www.llst.co.uklmuslc ROCKSI POD MUSIC

FREE William Douglas 8. The

Wheel 'l‘lic .l.1// Hat. I ('ltattllic'h \lrccl. 330—1308 midnight Singcr

wnguritcr/guitarixt \Villiain l)11ttj_'l.1\.1ntl lll\ illill'I3lL.\L-i3iiil‘i[3'11\ g


I James Morrison and Vagabonds ()3 .‘\L.’ttlt‘lll}. l3l ltg'llllltlll Strcct. (1544-1 7730“” "pm 5i()l.l) (ll ”l ’l lic lalcxt ptixl lilunt.i.1d1o lricndl} \lUR trouhadoui ol thc pcoplc. \xith .1 hcautilull} “arm \tllll \oicc

I Acoustic Jam .\'1cc-'11‘Slc-.1/}.43l Sauclnchall Strcct. 3330000 Hpin Ethc “cc-kl} \litmca\c lor local \ttlljJ\\lllL‘l‘\ pcrloinnng original inatcrial

I Emily Barker 8. The Red Clay Halo, Yahweh and Esperi Mono. I3 King\(‘ourt.K1ng Sncct. 553 34m). Spin. U1, Rook} \ongurilcr lroin :\ti\tra|ia and hci hand.

I Hercules Mandarin, Action, Stuart Christopher and As the Crow Flies l’no l’ixo. l5 \Vatcrloo SII‘L'L'I. 50-1 Nlllll. Split. Lllk‘. \VL'L'lxl} x\L'Ull\llc lla/ooka. lioxlcd tonight h} llciculcw Mandarin lront1nan(‘hr1\.

I Michael Simons 'l'cliai ()\ 11.1. ~13 ()t11g11l.;1iic.357 4534811111. E3. (ilaxgou -ha\cd glllltll‘hl playng lolk. lilucx and hc}ond.

I Open Mic chuhlic Hicr llallc \cht. 373 374 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 3300137 Hpin. \Vccld} opcn \tagc.

FREE This Kid Kodiack, The Spectres, Above Air, Andy Knox and John Neville Junior Box. 43! Sauchichall Slrcct. 333 5431. 8pm. chgac lrotn 'l'hc Spcctrcx.

I The Coronas, The Raw Kings and Year Zero King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah llul. 373.1St \inccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘). H.3llpin. E5. Irixh l'our-piccc \\ltU |1a\ c attractcd coinparixonx to 'l'hc l.1hcrtincx. I Blackjacket, Jackie Onassis and Joey Terrifying l3tl1 .\‘otc (.11.: 5t) (in King Strcct. 553 H138. “)plll. ('anadian hardcorc hand hcadlinc \\ ith hardcorc punk and \kil’pllllk \uppot'tx.

I M000 SIL‘I'L'U. 3H 33 Rt‘llllc‘lll l.;tllL‘. 333 3354. Eli). li\trcinc guitar thnatnicx l'roni Mono. uho haxc hccn comparcd to (indflk‘cd Ytilt lilttclx littllk‘l'ttll


I Joe Gideon 81 The Shark and Paul Vickers 8. The Leg (Hibarct Voltairc. 3o 3.\' Blair Strcct. 33H (1l7(1. 7pm. U1. Scc Sat 31.

FREE Open Mic \VlilxllclunktLW. 4 (1 South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. “)pin. Juxt turn up and pcrl'orni.


Glasgow I Lost City Lights, Roshambos and The Long Walk Home Nicc‘n'Slcal).

431 Sauchichall Strcct. .333 11111111. 7.3(lptll. lllc‘ ltL‘.ldllllL‘t'\ tlL‘5L'l'ihL' thcnixclxcx ax ‘an c'\p|o\ion ol' \hccr llaxour'.

I Simply Red Br .1chc 1d .-\rcna. Kingx lttc‘li Ru 1d 0870-14-1 (1063. 7. 30pm. £40. .\ill\L llucknall continucx to hc inuplicahh popular \\ ith hix pwudo- stilll.

I Binary Zero, The Viscounts and Politics of Time l’i\o l’im. l5 \Vatcrloo Strcct. 5M .\‘ll)ll. Spin. L'thc. lilcctronica and indic rock.

FREE Oi Polloi ’l‘hc llalt Bar. 1111) Woodlands Road. 353 0996. 8pm. \ctcran anarcho-punlu l‘roin lidinhurgh. FREE Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ()ran .\lor. 73l 7.35 (ircat “LNIL‘I'II Rllilll. 3‘57 63le. 8pm. l.i\c Mtixic.

I Schwervon! and John McKenna And/Or Monoganon Stcrco. 3t) 3.\‘ chlicld Lane. 333 3354. 8pm. Ethc. DIV rock duo from Non York \\ ho record for (ilasgtm '\ Shoc‘shinc lahcl.

I The Rogues, My Cousin l Bid you Farewell and The Banter Thiefs King Tut’s \Vah \Vah llut. -73a St Vincent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £5.

\cn \\a\ c and uphcat dancc : lccd into 'lhc Rogucx' \ound. ulnlc .\l('ll3\'l- dig lirucc \[‘l'lllj_'\lc‘c'll and :\rc.1dc l'irc

I Sommersault Assault, Calacas and Malik Joyeux l11h\.11c (‘ 11.- 5tlollK1ngStrmt 553 lo3\ ‘lpni Li D} n.1nnc \oundx on _".111t11. kc». tlutc \ and drunh lt'ottl thc hcadlincix \kllll niotc ol .111.1ur.1l.1\\.1ult lioni ('.1l.1c.1\ and math rock lroni \lalik ,lo_\cu\


I Karima Francis (ahaict \ollattc'. 3o 38 lllau’ Strcct. 33” (1171 "pm

E3 5i). (.l'lllcdll} <acclauncd \1ngc1 \onguritcr. \1hoh.1\ hccn coinpaicd to 'lr.1c} (‘haptnan .1nd.lo.1n \iinanading I Emily Barker 81 Red Clay Halo l.cith loll. ('luh. lhc \1l|.1gc. \‘outh l-oit Strcct. 4'78 "NIH. " 3llpin U1 Rootx} \ong\\l'1lct' lroin :\11\tr.1l1.1 and hci hand FREE Band Showcase \Vlnxtlchinkicx. ~l (18outh lliidgc. 555 5l l4. ”put (‘all 111 .1d\.111cc tor .1 gig FREE Open Mic Night 'l't-xiot Ron l'nion. lli'ixto81111.1ic.(15ll-lo"3 ‘lpin \Vclconnng .1ll \t}lc\ ol lllll\ll'.tl lll'.ll5. coxcrx and original inatcrial.


I Blackjacket, 3 Time Round & Joey Terrifying l)toutl1} Nut-hon. H3 l’crth Road. (ll3.\‘3 3113M? Spin. Ethc (’anadian hardcorc hcadx thc hill,

Isle of Mull

I De Rosa :\n 'l‘ol‘ar. .r\rg_\ ll 'lcrracc. 'l‘ohcrinor). (Hoax 303 31 l. N. 3tlpin. LN tUii. Scc 1-1-1 3t).

Glasgow I Funeral for a Friend (jut-cu

Margarct l'nion. 33 l'nixcrxit} (iat‘dcnx. 33‘) 073-1. 7pm. U5. ()wr- l—l\ \hoxx. lncrcaxingl} inainsucani rocking lroin nicc \Vclxh cnio ladx \xho arc popular with thc )oung gothx ot toda_\,

I Next Time Fire, Out of Samsara and The Con Artists .\'1c'c-'11‘Slc-.1/}. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 (Will). 7.3(lpin. ‘l‘omard rocl.‘ l'roni (it‘l'llldll). FREE Emma Curran and Eoghan Colgan ()t'an .\lot‘. 73l 335 (it'cat \chtcrn Road. 357 (1300, Hpni. Singcr/wngv.ritcrx at thix .\lil| gig including ('olgan. a lorincr \\ inncr ol thc ()3 l'ndixcmcrcd coinpctition. l'rcc ticlxctx a\ailah|c lroin \uxuthcnnll» lixccoin.

FREE Open Mic .\l.1ggic.\l.1_\\.5tl ’l’rongatc. Merchant ('it). 548 I350. Spin. ()pcn \tagc night

FREE The Phades, Enemy of Rome and Red Light Syndrome Box. 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 54 31. Spin. lndic quartct li‘oin (i.tlL\llL.td llczldlinc‘.

I Shimmer, Adventure Friends and The DieYoungs l’im l’i\o. I5 \Vulcrltiu Sll‘ccl. 50-1 Xlllll. Splll. Ul‘L‘. .\lclodic pop and a darkcr indic dronc from The Dichungx.

I Ex-Wives, Black Velveteens, Cities 81 Skylines and Eryka (ilaxgoxx School ol'.-\rt. 1117 RL‘llll'L‘“ Strcct.353453l.8.30pm..»\llii111-\t}lc‘ ril'l'olog} troni thc hand lorincrl} known ax Stars Kill.

I Jessica Lea Mayfield, Washington Irving and Salon Society King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 3‘31 81 Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £8. Dark and mood} lN-}c'.1r-1iltl \uigcr \\ ho hax gumtcd \\ ith 'l'hc Black Kcy in thc- past.

I Miss the Occupier, The Unstoppable Flying Raincoats, Meat Pie and Niven l3th .\'otc- (211.: 5() (it) King Strcct. 553 H138. 8.30pm. £3. Punch} indic rocking l'roin .\li\\ thc ()ccupicr.

FREE Open Stage 'l‘hc llalt Bar. 1(111 \Voodlandx Road. 353 9906. 8.30pm. \Vcckl} open mic night.

I Micachu 8. the Shapes ('aptain'x Rut. l.\'5 (ircal \VL‘xtc‘rn Road. 333 3304. (‘.-\.\'(‘l{l.l-lil).

0 regular music presents


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