 20 Mar. (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. MW .spokcn word. acoustic music. drama sketches and opcn mic.

Mother’s Day Pampering Event Sun 22 Mar. Thc Living Room. I50 St \l’inccnt

“viii l l i

All sewn up

Strcct. -2" Will" 2pm to Bcaul} lhcrapists. liohl‘i Bimsn makcm cis and a spot of champagnelticllctl iclail thciapx Bccaiisc _\ou'i‘c worth it \iitl so is _\Cl ma“ Scc \\ \\ \\ suix'rnoxacx unis cu tik Clyde Slide Sat 23 Mai. llcll's llritlgc. (‘ongicss Road. limcs \au {30 rcscixation tcc itll ’0 minimum sponsoisliipi Scc llil l ist Cryptic Nights Hill 2 Val. ('('.\. 3.50 Sauchichall Slit-ct. 352 4000 \pm :5 -\ nc“ monthl} night. run h} l‘hcali'c (TH‘IK. aiming to him; ciiicrgcnt aitisl. tilmmakcrs and ix-i‘loi‘mci's inlo lhc puhlic c}c. \\liil\l cclchiatiiig llic [N‘ssll‘lllllk'\ of tlic ('('.-\ as a \cnuc. 'l'licios a spccial mcal dcal axailahlc. “llll talks oi pcrliinnginc‘cs, liilltl\\L‘\l h} ll\ c music This month. ()nc |)ot /.ci'o picsciil a di\crsc sclcction ol ll\ c action. animation and doctimcnlar} shorts tioiii thc lalcsl hrighl sparks and upcoming; l'ls' lalcnl


FREE Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes Buricll ('Ullcclliiil. 20M) l’iilliikslia\\s Road. 2.5“ 2550. llilll Mon 4 Ma}. \lon l‘hu tk Sat |0am 5pm; l‘ri tk Sun ||aiii 5pm. .\lassi\c intcractn c c\hihition ahout lliosc philosoph} and. ci'. sporting: cnlhusiasls thc :\ncicnt (ii'ccks. on loan liom lhc British Mtiscuin

FREE Berlin, November 1989 ('iocthc liistiliit. 3 l’ai'k ('ii‘cus. 332 2555. Tho I‘) .\lar Sat IH .»\pi' liiol Suni. \lon 4 (i3llpm; 'l‘uc noon (x30pm: \Vcd

noon (i..3l)piii; 'l'hii noon 8.30pm; l‘l‘l noon 4pm; Sat 0.30am |.30pm. Photographs h} t'oiirtccn photographcrs from lhc f'oi'incr liasl and “mi (icriiian). \\ ho dociiiiicnlcd thc lall ol thc llcrlin Wall in \ci') dif'l'crcnt \\;i}s.

FREE Bespoke Shoe Exhibition 8. Sale with Hetty Rose ('hc ('aiiiillc. l-‘loor (i. Aria} lc ('cntrc. Buchanan Strccl. 07862 72(l2l5. 'l'liti 2h Sat 28 Mar. |0am (ipiii. llcspokc shoc dcsigncr llctl}

A good fortnight for deftly-fingered west coast types, this. Scotland’s most terrifying crochet enthusiasts,

the Glasgow Craft Mafia, have huge presence in the city, sending their heavies round to Mono for one of their all-day craft markets on Sunday 29 March, and offering advice on the gentle art of making jewellery from beads on Thursday 26 March, at Partick’s Bead Company. We advise you not to turn down this, er, ‘offer’: you don't really want to find yourself going for a swim in a nattily-decorated set of hand-stitched concrete shoes. Meanwhile, one of our favourite young designers, William Chambers (pictured), a milliner who has designed for the likes of Roisin Murphy, is giving a workshop in creating basic headpieces at Che Camille on Saturday 21 March. And he has no mob connections

whatsoever. That we know of.

I See listings for full details of a// three events.

Rosc \ isits (‘hc ('aiiiillc \\l||| hci ncu hantlciattctl. madc lo incasiiic shoc iangc .\ iiiusl toi .in_\oiic \sho .ii‘piccialcs tootucai as ait

Doctor Who Exhibition kclx ingimc \il (iallci) .\ \liisciiiii. \ig;_\lc \liccl. twill .\|5.\|o \al 2\ Val \lon J Jan 10am 5pm. | lam 5pm :2 50 tel 50. l.t|i|ll_\ lit kct L | \I (‘alling all \\ liox iaiis a :2.ll.l\_\ ot liocloi iclalcd iiiatciial \\l|| hc on displa} in lsclxiiigioxc. lioiii piops lo cosluiiics (‘oiiic lacc to lat c \\ilh llalcks. (\hciiiicn. \oiitaians and lhc Hod \\ ith iiai_\ a sonic scicmliixci lo lcntl lhcm oll lickcls tioiii xx \\\\ .\l (\lia \l‘lll oi lihll-l -\l2 5|“. .llltl \t'k' lk'dllllk‘. 01:20 l5

FREE Wildlife Photographer of The Year Exhibition \‘toilaiiil \iit-ci School \liisciiiii. \liisciiiii of l \lllxilllilll. .222 .\cii|l.llltl \llt‘t'l. 2\- ”2|“ \ii 2| .\lai Sun ll .lun \loii lliii .\ \al

l0aiii 5pm. l'll .\ \tiii llaiii 5pm \ii outstanding; L‘\l|ll‘l|lilll of lhc hcsl iialtiial hisloi_\ photogiaphs tioiii all owi llic \xoiltl lx’un hx li'li’( lli/il/iri' illicit. mi and l oiidoii's \aliiial llislois \liisciiiii


Silent Art Auction \loiiiggoiiit-i} 's ('ollcc llotisc. ‘i Ratlnoi \ticcl. 3.52 lhtiti liltl toi \ioik h} local ailisls. aiiil stippoit Yoikhill (‘hildicn‘s llospilal (losing; cxcnl. Satiiida} 2| Watch. 0 30pm Scottish Golf Show ll! 30 Sun 22 Mai Slz(‘(‘. l'iiiiiicston Qua}. ll.\“ll lllll 4W)“. Ulk‘. l)Ut'\ t'\.ic‘l|\ \\ ll s.i_\s oil thc liii. \xc iiiiaggiiic. Including oiic ol Scotland's largcsl poll ictail shops.

dri\ in; i‘angc. iiitlooi plilllllgl. lasliioii and trickshol shims. \\c sa} ‘lashioii‘. \\c iiican 'gollcr tashioii' ()ln ioiisl}

FREE Glasgow Craft Mafia Sun 2‘) .\l.ii'. Mono. 12 King's (‘oiirl. Klilj.‘ Slit-cl. 553 2400. Ipm. Scc picttirc. hcloxx lcli.


FREE Introduction to Migraine Sal 2| Mar. ()iiakci' .\lccliiig_' llousc. 335' liliiihaiik ('i'cs. iopposilc ('haiiiig; ('ioss Stationi. l030am. 'l'his piihlic talk is aimctl at lliosc iiiigi'aiiic sullci'cis u itli a liiiiilcd knou lcdcc of thc condition oi rccciill} diagnoscd. ’l'hc \liyi‘aiiic 'li‘iist stall \\ ill ollci' all inliodticlion to lhc hasic issiics that allcct iiiigi‘aiiic sullcrci's. \ol as painful as it sounds. \i c pi'oiiiisc.

The Galileo Affair “ml 25 Mai. (ilasgou Sciciicc (‘cnlic. 50 Pacific Qua}. 037|5 -llll000, (i30pni L550 \\t- scc a lilllc silhoiicllo ol a man. .'\iltl llial man is llrolhcr ( iii) (‘oiisoliiiagnin a .lcsuil asll'olioliicl al lllc \allcan ()ltscl'mliil‘}. licrc lo lalk ahoiil hon (ialilco's \xoi’k cliallcligcil illc sclcllcc 0| ilic tla}

An Audience with Graeme Obree \Vctl 25 \iai‘fli'ainua}. 25 :\|hcrt ”in c. 03-15 330 Bill. 7 (Hopiii. £7.50 ‘l'lit- i'cciird-hrcaking Scottish c_\c|isl lalks ahoul innmatioiis and tlc\clopmciit iii C)cllli;_' lcclinolog}. A chaiicc lo mccl him and ask qucslions. l’lcasc hook iii atliancc.

Competitive Edges Symposium: Culture, Nationalism 8. Migration Sat 23 Mar. (‘(';\. 350 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 352 4900. lntcracln c s)iiiposium on \aricd topics rclaling lo Scotland's cultural idcntil}. l'Ul' lurthci‘ iiiloriiialion. contact \ariant Magmnnc:

\ariantmagm himlcrnctciim.


FREE Stringfest Double Bass Masterclass Sat 3| .\lar. RSAMI). |00 chlrcu Strccl. 332 5057. 2pm. 'l‘ini (‘ohh and Tom Martin sliarcs stiiiic insights into him to \\ rap }oiii' liiigcrs around thc string hchcmoth.

William Chamber’s Millinery Workshop Sat 2| Mar. ('hc ('aiiiillc. How (i. Arg} Ic ('cntrc. Buchanan Strcct. 07362 7202l5. |0,30am 4.30pm. £50. Scc picturc. Iclt.

After-Work Yoga Class 'l’ucstla} s. Sloan's. .-\r1_'_\|c .-\rcadc. 357 5387, 7pm. £5. l)c-strcss and slough off thc 9-5 with a mi\turc of d}namic and )in _\oga. ('ontact chcr} l(“ )iigabcllcscouk to hook. FREE The Merchant Voices \Vctliicstlti}s. (it) Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353