www.list.co.uklmusic I ROCk&POp Music ..


I The Perils lllL' l)IIghIIu\L'. I 3 IIrImn StrL'L't. til 333 3lIIIHl3 Spin £tI3L' IIrIgIItIIn gmup prIIttL-I IIIIIIl. IadL'n rIIL‘lL


Phil Minton Century FC Drop-

In Practice (‘(',’\. 3.30 SIMIL‘IIICIIIIII Stt‘L‘L'l. 353 40W). 3 4pm I'I‘L'L' SL'L' Ilill I‘) I’m! u/ Imml.

lnstal 2009 (ilangm I'nIIL-I'xit}

('hapL'I. I'nnL'I'xil} .'\\L'IlllL'. 3 3t) 7. 30pm. £10 Ila} pass I£35 tL-xtnal lllL‘ annual lL'Sll\ItI III axanlgaI‘dL' and L'\pL-InnL'ntaI InuxiL‘. 'IIIII.I_\\ IInL--up III L'IL‘L'lI'IIIIIL‘a. IHHIIS. lL'L'IlI3aL‘lI and IIUISL’ stars Ina-Maria IIIIIII3L'n. I.L-an-I.uL‘ (iInnnIIl Ik 'IIIxhnnaI'u Nakaniuiaand IIL'I‘IIIan .\'leL'h. I The Dykeenies ()UL'L‘II \largarct I'IIIIIn. 33 l'nnL-I‘xit} (iItltIL'IIS. 33‘) 9784. 7pm. S()|.l) ()l "I. ‘IIIutL-d hand “II” are a C(IIIIPHSIIL' Ul all that's hip III IndIc right IIIM. I()I' at IL‘IISI “as |a\t _\L‘at'.l I Gambit, Dirty Modern Hero and Jakil SIL‘I‘L'U. 3H 3H RL'IIIIL'III I.;tltL‘. 333 3354. 7pm. I‘tInlL I‘IIL'II L'I'IixxmL'I' l'rIIIn llIL' L‘harixniatIL' .lalIiI. I Semtex, Unknown Method, The White Light, The Prayers and Another Broken Record li;ll'l't)\\l£tlltl 3. 344 (IaIIImgatL‘. 553 4(Itll. 7pm. £6. ()\L'I‘- I-lx \IIIm. I.IIL'aI IIaIIII I3III. InL‘luIlIng .’\Il()£l punk IluaI'tL't ARR. I The Gap Year Riot, Ghosts on Pegasus Bridge, Roxbury and Shadow Trax .-\I3('3. 33H SatIL‘IIiL'IIaII SII‘L'L't. 333 3333. 7pm. £0. ()\L'I'-I4\ \IIIm. I’IIIIII} pIm L‘I'-pIIp \\Illl \_\nlh\. I De Rosa ('aptain'x RL‘SI. IIS’5 (II'L'at \VL'xtL'I'n RIiad. 333 7304. 7.30pm. £tI3L'. Art—\L'IIIIIIIL‘II (IllllllL‘l pI‘L'xL'IIt thL‘iI‘ IIL‘\\ paI‘t—IIIIII. part-L‘IL‘L‘tI‘IInIL‘ dL'IixL‘I'} \\ Ith \Iingx I'I'IInI IIICII' L'\CCIICIII new album I’I‘I'I‘I'IIIIIIII. I Lions. Chase. Tigers, Wehungyourleader and Cry Over Billionaires NIL'L'WI‘SIL‘III). 43l SauL‘hiL‘hall StI'L'L‘t. 333 (Will). 7.30pm. RUChL‘I'S \\ ith a l'IIndnL‘sx l‘Iir :\L‘I‘L‘I3graInInL‘ and Brand New I Flav Giorgini, The Murderburgers, The Plimptons and David Hughes IIIL‘ 'l‘II I\IL‘II \\'lIL-L‘l. 7.3 ()llL‘Cll StI'L'L‘t. 33I 4S5l. Spin. £4. .S'IIIII gig tI'IIIn (iiIII'gInI. III [S pup-punk aL‘t Squirtgun. FREE Open Stage 'l‘lIL' tlalI Bar. Inn \VIIIIIIIalitlx RIKIII. 3.53 9990. Split. ()pL‘lI IIIIL' night. I The Perils, The Backward Hi 53, The LA Barrons and Peski Kings 'I‘hL‘ \' (‘luh 375 S. IuLIIIL‘Ih III StI'L'Lt. .333 ‘NIU. Spin. £5. IhightIIn IHUle. I The Silencers and Tracey Curtis IhL I‘LII\. \.ndLI\tIIn ()u. l\. BIIIIIIIIIL‘II t\\ lllltllh ‘(TII (lbs hplll £3 '3 ”L'IllIlUllS "IL‘ trIIIn IIIL‘ \L"'.tLI III .S‘L'WIIIIIILlILix FREE The Ideals, Skinny Villains, The Japanese Mafia and Dirty Angels litl\. 43] S. IuL"hILh. Ill StI‘L‘MLt 333 54 .3I. .S‘pni IndiL' I3Ill IIILIudIng lllC BIIthIp— intluLnLLd IdLalx tIIInI ;\}I\IIIIL. I Tigers on Vaseline and BLK Triangles RUChL‘I'S. l—l Midland SIT‘CL‘I. 33l (I730. .S’pin. ll'll‘llIL‘ tII BU\\IC. I Joshua Radin and Maria Taylor King 'I‘ut'x \Vah \Vah IIut. 373a St \'InL‘L'nt StI‘L‘L't. 33l 537‘). .S'..3t)pIn. S()I.I) ()I'I. SIIIgL‘I/Stlllg“l’llL‘I' t‘rIInI ()IIIU “IIUSC InuxiL‘ has I3CL‘II t'L‘atuI'L‘d IIn .S‘L‘I'uhs and (irL‘) '\ .-\natIInI_\. FREE Swagger .S‘aniucl l)Im\. (37 7| NillthlaIL‘ Road. 433 0107. S.3Ilpm. Qualit} I'IIL‘k L‘I3\L‘r\. I Apologies, I Have None, Grozny and Cap Sante! l3th .\'IIIL- (‘at'L'a .30 (Ill King Street. 553 l(33.S‘. 9pm. £3. Acoustic punk rock duII llL‘IlLlIlllC. FREE Seeds of Thought (‘(‘.-\. .350 SauL‘hIL‘halI StrL‘L‘t. .353 4000. I.I\L‘ prIILL'n \mrd. liL‘UllSlIL‘ IIIUSIC. drama ShClCllCS and Open ITTIL‘.


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery TIlL‘ Jan Bar. 1 Chambers StrL‘L't. 330 4398. 5-8pm. SL‘c Thu It).

4le [);t\\l.



TI“ I V ' V ' . I. .. ~ I (3' I! f . t‘ . -' , , z l.(l-.fll_I.l).l l. J .l' .i' [1 \1’Ifivll‘iy‘ ' .{f (II' I); / y 4’ 1' Lil ) l ‘(i l‘ i) I (I I “l,. l I I , i v n. L r Ill il".'(,l‘,'l” 'l' i: I!) 5) )

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HOW TO ENTER Iggmptr (Iby‘filfi‘lph‘l? “WI/"W I(InIII)I((IHR()“(7I)!J y‘,ti\" :tatt: II‘ inn Lia. :3 .fu' (tl‘tl 3.3.136: \.'.'I‘Ir;I‘

(ii()‘3lll<l rviifll.“ " I .H‘ Iiwu; 3, rir, “141‘,"

lJ‘)l\I(i / riv.‘ '1I‘LI(3 {iii

T}l‘l(3"'lt}. IIII‘.:.'".'III‘.‘:

FREE Walk This Way and Shameless IIannL‘I‘nIanK. \Iddi'} Stt‘L‘L't. 55(3 3354. 5pm. I,IIL'aI I‘I3L'kL‘I‘x.

I Khuda, The Discordian Trio, Hitcher and The Great City tlL-nr} '\ ('L'IIaI‘ Bar. S Ma \lIII'I'ixIIn SII'L'L‘I. 333 0303. (3.45pm. £4. I)Imn tL'IIIpII L'\pL‘rIInL'nta| i'IIL‘lI tun piL‘L'L‘.

I The Last Republic Studio 34.

34 3(3 (‘altIIn Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £6.50. SL‘L‘ 'Iiltll I‘).

I Sleeping Dogs and Kays Lavelle WL‘L‘ RL‘II Bar. IiIIInhuI'gII (‘IIIIL‘gL‘ III .-\I't. l.lllll'lSlUlI l’laL‘L'. 33‘) I443. 8pm. £5. SIIaI'Ing IIIL'IIIdIL‘ I'IIL'II l'I‘IInI thL' I)Iig\.

I Ska Dance Craze 'l‘hL‘ BIIIIgII ('Iuh. Mora} lltlllSL‘. 37 IIII|)I'III3II RIIad. 5.53 7604. ltlpni 3am. £8. .\ InI\turL- III authL'ntiL' ska I'L‘atuI'Ing BIIIIIthLaI'L‘. IixpL'I'an/a. Big l‘at Panda and DJ NlIgg}. I Earl Grey 8. The Loose Leaves and Rag Doll Dice llL-III}‘ \ ( '-.L|l it It. II S Ma .\lt)IIl\tIII StILLt 33.3 93.93. I 1pm £4. lillILS night.

Glasgow ’3: lnstal 2009 Inc .xI-Lth 25.3

:\I'g_\lL‘ StI'L‘L‘t. 5(35 llltlll. 3.30pm. £III Ida} pass) (£35 I'L‘xtixal paxxi. .IIIIC annual lL‘xtIIal III .nant-gaI'dL- and L'\pL'rInIL'ntaI InuxiL‘. 'I'Iida) '\ Iinc-up lllL‘IlltIL‘\ 'l‘L'tquI KIIgaxI a. Klaus l'iIIp Lk Radu Maltatti. Iiuan (‘urI'iL'. :\li RUhCI'lSUIl Ik I‘Irtt/ \VL‘IL‘II. \Iluix \IL‘IIUIIS. IIL‘IITL‘SIL‘II IV NL‘II I);t\lLI\IIlI. SILWL‘ .\IL‘('att'L‘rt). .\lIL‘haL‘| I’ixarIi and IL‘gL‘ndar) L'\pL‘I'InIL‘nta| \IIL‘alixt JIian I.a Barhai‘a. SL'L‘ pI‘L'\ IL‘\\. pagL' (I3.

FREE The MeatMen Maggic Ma} \. 5U 'I‘I‘IingatL‘. \IL‘I‘L'IIant (It). 548 I350. 5.15pm. RIIL‘ILahIII}. hluL‘graxx and \kIl'tlL‘ t‘I'IIIn (ilangm trim The .\IL‘at.\lL‘n.

I The Black Rats and Tom Champagne .\B('2 .“ll 5. IuL-hiLh. tll Stud 33 33.3 3. 7pm. £6. ()\L-I l—i\ \IIIm. IIIdIL IIILII. plux \IngLI/wngmitcr I‘I'IIIII Largx.

I Graphic Workshop, Hoxx, Oscar Charlie and Friday First BarrImland. 344 (iallImgatL'. 553 4(3tll. 7pm. £0. ()xL‘r-l4x \IIIm. I.IIL‘aI punk} hill. Including I’L‘rth'x lirida) I‘IIrxl.

I Kung Fu NIL-c'II'SlL‘II/3. 43| SauL‘hIL'IIaII Street. 33.3 (Mill. 7.30pm. £1I3L‘. \IL‘IIILIIL‘ inLIIL‘ rIIL'lx ITUIII KIInIarnIIL‘k.

I X Factor Live Tour BrachL-ad Arena. Kings lllCll Road. ()870 444 (3063. 7.30pm. £38.50. T\\CI\L‘ .\' I’uI‘Iur 3UUI‘3’ finalists takL‘ [U IITL‘ \tagc.

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