
FREE Teatime Acoustic 'l 11L' .1.i// Bar. 1 ('hainhcrx Strcct. 330 43‘”

5 Spin 'loh} ‘.1ack o1 1)141111Hilt1\‘.111t1 lrlt'llt1S ollcr up an unpluggctl \L'\\1t111 I James Lowe 11cm} \ (‘i-llar Hal. S lliit.\l(1l'l'l\till Strcct. 33S ‘) 3‘13 Spin £5 l£4i. \lclotlic. croutl plcaxing .‘tc‘tiUSliL' \cl lroin 1'.t1inhuigh \lllg'c‘l' \ongu ritcr 1.o\\ c.

I Dr Ruby’s Acoustic Showcase 'l'hc Ja// Bar. 1 ('hainhci'x Strcct. 330 4398. 3.15pm. £4 i£3i hclorc niitlnight; £1 altcl'. .-\ \clcctloii ol acotlxlic aclx.


I Alela Diane and William Elliot Whitmore :\1i( ‘3. 330Sauc1iic1ia11 Strcct. 333 3333. 7pm. £S_ ()xcr-14\ \how Singcr-xonguritcr lioni .\'c\at1a ('it} who 111\t11\t‘\t11t1 niouiitain lllll\l£' tradition\ with licr \pcctral lllll\1£‘.

I From Paris to Prison, The Kamilas, Love Casino and Sol Mind 1\oi"\ lilackx, 50 ()\\\il1t1 Sti‘ccl. 348 4114. 7pm. £thc. 1.oca| alt.rock trio. I Kamelot 'l'hc ('athouxc. 15 l'iiion Sli'L‘Cl. 34H (i(i(l(i. 7pm. £13. ()\L‘l‘~ 14x \hou. S}niphonic and pl’tigl‘L'SSHC nictal hand lroin l‘ltil'ltltt li'onlctl h} Nomcgian \Uc‘illlSI Ro} Khan.

I Metallica, Machine Head and The Sword S1i('('. 1'1innicxton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. SOLD ()1 "1‘. liagcrl) auaitctl Scottish tlatc l'or thc i‘cccntl} chart-topping nictal hchcniotlix. I Starsailor, The Parlotones and Pete Greenwood .’\li(‘. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 0870 1600100. 7pm. £10. ()\c1‘ 14\ \lltm. lipic ilitlic \otllit1\ li‘tllil \Vigan ax Stanailor i‘ctui'n al'tci' a hi‘icl‘ lililllh.

I Next Time Fire, Lost City Lights and Painfish Nicc‘n'Slca/y 431 Saucliicliall Strcct. 333 0000. 7.30pm. £thc. ‘l'iii'iuii‘tl rock' 110111 (ici‘iiian).

I Doghouse Roses Si .'\11t11'c‘\\ \ Ill thc Squarc. St .-\nt|rc\\ '\ Sqiiarc. 55‘) 5903. S'pin. £8 (£6). l-‘olk/counti'} /thc\ (1110.

I EastFest l’latl'oi'ni. ’l‘hc Bi'itlgc. 1000 \\'c\tci‘hou\c Road. liaxtci'hoiixc. 37h 0000. (Split. £41£3L ()\c‘i‘- 14x \11o\\. Night o1 local talcnt with a llll\L‘\1 Iinc- up lcatiiring 1‘unki1icioux.

I John Miller 8. his Country Casuals and Mississippi Mike Wolfe \Vootlcntl 'l'cnnix & Bo“ ling ('ltih. 10 (’lianihcrlain Road. 05‘) 1433 . Spin. £10. Radio S\\cctlic‘;ii't\ \ingcr Millcr and hand p|a_\ trad L'Ullilli'} originalx.

FREE The MeatMen, Franco Neon and Benefit Fraud Box. 431 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 333 5431. Spin. Rockahill}. hlucgraxx and \kil't‘lc l'roin (i1;i.xgti\\ trio '1'hc .\lcat.\1cn.

I Sparrow 8. the Workshop and Vetacore 'l'hc '1‘“ lSlL‘tl \thcl. 7.3 Qllcc‘ti Sli‘c‘ci. 331 4851. Split. £3. (ilingtfiV-llllSCtl duo touting pcrcuxxion. violin, guitar and \oicc at this (‘oncrctc (‘aiiipt'irc.

I Club Smith, The Maybes, Goldhawks and Louise Against the Elements King 'l‘ui‘x \Vah \Vah Hut. 373a Si Vinccnt Slt'ccl. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £5. Rohiixt intlic rock t‘i'oin ihc north cast.

FREE Glasgow Jam Session Samucl Don's. (i7 71 Nithxdalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. Scc Thu 1‘).

I How to Swim, Audrey Sings Nlco and Roy Moller (‘aptain‘x cht. 185 (ircat \\'c\tcrn Road. 333 7304. 8.30pm. £5. (‘haractcrt'tik cclcctic pop collcctix'c xiipportctl h_\ Bcllc & Schaxtian'x .\ua\ c siclckick Ro) .\lollcr. I Las Tuesday, The Dunderheids and Hollow Point l3th .\'otc (Kilc. 50—60 King Strcct. 553 M38. 9pm. Trash) rock'n'roll.

FREE Man Gone Missing, Townhouse and Ramon The Drawing Room. 1055 Sauchicliall Strcct. 33‘) 8360. 9pm. \Vcckl) Quict Riot night ol’ ntcllou \UlllitlS.

70 THE LIST 19 Mar—3 Apr 3009

FREE Bazodee 111C 11.111 liar. inn \\UU\11.|11\1\ Road. 353 WW“ Scc 11111 1‘1 I Kid Cudi('1.i\\ic (irantl. 1S Janiaica \llc‘c'l. 54-113311 £1“. (MCI-14x \11ii\\ \m York iappci uho tcatuicd on Kainc \\t'\13\ 'V’\\ (\ Hi u'I'I/‘Ii ilk .tll‘lllll


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 11ic.la//15ai. 1 (liainhch Slicct. 330 43‘).\ 5 Spin Scc 1111i 1‘)

I Capillary Action, Super Adventure Club .llltl Employee of the Month llic (ERV. 3‘ (iiithiic Sticct. 330 ZUS‘ “pin £5 i£4i. ,1.t//_\. \1L'111L'111L'\1 .t\;tlllrl‘t1]‘l1t1111 \cxi \ork'x ('apillai} .‘\L'11t111

FREE Phoenix 0 .lllt1 Dead Good Villains '1 hc ('.i\c\. \itltli'} Sticcl South. 555 SUN). “pni 1‘1L'c‘ hut tickctctl 111t11L‘ rock night. 1~icc llc'kc‘l\.t\;tll.11‘1t‘ li'oin \\\\\\.t1iciiii11»1i\c com.

I The Science and Dancing Mice .1'11c':\1’k. 5 _ \Villt‘l'ltiti 1’1.lc'c‘. (‘35 5314.. 7. 30pm. £4. 1’o\1 niclotlic hard rock.

I LlI‘I‘IbO ‘1 hc \tmtltiti Rtltllll\. 1‘la \\L‘\l chntcr Sticcl. 550 ”000, S30pni lain. £4. Scc '1 hu 1‘1

I The Freaky Family '1 llL' .1a// liar. l (littllllk‘l’S Sticct. 330 43‘)S_ 11.30pm. £1.5L'c11111 1‘).

Dundee I The Dykeenies l-ai Saiuk. 31 South “and Road. 013S3 33S4‘lo. Spin. £0.50. SEC 11'! 311.


I Charlie Landsborough .\1ol11cl’\\c11 ('onccrt ”all. (‘i\ ic ('cnti‘c. \Vintlinillhill Sli‘cct. ”HMS 3113‘1‘)”. 7.30pm. £10.50 luntlcr 35x £15.50i. .‘\\ cnici'laining on \tagc ;l\11c ix inclotlic. Lantlxlmi'ougli tillt'1'\ up a rangc ot couiiti'} niatcrial.

Stirling I Brenda Cochrane Alix-rt llallx. 1)unihai'ton Road. 0178b 473544. 7.30pm. £13.50 i£10i. (‘ouiiti‘}. pop and lllll\lc‘;tl thcatrc intcrprctationx lroin proclaiinctl \ingcr Bi'cntla ('ochi'anc.

, i"


I Ben Lee Stci'co. 30 38 RL‘lillL‘ltl 1.anc. 333 3354. 7pm. £111..’\l1\li‘;111;l11 intlic \iiigci'/\oiig\\ i'itci' \\ ho rccciitl} hi'anchctl out into acting. taking thc tillc rolc in thc \\111111\1c';tl lilni Tllt’ Ix’ugi' in I’lm'u/ [xi/uh

I Manta and Black Hack ()2 .-\cat1cni_\ 3. 131 liglinton Sum. 0844 477 3000. 7pm. £0. Rctro p\_\chct1c|ic 1111111 l'Uc‘kc'l'\ lic'ittlllllc.

I Sol Diablos, Underwood, Kitsch Kats and Traquair 'l‘lic Suh(‘1uh. 23

Tunnq and Tinariwen Trio

Janiaica Sticcl. 34S 4o00 ~pni £5 (ilaxgou inclmlic llltllC i'tk'kL'H llL'dklllllL' 1111\ gig 1t‘1.tl\L' lllll\l\ tora ll'lL'11K1.\1l£‘.lll opcration

I The Sounds \1i(‘2_ Ho Saucliu-liall Sticct. 333 3333 "pm £10 ()\c'1 14x \11o\\ Sn L't11\ll intlic outtit

I Drugdealer Cheerleader, Peep Show and Disarm Rt‘ckc‘h. l4 .\1it11.'int1Strcct. 331 0330 Spin £thc (il.t111pl111k itic'kc‘H Mom 1 Ulllll‘ll

I Kaila Heartshake, The Travels .tlltl Wullie Swales 1‘lic '1'“ l\lL'\1 \Vllc‘c'l. “3 ()Uc'c‘ll Slit't'l. 331 4551 hplll £5. .-\|t iock antl hlucx night. including .tctllhllc' \iiigc'i"\oiig\\i‘itcr \Vullic Sualcx. intlucncctl h_\ liutltl} lloll} .lllkl lightxpcctl ('hanipion

I Kick to Kill, Lull, Overcry and Casino Brag ’l’hc \ (‘lulx 3‘5 Sauchichall Strccl. 333001” Spin £5 l’rc\ai1iiig .1o_\ 1)l\l\lt\ll iiilliicnccx troni thc llc‘dtlllilc‘l'N

FREE The Rutlands Box. 4 31 Sauchichall Strccl. 333 5431. Spin. l’op rock quartct lroiii Kirkcaltl}.

I Wasted Radio and Ben Sturrock .\'icc'ii'S1ca/'\. 431 Sauchichall Sti’cct. 333 0000 Spin. £0. Slcal) rock Stillllt1\. \upportctl h_\ \onguritci' troin St :\nt1rc\\ \.

I Wing 8. a Prayer 'l'cliai ()\ na. 42 ()tago1.aiic.35." 4534. Spin. £3. 1'olk/hltlc\ tlllti.

FREE The Latecomers 1.;tlll‘lc'\ liar. 34 King Strcct. 553 7133. S.15pni. .'\£‘Ull\llc‘ \ct ol' oi'iginalx and L'litSSIC

FREE Confusion Sainucl 1)o\\ \.

(i7 71 \ilhxtlalc Road. 433 (1107. S30pni. 1.oca1 rock hand.

I The Sword King llll'\ \\';ili \Vah Hut. 373a SI Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. Sahhath-iiitlucnccd inctallci‘x 110111 .'\ll\l111.

I Esperanza, Crumpled Tenners and Chief 1.3111 N01L‘(‘;tlc. 5t) ()1) King Strcct. 55.3 1638. ()pni. £thc. Ska punk linc-iip.

I Frogpocket, Babyshaker and El Bastardos Soiiiitlliaux. 47 llylcpark Strch 331 465‘). 10.30pm. £10 i£Si. 1i\pcriincntal clccti'onica at lhix Digital Harlot night.

FREE The Ray Summers .\lc(‘liuills.

4t) lligli Strcct. 553 3135. Mainxti'cain llltllt‘ rock \UlllldS li'oni thc l-alkirk hand \\11U “on thc Road to llogniaiia}

coinpctilion to pla) at (ilaxgou '\ (icorgc

Sqiiai‘c cclchrationx.


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 'l'hc Jan Bar. 1 ('hanihcrx Sii'cct. 330 4398. 5 Spin. Scc Thu 1‘).

FREE Walk This Way and Shameless lianncrnian'x. Nitltlr)

A double bill of leftfield folk from separate traditions as the UK’s Turing

Sticct. 55h 3354 5pm Scc 1‘11 30

I The Flavours 111C .l.uu llouxc. 5 ()uccn Sticct. 33o 4 3S0 o 30pm 1 icc l‘c‘lt‘lc £51011. £5 .tllc‘l .lttlil lil‘ll‘k‘ houxchantl «opcning hand \1111 thci

I The Dykeenies \‘iutlio 24. 24 .‘u (‘alton Road. 55.\ 335.\ ~pin £‘1 50 Scc 1'11 30

I The Maybes and Club Smith lhc _v\tk. 3 5 \Vatciloo1’1acc.h33 514‘

“pin £5 lntlic night

I Peter Doherty lhc 11.\1\ l’ictuic llouxc. 1 othian Roat1.0.\'44 SF 1‘40 ~pin £1‘l l'hc uxual iinpictliclahilit) troiii thc 1 11‘k'11111L'\ Hahx \11.11111\1t‘\ man I Punch 8. the Apostles and Jesus H Foxx lhc llouci}. 3 1\'o\huigh 1'lacc. “pin. £5 i£4i lillltN.lllllk.[11111k.t11\1litl/ llillllc‘llk'L‘SllUllllliL'(i1.l\g‘H\\ h.i\ctl llt'dtlllllL‘IS alongxitlc 11.1 \ It (i.i11o\\.i} .ill ramng lllll\1\ toi ()\|ain

I Vashti Bunyan, Lucky Jim .llltl Donna Maciocia Rim \ii lluuw. 3 Ro\huigh1’1.icc. "pin £.\ £10 (‘ult ollx tolk chantcuxc \axhti Human p1.i_\iiig .i raic hoinc tomi \1io\\ \\1111 \iiigci \ongxxi‘itci‘ \uppoit iincliitling .-\nip1itico\ Donna \laciociai ax pail ot ()\‘|.1111.

I The Wintergreens .llltl Poor Edward 111C (1R\'. 3“ (itllltllc‘ Sliccl. 330 30V. "pin. £4. 1).llkillllltixpllc‘llc pop troin llic \Vintcigiccnx.

I Oi Polloi, The Lobotomies .llltl Poverty Scum llcni‘)\('c11ai liar.

S 10a .\1orri\on Slicct. 33H ”3‘13 Spin £5. ladinhiirgh punk \ctcianx t)i l’olloi hcad 1111\ punkathon.

FREE Vendor Defender, The Internationalists and After Me The Flood \Vcc Rctl liar. Iztliiihiirgh (‘ollcgc o1.-\i‘t. |.aui'i\toii 1’1acc. 33‘) 1443. Spin. 111tllc rock.

I The Axidents and Shock 8. Awe 'l‘hc .‘\1‘1\. 3 7 \Vatcl'loo1’1acc.033 7147' 10pm. £4. 1’unk. poxt punk and ncu

I Glasgow lmplodes! 13m .\'oic ('alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 1038. 1pm. £S. All-«1a) llUlSC1L'S1. lcatui‘ing local and liuropcan act\ \llt‘ll ax Skullllouci'. \'oniir. (irucl. :\lti1111/t't1. Stuntcock. Barharianx. Sc\ \Vountl. \oiii. l’cnthotal. (i_\l'. Nacht lllltl .\'chc|. ('roniar. (‘rcxsciu Sunip and 'lacoiiia .\'arro\\ \ Brulgc.

FREE The MeatMen Maggic .\1a_\ 'x. 50 'l‘rongatc. Mcrchant ('it}. 543 1 350. 5pm. Scc Sat 31.

I The Debuts .-\11( ‘3. 330Satichicha|1 Strcct. 333 3333. 7pm. £(i. ()xcr- |4\ \hou. S}nth (11'I\L‘11 iiitlic rock lroin litlinhurgh.

team up with Tuareg trio Tinariwen. Tunng are at the forefront of the folktronica movement melding machine made music with unusual instruments, traditional folk and occasional forays into French singing. This collaboration with Tinariwen, who skilfully blend Middle Eastern traditions and progressive rock, will make for a unique show. I Hi'ii'V Picture House. Edinburgh. 88? 27 Mar.