
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 1 9


I Robopop ( Hit). 4 l’itartl} Plan: 0845 l(i(i(i034 l0 30pm 3am l'lt't' hcinrt' llpni. £4 it 3i alIL'I 4\ Ini\ ni L‘Iaxxit' pnp tunt'x .llltl ulct‘trit' hcatx Inr thnxc \xhn can't \xait annIth Ila} In xtat'l lllL'Il \wt'lxt'ntl lt'tl h} [H .ll


I Arts Festival Weekend Launch l.(il$'l (‘cntic lni llcalth & \Vcllhcing. ‘) llnxu' Stru't. 533 l 100. (i. 30pm Stlggt'xlt'tl tltitialinn £3. St't' lllt‘ t‘llllllllllllltill nl lllt' arIx chtixal'x unilxxhnpx at lllL' launch ni thc linal patl ni Ihc lcxtnal: watch a xhnrt llllll that \xax llliltlk‘ Ill a \xu'la'ntl. xcc an cxhihitinn nl art unrkx and hit} a (tip) nl lllt‘ ccnlrc’x \t-r} lirxt artx Inaya/mc.


I Death Disco ‘l’hc :\I‘L‘ltcx. 30 Midland Strut-t. 505 I000. llpm 3am. £14. Annic Mac and .\l_\xtcr_\ .lL'l\ II).l xcli |Ulll thc rcxitlcntx Ihix mnnth.


I Play in a Day Workshop |.( ill'l' (‘cntrc lnr llcalth & \\'t'|llwiiig_'. ‘) llnuc Strccl. 533 Hill). llam 5pm. Suggt'xlctl tlnnatinn £3. 'l'hc l.u\ \ch. litlinhurgh'x l.( ill'l‘ thcatrc cnmpan}. xhnu )nu hmx In Ialxc an itlca nnIn Ihc xtagt‘ in iuxt nnc Ila}.

I Poetry Open Mic Night \Vnrtl nl Mnuth. 3a .-\lhcrt Strcct. l.L‘|lll. 533

l “)0. 7,30 0.30pm. Suggt‘xtul tlnnalinn £3. \Vclcnming pnctr} xcxxinn \xith liw- minutc xlnIx.

I Boutique (Hit). 4 l’icartl} Place. 0845 l(i(i 6034. l0.30pni 3am. l'I'L'L' hcl'nrc l lpm; £7 I£(ii altcr. lilcctrn anti hnuxc from I)! l)t)\\/Cl'.

I Fever l‘aitlt. 307 ('nxxgalc. 335 5583. llpm 3am. £8 (£7). l).lx l'ixhcr & l’rit'c I'laxtcl pla} an cclcctic mi\ nl' lllt' lth untlcrgrnuntl tlancc muxic ax licwr mnwx In liaith.


I Band in a Day Workshop l.(;ll'|‘ (‘cntrc l'nr llcalth & \Vcllhcing. ‘) llnxxc Strcct. 533 Hill). llam 5pm. Suggt'xtctl tinnatinn £3. Bring alnng an inxtrumcnt antl Inc nut all _\nur rnckxtar tantaxicx \inh a IiItlc hclp Irnm thc Drummnntl (‘nmmuniu Big Bantl'x ja/I inuxicianx.

I Play / Band in a Day Performance l.(iB'l‘ (‘cntrc inr llcalth & \Vcllhciug. ‘) llnxxc Strcct. 533 1 I00. 7pm. Suggcxtcd tlnnatinn £3. 8w \\ hat a hand and a pla} tlL‘\ ixcd in juxt nnc da} ix likc at Ihix pcri‘nrmancc night that markx the cntl nl' Ihc ccntrc'x :\l‘lx l‘t‘xllutl.

I Cilla Slack (illt‘). 4 l’icartl} l’lacc. 0845 ltih (i034. l0.30pm 3am. l‘I‘cc hcl‘nrc 1 Wm; £4 (£3) aI'Icr. :\ Inrra lnrra Ultl gold. pop and chart I'rnm .\lixx (‘illa Slack.

FIII More ('aharct \'nltairc. 3h 38 Blair Strcct. 330 M76. l lpm 3am. Kaupuxx and .\lixx (‘hrix tlclixcr thc licxt in lllllllx) \UL‘al ltntlxt‘. Cllll‘ L‘ltlxxtcx and L‘lL‘Clt'ti.


I Passionality B}hlnx. l‘nit Q. Merchant Squarc. 71 .-\|hinn Strccl. 553 3895. ll.30pm 3am. £3 (£3). [)1 Rnbcrtx pla} .x chart hitx for thc gay/mixed crtmd.

60 THE LIST 1:3 MaHJ At" 3309


m The Hub l (il’il ('t'IIIr-c Int llt'Itllll IK \\t'lll\‘lllf_‘. (l llt*\\ t' Silt't'l. 333‘ ill“! 5 30 8pm \Inp h} tnr a that and lllltl nut ahnuI tht' gcntic'x .lkll\ lllk'\. haw a Llll‘ nl tca antl mcct xnmc pt'nplc ('niitad laurcnlr lghthcalth Ill}: uk Ini mnrc min

I Call the Shots ( ll“). 4 l’itartlx l’lau'. 0845 Hit» (i034 l0 30pm 3am l'rt'c hclnrc l lpm. £~1l£3ialtci lakc tntal artiqu uiutinl at IhIx Icqucxtx nnl} lllj_'lll l‘.lli.lll Ihc Ium'x _\nuI llt‘all tlcxut'x tn pitartl} plau‘lli : l grnup t‘n uk

Tuesday 24


I Audioculture ll}l‘ltix. l mi t). Merchant Squaw. “I .\lhinn Stict't. 553 3895 llpm 3am. £3 .\ llll\t'tl night nl t'haIt. (llL'L‘\k' .llltl Rtkli Irnm l).l Shana llallmcll


I Shoot ( illt‘). 4 l’lt‘aI'tl) l’lat‘t'. 0845 l(i(i 003-4. lillllplll 3am. l‘l'L'L' l‘k‘ltilt' llpm; £4 I£3i aitcr. (hart. Rtkll. t‘laxxit‘x and lxll\L'll lrnm Halt l.uxh and lricntlx.

Wednesday 25


I Allure 'lht' ‘l'tmnt'l. 84 \litt‘hcll Slrt‘cl. 304 1000, 11.30pm 3am. £3 l\llltlk‘lll\ 3*lnI' ll. (‘llL‘L'\.\ pnp xnutttlx i'rnm |)J l)arrcn and thc ginx hchmtl l);l\\ltllltllll_\.


nu lcebreakers ('(‘ lllnnmx.

35 34 (il’t‘L‘llxltlL' l’lttL‘L‘. 5.50 ”5.5 l. 7.30pm. Snt'ial grnup lnr pcnplt' \xhn \Hllll tn Inakc llt‘“ iricntlx in l.(il§'l~ cnmpan}. 'l‘hix “claiming; and nnn~ Ihrcalcmng grnup. nrganixcd h_\ Ihc l.nthian (la) and l.cthaIi Suitchhnartl. ix itlcal ii )nu'rt‘ ncu In the cit} nr rut-ml} nut.

I Wink (illQ. 4 l’tcartl} l’lat‘c. 0845 l(\() 0034. l0,30pm 3am. l'rcc hclnrc llpm; £4 t£3i al'tcr. .\lltl\\L'L‘l\ cluhhing lrnm l).l \lichcllc \xith allcrnaliu‘ xtitllltlx alnng lllL' llllL‘\ Ill. llltllL'. L‘lct‘ll'ti. I'nck'n'rnll and pnp.

Thursday 26


I Robopop (ill(). 4 l’icartl} l’lacc. 0845 1060034. l0.30pm 3am. l-‘rcc hclnrc 1 Wm; £4 I£3i al’tcr. Scc 'l‘hu ll).


I DVB Spitlt‘t'K \Vch ('cllar Bar. 358 .\lnrrixnn Strcct. 338 I040, 8pm lam. £|0 Imcmhcrx £5 l. l'ctixh cluh \xith l'tinttilatt .lnhn and .\lixtrcxx .-\|ana. 'l'hc tlrcxx L‘UtlL‘ ll\l\\ Inr a minimum nl xmart black tlrt‘xxu car and a gcncral ictixh—

\\ caI' tlnnt' pnlit‘}. 'l'ht‘} pruicr that lim- timc \ iinnrx t'nntact thc nrganixcrx lk‘lnt‘t‘llalttl.

Saturday 28


I Boutique (ill(). 4 l’icartl} l’lat‘c. 0845 Itm (i034. I0.30pm 3am. l'rcc lwlnrc l lpm; £3 lUH aI'tcr. Scc Sat 3|.


I Cilla Slack (illQ. 4 l’icartl} l’lacc. 0845 Inn (1034. 10.30pm 3am. lircc hcl’nrc 1 1pm; £4 I£3i ai'tcr. Sec Sun 33. Ill! Booty (ill(). 4 l’icartl} l’lacc. 0845 um (i034. llpm 3am. Rth. hip hnp. will and funk I'rnm l)Jx Dalc l.uxh and lea Bligc.

nu ELECTROsexuaI ('(' Bltltllll\. 35 34 (lrL'L'll\lLlL' l’lacc. 55h 9.33 l.

1 1pm 3am. Luck} Luciann llll\L‘\ up dirt} htit‘llch and 'L‘llL‘L‘lx) . L‘lL‘L‘lrU til Ihix next night at ga) club ('(‘x ‘l‘hix mnnth'x thcmc ix arm}/cnmmantln.

PREVIEW I Llil Nut Fl:;l€.’»‘t‘. LGBT ARTS FESTIVAL WEEKEND LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Edinburgh, Fri 20-Sun 22 Mar

Scotland‘s capital can lay proud boast to being the only city in the UK to have its own dedicated health and wellbeing centre for LGBT folks, which runs activities, courses, workshops and events throughout the year. Now the centre has launched its first ever arts festival, which aims to celebrate the creativity of the LGBT community in Edinburgh and its surrounding


Over the past few months the centre has been offering a series of arts workshops and courses, including a ‘Make a Film' weekend course detailing how to make a five-minute documentary from start to finish; 3 ‘Write a Magazine’ weekend, run by such acclaimed facilitators as novelist Jessica Gregson and cartoonist Kate Charlesworth; and a monologue-writing workshop run by Cheryl Martin, director-in-residence

at the Traverse theatre.

Now the fruits of these creative labours can be enjoyed as part of the climactic Arts Festival Weekend, which takes place at the centre at the end of March. The weekend festival, which is open to all LGBT people, their friends and supporters, includes ‘Play in a Day‘, ‘Band in a Day’ workshops for aspiring thesps and musos, and features a poetry open mic night and a performance finale on the Sunday.

Lauren Fox, festival co-ordinator, says: ‘We’ve been so well supported by contributions from some wonderful artists, writers and dramatists, without which the events would not have been possible - their commitment is testament to the value of the festival for all involved. I hope the Festival Weekend, including the exhibition and performance evenings, will attract plenty of people to come and see what’s been going on, and support all of those who have created works so far.’

(Allan Radcliffe)

I for further dorm/f; sun iwxw ’;;.'){i:t,-a/Il‘.rwit/n

"II More ('ahart't \‘nltairc. 30 38 Blair Strcct. 330 (i176. I 1pm 3am. 8w Sun 33.

Monday 30


I Passionality whim, l'nit t). Mcrchant Square. 7| Albion Strcct. 553 3895. 11.30pm 3am. £3 t£3l. Scc Mnn



m The Hub l.(ill'l‘ (‘cntrc lltll' llcalth & \Vcllhcmg. ‘) lltmc Strcct. 533 I I00. 5.30 8pm. Scc Mnn 33.

I Call the Shots (ill(). 4 l’icard} l’lacc. 0845 l(i(ih034. [0.30pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'nrc l lpm; £4 I£3i al'tcr. Scc M00 33.


I Audioculture B}hlnx. l'mt Q. \lcrchant Squarc. 7| .-\|hinn Stu-ct. 553 3805. l lpm 3am. £3. 80c luv 34. Edinburgh

I The World Famous Regent Bar

Quiz 'l'hc chcnt Bar. 3 .\lnntrnxc 'l‘crracc. (ml 8W8. 9pm. £1.50 pcr

[icrxnn In cult-r. .-\ mnnthl} fJL‘llL‘lJl ltnnulctlgc gun in Ihix 34cm nl lllL' |.( illl puh xu'nc. 'l'hcrt' arc Inp [ill/L‘x lni t‘nntcxlantx and all prnccctlx gn In H illl Ynuth Scntlantl,

I Shoot (illQ. 4 l’It'aItl} l’lat't'. “H45 l(i(i (>034. l0. 30pm 3am. l'rcc ht‘llllk'

l lpm; £4 (£3i aitcr. Stu luv 34

Wednesday 1


I Allure 'l’hc 'l'unncl. 84 Mitchell Stu-ct. 304 I000. l|.30pm 3am. £3 l\llltlL'lll\ L3-ltil'—l ). SL'L' “'L‘tl 3.5.


I Wink (ill(). 4 l’lL'tIrtl) l’lttL'L'. (”54.3 Int» 6034. I030pm 3am. l'rcc hcinrc l lpm‘. £4 t£3i ai'tcr. Scc Wed 35

Thursday 2


I Robopop (ill(). 4 l’igartl} Place. 0845 l()()()ll3-l. l0.30pm 3am. l'rcc hclnrc llpm; £4 t£3i aIIcr. Scc 'l hu 1‘). I Deviation ('(' Blnnmx. 33 24 (irccnxidc l’lacc. 55(i 9331. 11pm 3am. Rc-launchcd mnnthl} night Inr ('(“x with cum. rnclx. punk and pmxcr pup from [)1 Am}.