www.list.co.uklmusic ROC k& PO pl M “Sic .

I Marriot Lane ()2 \L.ILlL-m_\ 3. lZl l'.j_'lIntonStreet.HS4-14"" 3lM4l "pin Ur .'\lllllL‘llllL IIILhe lIoIn llll\(il.l\f_'1‘\\ toIII plL'L'L'.

I Das Contras .Iiiil Esperanza \ILL-'II'SIL'.I/}.»13l S.iIILhIL-h.ill Street. 333(i‘)ll(l 7 3llpin Lth l IlL' j_'iH\klI \l\ piL-L e \xith .I l..tll|l lL'lllPL‘lttlllL'lll .InLl .i IHL'k'trIoll llL'Llll

I The IRS, The Being MCs, Bigg Taj and Louie 'l he \' (‘Iuh 375 SgiuL'hIehnll Street. 333 ‘Nl‘l Spin L75“. l'lx' hip hop hL-.i\_\\LL-ig_'ht\. FREE Sparrow & the Workshop 'llIL' llilll ”ill. loll \VooLlltinle Mind. 353 ‘)‘)‘)(I. Split (illtxgtm -lt;i\L‘Ll thlo lotllltljJ pL'l'L‘lt\\l(tll. \Iohn. thlllJl and Lime host llll\ \xeek\ ll.Ilt ”All llt|;iL‘k

FREE Vigo Thieves Box. 131 SLIIIL'hIL'hnII Street. 3 33 513] Spin ('lgixxiL' roL‘k and pop InlluL nLes lIoIn llllS \N'Ixhim Liiinitet.

I The New Beautiful South King; 'ltit'x \Vgih \Vtih lllll. 373a St \‘Ineent Street. 33! 537‘) S. 30pm. {I 35¢). ()SIL'HSlltl} the \L'tlllL' us the old lienutilul South. hut llilllllS lIonIInrin l’;iul llegiton. I Charger RoL‘kL‘lx. l~l \llLllttltLl Sil‘L'L‘l. 33l 0730. ‘l. Winn. L'thL'. ('lnxxiL‘ roL'k.

I Yo! Majesty ( ‘Iipt IIII‘x Rest. IH5 (it"L ll “L \lLlll Ro id 3 7 304.

(.-\.\'( l.l.l.l.l).


FREE The Rab Howat Band littliliL‘l‘lllitth. .\'ILlLlr_\ StIL'L't. 55h 335 54 4pm. See Silt 3|.

I The Flavours 'l-llL' .lttltt llL)ll\L'. 5 Queen Street. 330 4 3S“. (I.3l)pIn. l'ree helore L'Hpin. £5 Iilter. See l‘l'l 37.

I De Rosa, The Red Well and Black International Snetik\ l’LIL'x 73 ('ngute 335 I757 7pm. L5 SLL lri 3i). \Hlll i'olk IoLk \tlppoi'l lroIn RLLl \\Ll|. See pre\ 10“. page I’l’.

I Paige Allltl Me vs Hero Studio 34. 34 3h (Hilton Road. 558 375x. 7pm. £5. .»\|t.roek illltl punk pop L'o-heIILIIInL‘I‘.

I The Phantom Band, The Ray Summers illltl Rieser ( ‘IIhIIrL-I Voltaire. 3h 38 Blair Street. 33() (3177». 7pm. U». liluxne (iluxueginn Kruutl'olk L‘olleL'tixe uho hme just reeei\eLl Inueh ilL’L'lilllil l'or their Llehut gilhuin ('III'L'an/t' Sat-tier ;i\ The l’hnntmn linnLl hL‘IILlline this ()\_|;iin gig.

I The Carvel Post, Off the Rails, The Planes, Tokio and Sleeping Martyr 'l‘llL‘ :\rk. 3 7 \VtilL‘t‘loo Place. ()33 7l47. 7.30pm. £4. Roek. lllL'ltll ;InLl InLlie.

I Little Pebble, lona Marshall illitl Lee Paterson The Village. to Smith liort Street. l.eith. 47S 73“). 7.3tlpin. £5. l'lk'llk'k‘ ('ollL‘L‘th‘ tilL‘lltl‘L‘l' l.llilL‘ l’L‘ltl‘lL‘ llL‘ilLlS this \onguriler hill.

I Transfer Audio, Dormant Figure and Night Noise Team llenr} '\ ('elltir Bur. .S‘ lhu Morrison Street. 338 0303. 7.3llpin. £5. Drinng iIILlie roek.

I Transgression Sessions 'l‘rnnsgrexxion Sktite l’urk. ()L‘L‘IIII

'lL‘l‘lilllitll. l.eith. 555 3755. Split. £5. l.i\L‘

lllllSiL‘ Lit 'l'runsgrexxion SkIIte l’IiI'k. ('heek \\ \\ \\ .ll‘iilngI'L'SSltillSL‘SSlUliS.L‘tLlllK tor line—up Llettiilx. Ages 8+. Strietl} no LIlL‘ohol.

I The Valkarys \Vee ReLl Bur. liLlinhurgh (‘ollege ol~ .-\rt. l.;llll‘l\ittll PILIL‘L‘. 33‘) I443. Spin. £5. Si\tie\ roek'n'roll.

I I’m a Mess llenr) \ ('ellgir Bur. S-ltm Morrison Street. 33S 9303.

l 1pm 3am. £5. (iuruge LIIILl roek‘n'roll \kith live lilll\iL‘ l'roin l)iL'k Dangerous Lk The Lox e Bastards and The Knm emen.


I City Sinners: the music of Gram Parsons (‘unIhernLiulLl llk‘dlfL‘. KilLlIum. (ll 30 732887. 8pm. £8 fit) it.‘ / l. th ( it} Sinners Pltt} the Inusie ol' the lute Gram Parsons. eountr} roek pioneer from the etirl) 107m.


FREE Echofela Behind The \\';ill. 14 .\lL‘l\illL' Street. ”I .334 (t3 3 3 38 3pm. (‘IIIL‘h_\ illliLS troin lLIlk'irk roL ker [{L‘hol‘elti.

Hamilton I Marmalade .lllil The Piggies ll.iInIlton loun llouse. llt3 (".ILl/ww \ltL'L'i. ”HMS 4533”" l‘lhllS PUP lHL kL‘l\ Hi .()l‘ l .I “L l )l‘ l .I “I l.IIIIe lL'llllll

Winn Li“


I First Ladies of Country M IL-mm. th‘.itIe. ll.tll‘ttlll\lLlL. lll ‘H3 \3Sl

7 30pm Ll" 5‘! St.IIIIII§_' tI.ILl Lnuntn Lh\.I\ ltilhe lo Spmix. Stell.i l’.iIton. ('hilh (iolLl .InLl l.l.IIne liL>}|L'


I Alasdair Roberts .uiLl PuMaJaW lolhooth. .ltlll \\_\Itil. ill “Sh 37 UN NI Spin Ll3 lLllll \[VL‘L‘lIIIl .ill lolk\lL‘t \ltl\\l.lll Rohertx PL'llHllll\ .ilonexiLle LuiIIh} i\\_\Lh In.iLlrIj_';i|\ l’u.\l.i.l.I\\ .ik.i l’InkIL' \l.iL line and .lohn \\ Illl\

I T-Rextasy \lheit ll.lll\. l)llllll‘.tllitll RoiLl ill V34 7 3544 .Spni Lil 5“

it] ~ 5th. lonextnnLhngg. IL'speLteLl I l\’L‘\ tI’IhIIte .IL‘t (il.tlll roL‘kL-Ix hI.IL'L' )ttlll‘\L‘l\L'\


I David Ford ()I.III .\lot. 7 3| 7 3.5 (ilenl Western Road. 35" (Gilli "pin [lit l.\ lanouorld InL'InhL'r \ll'lle‘S out III wlo llltHlL'.

I Dirty Projectors illltl Polar Bear .-\ll(.3. 3.3” StltlL'lllL'lldll SII‘L‘L'l. 553 33 53 7pm. fill). (her ltu \hou .\k;I llrook|_\nite l);i\e lonextielh \Lho ll.l\ I‘eL‘eIItl} lolloueLl up lll\ l)on llenle} L‘otIL‘ept tilhuin \\llll Rise .\ho\e. lil\ lLllo\_\ltL‘l';IllL' lL‘L‘ttllL‘L'llHll Ill lltL' llltl\IL' ol lilttL‘k l‘iltt‘L‘. .-\l\o III] the ltlll ttl‘L‘ L'\L‘L‘llL‘ltl §l\illll-‘|il//L‘l\ l’olui' Bent \xlto .iLlLl IIII Iirtgi} oi Interesting: \Hlllltl elleetx to their \kittering \(illlltl.

I Paige and Me vs Hero 'l'he (‘ttlltothLfl l5 l5lllttll Sll'L‘L'l. 343 Milli) 7pm. £5. See S;It 38,

I The Rifles and New Education The (inruge. 40H Snuehlehtill Sheet. 333 HM. 7pm. L'l3.5ll. ()xer l4\ \ll(l\\. .r\ll that IS good about British pop III one street—lexel. inL‘L-nLhur} roL‘k II roll outlit. I Yashin |\or_\ ltlnL‘kx. 5h ()\\\;i|Ll Street. 348 4| I4. 7pm. t.'5. l-unernl lor ;I l"-riLnLl \l_\lL Lino I'oL'k

I Cassidy .\ILL II SIL'; t/\ 43 I

S lllC‘illlLll Ill StIe.Lt 333 (Will). 30pm.

I Dent May & his Magnificent Ukulele :le Molly 8. Me (‘ripiuin'L RL‘SI. lh'5 (it‘L‘ttl \VL‘le‘t'tt RottLl. H3 7304, 7.3llpin. l'kulele liextn lroin \ll\\l\\I[‘[‘I tiIILl (iltixgou I‘L'xpeL‘lnL'I},

I First Ladies of Country I’m Ilmii 'l'ltL‘ult'L'. l3l RL‘ttllL‘lLl Slt'L‘L'l. .353 lLS-lh. 7.30pm. £17.50 £33.50. See Sat 3.\

I Hippocampus, El Bastardos, Fallen Skies :IIILl Witness the Fall l’l\o l’t\o. l5 \VttlL‘t'loo SlI'L‘L‘l. .504 Hill”. «Spin. L'the. .'\ll.l'tiL‘k/lliL‘ltll hill.

I Static Radio, Shatterhand and The Arteries lllL 'l'xxistLLl \\'hL-Ll. " ()uLLn Str"LLt 3314\’5|. Spin. L5. Punk and InLloLhL h ir‘LlLoIe IinL up.

FREE Woodland Creatures lltL‘ llgtll Hill". loll \VLiLiLllunle Rtttltl. 35: 00‘)“. 8pm. Month!) \lltt\\L';t\L‘ ol' ttL‘LtthllL' ttt'tNx.

I Delta Spirit 'LlllLl The Harringtons King 'l'ut'x \Viih \Viih llut. 373;I St \inL'ent Street. 331 537‘). S3lipin. {(I. Soullul .-\Inerie;in;I l‘roin llHS Sun Diego quintet, I Bronto Skylift, Hey Vampires, we Have Overdrive illlLl John Neville Junior I3Ih \Lite (Kile. 50 (ill King; Street. 553 lh3S. 0pm. {4. 'l‘hree-Ininute pou er pop punk li‘ttlli BS. htirLlL‘ore trio He) \limpirex LlllLl garage punk from We Hm e ()LerLlrixe.


I Starbit Media The .-\rk. 3 \Vuterloo Place. 633 714". 7.3llpin. £4. lnLhe mth Inore nets the.

FREE Original Only Acoustic Espionage. 4 lnle Buildings. VlL‘lUrlLl Street. 4'7" 700". 9pm. See Sun 33. FREE William Douglas 8 The Wheel The Jun Bur. l ('hIInIhers Street. 33” 43%. midnight. See Sun 33.

Bassekou Kouyate 8L Ngoni Ba

“Remarkable".r .

(T he Observed. 5&3.- “The perfect I 5' how lnspl . -

music/can be. touch so mady

Best a; _' 3 Artist at wound Music A , w - fiddler Jen o ' 1'" one otScottand’s

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The Queen’s Hall, Clerk Street, Edinburgh Tickets 8L Information 0131 668 2019 - www.thequeenshall.net

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